Matt Dillahunty

Matt Dillahunty

Lecturer, Debater, magician, gamer, anti-religionist and more...


  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley3 сағат бұрын

    The first four commandments are mandates to believe in, worship and obey a male Hebrew god named Yahweh. The evangelicals get around this problem by replacing the name "Yahweh" with the generic name, "God". Since "God" is invisible and unknowable it is up to the individual to use their imagination to create him.

  • @benjamintrevino325
    @benjamintrevino3253 сағат бұрын

    So you're saying that they broke one of the 10 commandments (Thou shalt not lie) to justify posting the Ten Commandments?

  • @citizen63zw
    @citizen63zw8 сағат бұрын

    Start your own religion

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED10 сағат бұрын

    Hmmm…. Is there any evidence for supernatural causation?? Let’s see - how about I list some elementary terms to illustrate: - Life - Intelligence - Consciousness - Morality - Personality - Sociability - Emotion - Free will - DNA - Male and female - Symmetry - Order - Variety - Adaptability - Continuity - Creativity - Design … just to name a few! ….and you’re trying to tell me that some so-called “naturalistic process” produced the above!!???

  • @MichaelMannucci-fp7jb
    @MichaelMannucci-fp7jb11 сағат бұрын

    Hold your L, man.

  • @user-kg2un6qi1q
    @user-kg2un6qi1q16 сағат бұрын

    There is an interesting statistical exercise called the meaning of never. Has nothing to do with God, just says that though there may be an infinitesimal probability of something happening, for all practical purposes it is never.

  • @dxm2dxm2
    @dxm2dxm217 сағат бұрын

    Matt, you have given me so much to think about in terms of my own faith, or lack there of, and I am forever grateful.

  • @PadraigG8
    @PadraigG819 сағат бұрын

    I'd also dispute Matt's invoking of the Composition Fallacy 'cuz basically EVERY composition is contingent on its componant parts. My body is contingent on the various organs and individual cells that make it up. A wall is contingent on the bricks and mortar that make it up, ect. Why is the Cosmos an exception?

  • @snowflakemelter1172
    @snowflakemelter117222 сағат бұрын

    Dont really see the point of an all powefull God they claim has performed miracles sending his only son to " save us" and then no one in any authority even bothering to record this amazing event, only four gospels, three of whom never even saw it, this Gods total incompetence means that billions of people born and died on all continents in the last 2000 years never had any knowledge of this event and no chance to be " saved" . This is the biggest fail in history.

  • @PadraigG8
    @PadraigG8Күн бұрын

    This is well put together vid, but I take issue with Matt's posit that perhaps a Necessary Being created the cosmos then ceased to exist. By definition, a Necessary Being cannot NOT exist. If there was ever a point before it began to exist or a point after it stopped then that means its existence was contingent on some circumstances external to it.

  • @kimguy4159
    @kimguy4159Күн бұрын

    OK, I will give a final answer on this. No Matt, it is not ok for employees to be on a Board of Directors. You can't manage yourself. You can't be manager and employee at the same time. Secondly, you were wrong to turn the ACA into an organization focused on the transgender issue. ACA is not about transgender, it is about atheism.These are two controversial but separate issues which people have a right to fully discuss and dispute. Transgender people understandably don't think much of religion but that doesn't mean you folks should be captive to their issues

  • @jefftravis3808
    @jefftravis3808Күн бұрын

    Can't anyone ever speak in defense of transgender identity w/o conflating biological sex w/ gender? Making points about someone's manner of dressing or who should be the 'breadwinner' is like deflecting from matters of actual biology. Also, I've heard transgender ppl and their supporters ad nauseum say that a woman is simply a person who identifies as a woman. Such a vacant claim not only does nothing to support their stance, it diminishes, trivializes women in general as little more than rather aspects such as superficial qualities (form of dress, hair style, makeup) and affected mannerisims.

