4Star Aeon Strike Force Non-Meta, Regular PVE Builds (EXCELSIOR)


I led a 4-star Aeon TF that had the following limited ruleset:
No Kinetics, Nature, or Cold Domination
No Ice Blast, Fire Blast, Fire Melee, Battle Axe
No Bio Armor or Rad Armor
No 4star optimized builds, only general PVE builds (my Rad/Rad Corrupter had only 2-3 additional procs that weren't already included in an IO set (like a Glad Javelin Toxic Damage+5 Apocalypses in Proton Volley).
No prep like respecs or acquiring additional accolades beyond what a toon already has
T4 incarnates were obviously allowed because Hardmode was designed specifically with them in mind
I also did not seek any specific powerset combinations other than that I did want an Electric Affinity. Otherwise, I just said I needed roles filled (like debuff, buffs, taunt, etc.) and this is what people had.
Our time was 1:10:~19 and we had 23 deaths.
Team Comp:
Rad/Rad Corruptor (Barrier)
AR/FF Corruptor (Barrier)
FF/AR Defender (Incan)
Psi/Time Corruptor (Barrier)
Grav/Elec Affinity Controller (Clarion)
Stone/Stone Tanker (Barrier for missions 1-2, Ageless for the rest of the TF)
Energy/Elec Blaster (Barrier)
Trick Arrow/Electric Defender (Barrier)
As long as you have the following roles covered, you will be fine: Defense Buffs, Debuffs (Priority: -Regen, -Res, -Heal,-dmg, -tohit), DPS, 2 healers, taunt role.
Fun facts: Hero 1 was hitting our Stone tank through capped Def & resists for ~2,400 damage, and Mr. Rodney, during the Zoe Fight, hit him for ~2,300 damage with an Energy Transfer. So yeah, the healers are a requirement, as well as the tank having more than ~2,500 HP to survive.

Пікірлер: 4

  • @madmacksaysFu
    @madmacksaysFu14 күн бұрын

    LOL, everyone too busy posing to get the last glowie.

  • @ProjectorCoH


    14 күн бұрын

    It's not an Aeon unless everyone is posing instead of clicking the glowie!

  • @aaronhymes123
    @aaronhymes12313 күн бұрын

    Looking for a fun solo toon and team toon. Def or cor. What are some of your favorites?

  • @ProjectorCoH


    7 күн бұрын

    Sorry I'm just seeing this now, but I recommend Corr for sure. Ice/Cold is the strongest combo in the game in my opinion, with the combo giving you amazing dps, debuffs, def buffs for your team, aoe stealth, and holds. It's a swiss army knife with what feels like no trade-offs (other than Heat Loss' Recharge time) Other great primaries are Fire Blast and Assault Rifle. Storm blast can be really good if you can use it right with Storm Cell. For Secondaries, Dark Miasma, Time, Trick Arrow, and Kinetics, are all great in solo play, though Trick Arrow is more about debuff than buff and it's a VERY active set, so it's going to be really heavy on end usage with not really any options for end recovery.
