Challenger LoL Replays & VODS

Challenger LoL Replays & VODS

I made this channel to all the people that want to learn about league of legends watching the best challenger players in the world, so I will provide you the best lol replays of challenger players and VODS of PRO PLAY! I hope you will enjoy and learn!



  • @cuocvuicoon8528
    @cuocvuicoon85287 сағат бұрын

    year !!!

  • @Miquellalol
    @MiquellalolКүн бұрын

    I really appreciate this content but you need to be a little creative with the title

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho12345Күн бұрын

    Why so serious?

  • @Dworfus
    @Dworfus2 күн бұрын

    Full clears, no leash, invades, solo kill, not even the crab alive, I think they buff stuff because they simply can

  • @TheScholarAlive
    @TheScholarAlive2 күн бұрын

    Keep uploading more Gwen jungle please. I watch them

  • @user-yt2zg7lc8l
    @user-yt2zg7lc8l3 күн бұрын

    Challenger 이 차가 식기전에😊😊

  • @AlexNY999
    @AlexNY9994 күн бұрын

    He's just farming them 🤣

  • @user-yt2zg7lc8l
    @user-yt2zg7lc8l5 күн бұрын


  • @darkangel12150
    @darkangel121506 күн бұрын

    please before the full upload on youtube make sure to have high res upload entirely

  • @jjfu301
    @jjfu3017 күн бұрын

    Best Lee Sin .

  • @user-yt2zg7lc8l
    @user-yt2zg7lc8l10 күн бұрын

    More video 😁😁😁😁

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234510 күн бұрын

    analysis here 5:50 first big win for nidalee resulting in 1-2 lvl lead. lee sin earlier did a tempo reset to go to top scuttle first with item advantage to punish if nidalee overstayed (threatening invade nidalee topside). however, lee sin did some weird pathing and arrived to rift grubs late. nidalee ganked mid and prevented lee sin from ganking mid, and that priority enabled invade of lee sin's bot side, denying farm and also threatening lee sin's bot lane. the only counterplay lee sin has is to countergank bot, gank top, or invade nidalee's botside jungle. 6:07 invading lee sin's grubs is risky because a good lee sin will run straight there, and since nidalee support helped with mid gank, bot lane has no priority, meaning nidalee will have to fight a 4v3 (her adc wll be late) if contested. dragon is neutral territory and he has his bot jungle to fall back into if he fails a contest. 7:50 is to contest lee sin if he invaded with item and level advantage, but lee sin is nowhere to be seen. his pathing is wack. 8:25 free gank, laner's fault entirely, lee sin can't reliably countergank as it is a flip counterganking top for a weak laner that is spontaneously making mistakes and cannot carry vs tending to rest of map where your camps and 2 other laners are 8:45 info from scuttle crab indicates lee sin is pathing top to bot and should be on raptors given tempo cost of taking scuttle as well 10:22 lee sin should be on krugs but he isn't. his pathing is wack. 10:43 all the time laners have troll timings and give free kills. this taliyah TP'ed into enemy jungle. of course, if lee sin was playing properly, the krug liability would have been taken preventing nidalee from taking an extended stay, and he can punish the gank with taliyah. but it is taliyah's fault she pressed TP and no one else's. 11:13 another laner (support) inting a free kill to nidalee. zeri and sylas cannot approach tower in 2v3, especially if prechunked. 11:30 limit testing trying to bait zeri into a 1v3 with canyon's own low hp + on vision backing 11:48 the inevitable cost of zeri taking the bait, dying to 3 enemy laners 12:04 path botside since nidalee's entire topside is down with lee sin presence. lee sin top side and nidalee bot side are still up. 12:24 if i were lee sin this sylas would get flame horizon 13:59 neutral territory contest in order to provoke a fight vs lee sin's team while nidalee has overwhelming gold advantage. nidalee needs her team to help set up vision control so her poke-deterrence kit works. 14:07 lee sin seen on raptors, no contest. 14:44 lee sin blunder, clearing into nidalee. if he wanted to forfeit rift intentionally, he should have started gromp and cleared down. this is nidalee's strength, poke and denial with threat of all-in if not respected. 14:52 limit test/green no rift herald via 2v2 but nidalee is very weak into fortified positions. TF just has to focus on stalling and dodging, so the play is dead once he is aware. Canyon tempo gank mid was late so he overcommits and TF rotates with priority and kills him. 16:14 nidalee plays to her strengths and takes pressure off her laners by poking them out of jungle with no real threat to self when played properly 16:32 flip invade without mid priority but with top laner giving bot priority. now that the enemy hasn't backed and is chunked from repelled invade, nidalee can counterinvade, but lee sin should be full health and able to hard commit to an engage and slow nidalee, if they find each other. 16:40 canyon may have purposefully acknowledge the lee sin threat and used tempo to cut his next camp, krugs. if so, this is a powerful move that enables his top laner to fully push bot, and to reduce pressure for his team to push mid if they recognize that fact. 16:45 canyon scores a kill by fishing with spear and stopping back. taliyah isn't even performing a greedy back given most junglers won't recognize this opportunity and would most likely int to lee sin. 17:41 even in challenger canyon's ADC is trolling with his recall timing. luckily, he accidentally stays because he saw some more fighting in bot jg. 20:27 won a risky baron flip and subsequent fight. enemy ADC is good and a real threat to consider. died to poke from a random spear, just nidalee things 21:45 ADCs tend to be a jungler's best win con, due to jungle having trash economy and xp, so they are malnourished in comparison to laners. ADCs can provide that sustain damage, reducing a jungler's need to hard trade health in skirmishes. 22:35 fight won due to team gold diff, enemy being unable to organize because they were caught with their pants down and nexus at threat after they tried to 1v2 canyon and jinx via TF, taliyah lmao. taliyah even threw cannon under her own tower.