  • @liannadragon
    @liannadragonКүн бұрын

    About the "you need help" comment. I had serious mental health problems. As a child all I was told from my parents was "you're evil, the devils spawn, always ruining everything" etc etc. Surprisingly none of that helped in anyway! As an adult I started getting told by strangers that I needed help. It was a spectrum from publicly, mockingly or viciously saying it, to saying it privately with care and concern. Eventually after hearing it enough times I actually did get help! It's now 25 years later and I've had a ton of counselling and psychotherapy, and I'm on the right medication 🤗 If I had never been told I need help, I may never have gotten any and I'm almost certain that I would not be here today! I get why Matt thinks he shouldn't say that, but like how religious people won't deconvert after one conversation, I do believe stating facts here could be a small part of someones recovery. TL;DR: Don't kick yourself too hard if you tell someone they need help. It could be what they need to hear.

  • @johnwilliamson7506
    @johnwilliamson7506Күн бұрын

    I’m curious! Why is so much focus on the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”, when (if I’m remembering correctly) there are over FIFTY commandments (I may be wrong about the amount…but not by much)! So why do churches never mention or teach them?

  • @SansDeity
    @SansDeityКүн бұрын

    @johnwilliamson7506 there are 613. You were off by more than you thought. Some are only relevant to Jews as a separate covenant

  • @georgeparkins777
    @georgeparkins777Күн бұрын

    The anecdote of Jesus being asked what the most important commandment is is actually very similar to older anecdotes told in Judaism about several different famous rabbis. A version is commonly told about Hillel the Elder who was said to have been active around the time Jesus of Nazareth was supposedly a child, so it may have been a common story around the time the gospels would have been written. In the story someone asks Hillel to explain the whole Torah while standing on one foot and he said a famous saying that includes a version of the golden rule: “what is hateful to you, do not do to others; this is the whole Torah, the rest is explanation; go and study.” It’s not by far the only version of the formula “someone challenges a Jewish teacher to explain the law succinctly; he explains the spirit of it by laying out a cornerstone principle of ethics; this astonishes his interlocutor”

  • @LabTech41
    @LabTech41Күн бұрын

    I used to watch your videos a lot back in the day, but coming upon that debate... you really disappointed me. I mean, you'd fallen off my radar a long time ago, but you displayed a level of crybullying that frankly I thought you were better than... but in retrospect I was probably pretty naive about. You couldn't articulate a counter-argument even when your opponent conceded the entirety of your worldview in regards to a deity, and as much as you LOVE to dish it out to theists about the absurdity and offensiveness of what they believe, you literally couldn't stand a little bit of it back your way. Over time, as the atheist movement got in bed, literally and figuratively with the radical left and fell further and further into degeneracy, a movement I firmly identified with became something alien, to the point that I now find more in common with the theists, because at least they're arguing from an objectively moral position, compared to what "progressives" have become... especially in the domain of children. So again, damn, you've fallen off the deep end and there's probably no saving you or the movement in general, which is sad. You lost that debate when you walked out, and please don't pretend it was because what Wilson said was beyond the pale... I've heard you say far worse. You are a crybully, who delights in attacking others, but shrinks like a violet when an atom of it is turned back on you. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be listening to a lot of Wilson from here on out, and I'll go right back to forgetting all about you. Hopefully, if you ever come across my radar again, you'll have done some soul searching to become a more decent person, or at least not such an awful one.

  • @ChristerAnd
    @ChristerAndКүн бұрын

    TAG is just as convincing as saying: If I had the answer to this question I would have an answer. That's it.

  • @KnightsofAutumn
    @KnightsofAutumnКүн бұрын

    it isn't a net negative if a catholic hospital refuses to do abortions, especially if those things are seen as abhorrent in the moral compass of the ones having to perform them. I argue that, if government forces people to do things they find morally objectionable, that is a net negative

  • @jessmoozic9422
    @jessmoozic9422Күн бұрын

    You're just so ace, Matt 🎉

  • @Greggers1516
    @Greggers1516Күн бұрын

    isnt this the guy that cried about trans issues and smugness in a debate and left?

  • @shane92515
    @shane92515Күн бұрын

    PART 2 WHEN?

