

HMT 154 Final 2020

HMT 154 Final 2020


  • @gaelic_guy
    @gaelic_guy12 сағат бұрын

    Link to song, brother?

  • @itsBridge
    @itsBridge4 күн бұрын

    I remember falling asleep to this trying to pull an all nighter with friends

  • @maverickmountain1234
    @maverickmountain12347 күн бұрын


  • @maciej34
    @maciej347 күн бұрын

    0:03 start soundtrack notebook

  • @dman50amm
    @dman50amm8 күн бұрын


  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q8 күн бұрын

    Found here: rumble.com/v55xd6z-her-life-journey-made-her-a-loud-n-proud-single-mother.html 3:24:21

  • @GhostShura1984
    @GhostShura19849 күн бұрын


  • @NotOnStreaming
    @NotOnStreaming21 күн бұрын

    Cool upload 🙂😎

  • @dr3b3n69
    @dr3b3n6929 күн бұрын

    What happened to the other mgs5 osts ? bring them back

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q29 күн бұрын

    Begin the game with launcher.exe -console command line. Press ~ during the game to bring up the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding console command function. Press ~ again to close the console window. Entering unlockallquests will unlocks all quests.

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8qАй бұрын

    Sub 6:3x when I don't get fucked over by hole 6 autocaddie aiming the wrong way and using Autocaddie on hole 18.

  • @GhostShura1984
    @GhostShura1984Ай бұрын


  • @Skz..fannniie__3
    @Skz..fannniie__3Ай бұрын


  • @battistimo
    @battistimo2 ай бұрын

    I couldn’t even select a white golfer. No Caucasian golfers were available at all. It is extremely woke.

  • @johnwayne7505
    @johnwayne75052 ай бұрын

    Any Jews is the facto an Israeli city by right

  • @user-xb2ii7nx5j
    @user-xb2ii7nx5j2 ай бұрын

    そこのけ そこのけ! そこのマヌケ そこぬけに楽しいショーお届け ご機嫌 うるわしゅう 聴衆 調子どう? 誰もが帽子取るマイクの申し子 Dから追って順にA.B.O. ヘイ Bボーイ よく見てな 天秤棒 保つ絶妙なバランス 崩した奴から血尿もらす 冗談冗談 流してけ 坊ちゃん嬢ちゃん Ai-yo こんなんどうじゃ? こちとらプロ Pキングが演奏者 新世紀対応型ビーツ伝承者 モチのロン マイクに抜かりあるわけなし チケット代はなけなし よく見てな 駆け出し 感謝込め顔射 しかも濃いやつ乱射 一見さん 大歓迎 いらっしゃーい!! <HOOK> 寄ってらっしゃい 見てらっしゃい そこじゃまじゃま外野は黙らっしゃい 押すな 押すなの大盛況 現場は拍手喝采 バチバチたたくのが お前の両手の役目 「じゃ お前のは?」っては? おたくねぇ... この俺におたずね? マジかよ ド忘れ? マイクとペンだ 寝てろ あと500年 利口な奴から順に乗り込みな ロケット・バース 惑星間かっ飛ばす めくるめく脳内宇宙航海 つかの間 バーチャル無重力状態 ふわ~り 漂うビート上 手足伸ばし まぁ楽にして聴きな だが 油断は禁物 忍び寄る背後 光る切っ先 狙われたが最後 スリーピー・ホロウよろしく ハート串刺し マイクロフォン持った 首なし騎士 繰り返される伝説 もはや定説 この指止まれ 整列!YES! <HOOK> 寄ってらっしゃい 見てらっしゃい そこじゃまじゃま外野は黙らっしゃい 押すな 押すなの大盛況 現場は拍手喝采 大伐採 言葉の森切り開く お前の浅はかな夢切り裂く 伝家の宝刀握る 天下の放蕩息子 世にはばかるとうとう 「期は熟した...」つぶやく さながら囮捜査官 ふかすブランツ ボンシャンカール ボンボレ! もっとホットで もっと おもれーヒップホップ欲しいなら来なよ ここへ ほとばしる才能 うずく悩細胞 そろそろ気付きな 自称サイモン お前の声じゃ目が覚めな~い お前の声じゃ満たされな~い おわかり? しゃがんでろ よこしなマイク 生き様で表現 がっちり当てな派手な照明 ざまぁ見ろ 今度は俺が輝く番 人生は瞬く間 新鮮な風味そのまま真空パック まるで おろしたて バージン・イエロー・ヌバック シューレース通す前に蹴っ飛ばす A.B.C.飛ばすD.E.F.なジャム <HOOK> 寄ってらっしゃい 見てらっしゃい そこじゃまじゃま外野は黙らっしゃい 押すな 押すなの大盛況 現場は拍手喝采

