5110VEMU Usage Demo - March 2022


5110VEMU is a Wintel-compatible (Windows/Intel) IBM 5110 emulator, which uses actual extracted ROS (ROM) binaries and PALM processor instruction decoding. This is a command-line frontend to Christian Corti's outstanding core work. Additional work was in replacing the X11 interface with pdcurses, incorporating additional CPU-state monitors, adding the ability to script startup inputs of assembly and BASIC samples (essentially ASCII to PALM 5110-system converters), and adding the ability to step single instruction at a time (or a batch of multi-instruction at a time). Compiled for both 32-bit and 64-bit x86 systems. A "pure" MS-DOS version may be possible, but the chosen screen layout requires a 200x42 terminal console.
The eventual goal of 5110VEMU is to use the executable insight to examine the CRC totals of ROS, to compare the Executable ROS of Model 1 vs Model 2, and to determine other viable I/O options beyond the standard disk and tape features of the system.
To see actual physical usage of an IBM 5110 (that includes the Bouncing Ball DEMO1 assembly), see my video at • IBM 5110 Model 2 Ball ...

