Philip Giacalone

Philip Giacalone

I'm a retired aerospace engineer and software developer who still enjoys playing with technology. In my spare time, I'm trying to learn about electronics, microcontrollers, etc. This channel is for fun and exploration. And I'm hoping to meet other people along the way to learn and to share.

Rigol DHO924S noise floor

Rigol DHO924S noise floor


  • @tiromancino_tt
    @tiromancino_tt11 сағат бұрын

    Hello guy, my dho924s produces a square wave with an annoying oscillation of 60 ns, both after the rising edge and after the falling edge. Does this also happen on your DHO924s?

  • @ThomasBOUTANT
    @ThomasBOUTANTКүн бұрын

    Hello, thank for the video it is interesting! Why are the values of accelerations neither 0 nor ≈9.81(on Z) when your IMU is not moving ?

  • @kwacz
    @kwacz5 күн бұрын

    i have a slightly different variation. once i put any solder on it at all the caps do not go back on. even 24 awg wire and minimum solder i cant get the cap back on without bending it to hell. I ruined three of these already

  • @tiromancino_tt
    @tiromancino_tt11 күн бұрын

    attach the adapter to a 1-2m USB cable

  • @romainchristophe1796
    @romainchristophe179622 күн бұрын


  • @car9167
    @car916724 күн бұрын

    Did you have to buy license for the digital signal option or is coming standard with the scope?

  • @visyalindra3194
    @visyalindra319427 күн бұрын

    Can I use resistance calibration using an analog multimeter?

  • @fluffycookie519
    @fluffycookie51927 күн бұрын

    tinysa ultra spec says that the sine signal level is +-2db across the lower freq range. 4db delta means you have Vpp uncertainty of about 50% Could be 1V at one freq and could be 0.63V at another. You try to measure 30% drop in amplitude while you have 50% error.

  • @torbjornlindh5108
    @torbjornlindh5108Ай бұрын

    Nice video, answered my question on how to connect, thanks a lot for sharing!

  • @SuperSerNiko97
    @SuperSerNiko97Ай бұрын

    A channel by the name of @TheHWcave showed that the jitter was caused when the PPS frequency is not a divisor of the internal oscillator frequency which should be 48 MHz if I’m not mistaken. This is the video:

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    Thank you for the link. Note that jitter will also occur after getting a GPS fix, even when the frequency is a divisor of 48 MHz, as demonstrated in this video.

  • @SuperSerNiko97
    @SuperSerNiko97Ай бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 Basically there are two sources of jitter then

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone560526 күн бұрын

    @@SuperSerNiko97 Yes, there are two different scenarios. The root cause of both is the same: the generated frequency is not a perfect divisor of the clock frequency (so the waves/cycles don't fit perfectly between clock ticks).

  • @dayworkhard
    @dayworkhardАй бұрын

    evvblog said the maximum frequency it can reach based on the builtin chip can be 800Mhz (no doute). Have you tried? What’s the result?

  • @dayworkhard
    @dayworkhardАй бұрын

    I know maybe you need to change a cable coz by the cable which comes with Dho 924s by default is for 300Mhz.

  • @TrimeshSZ
    @TrimeshSZАй бұрын

    OK, I did some testing using an LEA-M8T-0-10 module with f=12MHz, 50% duty cycle, lock to GNSS, and I can't see any jitter - it's a clean 12MHz square wave. I also measured it on a counter in stats mode (HP53131A, Ref from a FE5680 Rb standard) over 100 cycles with a 1s gate time and got: Fmin = 11,999,999.975Hz, Fmax = 12,000,000.039Hz - high time was min = 40.7ns max = 43.2ns - since 1 tick of the 48MHz clock is about 20ns this is likely just noise from my quickly hooked up test setup.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    That is very interesting, thank you. I see from the spec sheet that the LEA-M8T has an RTC that provides a more accurate time base. That feature may partially explain the cleaner analog output. I will have to get one and try it, thank you.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    Btw, are you using a scope and triggering on the GPS signal? That hides the jitter and is why I'm triggering on a separate signal in my video. You could trigger on the Rb signal in your testing, for example, and then observe the GPS channel for jitter. Curious to hear what that might show...

