144/365 Thru A Course In Miracles (FIP) T-15. IX. 5-23-24 w/Will-E. Nanking White Bush Cherry, Solh

A Course In Miracles, Lesson 144
Publisher: Foundation for Inner Peace
Lesson 144 Thursday, May 23, 2024
Tell yourself for the first and last five minutes of the day, as well as every hour today:
|em D
My mind holds only what I think with God.
em D
(127) There is no love but God's.
G C |
|em D
(128) The world I see has nothing I want.
Chapter 15: The Holy Instant
Section IX. The Holy Instant and the Attraction of God
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007
by the Foundation for Inner Peace, copyright holder and publisher, 448 Ignacio Blvd.,
#306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org and info@acim.org, used with permission.
Nature, Gardening, Home, Health & Wholeness:
World Holy Days, Holidays & Observances Today:
Declaration of the Bab/ Bahai
Day of Vesak - May 23, 2024
Declaration of the Bab Day (Bahai Faith)
Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day - May 23, 2024 (Thursday of Memorial Day Week)
International Day to End Obstetric Fistula
International Turtle Day
Lucky Penny Day
National Taffy Day
World Crohn's and Colitis Day
World Turtle Day
Thanks to: Holidays-and-Observances.com
and Drexel University Religious Calender
Nanking White Bush Cherry
Prunus tomentosa
The sweetest of all the Nanking. A bush type cherry, very hardy with above average size fruit for the Nanking. Best in full sun as a foundation plant or as a fruitful hedge. Can also be grown in a container. Not always self fertile, to insure fruit set plant two. This is the best Nanking strain for eating fresh. We have three different stock plants of Nanking White cherries ie; Gabe #1, Ian #2, and Jules #3. If ordering more than one white fruiting Nanking, to insure cross pollination, choose any red Nanking or a different white Nanking. As a heads up, Ian White Nanking white does well in the drought and 40+ 100F days in Texas. For landscape effect Japanese plums bloom later but overlap with Nanking cherry. Height 4' - 8'. Space 6' circle. Zones 3-7.
Plant Characteristics
Pest Resistance Very Good
Disease Resistance Very Good
Drought Tolerance Good
Heat Tolerance Good
Sun Tolerance Good
Wet Soil Tolerance Poor
Shade Tolerance Good
No Spray Very Good
Salt Tolerance Poor
Fresh for Kids Good
Deer Resistance Fair
Thorns No
Plant Type Shrub
Soil Type Adaptable
Edible Type Fruit
Self Fertile No
Thanks to: EdibleLandscaping.com
Thank you for joining in in becoming more and more clear as to what keeps God and Heaven from our minds, which is guilt consciousness towards others or even ourselves, and seeing beyond the narrow temporary bounds of the body to the eternal spirit of love which is in everyone always..
Contact: PapaWillE@gmail.com
Please include "ACIM Class" in the subject line.
Peace and goodwill towards.
Our word for peace is from Iran and the ancient Persian Farci Language abd is صلح sole.

