【4K】 国宝松本城 初のレーザーマッピング「松本城~氷晶きらめく水鏡~」光と音の幻想的な冬のイルミネーション Matsumoto Castle, Japan Winter illuminations

• 【4K クリスマス限定フルバージョン】松本城...
00:00 オープニング レーザー照射の光線
00:12 現在 毎時00分と30分からの主要部分
04:00 過去 毎時10分と40分からの主要部分
06:44 未来 毎時20分と50分からの主要部分
開催場所 長野県松本市 国宝松本城
開催期間 令和3年12月1日から令和4年2月28日まで、毎日午後6時~9時
map goo.gl/maps/YsM5ygjhqfaEHTao9
制作会社 Tokyo Lighting Design
開催主体 松本市 文化観光部 観光プロモーション課
* 特別な季節限定演出 * 毎時20分と50分から
Matsumoto Castle is famous as the most beautiful architecture of Japanese castles. An event is being held to irradiate the walls of the castle with a laser beam. The appearance of drawing a beautiful silhouette in the clear night sky in winter is very beautiful. The stunning light and sound production has earned a high artistic reputation.
The shooting was done with Canon 8K camera. EOS5R 24-70mm
In this channel, we will guide you on a healing journey through wonderful natural scenery and sounds that were originally shot and recorded. The world is full of breathtaking moments and rich acoustics. If your heart and body wings are hurt and your heart is hurt, please use it in a small way.
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The video and audio recorded in this bonfire video are original materials shot and recorded by the channel administrator himself at the shooting location. It is also different from other similar images, natural sounds.
Copyright © 2021 beaphoto1 All copyrights owned.
Do not download or redistribute the content on this channel. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. If you need it, please contact us by email.
Thank you for visiting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
#松本城 #氷晶きらめく水鏡 #MatsumotoCastle