  • @Gbeleza
    @Gbeleza11 күн бұрын


  • @user-ux6rz8kx5f
    @user-ux6rz8kx5f13 күн бұрын


  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    12:26 he took matters into his own hands with inting camille support vs pro player teddy's annoying but correct senna in a 2v3, 1v3

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    analysis 1:46 nidalee likely bot start though fake leash is possible. both jg have no hard lane win-cons, so starting on any side is fine. lee sin may want to path away from malphite since early gank setup isn't strong and 2v2 would be weak, but covering is fine too at the cost of tempo and opening canyon up for repeat nidalee invades. 3:42 not sure if canyon saw vision plant, but he correctly goes to defend t2 raptors instead of taking t1 crab due to nidalee's tempo and her threat of denying both t2 camps and leaving him with only gromp and forcing bot invade, where she would have backed with item advantage, push lee sin off, and then repeat invade lee sin's top side after shoving mid for priority. 4:37 canyon now knows nidalee backed because she did not contest crab. lee sin is behind overall but has current item advantage. 5:04 lee sin's botside is at risk. ADC pushing solo and nidalee reset to likely krugs or less likely raptors. lee sin cannot cover making his bot side camps a liability via nidalee counterjungling and being able to hover canyon's bot lane for dive/gank after wave state forced to leave tower after crash 5:28 canyon gets surprising news nidalee didn't reset and instead took void grubs. dragon is the exchange. 5:55 nidalee's overstay top is putting her win-con at risk. instead of her invading and giving her laners vision, she is getting invaded and her position is being inferred. being unable to win 1v1s vs a high mobility enemy like lee sin is the worst situation possible. 6:47 nidalee's position for the next 2 waves is known on showing to be red buff, krugs, potential bot gank. 7:26 nidalee could fumble around bot lane due to poor pathing, or reset to clear from top to bottom. canyon uses tempo to cover his laners from a gank as well as deny CS. as long as he lives, nidalee cannot exploit pushing him off into an invade due to lee sin's liabilities being farmed already. malphite is also level 7, which means vs squishy nidalee canyon hard wins a good 2v2 with advantage. lee sin is now definitively in the lead, with a 1 level lead and 1 quadrant tempo lead.

