



*本頻道郵箱:[email protected]

目前想衝10萬訂閱 歡迎手起訂閱頻道❤️


  • @ingzeech9439
    @ingzeech94394 күн бұрын

    Long time no seen

  • @trannhathuy3712
    @trannhathuy37124 күн бұрын

    America ya

  • @rem9483
    @rem94834 күн бұрын

    Hallo 😂

  • @alvinng5769
    @alvinng57697 күн бұрын


  • @imaginebreaker8260
    @imaginebreaker82607 күн бұрын


  • @sawelijahaugustine5508
    @sawelijahaugustine55087 күн бұрын

    Lyrics in english pls.

  • @Q_arsn
    @Q_arsn8 күн бұрын

    It's been a year and finally you upload again, that's delightful.

  • @Not_Vital.
    @Not_Vital.8 күн бұрын

    Can’t let gang know I fw this heavy

  • @user-zf8qh3bw4n
    @user-zf8qh3bw4n8 күн бұрын


  • @RongRong_0522
    @RongRong_05228 күн бұрын


  • @fuminocchi4533
    @fuminocchi45338 күн бұрын

    after years of no releases, you make a comeback!

  • @kundi2229
    @kundi22298 күн бұрын

    1:26秒字幕沒打好 這邊會上中日字幕噢❤ 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 ウミネコが桟橋で鳴いたから 是因為黑尾鷗在棧橋上鳴叫著 波の随に浮かんで消える 隨著波浪隨意的漂走 過去も啄ばんで飛んでいけ 把過去也一起叼走飛遠吧 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 誕生日に杏の花が咲いたから 是因為生日那天杏花開了 その木漏れ日でうたた寝したら 在層層樹影間的陽光下打盹, 虫の死骸と土になれるかな 能與蟲子的屍骸一同回歸塵土嗎? 薄荷飴 漁港の灯台 薄荷糖 漁港的燈塔 錆びたアーチ橋 捨てた自転車 生銹的拱橋 丟棄的腳踏車 木造の駅のストーブの前で 在木製車站的火爐前 どこにも旅立てない心 無處可去的心 今日はまるで昨日みたいだ 今天簡直像昨天一樣 明日を変えるなら今日を変えなきゃ 如果想改變明天,就必須改變今天。 分かってる 分かってる けれど 我知道 我知道 可是啊 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 心が空っぽになったから 是因為我的心空了一塊。 満たされないと泣いているのは 因為感覺不滿足而哭泣的理由, きっと満たされたいと願うから 一定是因為渴望著被滿足啊。 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 靴紐が解けたから 是因為鞋帶鬆開了 結びなおすのは苦手なんだよ 我並不擅長重新繫好呀。 人との繋がりもまた然り 人與人之間的聯繫也是如此 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 少年が僕を見つめていたから 是因為那個男孩一直看著我 ベッドの上で土下座してるよ 跪在床上 あの日の僕にごめんなさいと 向那天的我說著對不起。 パソコンの薄明かり 電腦的微弱燈光 上階の部屋の生活音 樓上房間的聲音 インターフォンのチャイムの音 對講機的鈴聲 耳を塞ぐ鳥かごの少年 在鳥籠中摀住耳朵的少年 見えない敵と戦ってる 和看不見的敵人戰鬥 六畳一間のドンキホーテ 在六疊大的堂吉訶德 ゴールはどうせ醜いものさ 反正最後的目標也一定是醜陋的 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 冷たい人と言われたから 是因為別人說我是個冷漠的人 愛されたいと泣いているのは 為了想要被愛而哭泣, 人の温もりを知ってしまったから 是因為懂得了人的溫暖 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 あなたが綺麗に笑うから 是因為你的笑容很美麗。 死ぬことばかり考えてしまうのは 總是滿腦子想著死亡, きっと生きる事に真面目すぎるから 一定是因為對於活下去太認真了 僕が死のうと思ったのは 我也曾想過一了百了 まだあなたに出会ってなかったから 是因為我還沒有遇見你。 あなたのような人が生まれた 因為誕生了像你這樣的人 世界を少し好きになったよ 我也開始有點喜歡這個世界了。 あなたのような人が生きてる 因為像你這樣的人活著 世界に少し期待するよ 我也開始對這個世界有點期待。