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPEDКүн бұрын

    Louis Pasteur famously said, “Omne vivum ex vivo” (“Life only comes from life”) Jesus said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, & the LIFE…” -- John 14:6 1 John 5:20 = Jesus is the “Eternal Life”

  • @juliehudson6539
    @juliehudson6539Күн бұрын

    And so every teacher in that state is well qualified to teach the intricacies of the Ten Commandments the version they chose

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPEDКүн бұрын

    True or False The naturalistic processes of abiogenesis & evolution don’t require a cause

  • @SansDeity
    @SansDeityКүн бұрын

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED apparently false. Unfortunately for you, that tells us nothing about what the cause is and there is no evidence for supernatural causation

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPEDКүн бұрын

    @SansDeity Respectfully, Please tell me what part of the following DON’T you understand: - Paintings require a Painter - Buildings require a Builder - Design requires a Designer - Creation requires a Creator - The 3 BILLION letter long DNA “code” found in every cell of your body requires a Programmer - Life from life - Consciousness from consciousness - Intelligence from intelligence - Morality from morality - Sociability from a Social Person - Personality from personality - Emotion from emotion - Free will from free will Furthermore, the following madness is a atheistic premise for the origins of life: Non-intelligent, non-living matter produced intelligent, living beings 🤔🤔🤔 Even if the above absurdity was true (which, of course, it isn’t), what’s the origin (cause) for the nonliving matter?? Abiogenesis has been disproved repeatedly! Unfortunately, non-believers fail to understand that our Creator is eternal, without beginning or end (Ps. 90:2)! The amazing & overwhelming beauty, complexity, symmetry, continuity, design, order, & splendor, of creation SCREAMS at us day & night with silent words, pointing to the Creator (Ps. 19:1-7)! Sorry my friend, God has provided us with overwhelming observable scientific evidence of His existence! It’s crystal clear! I pray that God stirs your heart unto repentance that you may be saved! Life is short bud, no second chances! - peace

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPEDКүн бұрын

    True or False Jesus was a true historical figure

  • @MrMarcusIndia
    @MrMarcusIndiaКүн бұрын

    Possibly true. After all, we know that history regularly produces people who amass cults by going around preaching manipulative nonsense and/or fairytales. Ron L Hubbard for example. So yeah, it's quite possible that a bloke in the Middle East did something quite similar about 2000 years ago and eventually pissed authorities off enough that they bumped him off.

  • @jeffsmith6915
    @jeffsmith6915Күн бұрын

    If it was your kid Biden proclaimed to have not killed you'd feel differently about Biden's honesty.

  • @jeffsmith6915
    @jeffsmith6915Күн бұрын

    7 minutes in to your videos and my take away is your desperate attempt to show how Biden almost had effective debate to beat Trump . Still waiting for one positive comment about Trump.

  • @Tiny_and_Reese
    @Tiny_and_ReeseКүн бұрын

    Geez I need to make a video on redeemed zoomer so bad. There's lots of people coping in the comments section of his video saying, "Wow lots of atheists complaining about how this ten minute video isn't a doctoral discertation" to which I would now respond, "That's a weird way to admit the video was bad, but I'm glad you did."

  • @NealBlanchard-db5tz
    @NealBlanchard-db5tzКүн бұрын

    It not the ten commandments, its the no-bid contract to make the signs with the 10 commandments given to a political donor of the Governor.

  • @sepehryekebash
    @sepehryekebashКүн бұрын

    I made myself the Chad meme that makes me right -a christian teenager's logic

  • @voxpopuli348
    @voxpopuli348Күн бұрын

    WHO decided WHICH translation of the 10 Commandments to use? The original Hebrew Jewish version, Septuagint, KJV, NRSV, etc.? Can we ask YHWH to give Louisiana (and the world) the definitive version? (RCC raised in NOLA).

  • @beverly719
    @beverly719Күн бұрын

    The 7 tenets of the satanic temple are actually quite good ideals to follow. I’ve told people who get all super christian on me to look them up.

