11 yr Old Went to Heaven and Back, and Tells What He Saw! - with English Subtitles

Colton Burpo was being operated on as a result of a ruptured appendix, when he was 3 years old, and he says Jesus took him to heaven and brought him back, after a brief visit!! At 11 years old he tells what he saw!
800-823-6053 - Toll Free Prayer Line
Trailer for the new "Heaven is for Real" movie, which is coming Easter of 2014 is here:
Colton's family now has two ministry websites! The first one is for kids and the second one is their main ministry website. Check them out!
If you would like to read my detailed Born Again Information, here is the link to the introductory message. It is a .pdf file, so you will need to have the FREE Adobe Reader installed on your computer.
Get the free Adobe Reader here and install it on your computer: get.adobe.com/reader/
The Born Again Information is here:
Here is another link that will help you better understand how things fit together spiritually:
Daily Bible Reading Plan:biblestudy.cbn.com/?cpid=CC111...
Here's a link to a good teaching about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, from CBN:
Here is the link to Paul's two prayers in Ephesians, converted so you can pray them to God for yourself! VERY POWERFUL, because you are praying the Word of God back to God, for yourself!! Print the prayer and pray it everyday!!
Below is the Christmas Story, in two forms. First is the link to the audio form, in MP3 format. It's the ESV (English Standard Version) of the Bible. Here is the MP3 file:
The second link is to the .pdf file for the same verses being read to you, in the MP3 file, so you can download both of them, and then listen to the audio, while you are reading the text version in the .pdf file. Here is the .pdf file.
A SUPER great android Bible app is called "Holy Bible" by YouVersion, and here's the link to their website. One REALLY GREAT feature is that it has audio, so you can listen to the Bible as well as being able to read it, plus it has tons of different Bible reading plans!
This is a link to a website loaded with other people's experiences of going to heaven and coming back to tell about it! Also some are about people going to hell and coming back!

Пікірлер: 91

  • @NjabuloHadebe
    @NjabuloHadebe9 жыл бұрын

    Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

  • @julie11306
    @julie1130612 жыл бұрын

    PART 1: This video changed my life because it brought me to Jesus. Not too long ago, I was watching it and was intrigued by the boy’s testimony. I was living a life full of sin for years after my father passed away and I was angry at God for taking him from me. Watching this, something clicked inside of my soul and I realized I would see my father again. But how would I get to heaven living the way I was? So by the end of the video, I cried out to Jesus with all my heart.

  • @emeralkelly4498
    @emeralkelly44988 жыл бұрын

    I feel peace in my heart I love Jesus and god and would want to go to heaven ❤️❤️❤️👼😇😌☺️

  • @joel10000a


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Emeral Kelly - Do you want to know how you can be TOTALLY SURE you will go to heaven?