  • @alvinng5769
    @alvinng57697 күн бұрын


  • @yahirchavez3828
    @yahirchavez38288 күн бұрын

  • @user-vv5mj6ih7z
    @user-vv5mj6ih7z8 күн бұрын


  • @John20491
    @John2049116 күн бұрын

    耶穌是道路、真理和生命。 耶穌對多馬說:"我就是道路、真理、生命。除非通過我,否則沒有人能到父那裡去"。通往天堂的路只有一條。那條路就是耶穌和他的真理話語。沒有其他人能賜給我們永生。

  • @-kyoka-9689
    @-kyoka-968922 күн бұрын

    声もアレンジもとても綺麗でとても良かったです! とても好きな曲なのに認知度低くて残念な隠れた名曲ですよね! 久しぶりに聞いたけどやっぱり神曲ですわ!

  • @muhammadrizkyalpiannur2027
    @muhammadrizkyalpiannur202723 күн бұрын


  • @user-wo4zr3rl8i
    @user-wo4zr3rl8i24 күн бұрын

  • @qazwsx3304
    @qazwsx3304Ай бұрын

    焜弟 你的頻道火了😂

  • @user-ut6dl7nd2w
    @user-ut6dl7nd2w4 күн бұрын


  • @randomguyontheinternet0
    @randomguyontheinternet0Ай бұрын

    Let's never forget that this is an advertisement

  • @hatsune3715
    @hatsune3715Ай бұрын


  • @user-mk8dz3uc4h
    @user-mk8dz3uc4hАй бұрын

    自己做的動畫歌曲排名 01.地獄少女二籠 ED 02.青出於藍-永遠之花(不是現場版) 03.櫻花大戰 ED1 04.櫻花大戰-春天來了 05.奇跡之海 06.地上的星座 07.美夕-飛翔幻夜 08.黃昏乙女 ED 09.暮蟬悲鳴時-業 OP1 10.妖怪旅館營業中 OP1 11.殘酷天使的行動綱領 12.美夕八千夜 13.薄櫻鬼黎明錄 ED 花的蹤跡 14.地獄少女三鼎ED 15.地球防衛少年 OP 16.亂馬OP6 不再哭泣 17.物物語 rebind 18.鬼滅ED from the edge 19.魔奇2季-with you with me 20.植木的法則 OP 21.加速世界 Burst the Gravity 22.惡魔奶爸ED3 七色眼淚 23.食靈~零OP 24.偽物語-白金迪斯可 25.疾風傳 月的大小 26.花牌情緣ED1 27.結界師 ED2 28.曉之車 29.薄櫻鬼OP 十六夜淚 30.薄櫻鬼碧血錄 OP 31.獵人-風之歌 32.RDG-預感 33.鬼滅-紅蓮華 34.羅德斯島戰記-風之幻想曲 35.不思議遊戲OVA1 OP 36.物物語-戀衣 37.終將成為你OP 38.鬼燈第二季-奈落之戀 39.傳頌之物-為你 40.地獄少女ED 41.Gundam Seed OP2 42.RDG OP 43.BLEACH ED21 44.一拳超人 ED1 45.龍珠OP 摩訶不思議 46.妙手小廚師 OP 47.魔奇第1季-指望遠鏡 48.絕望先生-絕世美人 49.玄武開傳~永遠的花 50.Last Exile ED 51.魔法騎士 ED2 52.魔奇第2季 OP2 53.魔法騎士 OP3 54.加速世界 ED1 55.不思議遊戲OVA2-star 56.BLEACH ED22 57.千年魔京 Orange Smile

  • @user-federer07
    @user-federer07Ай бұрын


  • @只是想喝奶茶
    @只是想喝奶茶Ай бұрын

    以前第一次認識這首歌時,就是看到這部影片( ´▽`)

  • @FishtYaz
    @FishtYazАй бұрын

    Oh my, her voice is so pretty, I love this song!!