  • @shannontaylor1849
    @shannontaylor18492 күн бұрын

    I wonder how other religions feel about their taxes paying for "Thou shalt have no other gods..." and such? Why would I pay tax to violate my own rights?

  • @rob_7775
    @rob_77752 күн бұрын

    The fruits of spectacular humanism is how I judge it. Secular humanism has given us hook up culture it has given us transgender ideology Reduced birth rates I am happy to say that I am not a secular human. And those of you who are happy to be secular humanist I am happy you are. It makes it easy for me to know that you’re evil.

  • @VanHalenIsolated
    @VanHalenIsolated2 күн бұрын

    Sorry for commenting a third time but something that Reid doesn’t seem to understand about his whole, “at some point we have to stop calling all of these events coincidences,” is that he overlooks ALL of the times a prayer didn’t work. I PROMISE that there are more prayers that didn’t work than worked. We are animals who have evolved an insane ability to recognize patterns; even when there is no such pattern. Reid is recalling these so-called miraculous outcomes from prayer when he is leaving out all of the times when prayer hadn’t worked. And like Matt said, what about amputees? They get prayed over to grow new legs and NEVER grow new ones. Is that where gods power is limited? It’s always something that has a better natural explanation. Cancer goes into remission, people get misdiagnosed, and doctors miss a baby’s heart beat at times.

  • @VanHalenIsolated
    @VanHalenIsolated2 күн бұрын

    Reid puts himself in debt over a $250,000 Christian music festival while there are people starving to death all around the world? 😣 sickening. Also, the raising money part and praying that his god will help him to pay off the rest of the debt and people giving him money over the next three days “without knowing he was in debt,” HOW does he know that they didn’t know? His sister could’ve told these people he was in debt and told them not to tell Reid that they knew he was in debt. People do that all the time. Even if that wasn’t the case, WHO cares??? The atheist writing a check for $4,500 is also not incredible. I’d like more details on the story first off, but second off, it’s more likely that Reid’s sister, yet again, went to this atheist who was benefitting from the concert and told him that “Reid owes $4,500 more on a loan from the concert and you all made money from him throwing that concert. Could you not spare $4,500 to help him at least pay it off? Don’t tell him you know he’s in debt or he may not take it.” Does that seem more likely or that a god did it? It seems more likely that the atheist coincidentally wrote a $4,500 check than a magician in the sky “putting it on his heart,” to write that check amount. Natural explanations are ALWAYS better than supernatural explanations because we have never had good evidence for a supernatural event.

  • @VanHalenIsolated
    @VanHalenIsolated2 күн бұрын

    Reid going hard on the incredulous arguments in his rebuttal lol. I also love when Christians like Reid use Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins, renowned atheists, as apart of their arguments, yet they’re still atheists. Does that not tell them anything?

  • @hansj5846
    @hansj58462 күн бұрын

    It's somewhat ironic that groups that escaped religious persecution in Europe are now limiting the freedoms they enjoyed.

  • @commentator-tl9h
    @commentator-tl9h2 күн бұрын

    If the framers of the constitution had wanted the Ten Commandments be displayed in public buildings or the Bible taught at School, they would have included that in the constitution. If they wanted to affirm the US a Christian nation, they would have stated so in the constitution. In fact, they went all the way to introduce, as the very first amendment, the constitutional bedrock for the separation of Church and State.

  • @metattron4865
    @metattron48652 күн бұрын

    Matt ran into a Buzzsaw

  • @justaguy9451
    @justaguy94512 күн бұрын

    That's the beardiest beard ever dude. You look very religious with that beard. Beard.