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    7:43 nidalee is tracking so she cheats tempo by forgoing clear and ganking top. since nidalee had priority on gank, malphite is unable to use R to hit 2 enemies and burst, so canyon ends up burning top flash and gets 1 kill before execute. 8:25 nidalee continues to cheat tempo by not backing, and ganks mid. the only real counter to this tempo play is to predict and punish, which is a flip. 9:40 lee sin gets a kill top while nidalee ganked mid with her team in a 4v2. 10:05 canyon tries to punish the cheated tempo with a fight, but nidalee's top laner teleports and canyon's mid is still in base, so this is a throw fight by JUGKING. 11:55 skirmish. nidalee is ahead in the 2v2. 12:30 lee sin fishes for gank with tempo from clearing upwards and is pleasantly surprised to find an inting enemy mid laner. 12:40 this is the best opportunity to shut a nidalee down. bait her into a fight in your own fortified area. also temporary number advantage to canyon. if nidalee can't land spears, she can't do damage or leap in safely. 15:10 canyon limit testing lethality build. idk about lee sin taking on nidalee's weakness, the squishyness and associated volatility, but the lethality does help lee sin establish pressure on invades and scouting. 16:30 canyon being a good jungler and helping his laners push safely post-laning phase via scouting. even if he gets no camps, he protects his laners and is able to countergank, ensuring his laners continue to grow. 16:50 he elects to contest rift herald assuming azir can TP in after taking bot t1 tower. 17:00 he gets blown up by burning his safeguard on a full-CD wardhop into enemy fortified positions. 17:02 it seems that even with all of nidalee's tempo, she failed to hit the blast cone over the wall or set up proper topside defensive vision. she got caught in a split decision and ran up instead of down towards her team, and malphite used his laner CS and level advantage and tankiness to prevent fed nidalee from affecting her team getting collapsed on after all CDs burned on canyon. 17:10 game is even again 17:40 nidalee's top laner is AFK and gifts canyon a free kill 18:00 if canyon's team sets up more vision control in the area, they can bait nidalee into a bad fight. 18:15 enemy team no contest, likely because 4v5 with jayce dead. canyon has a small lead but game is still even. 19:45 nidalee attempts to attack the most fortified position ever?? (engages onto malphite???) 19:55 free baron 20:15 nidalee's laners don't understand macro as well, so while they supported nidalee on her invades, they don't realize they should not do so when she is dead. they overextend checking baron without smite on their team vs a rock and a hyper-mobile jg, and end up giving free kills. baron is finished. 20:50 this forebodes the rest of the game. nidalee is unable to contest her own camps vs lethality lee sin, with her inability to 1 shot him, and lee's ability to actually chase with high damage.