  • @emeralkelly4498


    8 жыл бұрын

    Yes Plz

  • @joel10000a


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Emeral Kelly - Ok, GREAT that you want to know how! Here's how!! And believe me, this is the ONE and ONLY way to heaven, no matter what anyone else might say!! If anyone tries to tell you that there are other ways to heaven, just ignore them, because that's SATAN influencing what they are saying! Everyone who has not accepted Jesus is influenced by satan to some degree - some much more than others. Even Born Again people are also influenced by demons, but they have God to help them to resist those temptations and influences when they come! How to Be Sure You Will Go to Heaven! This is kind of long, but you do want to know what you are doing and why you are doing it, right? This is why I went into this much detail - to tell you about what you are doing when you pray the prayer below, to accept Jesus and become spiritually reborn! So PLEASE, PLEASE read it all and then pray the prayer at the bottom, and then let me know when you have prayed it! To be SURE you will go to heaven, you must become "saved" (truly spiritually reborn, also called Born Again). You are basically, totally submitting and committing your heart and life to Jesus, and promising to serve Him by following His teachings, in the Bible, forever! In return God gives you eternal life in heaven, when your body dies (as long as you stick with Jesus), gives you a spiritual link to Himself, so He can help you, guide you, and teach you for the rest of your human life. He also writes your name in the Book of Life in heaven (on judgment day that book is opened, and anyone whose name is NOT found in the Book of Life, will be sent to hell). So to become Born Again, first of all you have to confess and admit you are a sinner. Then you repent of your sins (means two things - first you are totally sorry for all your sins, and second, you have to be totally WILLING to turn away from your sins and sinful ways of living, and turn TO God's ways of living, as He tells us in the Bible). Totally stopping sinning is impossible for us humans to do, because we are human, but we have to be WILLING to stop, and then God will help us cut way down on our sinning! The reason it's impossible for a human to not sin, is because we live in a fallen body and a fallen world. That all happened in the Garden of Eden, when Adam first sinned. God had given Adam dominion over all the world, but when Adam sinned, Adam forfeited that dominion over to satan, and satan remains the "god of this world" to this day, and until Jesus comes back the second time. Yes, the Bible actually does say that satan is the god of this world! The Bible tells us also that when we become Born Again that we are no longer of this world, but we are now citizens of the Kingdom of God and that we are really now ALIENS in this world!! All the world systems and governments are influenced greatly by satan, including the United States!! So satan brought sin into this world, and we all inherit a "sin nature" into our bodies or our flesh (the combo of our mind and our soul). This sin nature makes us want to rebel against God and makes us want to do the will of satan, until we become Born Again. When we become Born Again, God actually recreates our spirit and makes it brand new and spiritually connected to Him! Now you will get your prayers heard and answered!! He does this by actually coming to live inside your spirit, to help you, teach you, and guide you for the rest of your life, and then you go to heaven when your body dies (as long as you stick with Jesus and never leave Him, reject Him and stop believing in Him). Our flesh does not get Born Again, only our spirit does, and our body does not change. So it's like a conflict and battle between our Born Again spirit which now wants to do the will of God, and our flesh, which continues just as it was before - wanting to do its own thing, plus it easily falls for the temptations from satan to sin. So it's a battle we have to face for the rest of our human lives - until we shed this human body and get our new eternal body, just like the body Jesus had when He rose from the dead!! This is what we will have in heaven, for eternity, not just a spirit, but a brand new eternal body too!! So it's OUR job to keep our spirit stronger than our flesh (in will power), so we will not fall for all the temptations to sin, that will come at us over time. We do this by doing 4 things, after we are Born Again. Reading the Bible daily, praying daily, attending a good Bible teaching church regularly, and helping others (to ultimately result in helping them find Jesus and become Born Again, so they too can avoid hell and go to heaven)!! The MOST important of these 4, for keeping your spirit stronger than your flesh, is to READ THE BIBLE DAILY!! The Bible (the Word of God), is like spiritual food for our Born Again spirit. We need to feed it regularly (daily) to keep it strong so that its will, will overcome the evil desires of our flesh! See what I mean? Of course it's important to do the other three things too! See we are a three part being, just like God is in three parts. God is God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Each one is God and together they are ONE God! We don't have to understand how that works, just have faith and believe it, because the Bible tells us that's the way they are. So we humans are also in three parts, body, soul and spirit. Again take it by faith because this is what the Bible tells us! Now back to the things you need to do to become Born Again. Then, after you repent, you need to ask for forgiveness of all your sins. Then tell Jesus you believe He died for the forgiveness of your sins, and that He rose from the dead to give you eternal life in heaven. Also you need to tell Jesus you believe that Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one God, but three separate persons. Then you need to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and invite Him, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and life and help you, guide you, and teach you for the rest of your life! You can do all of this in a prayer, which is below. What the prayer below does, is it causes you to totally and completely dedicate, submit, and commit your life to Jesus and the Kingdom of God! That's why it's totally important for you to mean it with all your heart, when you pray it (read it out loud)! Just read it over a couple of times silently, so you can see what it says, and then read it OUT LOUD, and mean what you are saying with all your heart, and you will INSTANTLY become spiritually reborn (Born Again), or "saved". You don't have to keep your eyes closed, or memorize the prayer, just read it out loud and mean it with all your being! You may definitely want to save this message to your hard drive for future reference or give it to others to help them accept Jesus and also become Born Again so they can be in heaven with you!! Just copy it and paste it into a word processing program, and save it to your HD. Jesus said in the Bible - John 3:3 - that unless a person becomes Born Again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God (heaven)! Here's the prayer. It's called either "The Prayer of Salvation" or "The Sinner's Prayer". Some call it one and some call it the other name. This prayer is not in the Bible, but it's like a combination of the things the Bible tells us we need to believe and commit to, which are located in different places in the New Testament. It does tell us that we need to confess what we believe about Jesus with our mouth, so this is why I say to pray it out loud and mean it. If you mean it, God knows it, because God knows our deepest thoughts, desires, and beliefs. THE PRAYER OF SALVATION (or SINNER'S PRAYER) Dear Heavenly Father, I am ready to surrender my life to Jesus Christ. I cannot go on any longer trying to live my life for myself. I am ready to give my heart and life to Christ and surrender everything to Him and allow Him to lead me! I confess that I am a sinner, and I'm truly sorry for all of my sins, I repent of all my sins and I am totally WILLING to turn away from all my sins, and I ask that You wash them away with the precious Blood of Jesus, and help me to change to your ways of doing things. I believe with all my heart that Jesus is your Son, the Son of God, and that he died for the forgiveness of my sins on the cross, and that he arose from the dead on the third day, to give me eternal life in heaven with You, and he is alive right now along with You and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus and You, Father, and the Holy Spirit, are ONE God, and that each of you is God. I invite Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, to come into my heart right now and save me! I promise to live for and follow Jesus' teachings, all the remaining days of my life. I believe I receive eternal life right now, and that my spirit has been reborn anew and is alive right now within me and in Christ! Father, I welcome You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit into my spirit and my life right now! Thank you, for saving me and making me in right standing with you. Thank you for writing my name in the Lambs Book of Life! In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen Please come back and tell me when you have prayed the Prayer of Salvation out loud and you have meant it with all your heart, and I will send you some extra information that will help you get started in your new TRUE Christian walk with Jesus! (a person is not a "true" Christian, and he is NOT on his way to heaven, until he becomes Born Again)! Also, if you would like to have the Bible verses that back up everything that is in the Prayer of Salvation, just let me know, and I will give them to you. With Peace in Jesus! Joel