  • @TrimeshSZ
    @TrimeshSZАй бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 I tried several approaches - one was just to use the scope on it's own, one was to use the Rb in one channel and trigger off that with the holdoff set to 6 cycles of the reference (which should correspond to 5 cycles of the 12MHz) and the last was to use an RF signal generator (an ancient Marconi 2019A, but it still works) set to 12MHz and connected to the Rb. I couldn't see any jitter with any of the setups I tried.

  • @chasingcapsaicin
    @chasingcapsaicinАй бұрын

    What is the expected GNSS time base expected to be, also wouldn't one expect to see a shift depending on time of day as well?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    @@TrimeshSZ Thanks for that added info. Very interesting, indeed. If the tick period of the LEA-M8T's clock and oscillator is spot-on with the GPS time period, then the jitter problem would disappear (for frequencies that divide evenly into 48 MHz). It's curious how they could achieve that. Another experiment you might try is heating the LEA-M8T and see if jitter returns. Seems to me the output frequency would still be controlled by the physical properties of the oscillator. So if the frequency changes while the GPS timebase doesn't, jitter should return. BTW, all of this playing around with GPS signals has been out of curiosity and for fun. It's an interesting topic, imo, and I appreciate learning from your results, too.

  • @JxH
    @JxHАй бұрын

    An inexpensive GPSDO will use the 1PPS via a FLL to control an OCXO at a typical frequency of 10 MHz. They're jitter-free, and at the standard 'lab' reference frequency of 10MHz. Worth every penny of their $100 price class. Only significant drawback is that the GPSDO takes a lot more power than just the GPS module.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    Yes, understood, thank you. It's on my list to buy the one from BG7TBL, along with a distribution box.

  • @galileo_rs
    @galileo_rsАй бұрын

    The internal clock should be 48MHz (not that it matters much since it's 2x24) and apparently you get the cleanest signal if you divide that by power of 2 divider. There was an evaluation of the output signal on some Russian site but can't find it now.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    Thanks for that comment. The frequency isn't mentioned on the data sheet so people online are inferring the value based on the jitter free frequencies. 48 MHz does make sense, thanks.

  • @galileo_rs
    @galileo_rsАй бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 The 48MHz clock was listed in the application note for Ublox 6 module (search for GPS.G6-X-11007 Ublox note), so everyone presumes that it's the same. I did dismantle one 8M module but forgot to check the part number on the oscillator.

  • @SQ5DBF
    @SQ5DBFАй бұрын

    48 MHz - 100%

  • @DiaconescuAlexandru2024
    @DiaconescuAlexandru2024Ай бұрын

    Got the same results with my Rigol DHO804 (hacked to 100MHz). The real bandwidth was roughly 150MHz, which is also what the default probes are rated for. The maximum rise time I got with a NanoVNA H4 was 2.3ns, which is in accordance to the bandwidth test I did. My biggest problem with the DHO804 is the lack of dots display, vector display can look really ugly sometimes and it's a shame when they've got a display that can show multiple colour intensities at the same time.