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    analysis 1:27 enemy bot start? canyon paths away from top since ww may survive a 1v2 gank in order to snowball thru bot via ganks on immobile bot laners. wukong's win con should be counterganking and vision control, with vision control being the harder goal due to slower clear. a good jg will assume wukong starts top unless proven otherwise. 2:52 subtle, but canyon's dear old friend showmaker fake pressured a gank from bot side to get priority, which was enabled by canyon's driveby heal enabling threat of all-in without trade. this could be big for bot 3v3, 4v4 since a melee having priority vs ranged is rare. 3:47 wukong attempts a tempo gank mid, but showmaker, a legit pro player who won worlds, flashes the melee ganker. wukong's advantageous 2v2 is a neutral wash for both junglers, and canyon wins both tempo and CS. 5:07 canyon can choose to continue exploiting tempo to invade wukong botside and bully enemy bot laners, or prevent wukong's only play left available with his poor tempo, void grubs. taking all 3 grubs will put nidalee 1-2 camps behind in tempo and possibly allow wukong to come back due to those win-cons. 5:48 canyon knows this so he pulls off a delayed/lagged mid gank since wukong is unable to cover mid once he crosses river. wukong may have prevented this with a ward at mid river top brush, but if he was smart enough to do so, we'd be watching his vod instead of canyon's. 6:36 canyon plays to nidalee's win con and covers his bot laners via invade, but enemy support catches him off guard with polymorph-flash-ignite. nidalee and wukong are even in tempo after nidalee's death, since nidalee can race wukong again starting from krugs to bot, or threaten wukong's top jg invade with low death timer in exchange for wukong burning tempo on drag. 7:49 wukong pulls a massive blunder getting baited by his support to gank mid (when enemy sup is coming too), meaning he cannot contest nidalee's topside and in turn his top side will be vulnerable to a lag-gank from nidalee once wukong is forced to leave. 8:20 wukong recognizes this and hard commits to mid gank, then goes to clear his bot side to prevent counterjungling as his top side is safe via distance from nidalee. however, the delay means canyon is able to flip the map and path from bot to top and threaten wukong topside. this means wukong's top is again at threat. 10:03 wukong's top has priority albeit item disadvantage, so nidalee can only shallow invade. wukong sees the shallow invade and instead of matching back, hard sends it on bot gank since he is already botside from clearing. however, he will not have a jungle as an objective reward even if his gank succeeds. his bot lane will be ahead but he will be even more behind and may be choked out on his next repeat attempt to force a gank. 10:18 nidalee punishing wukong showing on vision 11:52 normally this tempo advantage allows you to countergank, but since nidalee's support also roamed, canyon's bot lane was pushed in and he couldn't hide in bush. so he needed to crash, but wukong counterganked on time and punished his support's sightseeing tour. wukong and nidalee are still even on tempo since they both need to reset to start another rotation from top.

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    mid-game 13:08 wukong makes a minor mistake and doesn't check bush. he makes another minor mistake, taking gromp instead of checking scuttle at least for vision. arguably taking gromp is fine since he can be invaded and needs to empty jungle of liability before invade. canyon makes a minor mistake taking red instead of checking scuttle. this can be arguable correct too, because though nidalee is not at risk of being invaded and should leave it, doing so requires doubling back for red buff advantage, reducing tempo effects on rest of map including upcoming bot jg invade. this small sequence of mistakes results in wukong's top laner being unaware despite pings, which is his fault tbh, and so he dies. 13:42 canyon and warwick trolled that top gank so hard. they get punished accordingly, just how things should be. 14:13 herald is gone and wukong invading nidalee top jg eliminates wukong's influence on the map, so canyon feels comfortable running straight bot to cover his mid and bot lanes, as well as set up early warning of wukong while denying farm. 14:33 nidalee stalls on her camps waiting for bot lane to enter a gankable state. she has 3 camps of time to wait, approx 1 wave at this point with clear speed. they overwhelm bot lane despite the gank setup being sketchy. nidalee can invade red into krugs to allow bot to hit tower, or krugs into bot tower into drag for safety. 15:21 his bot lane refuses to invade and wants to back, fair enough. nidalee should forfeit dragon, but there are no top objectives to play for, including wukong jungle invade, and her camps on botside are down since she took them while waiting for bot gank. canyon just reset too so he can't even use this breather to back. 16:03 enemy support is AFK so lulu walks into nidalee and dies. free dragon. 16:31 top jg invade not possible because lulu will respawn and walk mid 17:00 jg diff is getting to lulu after leaving laning phase cuz she's desperate and overextending. sups are 50/50, either megamacro ward kings countergankers or megainters limiting the impact of their int via useless role 17:56 nidalee poke and bait from invade allows team to win advantageous fight and secure objectives on the backside of the play. wukong is now 1-2 levels behind and 1.5 quadrants behind in tempo from dying. canyon can continue to suppress him via 1v1's to nurture team adv but he has yet to win jungle. 19:30 enemy top laner desperate farming, unforced error. nidalee is 1.5 quadrants ahead in tempo still and gets to deny wukong's entire top side jungle, firmly cementing a 2 level lead and winning the jungle matchup. wukong had no way of preventing this besides pinging his 0/4 top laner to bleed out under tower. 20:40 enemy team make their last stand with positional advantage vs nidalee's team item advantage, resulting in a neutral fight that canyon's team barely wins. with this, it is GG, and ff20.