  • @emeralkelly4498


    8 жыл бұрын


  • @emeralkelly4498


    8 жыл бұрын

    +joel10000a you are very blessed

  • @anthony1856
    @anthony18569 жыл бұрын

    God is great

  • @jennifersalinas1111
    @jennifersalinas11119 жыл бұрын

    Thanks GOD that you are always there,I am so sorry for what I have done..please forgive me..I am a sinner and I want to repent all my sins that I have done on earth..please Lord God forgive me,I want you to come in my heart and instruct me the good things and not the bad things...please forgive my family,relatives,friends,boyfriend and his family,co workers,and all the nation's..please forgive us...God be the glory..

  • @ashton3954
    @ashton39549 жыл бұрын

    There's a movie based on this story called heaven is for real

  • @julie11306
    @julie1130612 жыл бұрын

    PART 2: I was sobbing in realization of Jesus’ love. I was so ashamed of myself and as I begged for forgiveness and a new life, I felt the Holy Spirit come into me and my life was changed. Just like that. I promised I would live my life for Jesus and ever since, joy has been flowing through me and I can feel Jesus with me. He is real, people!! It’s not too late to be made whole and saved by His Grace!! Pray to Him with all your heart and soul and you will find Him! Believe!

  • @nerissawiggins351
    @nerissawiggins35110 жыл бұрын

    Wow. I feel so blessed! 😊☺️

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your very kind words!

  • @themuffinblock2145
    @themuffinblock21459 жыл бұрын


  • @themuffinblock2145


    9 жыл бұрын


  • @sportzfdx27bboy54
    @sportzfdx27bboy547 жыл бұрын

    Blessings by the lord

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын


  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    You are most welcome!!

  • @baselalyafi4022
    @baselalyafi402210 жыл бұрын

    thanks for subtitling

  • @summer7rain
    @summer7rain11 жыл бұрын

    Beautiful !!!!!!!

  • @breegarcia2
    @breegarcia210 жыл бұрын


  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    Sure!! I'm sending it right now by KZread messaging!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    @SmartAndSimplyIzzie You are most welcome!