  • @centkun7359
    @centkun7359Ай бұрын

    I like x1.5😀

  • @user-bl1hk5hh1u
    @user-bl1hk5hh1u2 ай бұрын


  • @淺兒
    @淺兒2 ай бұрын

    抱着沙发 睡眼昏花 凌乱头发 却渴望像电影主角一样潇洒 屋簷角下 排著乌鸦 密密麻麻 被压抑的情绪不知如何表达 无论我 在这里 在那里 仿佛失魂的虫鸣 却明白此刻应该做些努力 无论我 在这里 在那里 不能弥补的过去 每當想起 想過離開 以這種方式存在 是因為那些旁白那些姿態那些傷害 不想離開 當你說還有你在 忽然我開始莫名期待 夕阳西下 翻著电话 无人拨打 是习惯孤独的我该得到的吧 独木桥呀 把谁推下 才算赢家 我无声的反抗何时能战胜它 无论我 在这里 在那里 仿佛失魂的虫鸣 却明白此刻应该做些努力 无论我 在这里 在那里 不能弥补的过去 每當想起 想過離開 以這種方式存在 是因為那些旁白那些姿態那些傷害 不想離開 也許嘗試過被愛 會開始仰望未來 傷疤就丟給回憶吧 放下才得到更好啊 別怕別怕 想过离开 当阳光败给阴霾 没想到你会拚命为我拨开 曾想過離開 卻又堅持到現在 熬過了那些旁白那些姿態那些傷害 不想離開 當你的笑容綻開 這世界突然填滿色彩 抱著沙發睡眼昏花凌亂頭髮 夕陽西下接通電話是你呀

  • @e.k.6516
    @e.k.65162 ай бұрын


  • @nguyenhuutan2802
    @nguyenhuutan28022 ай бұрын

    Em không có thiệt đâu mừ lo, em còn món massage yoni còn gì, nhưng nếu em không thích anh cũng không ép đâu, miễn cưỡng không đem đến hạnh phúc, 😀😀😀

  • @Blue-pd3dv
    @Blue-pd3dv2 ай бұрын


  • @4310aslan
    @4310aslan2 ай бұрын

    Eng Lyrics from the web: Look up the guy on the social media, remember all his information Don't hesitate to invite friends, as long as they won't steal the show Fine accessories with thin lace shirt, white clothes that make my collarbone visible Three joints have to be shown in this aggressive night, neck, wrists, and ankles Denier of the tights is 30 and this girl has worn her 60 denier hosiery So 0 denier means naked... naked! Get used to put a smile on your face, trained to use puppy eyes since the 8th grade Cheers with clenched hand, always get your cup rotate out from inside 8 degrees to the left is a magic angle, it makes you 2 times cuter When you're giving out the menu, make sure to give out your soft pretty wrists too Start from the distance of 1 meter than get closer like the speed of sound 300% more efficient, "sa shi su se so" for competent women "Sa" Just as expected! "Shi" Didn't know that! "Su" Amazing! "Se" Good taste! "So" So that's how it is! "Actually, she is quite a serious girl", to label her like that so she can't have any move Let people see how little you can eat, so you gotta eat a lot before you came here Improvise a performance that you are an adorable dorky character This hand and that hand. They will be non-stop Strategic and artistic! This is an unbeatable skill This move and that movie. It will be continuous Shrewd and clear. Girls got skills It's 9 p.m. we're about to be drunk Don't worry too much, it's time to fire on all cylinders, the real Battle of Sekigahara just started! Give a cup of beer to the target, so you could sit next to him Flip the hair to change the way you look, show the nape and he's trapped unconsciously Ask "What it tastes like?" promptly, say "It's delicious!" boldly Having indirect kisses carelessly, strategy! Time to reapply the makeup, light blush for hangover beauty Brown eyeshadow paints for the cleave, it's like an art of illusion Touching obviously and intentionally makes you cheap Experts will use their feet instead, no one can find out if it's under the table Pressing too much handcream on purpose, pretend to be sorry and put the rest on his hand Girls that got strategies with affectations, "A I U E O" "A" Me not giving you "I" Me don't want it "U" Me can't move "E" Me can't pick "O" Me can't press it "Let me send you the selfie we took!", exchange the contacts just as fast as the wind "I will create a group chat later", just blush some people that you don't care for off "Let's split the bill" and take out the purse. Take. It. Out. Only This hand and that hand. They will be non-stop Divine and surprising! This is an unbeatable skill This move and that movie. It will be continuous Divine and surprising! This is an unbeatable skill Layer by layer, layer by layer You won't be able to fight if you are not strong enough, you won't be able to fight if you are not skillish There are night that even me would want cry, it's because I really want to grasp the happiness Just need a little bit more courage, then the world would be different This hand and that hand, They will be none-stop Strategic and artistic! This is an unbeatable skill This move and that move. It will be continuous Shrewd and clear. Girls got skills This hand and that hand. They will be none-stop Divine and surprising! This is an unbeatable skill This move and that move. It will be continuous Divine and surprising! This is an unbeatable skill lyricstranslate.com/ja/kasaneteku-kasaneteku.html