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    analysis 3:36 nidalee's kit requires vision control, so it is mandatory to invade and then fall back to get poke damage for eventually cougar form all-in or threat. he goes for blue buff first, the right choice so he can fall back to scuttle if he fails to secure his furthest out objective. in doing so, he also gets dual-purpose coverage for his pushing bot lane, preventing free gank. 4:12 he can contest top scuttle on even footing, or get item advantage and try to prevent sejuani back. sejuani immediately backed after failing to contest blue in order to start his next sequence off without threat of nidalee cancelling his base and invading sejuani's entire topside with item adv. 4:51 sejuani gets a nice tempo gank off @ mid 5:20 nidalee's poke enabled the invade, and conqueror allowed canyon to stay and 1v2 after winning 2x 1v1 in a row with conq, sustain kit, ranged advantage. sejuani is now effective 1-2 levels behind and will stay that way with repeated invades from nidalee denying farm, until laners flip something, as they always do.

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    canyon already won at the end of that sequence in early laning phase, but some highlights: 7:51 sejuani can never farm up to nidalee, so she is making desperate ganks in order to have some priority to farm, possibly even invade if nidalee was a lesser player. but nidalee counterganks and will continue shadowing sejuani for the rest of the game, so both avenues of catching up are denied. 8:07 this sejuani understands tempo, as shown by the decisive back at 1st blue buff. she forfeits krugs and denies raptors to try to slow nidalee down and isolate her in top quadrant, making nidalee have to cross mid via a longer path in order to follow sejuani botside 8:22 sejuani doesn't take raptors? may be due to tank kit + boots 1st buy no damage. she is now approx. 2 levels behind 8:48 it is safe for nidalee to go back topside and extend cs advantage by clearing to her botside, because there is no bot lane for sejuani to gank (tahm showed mid). dragon is up, but canyon is forfeiting it to buy tempo, similar to what sej did with krugs. also low risk of soul given heavy jg lead. if sejuani takes dragon and her team doesn't fortify her bot quad, canyon can invade and deny CS, falling back to his own bot side jg with red up as an alternative option if the invade doesn't pan out. 10:04 this sejuani's team is too indecisive and fail to secure dragon. now they are stuck with canyon's nidalee poking them down without only possible recourse from enemy mid priority not exploited.

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    wisdom 15:09 nidalee's lose-con is to attempt to retake a heavily fortified area. tahm the support is there, so he makes the right move to forfeit herald. he can then invade sejuani and have his laners hard push bot while covering mid via countergank. however, his team commits, so he should get to clean up, which feeds into nidalee's win con. 15:37 somehow his bot wave is already mega pushed (remember nidalee killing top t1 with rumble and killing enemy top laner allowing the tempo?) so his top laner TPs with tempo advantage and assassinates an enemy, denying herald. dividends. this game is a ff15 angle

  • @chaiok1023
    @chaiok102318 күн бұрын

    99999 w's missed

  • @inhthung-mikey3797
    @inhthung-mikey379721 күн бұрын

    I came here after MSI because of Canyon's interview but maybe I'm too early

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234522 күн бұрын

    All-in Diana with no wallhop is really risky. Not my kind of champ

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234522 күн бұрын

    enemy vi troll lvl3 invade when ashe vision at lvl 2 revealed lee sin pathing bot to top vs JUKING flip the game at lvl 3 in challenger, better yet vs known #1 jg in world, some soloQ things never change

  • @alexrengifo8152
    @alexrengifo815225 күн бұрын

    Un maestro nuestro colega coreano Oner.

  • @user-yt2zg7lc8l
    @user-yt2zg7lc8l26 күн бұрын

    Need more video🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

  • @MatiasCrey
    @MatiasCrey27 күн бұрын

    It isn't perfect, because he missed the third camp first Q

  • @jorge4159
    @jorge415920 күн бұрын

    That was intentional.

