2 Gentle Yoga & Yoga Nidra - 60mins (vernyoga)


Second in the series of gentle, restoring, soothing sessions to bring in a little bit of mobility to the hips and low back, gentle abdominal stimulation, Pranayama (breath awareness) and Yoga Nidra. Suitable for anyone, but if unsure what any of it is, it may be wise to watch it though once before doing it.
This is taken from a zoom session recorded 7th July 2020 so is not the best quality in terms of picture but still easy to follow along with.
For more information on Vernette and Vernyoga classes, videos, articles and retreats, please visit Vernyoga.com - I'd love for you to come join me on a retreat!!
WARNING: Some moves may not be suitable if you have any mobility issues or injuries. Please check with your specialist to check what movements should/should not be done before doing any exercise from on the internet, especially if you have disc/back issues and havent had a consultation with me.

