1 Minute Skatepark Guide Whittlesea Public Gardens, Lalor - Victoria - Lalor Skatepark

1 Minute Skatepark Guide Whittlesea Public Gardens, Lalor - Victoria - Lalor Skatepark
Whittlesea Public Gardens, 158 Barry Rd, Lalor VIC 3075
This skatepark is brand new and we were one of the first lucky people to skate it. When you look down the guts of this skatepark it looks like you are a surfer and looking out to a perfect set of waves. You can plan out your run and then just go for it, hitting up around 5 to 7 tricks in one line!
The skatepark has been designed and constructed exceptionally well, except for a couple of minor oversights that I will get to later.
I want to start with the beautiful rails. There are more rails here than at Southern Cross train station! The first one to catch my attention was this sexy curved, wavy rail. It was a pleasure to ride, apart from the paint flaking off it. You could hear it and feel the paint flying off in shards as you slid along riding the curves!
Next set of rails are the two on top of the massive manny pad section. They have mirrored rails so you have equal opportunity on either side. It also has a platform so you can jump onto the rail from a lower height, great for learning tricks on rails.
And the last rail is up the top end, with an up and over. It is still low enough to jump on going up it but if you want the easy option, the bank launches you perfectly onto the rail and makes it a pleasure to grind.
Ledges, ledges, ledges, well all I can say is that this park has so many ledges, more ledges than at Heath Ledger’s funeral. They come in all different shapes and sizes and heights. Also some are metal edged, painted concrete and also just nice old raw old fashioned smooth concrete! The long ledge was fun, you can get lots of speed from direction and hit it fast and try and get the full distance.
There are also some really fun technical ledges with lots of transfer options for those who like to IQ skate. Get the old brain firing down at the skatepark.
Then one of the coolest features that I didn’t expect to like as much as I did, the square ledge that is on a 45 degree angle. This ledge slide like Steven Bradbury’s opponents on the final stretch. The contact point is minimum so once you get on, you are going for a ride!
One of the issues that I wanted to mention was the runup from the bottom end, a large quarter would be nice down there, so you could jump the fun box. Also get enough speed to skate the full park. The second thing is the wall ride, it would have been amazing if it was curved!! But maybe that’s asking too much, so if it had a little kicker on each end to launch you onto it, that way you could really stick the wall ride, up high and maybe even grind the top.
If this park had those 2 things, it would have received a full six pack but we had to drop it down to 5 VBs out of the 6 pack. Amazing park and well worth a trip out, bring the family because there’s BBQs and toilets and an amazing playground for the kids.

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