  • @cameramaker
    @cameramakerАй бұрын

    Does the uBlox provide a digital signal that tells that the frequency is GPS synchronized and not just a local XO ? or one has to query the status over the serial interface for that?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    Using the serial interface is likely the easiest way, by parsing the NMEA messages, as you likely already know. I understand that uBlox also supports a binary UBX Protocol that can be accessed via UART. This provides a UBX-NAV-STATUS message with a field to indicate whether there is a valid GPS fix. I'm not sure which uBlox devices support this protocol or whether is is enabled by default. Just for reference, here is some more info about these two approaches: Using NMEA -------------------- The "Fix Quality" field in the $GPGGA message indicates whether or not a valid GPS fix has been obtained (Fix Quality values: 0: Invalid, 1: GPS fix, 2: DGPS fix). Example NMEA messages: 1. NMEA Message with a Valid GPS Fix $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47 2. NMEA Message without a Valid GPS Fix $GPGGA,123520,,,,,,0,00,99.99,,,,,,*48 List of NMEA fields from the `$GPGGA` sentence, in order with definitions: 1. **Sentence Identifier** (`$GPGGA`): - **$GPGGA**: Global Positioning System Fix Data 2. **UTC Time** (`hhmmss.sss`): - **123519**: Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC 3. **Latitude** (`ddmm.mmmm`): - **4807.038**: Latitude in degrees and minutes (48 degrees 07.038 minutes) 4. **North/South Indicator** (`N/S`): - **N**: North 5. **Longitude** (`dddmm.mmmm`): - **01131.000**: Longitude in degrees and minutes (11 degrees 31.000 minutes) 6. **East/West Indicator** (`E/W`): - **E**: East 7. **Fix Quality** (`x`): - **1**: Fix quality (0 = invalid, 1 = GPS fix, 2 = DGPS fix) 8. **Number of Satellites** (`xx`): - **08**: Number of satellites being tracked 9. **Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP)** (`x.x`): - **0.9**: Horizontal Dilution of Precision 10. **Altitude** (`x.x`): - **545.4**: Altitude above mean sea level in meters 11. **Units of Altitude** (`M`): - **M**: Meters 12. **Height of Geoid Above WGS84 Ellipsoid** (`x.x`): - **46.9**: Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84 ellipsoid in meters 13. **Units of Geoid Height** (`M`): - **M**: Meters 14. **Time Since Last DGPS Update** (`x.x`): - **(empty)**: Time in seconds since last DGPS update (blank if not available) 15. **DGPS Station ID** (`xxxx`): - **(empty)**: DGPS station ID (blank if not available) 16. **Checksum** (`*hh`): - **47**: Checksum for the sentence Using UBX Protocol ----------------------------------- The UBX Protocol provides a UBX-NAV-STATUS message that includes a "gpsFix" field to indicate the GPS fix status. Example UBX-NAV-STATUS Message: UBX-NAV-STATUS iTOW: 123456789 gpsFix: 3 fixStat: 0 flags: 0x01 ttff: 4000 msss: 5000 gpsFix values and meaning: 0: No Fix 2: 2D Fix 3: 3D Fix 4: DGPS Fix 5: Time-only Fix

  • @asghiasughiqughbqwg
    @asghiasughiqughbqwgАй бұрын

    I have found it difficult to remove enough solder with the sucker to actually break the mechanical attachment between parts and a board. I had better success with the technique of adding solder and using a copper wire to keep the whole set of pins hot.

  • @martinkuliza
    @martinkulizaАй бұрын

    6:07 RE THE OVERSHOOT Hi mate, i was gonna say, ARE YOU USING YOUR SCOPE PROBES Are they on 10x - if YES.. Good Are you using the positive on the conductor - if YES... Good WAIT FOR IT... Are you using THE GROUND CLIP- if YES....... BAD Try this as a first troubleshooting method to determine i the overshoot or inductive ringing is the circuit or your probes There is a small springy wire attachment that comes with scope probes. Disconnect your GROUND Lead and take off the Positive Hook part to reveal the raw tip. Attack the negative springy thing THEN TEST IT AGAIN You'll likely find that a lot of that overshoot was as a result of your scope probe's Ground Lead. let me know

  • @martinkuliza
    @martinkulizaАй бұрын

    1:43 i was just gonna say don't use Delay (that will cause blocking) use vTaskDelay() classic issue on Arduino, You start on delay, it doesn't work , so you turn to millis, then that doesn't work and you're stuck solution...... ESP32, FreeRTOS and vTaskDelay

  • @martinkuliza
    @martinkulizaАй бұрын

    as you said "IT'S A START" and... GODDAMMIT i am going to continue this I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO THE FOLLOWING WAVEFORMS Sine Square Rectangle (with Configurable Duty Cycle) DC Pulse Triangle Sawtooth Noise I want all of them (but let's start with just Sine , Square and Rectangle) to have a Max Frequency of 500MHz. Adjustable manually via a P.O.T. I want all of them to have Amplitude Adjustment manually via a P.O.T. I want all of them to have PHASE OFFSET Ability (Where applicable) Adjustable manually via a P.O.T. I want to have DUTY CYCLE Adjustable manually via a P.O.T. I want to have Modulations, AM, FM, FSK, PSK Adjustable manually via a P.O.T. I think this might be interesting to work on.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    See my other video on esp32 square wave generator. Making the other additions you mentioned shouldn't be too difficult.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    Also see my video on shifting signals using an op amp. That'll be needed to output signals with both positive and negative voltage values.

