2020 Dispersant and Herder Workshop: Wk 3 - Human Health and Worker Safety

The goal of the workshop is to communicate knowledge and recent developments on dispersants and herders and to share insights and perspectives from industry, academia, oil spill responders, and other oil spill response experts.
00:00 - Introduction
0:03:56 - Dispersants and Human Health - Mary Popovech
The human health risk of oil dispersant ingredients and guidance on future scientific investigators
0:28:51 - VOCs during DWH - Doug Mitchell
Findings from a study comparing surface VOCs measured during the Deepwater Horizon incident to subsea dispersant injection rates
0:58:03- Comparison of Aerial Images Collected During DWH to Subsea Dispersant Injection Rates - Jan Svejkovsky
Daily images taken at 10,000 ft over the well site during the Macondo incident are compared to subsea dispersant injection rates
