Dutchy Outdoor Cooking & BBQ

Dutchy Outdoor Cooking & BBQ

Dutch Oven, Cast Iron, Asado and Live Fire Cooking.


Hi, my name is Dutchy. Welcome to my Channel . Dutch Oven, Cast Iron, Asado Cross and live Fire Cooking is a passion of mine. Through this Channel i want to bring these Arts of Cooking up to date in the 21st Century. I will be using Traditional Cooking Implements and i will be introducing some New Cooking Implements, Techniques and Recipes.

What starts as a hobby
Cooking has been part of my life as far back as i can remember. It all started when i was in the Scouts and we had Outdoor Cooking Competitions. We would cook on wood fires and produce a three course meal and be judged on it. From those early days the real thrill is cooking live fires, Wood or Charcoal.
Grows into a mission
So what starts as a hobby, soon turns into a Mission. A mission to teach, share and encourage people in the art of Live Fire Cooking. I will be attempting to pass on my experiences, techniques and recipes through this Channel.
