

Me + Mah stupid self 4 eva
~ My Story~
One day I was looking 4 a sonic video called: "Night of a wherehog", I wrote that on da searching bar and this vid called:
"Shadow and Silver watch night of a werehog" appeared, since that moment youtube turned into something cool 4 me... This video was from an account called shadow759, he was and is hilarious, so I watched all his vids (it took me 2 or 3 months, but I did).
Another day, I was searching some random crap at google, and I found this game called "Shadow the Hedgehog".
It was interesting, so I wrote in the youtube's searching bar "Shadow the Kill Dr. Eggman", I saw a vid (it was really lame) so I saw a vid that was a fight with Shadow, Diablon and Sonic.
It's name had this words: "Let's Play", I didn't care, but once again, the guy was hilarious, so I watched all his LP, and since that moment I liked LPs.
That's a part of my story here in youtube, maybe I'll finish this some other day.

10/4/2010 - ?/?/?

10/4/2010= First time I add this on my channel XD I'm pretty sad, I'm sick and I just realized that a person that had an account here in youtube committed suicide because of bullying,
R.I.P. fortyniner235 :´(.
Videos will be back soon...

10/9/2010= My vids are finally back... well, some of them XD, working at some stuff.
1 week of school left.
I got my 50th subscriber, thanks 2 every one even though I don't know who's my 50th subscriber.

10/11/10= 49 subscribers again lol.
... Nothing clever 2 say... like alws

10/12/10= 50 subs... again :)...
4 some reason I don't feel so
this time.

10/19/10= I'm back from a good ass vacations from internet.
I just complete pikmin :), even if I sucked at it I complete it 100%.
From now on I'm a bit busy (guitar, pipe organ, etc).
I'll start sprites soon... if I feel like it.

10/30/10= New Channel BG!!!
Happy Halloween.

11/28/10= In a weird mood... sad, angry, meh...
Lol I'm shiverin'
to do:
channel BG change: X
saying everything 2 everybody: X

11/30/10: lol, changin' this update thing XD doin' a vid w/some info 4... something ;)

12/31/10= Almost 2011 :) Back 2 school :( I'm working on some vids... kinda slow :( BTW, I'll be leaving w/my family in some days... kinda late but hey!

1/6/11= Yay, trip! See ya monday guyz :)

1/9/11= I'm back ;)

2/7/11= Aft

Sonic vs Shadow

Sonic vs Shadow

Dalej's first fight

Dalej's first fight



Friends Amigos

Friends Amigos

Dalej sing

Dalej sing

... "dalej"

... "dalej"

Test movie

Test movie

Effects test

Effects test




