A Deep Sea Odyssey residency with Oliver Steeds OBE at Vakkaru Maldives

Our Deep Sea Odyssey with Oliver Steeds from 27 August to 2 September 2022 was a fascinating dive into the underwater world surrounding Vakkaru.
The former investigative journalist, conservationist and founder of @Nekton hosted a week-long thrilling immersive experience including movie nights, exceptional dining and lecture events, and snorkelling expeditions to explore the reefs and coral gardens. Through the 'Young Ambassador of the Ocean' programme, our young islanders also had a chance to learn about the coral reefs and how to run a deep sea expedition just like Oliver.
Check out the video highlights of this unique residency, during which everyone had a fantastic time exploring the extraordinary marine life around our timeless sanctuary and enriching their knowledge about the deep ocean and marine conservation from the expert.
