29 March 2024 Time-Lapse

This day had very little rain mostly it contained sunshine. It was a little windy with the wind direction changing constantly throughout the day.
Key events during the day:
05:03 -- Dawn
05:37 -- Sunrise
05:39 -- Lowest temperature (7.5C)
12:00 -- Solar Noon (41.8* above horizon)
13:44 -- Highest temperature (14.0C)
18:25 -- Sunset
18:59 -- Dusk
Day Length: 12h 48m
Date of video recorded: Friday 29th March 2024
Camera: Brinno TLC200 PRO
Music: URL Melt
#timelapse #2024 #march #weather #cold #tree #iceman2606 #clouds #blue

Пікірлер: 2

  • @elpayex7760
    @elpayex7760Ай бұрын

    Perfect noon

  • @elpayex7760
    @elpayex7760Ай бұрын

    By the times that key events occur I can say this is in Southeast Colchester.