  • @e.k.6516
    @e.k.65162 ай бұрын


  • @sveinhongset4725
    @sveinhongset47252 ай бұрын

    if sombody undestand what this song is about what is it?? dont understand it but the music sounds nice

  • @HasselNova
    @HasselNova3 ай бұрын

    I come back to this every few months and get addicted to it again

  • @user-ln3sm9ju3p
    @user-ln3sm9ju3p3 ай бұрын


  • @user-hr7wl3tg3e
    @user-hr7wl3tg3e3 ай бұрын

    如果這是無法反抗的命運的話 我會為了你而活下去 你就放心地走吧

  • @nguyenhuutan2802
    @nguyenhuutan28023 ай бұрын

    Anh thật có phước khi lấy được người vợ như em, người con gái mà mọi đàn ông đều mơ ước. Và anh cũng hứa sẽ chăm chỉ để không phụ kỳ vọng của em. 😻😻😻

  • @Axion97Player
    @Axion97Player3 ай бұрын

    E pensar que essa música é de uma propaganda de sorvete.

  • @heretics-u6l
    @heretics-u6l3 ай бұрын

    就第一句我就淪陷了 :)

  • @user-kq2zm5yr2m
    @user-kq2zm5yr2m3 ай бұрын


  • @mingfanzhang8927
    @mingfanzhang89273 ай бұрын


  • @ragnaroket1285
    @ragnaroket12853 ай бұрын

    We are here again to hear custard cake advertisements

  • @kon4waifuyt459
    @kon4waifuyt4593 ай бұрын

    Eminem been real quiet since this dropped

  • @user-kp6lz2vb7b
    @user-kp6lz2vb7b3 ай бұрын


  • @masterr4788
    @masterr47883 ай бұрын


  • @durandal2138
    @durandal21383 ай бұрын

    This song really fits with the cover image, y'know why? Its because both of these girls are half-sisters yet their fates are different, as told by an old (greedy) priest. A prophecy told of the incarnations of Light & Darkness residing within both sisters who were both born on the same day. The girl who has silver white hair is believed to be the bearer of Light thay shall bring salvation to all, thus making her the most beloved child in the entire kingdom… While… The girl with jet black hair is believed to be the bearer of Darkness that shall bring calamity and ruin, thus making her the most hated child in all the kingdom… You may think that its sad and it is, for the child said to bear the Darkness holds more kindness than the child of Light who thinks nothing but herself and her own desires… Ironic isn't it? The one said to bring ruin to all is kinder and favored by the gods than the one said to be the bearer of salvation who's selfish and not even human to begin with… Fate truelly is cruel and unfair, for our desires as humans will have us fall deep into the endless abyss of sin…

  • @kuanwan
    @kuanwan3 ай бұрын


  • @kidizordlordNkili
    @kidizordlordNkili3 ай бұрын

    juste magique

  • @thanhphamtan8187
    @thanhphamtan81874 ай бұрын

    Sakura, aishiteru ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇻🇳❤️🇯🇵💪💕

  • @Awesomedefenders
    @Awesomedefenders4 ай бұрын

    the picture fits the song so perfectly for some reason