Litsa Diamanti - Topic

Litsa Diamanti - Topic

Litsa Diamanti is a Greek laïko singer who became famous in the 1960s and 1970s. She has been described as the "child-wonder of the Sixties decade and the absolute diva of metapolitefsi." Her hits have been described as "all-time classics."

Afesi Amartion

Afesi Amartion

As Ta Pari To Potami

As Ta Pari To Potami

Opos Ki An Se Pexo Hano

Opos Ki An Se Pexo Hano

Apo Sena Arhizoun Ola

Apo Sena Arhizoun Ola



Xehase Me

Xehase Me

Den Pa' Na Les

Den Pa' Na Les



Dilono Dikia Sou

Dilono Dikia Sou

As' To Kormi

As' To Kormi

Ela Me Hilia

Ela Me Hilia

Pes Mou Ekini Tin Kouveda

Pes Mou Ekini Tin Kouveda

Etsi M' Aresi

Etsi M' Aresi

Se Zilevo

Se Zilevo