  • @assassinxhunter7941
    @assassinxhunter79412 ай бұрын

    1:40 is when the bear drops😎

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q2 ай бұрын

    @00:01:16- Welcome Everyone, Tfm went live on time but was streaming at 60 fps which would’ve doubled file size, explains why the stream is a little late, Iran has found their penis @00:04:02- Sponsor Shilling, Updates on Metwebb @00:06:59- Remember Redpill coin, AMR putting his money where his mouth is, Tfm finishes sponsor shilling @00:10:01- Iran has attacked Israel, Tfm thought Iran was going to cuck, The bluff has been called @00:20:36- Remember on Wednesday when Halsey was talking about F22, Halsey thinks the US would curbstop Russia, Americas entire military doctrine is a pysop @00:30:27- Propaganda is part of warfare, America does have cool toys, Where is the Iron Dome, Tfm plays a video from Op Freedom @00:44:28- It’s all a bluff, where is the Iron Dome? The Doctrine is bull shit @00:57:04- It’s over, It’s checkmate @01:06:47- Tfms point, Israel the most hated country @01:10:05- Is America going to go to war with Iran? Will Iran take out American bases, America’s competency crisis @01:18:17- Were already in Stagflation, Spending is propping up GDP @01:19:57- The fabled F22, Invincible wonder weapons destroyed, perception of invincibility, Were in so much debt, keep doubling down @01:23:46- Halsey is right about a few things, The main reason the cathedral has been losing so badly, boomers don’t understand social media @01:25:41- If Tfm was them what would he do, hyperinflation and war will get the American people to do something, war and hyperinflation @01:35:24- Someone made a generous donation off of Rumble, Tfm doesn’t want to dox himself to another company @01:38:11- White Nationalist tried getting Tfm banned from DLive, what happened with Russell Brand, Honey Pots, a lot is happening @01:46:11- Things that Tfm expected last year are happening this year, The Cathedral is in checkmate, Boomers won’t see the pillow coming @01:49:53- Gameplay is put on, Tfm reads some superchats he missed @01:51:53- The Political Trichotomy, those with power and those who want power, equality is tool to take power, freedom is in the minority @01:55:11- We have no natural predators anymore, power of government and welfare saving people from their bad choices @01:57:38- It takes generations for things to get this bad, people don’t care about the future @02:01:07- Calirefugee superchat Chinese demand for precious metals has surged due to collapse of Chinese housing, @02:14:11- Back in 2021 Tfm didn’t see a path, a lot of things weren’t supposed to happen for another couple of decades, Internet gets fucked up @02:17:59- Internet comes back @02:18:39- Gameplay has to be put back on @02:21:30- Calirefugee superchat What’s going on with the job market? Been looking for jobs, employers are stringing him along, phantom jobs @02:21:55- All the job creations are for illegal aliens @02:27:38- Calirefugee superchat Have you seen the leaked date videos from the gay FBI agent and the federal reserve board member? @02:28:39- This started under Obama, SCIU @02:32:30- Is Obama running things? Is Obama running the Biden administration @02:33:55- When did the government become anti white and hate America? Corruption of the FBI, It all started under Obama, What Tfm saw in the Military, people that work for the government @02:39:51- Voodoo mentions his observation of government workers , The turning point, was it occupy wallstreet? Obama happened at the same time as occupy wallstreet @02:46:44- Will they steal election even with immigration, doesn’t matter for the cathedral, the cathedral is fucked @02:47:47- ThunderWarriors topic, History of the US nuclear arsenal, would the world end