  • @karlee227
    @karlee22711 жыл бұрын

    Oh my. Wonderful, Jeaus can be some homeless guy on the street I remember when my grandma gave this man 20.00 and that night she found out he was the richest person in the town, but anyways Jeaus can be a homless person on the road, so be kind to people, don't cruse people or things, and try not to sin or lie.. #Like.If.You.Belive.In.Jeaus.And.You.Love.Him.(:!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын


  • @ohiofriedchickenbitch8588
    @ohiofriedchickenbitch85887 жыл бұрын

    God bless:)

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    Wow, that's great!! So you did pray it and you meant it with all your heart? You don't have to pray it but once, as long as you stick with Jesus and never turn your back on Him.

  • @cookiebeariscool
    @cookiebeariscool11 жыл бұрын

    If it were not for the grace of god and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for me i would be lost, everyday i fall short and do bad things and think bad thoughts and everyday i thank god that Jesus has got my back...... Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou ..... for now im found

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    THE CHRISTMAS STORY IS NOW IN TWO LINKS IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THIS VIDEO. Please go to the description of this video and look for the last two links listed. There is both an MP3 audio file of a narrator reading it to you, and a .pdf file of the same text so you can both read along while you are listening to the narrator. Just download them to your computer and save them!

  • @fifi15324
    @fifi1532412 жыл бұрын

    thank you so much for the information and i apologize for sending late been busy working my son is 3 yrs old

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    It's ok, no big deal! I'm just an everyday person who whats to help people find Jesus so they too can go to heaven!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    @fifi15324 You are most welcome!! Have you read it yet?

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    Yes there is!! It's called either the Prayer of Salvation, or the Sinner's Prayer, and they are the same, just called different names. You can find a link to my detailed Born Again information in the description of this video. It will fully explain what becoming Born Again is all about, and it does contain the Prayer of Salvation, which, if you pray it, and mean it with all your heart, you will INSTANTLY become a Born Again Christian, and you will be placed on the path to heaven!!

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    I would love to meet god once

  • @karlee227
    @karlee22711 жыл бұрын

    You Are So True Hun.

  • @kittyjones6966
    @kittyjones696611 жыл бұрын

    our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our sins for thy the kingdom the power and and the glory for ever and ever amen.

  • @milzone1087
    @milzone10877 жыл бұрын

    I've seen a movie about this, it's amazing, it'd called heaven is for real

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    Let me know if you still can't get the Born Again info from the link, because I can send it another way.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    @mercetta BTW, you have your comment block turned on, so I was not able to reply to your KZread message. But since KZread has a reply bug right now, I can't reply to you at all, so that's why I am putting my message to you here.

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    Im gonna order the bible and read it

  • @davidsweeting4697
    @davidsweeting469712 жыл бұрын

    I believe in Jesus and god but it is SO HARD to stop sinning I try everyday but it's WAAY TO HARD I wanna be more like Colton a non-sinner but it's so hard to stop :( I wish I knew how to stop ....

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    Absolutely it will work for you!! If you want to know more about it, see the description of this video for the link to my Born Again information. Also see the links to the Christmas Story - these are the Bible verses that tell about Jesus' birth. If you have any questions, please PM me through KZread messaging.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    So if you would like more information about what becoming Born Again means and how to become Born Again, please see the link in the description of this video for my Born Again information.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    Did you pray the prayer with the host, and mean it with all your heart? If so you did become Born Again instantly!! Please see the description of this video for the link to my Born Again information. It will fully explain what happened when you became Born Again. Also let me know if you did pray it, and I will send you some extra information that will help you get started in your new walk with Jesus!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    You get your name written into the Book of Life, in heaven, and it can never be erased, unless you quit on Jesus, turn your back on Him and deny Him sometime in the future. But, the great news is, if you stick with Jesus, He will NEVER leave you, and you will go to heaven when it comes the time for your body to die. You can be absolutely sure about that, as long as you stick with Jesus!!

  • @LadyJ669
    @LadyJ66911 жыл бұрын

    Thats amazing.. as a Satanist, i didn't believe he was merciful, I was wrong.

