2020 Dispersant and Herder Workshop: Wk 1 - Dispersant Basics

The goal of the workshop is to communicate knowledge and recent developments on dispersants and herders and to share insights and perspectives from industry, academia, oil spill responders, and other oil spill response experts.
00:00 - Introduction
0:05:08 - Basics of Dispersant Use - Tom Coolbaugh
The what, where, why, and how of dispersant use
0:34:54 - Effectiveness of Mechanical Recovery for Large Offshore Oil Spills - Dagmar Etkin
Findings from a study of historical case studies showing the effectiveness of mechanical recovery during offshore oil spills
1:00:58 - Industry Perspective on Dispersant/Herder Use - Tim Nedwed
Unpublished / gray literature studies on dispersant / dispersed oil behavior