  • @martinkuliza
    @martinkulizaАй бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 WILL DO , THANKS Interestingly, i found this guy it goes to 8GHz However , the guy in the video didn't see IT HAS A JTAG Unpopulated header. and the max on this SIG GEN is 20GHz I was thinking we could use this as a guide. the thing looks simple enough

  • @martinkuliza
    @martinkulizaАй бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 cool

  • @martinkuliza
    @martinkulizaАй бұрын

    10:40 You should know that WHEN USING ESP32, include Arduino.h Library is NOT necessary as you are not using Arduino, you are using FreeRTOS

  • @annoorkhan4219
    @annoorkhan4219Ай бұрын

    What scope you used?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone5605Ай бұрын

    I used a Digilent Electronics Explorer along with Digilent Waveforms software.

  • @valik3210
    @valik32102 ай бұрын

    Is it possible to generate cosine in gigahertz? Is it possible to make an RF PLL oscillator in gigahertz?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56052 ай бұрын

    Yes, you can use GNU Radio Companion to create cosine signals over 1 GHz with the HackRF. It likely can only simulate a PLL.

  • @Kim-rg6wb
    @Kim-rg6wb2 ай бұрын

    'Promo sm'

  • @0nyxghost
    @0nyxghost2 ай бұрын

    I bought the Gold PCB version with short 30cm grey ribbon cable. I also purchased a longer 50cm rainbow ribbon cable from AliExpress. Nice litte logic analyzer board.

  • @avgrim7729
    @avgrim77292 ай бұрын

    They actually sell a wall adapter 65w GaN with type c to type c cord for the Pine64 V1. Its like $20 on AE. I asked the Pinecil store they sent me the link.

  • @voxtelnismo
    @voxtelnismo2 ай бұрын

    How awkward is to use the AWG with scope functions? Does it add noise to channels? Is the interface crappy?

  • @bflmpsvz870
    @bflmpsvz870Ай бұрын


  • @davidealessandrini2235
    @davidealessandrini22352 ай бұрын

    Thank you, it was very helpful for me!!

  • @cnrk1832
    @cnrk18322 ай бұрын

    Thanks for video just quick question. Where did you get your Swr, l look Chinese app prices changing between 30$ to 250$. I confused which one is going to work

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56052 ай бұрын

    Here is a link to the NanoVNA that I used in the video

  • @cnrk1832
    @cnrk18322 ай бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 thanks

  • @matts2581
    @matts25812 ай бұрын

    Fresh intro 'n' review. Thank you for sharing this - I'm considering one of these currently. 🤗🌈👍🙏🤟✌️🖖

  • @rohitkudre3792
    @rohitkudre37922 ай бұрын

    Thanks for the video! Can you please provide more details about the connection. Specifically, how have you connected the TinySA to the scope? Did you have to impedance match the output of SA to the input of 924s? Thank you!

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56052 ай бұрын

    The shielded cable from the tinySA to the scope input is terminated with a 50 ohm thru terminator at the scope input.

  • @johnminners4840
    @johnminners48402 ай бұрын

    Your presentation was the first, of the many I tried, that I was able to emulate to completion without blowing the meter up. I wired the meter as shown in your video and it actually showed both the Volts and Amps of the connected load. Thank you very much for making it understandable. Next will trying to follow your calibration process.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56052 ай бұрын

    Thank you for the nice comment. Much appreciated.

  • @garrethtinsley2435
    @garrethtinsley24352 ай бұрын

    How do I get back to the menu?

  • @agentl3r
    @agentl3r2 ай бұрын

    Great video Philip. Thanks for sharing.

  • @wb7ond
    @wb7ond3 ай бұрын

    I got one of those quite awhile back, the buttons on mine were crap, I tried 'de-oxit' to no avail. Probably tear it apart, and salvage the modules. Thanks for the video.... You have interesting content, for me at least...

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Thank you. I'll have to try some tests to see how repeatable the buttons are. So far, it's been working good enough for my simple tests.

  • @wb7ond
    @wb7ond3 ай бұрын

    Thanks good info, waiting for mine to show up, they sold out briefly... Great video...

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Thank you. We're lucky some nice folks are designing and selling these much cheaper options.

  • @valybadea78
    @valybadea783 ай бұрын

    The WiFI adapter is a 2.4GHz transmitter and due to its small size, it does not contain filters for harmonics. Interference occurs only when there is traffic. Try to attach the adapter to a 1-2m USB cable

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Thanks. Yes, the problem disappears by moving the WiFi adapter just a few inches away from the scope.