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    And my sin is what i cant stop even if i try to stop

  • @HuskyBoyPensFan
    @HuskyBoyPensFan12 жыл бұрын

    love the book colton is so cute i can just run up to colton and squeese him

  • @TheMindymaz
    @TheMindymaz12 жыл бұрын

    me to

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    I checked the link and it's working fine. What's the problem that you can't get it? Becoming Born Again is a spiritual encounter with God whereby He recreates your spirit and makes it brand new, and like "switched on" to Him and the Bible and to all Godly things. You also get all of your sins forgiven, and forgotten!!

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    I cant get the info for born again could u tell me the brief info about it

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    Don't worry, you are not at all wasting my time!! I just finished sending it to you through KZread messaging. Look for it in in your KZread inbox!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    See the description of this video for two links to information. First, please read the one that tells how things fit together spiritually, and then read the one about becoming Born Again. It will give you a lot of background information to help you understand what it is all about, and tell you how to become Born Again!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    If you feel you are now more open to hear about spiritual things, please see the description of this video for the two links to information. First please read the one that tells how spiritual things fit together, and then read my Born Again information. Jesus said in the Bible that unless a person becomes Born Again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God (heaven), John 3:3 in the Bible.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    What causes you to say you have experienced a past life? I mean how do you know that?

  • @davidsweeting4697
    @davidsweeting469712 жыл бұрын

    @joel10000a isn't there a prayer u have to say to be born again?

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    @mercetta Here's the Colton Burpo Video with subtitles added, just for you!! I did it myself, yesterday afternoon and evening. It's the first time I had ever tried this, and I'm convinced God led me to the FREE software I found on the internet, that worked super easy!!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    @dildongs Sure!! I'm sending it right now by KZread messaging!

  • @davidsweeting4697
    @davidsweeting469711 жыл бұрын

    @joel10000a 2 questions. 1.When you went to heaven how did god look? 2.when u die what do u see like AS SOON as u die AS SOON what do you see do you just see black or white?what do u see.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    If you want me to try my best to help you, please message me about it in KZread messaging. You can reply to one of the messages I just finished sending you.

  • @richardconnelly4243
    @richardconnelly424310 жыл бұрын

    Ask god to reveal this to you by his Holy Spirit He will

  • @kaitlynlee7052
    @kaitlynlee705211 жыл бұрын

    yes it is very hard to stop sinning it hurts me almost every day cause i dont pray and ask for forgiviness every night and yes i do cus and i do make fun of other people and i come home every day feeling like crap cuz i did that and i wish i can. yes i do believe in god,jesus,adam,eve,and every thing else i dont go to church every sunday and sometimes i wish i did and i dont do that stuff but i wish i did and there is never an excuse to not go, anyway sinning is very hard to stop.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    Sure, message me if you like!!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    How about for eternity? Do you know for sure you will go to heaven, when your body dies?

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    Im sorry for wasting ur time but could u please write it on the comment section so i can read the whole message

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    I think i would go to hell because i have commited some sins and i am trying to repent and i dnt want to go to hell. Its awful

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    You actually have to commit to more than just believing in Jesus - even demons believe in Jesus, in that they know that Jesus is real and who He is, better than any human, because they once lived with Jesus in heaven! We also have to repent of our sins, invite Jesus into our hearts and lives, and promise to follow Him by following the teachings in the Bible, forever!

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a10 жыл бұрын

    If you are ready to be sure your sins are forgiven and forgotten, so you will be pure enough to enter heaven when your body dies, the only way to do this is to become Born Again, and stick with Jesus! Jesus said, in the Bible, that unless a person becomes Born Again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). So if you are not Born Again, or you aren't sure, now's your chance to find out about it! See the description of this video for the link to my Born Again information.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    You have contact block turned on. Here's how to turn it off. Go the top of this page and pull down the menu next to your ID in the upper right corner of the page, then click on settings, and then click on privacy, and then UN-check the box that says "Allow only my contacts to send me messages and share videos"

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    I am assuming you wanted me to send you my Born Again information, if so, just tell me when it's fixed, and I will try sending it again.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    When we do these things we become Born Again. Most churches of today do not teach this, therefore most people who attend churches today are not on their way to heaven, because they have never become Born Again. Jesus said in John 3:3, that unless a person becomes Born Again (or Born Anew, or Born from Above, or Born from God - they are all the same thing), a person cannot see the Kingdom of God!

