17 - Soulrender - Angel Of Twilight - Royalty Free Music (Season 3)


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Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin
Effect author credits:
Linear - StevenM,OBV10U3_NINJA,Youlean
[Verse 1]
In the twilight's glow, she takes to the sky,
With wings of contrast, she soars up high,
One side of light, pure and serene,
The other dark, a demon's sheen.
Her eyes of blue, with a hint of red,
A soul divided, by a promise said,
To walk both realms, to understand,
The angel-demon, with a guiding hand.
[Chorus 1]
Oh, angel of twilight, with wings of night and day,
In your duality, you find your way,
With a heart that's torn, yet whole within,
You bridge the gap, where worlds begin.
[Verse 2]
She glides through clouds, where the light is pure,
Then dives to shadows, where darkness lures,
Her path is lonely, her burden great,
To balance the worlds, her destined fate.
In the realms of heaven, she feels the grace,
In the depths of hell, she knows the chase,
A dance of balance, a song unsung,
A tale of twilight, forever young.
[Chorus 2]
Oh, angel of twilight, with wings of night and day,
In your duality, you find your way,
With a heart that's torn, yet whole within,
You bridge the gap, where worlds begin.
[Verse 3]
The whispers of angels, the growls of fiends,
She hears them all, in her waking dreams,
A beacon of hope, in the darkest night,
A warrior of peace, in the morning light.
Through storms of fire, and rains of grace,
She holds her course, at a steady pace,
In every tear, in every smile,
She finds her strength, through every trial.
[Chorus 3]
Oh, angel of twilight, with wings of night and day,
In your duality, you find your way,
With a heart that's torn, yet whole within,
You bridge the gap, where worlds begin.
In the heart of twilight, she finds her song,
A melody of balance, where she belongs,
With wings outspread, in the evening's glow,
She heals the rift, where shadows grow.
[Chorus 4]
Oh, angel of twilight, with wings of night and day,
In your duality, you found your way,
With a heart that's torn, yet whole within,
You've bridged the gap, where worlds begin.
In the silent dusk, her story flies,
An angel's grace, with demon's ties,
Her journey ends, but her legend rings,
The angel-demon, with eternal wings.