  • @firatyalcin8588
    @firatyalcin858811 күн бұрын

    Actually it doesnt matter that much since u have to still wait for the little birds to die, u loosing like 1-2 sec max

  • @squarzoncristian398
    @squarzoncristian39827 күн бұрын

  • @Punix1337
    @Punix133729 күн бұрын

    dont know if i would call this a beast game

  • @hamzatzaynutdinov7488
    @hamzatzaynutdinov7488Ай бұрын

    17 меток за 20 минут игры

  • @yoyo7142
    @yoyo7142Ай бұрын

    I thought T1 won earlier than 15:57. Wtf do you mean fastest

  • @ACKE1389
    @ACKE1389Ай бұрын

    actually he's bad af

  • @lechinoischabin9826
    @lechinoischabin9826Ай бұрын

    Peyz op!

  • @ippyyop956
    @ippyyop956Ай бұрын

    jsu la pour me hype par rapport a KC

  • @nik_ms
    @nik_msАй бұрын

    That Poppy is clearly auto filled lmao

  • @gogoho-qz1lj
    @gogoho-qz1ljАй бұрын


  • @DuyNguyen-ri6vx
    @DuyNguyen-ri6vxАй бұрын

    Ad làm nhiều về Canyon đc k

  • @zito3162
    @zito3162Ай бұрын


  • @melga4248
    @melga4248Ай бұрын


  • @ThatFailedAbortion
    @ThatFailedAbortionАй бұрын

    Nah enemy jg griefed

  • @user-dk4dw7gb8e
    @user-dk4dw7gb8eАй бұрын

    Игра просто неочем, имитация фарма. Зато какое название 😂

  • @asmael4456
    @asmael4456Ай бұрын

    Yeah that's basically kindred gameplay. You farm until 4 mark and kraken and then game over If you wanna play ganker kindred get dark harvest and build lethality that will snowball

  • @felixnoronha4581
    @felixnoronha4581Ай бұрын

    Canyon Traumatized Oner.

  • @TheMeefmaster
    @TheMeefmasterАй бұрын

    Get real bud

  • @keysssky8071
    @keysssky8071Ай бұрын


  • @joxqxin
    @joxqxinАй бұрын

    AJDKAJD eri chileno y andai comentando weas

  • @angelcabrera4560
    @angelcabrera4560Ай бұрын

    Beautiful gameplay

  • @y4y3w47
    @y4y3w47Ай бұрын

    This gameplay was wonderful, Oner It really is one of the best jungles I've ever seen played, thank you for bringing this gameplay.

  • @manuelmiranda445
    @manuelmiranda445Ай бұрын

    Interesting he is using Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity and Coup de Grace in his build. You mostly find Electrocute and Soul Harvest builds on Nidalee. I imagine he focused more on sustain rather than spamming Q's on the opponent.

  • @NE-sr6hx
    @NE-sr6hxАй бұрын

    Canyon use Conqueror prepare to tank champs

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho1234513 күн бұрын

    he plays with tempo so invades, pokes to whittle them down while farming to sustain, also covering his 2 pushing lanes on the same side of jg, and then uses conq to finish them in big messy 3v3 4v4 with health adv from earlier poke. in low elo, electro or DH is better to finish them, but here it's a death trap because you run out of gas after 1 kill without spear distance dmg (you still get jump reset tho at point blank)

  • @kkman6958
    @kkman6958Ай бұрын

    El propietario no sabe lo que le va a hacer José el dodo 😊😋😺😸

  • @Kouhei4
    @Kouhei4Ай бұрын

    Love replays t1

  • @senklare5675
    @senklare5675Ай бұрын

    its an insta click 4 me every time a canyon nida vid is uploaded

  • @jeremymartos8722
    @jeremymartos8722Ай бұрын

    Same for me 😂😍

  • @ChristianAlves96
    @ChristianAlves96Ай бұрын

    runas ?

  • @lordsanto1246
    @lordsanto1246Ай бұрын

    good vid

  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho12345Ай бұрын

    lol msi will be rough if a random adc is gapping peyz

  • @lucasalmeida3421
    @lucasalmeida3421Ай бұрын

    This early game to set Gnar behind was so beautiful