  • @fp8007
    @fp80073 ай бұрын

    Can i use the penicil with a portable 10000 mAh powerbank 🤔

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Yes, as long as the voltage remains below the max voltage. I think the newest Pinecil supports 24v max.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Here's a video showing the Pinecil soldering iron running on battery power.

  • @majoramazinglife
    @majoramazinglife3 ай бұрын

    Can the tinysa ultra be used as a drone, fpv detector and the hackrf as a jammer to jam 2.4ghz 5.8g drone signal.

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    In the U.S., jamming is illegal, of course. Detecting the 2.4 GHz signal from the drone might be possible, although it would probably be difficult to distinguish its signal from all of the other 2.4 GHz signals in the environment.

  • @javierpallalorden
    @javierpallalorden2 ай бұрын

    It can, but for such a simple setup you can use a simple 2.4Ghz noise gen with a RF power amplifier.

  • @4fingerV
    @4fingerV3 ай бұрын

    That was actually pretty cool to watch...thank you

  • @kathleengiacalone6053
    @kathleengiacalone60533 ай бұрын

    My lovely boy! I miss you ❤

  • @kathleengiacalone6053
    @kathleengiacalone60533 ай бұрын

    Very cool!

  • @saadshafi5301
    @saadshafi53013 ай бұрын

    can it go up to 125KHz ?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын


  • @AaronWerner
    @AaronWerner3 ай бұрын

    Hi is there a way I can contact you to ask a few questions? I am working on a square wave project and have a few questions

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Yes, I will try to help. Please send me an email to connect: soaring @ duck dot com

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    We may have missed each other via email, Aaron. I responded to your email but have not heard back yet. Just checking to see if you still want to connect. Thanks.

  • @AaronWerner
    @AaronWerner3 ай бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 I replied both times I wonder if my emails went to junk mail

  • @AaronWerner
    @AaronWerner3 ай бұрын

    If you have time tomorrow, let’s visit

  • @AaronWerner
    @AaronWerner3 ай бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 I sent you several emails, but have not received a reply. Maybe they are going into your Junk mail

  • @thebloody_blue
    @thebloody_blue3 ай бұрын

    can I use this code for a mono audio setup? I mean, a single I2S bord without the resistor on SD pin?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    Yes, I believe you can. Here is what the documentation says for the MAX98357A: The MAX98357A is an I2S amplifier that's configured in mono mode by default. This means that the left and right signals are combined to drive a single speaker. Here is the link to the documentation

  • @thebloody_blue
    @thebloody_blue3 ай бұрын

    @@philipgiacalone5605 My shipments are on the way, I will update you. Thank you for doing this, really appreciate it.

  • @thebloody_blue
    @thebloody_blue3 ай бұрын

    Hi, I tried this but having little trouble. My audio output is somewhat skipped. It's not continues as it must be. I don't know why. And I see in your breadboard, there is a connection from positive supply to SD pin of the amplifier, what purpose it do as I don't want to have shutdown function, Is it nessary for mono setup too? Thanks, it's fun anyway.

  • @hardware4200
    @hardware42003 ай бұрын

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I am new to VSCode (normally intellij), new to ESP-IDF, this was a real livesaver!

  • @stevelevesque939
    @stevelevesque9393 ай бұрын

    on a second try I got it clear now h t t p s : / / www . youtube . com /watch?v=J1hNRkyKChY

  • @stevelevesque939
    @stevelevesque9393 ай бұрын

    no issue with mine. video on my youtube @stevelevesque939

  • @reinerfranke5436
    @reinerfranke54363 ай бұрын

    Is there a change if the input 1 is terminated by e.g. 50Ohm or shortet?

  • @philipgiacalone5605
    @philipgiacalone56053 ай бұрын

    No, a terminator makes no difference. The noise is still there with the same magnitude. Shorted probes yield the same noise, too. I've posted another 2 videos showing that this is an RF proximity issue that is resolved by moving the WiFi USB adapter farther away (just a few inches away). Also, it is not a bug, since a test using ethernet instead of Wi-Fi for Web Control works perfectly with no noise.

  • @oliverlison
    @oliverlison3 ай бұрын

    A lot of switching power supplies will shorten the lifespan of devices. Not well designed charges are a major cause, why delicate electronics fail earlier than expected.