  • @Temulon
    @Temulon2 күн бұрын

    Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.” - Isaac Asimov

  • @Doe174
    @Doe1742 күн бұрын

    Trancendental arugment is another way of saying because i feel it

  • @a1612
    @a16122 күн бұрын

    what's wrong with La and Oka is too many ignorant uneducated people. The problem is they insist we all follow them. I wouldn't care if they minded their own business and stayed in states I never want to visit, but they are too insecure to tolerate anyone being different. I like how these dirt poor states think the most important thing for their state is not trying to improve their economies, do more to make peoples lives better, or create better infrastructure but to put a dumb list of BS mythical nonsense in classrooms. Who votes for that

  • @chrisnnikkilimon9076
    @chrisnnikkilimon90762 күн бұрын

    You guys are funny. For folks that do not believe. Y'all spend a lot of time trying to refute and disprove it. I was once like you are. Sad inside, something you can't quite put your finger on. But it is there. Now...... what if you are wrong. If im wrong then I'll enjoy being sober, being happy, loveing my neighbor, being honest, being a good, present father, being a supportive husband all to the best of my ability. Can I do all that with out Jesus Christ..... yes anyone can. But from my experience in life , time in prison and first hand accounts not many do. point being if im wrong, then im not missing much. But.... If you are wrong. Then you will go were there is " weeping and gnashing of teeth". I love all of you, please, look into it. You owe it to your self

  • @SansDeity
    @SansDeity2 күн бұрын

    @@chrisnnikkilimon9076 how do you know?

  • @chrisnnikkilimon9076
    @chrisnnikkilimon90762 күн бұрын

    I don't need to know. No one will ever know with 100% , anything, well,almost everything. I know grass is green and the sky is blue but I don't know if I will wake up in the morning or if a car will stop at a stop sign at the next stop. But I do know one thing with 100% certainty, I will die. So will you. 1 in 1 people die. Rite now,120,000 people die every 24 hours according to statistics. What I do know is the last 4 years of my life have been filled with more happiness and joy and forgiveness and what pain there has been is worth it, for once. My friend, we all serve something, wether it be money, power or just self. I serve our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Who do you serve?

  • @chrisnnikkilimon9076
    @chrisnnikkilimon90762 күн бұрын

    @@SansDeity have you noticed that Jesus Christ is the only name in the history of names in the history of curse words, that has ever been made into a curse word. I mean, of all the bad good and crazy folks in the history of this world, why Jesus Christ? That's enough, rite there.... I mean..... Come on. lol plus Morals and Dogma: Albert Pike. Give that a read. WOW! Love ya brother.

  • @stephenstarr6388
    @stephenstarr63882 күн бұрын

    well that was like shooting fish in a barrel. lol

  • @Specialeffecks
    @Specialeffecks2 күн бұрын

    At least half of The Ten Commandments would and should be illegal to enforce and would likely land you in JAIL if you tried to.

  • @garethmaccoll4374
    @garethmaccoll43742 күн бұрын

    This was edifying but at the end of the day, I'm an atheist and I need not justify that. I don't need to argue the position or defend it. I simply lack a belief in any gods and that's all there is to it. I didn't choose to not believe, I'm just totally unconvinced.

  • @Specialeffecks
    @Specialeffecks2 күн бұрын

    One of my favorite classes in Catholic High School was "Religions of the World" and that class was fascinating. I learned about different beliefs and there was no judgement in that class - only knowledge of, and acceptance of people's differences. By the time I was in high school my father and mother stopped going to church regularly (at that time it was Easter and Christmas only). I never felt pressure or religious indoctrination in my Catholic High School (I don't believe I ever took any or it that seriously). I would hate to have felt pressured to conform to any one religion, if at all. My biology teacher allowed a couple of buddies and me to make moonshine in the back of the classroom as "an experiment". We even came in after hours and weekends to work on that project. We finally got a kid to 'test' some of the resulting 'product' by paying him a couple of bucks... He got inebriated, then sick and went home. It did take us some time to clear out all the equipment when we were finished with the month-long project (55-gallon drums, copper tubing, industrial burners, grinders, etc.). Now that I think of it, we did seem well-funded (private high school?). During a parent-teacher conference my biology teacher (Mr. Sark? Sarff?) quipped with my mom that "we may all end up in jail from your son's experiment". (Gladly we all stayed out as it was "for educational purposes only" - and no one squealed).

  • @PaulHosey
    @PaulHosey2 күн бұрын
