A great cupcake recipe that will make even those who don't like oats love it.

There is no sugar but it is a sweet muffin cake😋👌💗
Sugar Free Sweet Muffin cupcakes 🧁 😋
1 banana
2 eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tea glass of low fat milk, I used 1 percent milk
2 tablespoons dried mulberries (processed)
Peel and juice of an orange
A few chopped strawberries
some blueberries
Some dark chocolate chips
Baking powder
And as much flour as today (oat flour is also suitable, you can use any flour you want)
Strawberries, blueberries, dark chocolate chips and oats for topping
We mash the banana well, add the egg and beat it well, add the remaining ingredients and beat it, then divide it into molds, decorate it with the fruit of your choice, sprinkle some oats and throw it in the oven. After it was cooked, I just drizzled a tablespoon over all of it, of course, this is not necessary. It is a very healthy muffin.
Those who are on a diet can easily consume one as a snack.
