
In this amazing workout, kids will work their little bodies to improve their stamina and get in shape!!
This 15-minute workout features several routines to help kids burn body fat, tone all their muscles and get in shape quickly. These easy-to-do exercises can keep kids active and full of energy. The routine starts with simple warm-up movements to prepare the muscles for more compound movents, such as jumpings, burpees, squats, side leg raises, lunges, and more to strengthen those legs and core muscles. This will be followed by lateral arm circles, kickbacks, knee push-ups, and leg lifts to target different muscle groups. To finish the routine, kids will do swing backs, tricep dips, oblique twists, and planks, that will make them feel strong and accomplished.
This exercise is the most perfect and complete workout your kids can do to strengthen all their muscles and improve their fitness levels in no time!! Let's get the kids and start this new workout! 💪
00:00 Arm Circles
00:23 Rest
00:42 Back Turns
01:12 Rest
01:30 Hand Claps
01:50 Rest
02:08 Forward Jump
02:46 Rest
03:05 Burpees
03:55 Rest
04:21 Squat
05:11 Rest
05:29 Side Leg Raise Left
06:03 Rest
06:22 Side Leg Raise Right
06:56 Rest
07:14 Side Lunge Windmill
07:38 Rest
07:56 Rise And Plie
08:37 Rest
08:55 Lunges
09:35 Rest
09:54 Lateral Arm Circles
10:16 Rest
10:43 Kick Backs
11:17 Rest
11:36 Knee Push Ups
12:13 Rest
12:31 Leg Lifts
12:51 Rest
13:10 Swing Backs
13:36 Rest
13:55 Tricep Dips
14:28 Rest
14:47 Oblique Twists
15:15 Rest
15:34 Plank