  • @clantricks47
    @clantricks4710 жыл бұрын

    I cant get it juat send it

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a12 жыл бұрын

    No I am not Mormon. Mormons are NOT Christians. Better wake up to what you are believing, because the Bible plainly says that if anything is added to it or taken away from it, you will NOT see heaven!!

  • @zrgnt_lem0nz196
    @zrgnt_lem0nz1969 жыл бұрын

    If you have trouble believing in Christ just think, how could the bible be "made up"it is just. To much.. And all the stories you hear about people going to heaven and hell then coming back just like this video here. You don't hear them say they saw Buddha or were reborn. They say they went to heaven or hell

  • @TheMagicDude19
    @TheMagicDude1910 жыл бұрын

    How can u go heaven before the day of judgement

  • @joel10000a


    10 жыл бұрын

    Nuhan kutta Sorry but there is no such thing as "soul sleep". That is totally false teaching. Ever since Jesus rose from the dead, EVERYONE who is Born Again goes to heaven when their bodies die! When the rapture happens, all of those Born Again people in heaven will get their new eternal bodies first, and then the people who were alive on earth will also get them. Then all of these Born Again people will come back to earth with Jesus to help Him rule and reign over the world during the 1000 years of the Millennium. Then the finial judgment will happen. There is NO judgment for those who become Born Again before their bodies die, or those Born Again who are taken alive in the rapture. There sins have already been forgiven AND forgotten, so there's no need for judgment for them! There is the Judgment Seat of Christ, but this is not a judgment for good vs. evil, this is where the heavenly rewards will be handed out, for all of the good the Born Again people did, after they became Born Again.

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    When you become Born Again, Jesus will help you cut way down on your sinning, AUTOMATICALLY, when you put your full trust in Him, by becoming Born Again! Jesus said, right in the Bible, that unless a person becomes Born Again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3) See the description of this video for the link to my Born Again information. It will explain all about it, and tell you how to become a Born Again Christian. Actually no one is a Christian until he becomes Born Again!

  • @sushigirl648
    @sushigirl6489 жыл бұрын

    I would love some atheist out there to explain this phenomenon.

  • @TheKnottySwede


    9 жыл бұрын

    sushigirl648 Can you prove to me that God is real? No, you can't. I can't prove that he isn't real, yet I can explain the fact that everything in the universe can be explained through science.

  • @joel10000a


    9 жыл бұрын

    TheKnottySwede The Bible says all the evidence anyone needs is all around us! The Bible tells us that on judgment day no one will have an excuse, because all anyone has to do is to consider and examine the nature around us, and the stars in the heavens, to realize that there had to be a creator and a design behind it all. Once a person realizes this, all they have to do is to DILIGENTLY seek God, and they will find the one and only true creator of the universe! (Romans 1:20; Proverbs 8:17). Jesus will reveal Himself to them!! Rom 1:20 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. NLT Prov 8:17 17 I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me. NKJV Did you know that the Bible calls you a FOOL, if you believe there is no God!? It says the exact same thing in two different places! Important, don’t you think??? Ps 14:1 1 Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." NLT Ps 53:1 1 Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." NLT

  • @savannahward4045


    8 жыл бұрын

    +TheKnottySwede God is real

  • @EpicJulie
    @EpicJulie12 жыл бұрын

    @joel10000a I don't understand? How do we become born again?

  • @oldaccount2230
    @oldaccount223010 жыл бұрын

    Did this seriously happen??? Heaven is real???

  • @SB-jk4hp


    9 жыл бұрын

    Of course is heaven real

  • @davidsweeting4697
    @davidsweeting469711 жыл бұрын

    @joel10000a oh I thought u were Colton my fault :p i thought u were Colton cuz u act so good :) so then who are you cuz u know alot about god and stuff who are you then? :)

  • @joel10000a
    @joel10000a11 жыл бұрын

    I am not Colton, so I haven't gone to heaven. Plus no one has ever seen God the Father. People do see Jesus in visions, from time to time, as in this case with Colton. No one knows for sure if he actually went to heaven, or he had a vision from God.