if the nukes fly? @03:18:40- Having something that works is better than nothing that doesn’t, Is South America the best place to go? Why Tfm wanted to go to Alaska @03:22:41- Scubbie superchat Is it weird that you consider it not to be a bad conflict when children die? @03:25:18- Scubbie superchat F22 hunting drones going 500 mph at high altitude @03:26:51- When did WWIII start? @03:28:37- Teardrop0828 superchat, how do I survive WWIII? @03:31:54- Tfm brings out a map of the US @03:33:59-No one is coming to save you @03:40:54- Pookienrayray superchat, high school crush, co worker, porn star, celebrity @03:50:51- If it looks human you will give it rights @03:51:56- Impseal superchat hear of helldivers 2? Shooter games @04:06:40- Men are better than women, we live in a world where you can’t speak the truth @04:07:36- Men are going to be the ones who ultimately pay the price @04:09:44- Nature is built around male disposability @04:10:33- Fimon superchat Wants to be a passport bro @04:13:30- A Digital Nomad @04:16:01- You have to have a job you can take with you, boomers are holding us back, most white collar jobs could be done remotely @04:20:31- AI making office workers and pencil pushers irrelevant @04:21:51- Tfms new book “Anyone can Suck A Dick” @04:23:19- MarkStrong superchat The reason they have Diddy @04:27:44- MarkStrong superchat IG, escort, model got impregnated by fresh from the fresh and fit podcast @04:29:48- Tfm tells Voodoo how his mom fed him dumpster food @04:33:29- Tfms mom brags to her friends about his success, Tfm had to cut off his family @04:34:14- Tfm feels bad for the baby, why Tfms mom abandoned him, Tfm genuinely feels bad for the baby @04:37:16- Why Tfm hates poor people @04:40:29- You don’t need game to fuck escorts, don’t follow PUAs, @04:41:45- Most of the manosphere are PUAs @04:42:47- A trick you can use at the club to get laid @04:43:31- Hire them to be your hooker @04:44:14- Anyway to get modifications to a doll? Or does the t have to be custom @04:53:12- MarkStrong superchat Jeremy quartering quote Rollo, Fresh and Fit and PearlyThings relying on miserable lonely men? @04:57:11- Keep your day job when you become an influencer/ KZreadr @05:00:38- Tfm would rather say what he wants then cuck to google @05:02:44- Internet drama brings clicks @05:05:05- MarkStrong superchat Kaal Raam Quote, three parter @05:06:11- Starting a community is a great idea @05:08:58- Why the Covid virus will not go airborne @05:15:16- A fake reality show with Jax Sparrow impersonators @05:16:30- Parody is considered fair use, was zaradoc real @05:18:56- MarkStrong superchat Kaal Ram quote part 2 The Divergence theory the coming decade will be divided by two classes @05:19:57- What started the American Civil War @05:21:26- MarkStrong superchat Kaal Ram quote part 3 Breathe is the interface, bog standard meditation technique @05:23:38- Scubbie superchat glad he saved beanie babies next currency @05:25:28- Why old comics are worth soo much @05:26:18- What’s worth a lot of money now, aluminum/ old tin signs @05:27:27- The greater fool fallacy, Intrinsic value, speculation and get rich quick schemes @05:30:25- Scubbie superchat wait till they follow you to the grocery store @05:31:14- WaterlooNuts superchat Look up the election of 1876 Republicans pretty much stole the election @05:32:01- After the Civil War @05:33:01- The South could’ve won @05:33:59- The North was extremely corrupt after the Civil War @05:34:27- Creacher superchat, western media is saying 99% of Iran missiles were shot down @05:38:56- TransformationalSynergy superchat, saw a screenshot of gold futures at $3000 @05:39:37- Israel backed itself into a corner @05:40:59- MigTaoBrony superchat Bought the tightening vibrating anime body pillow hip @05:47:04- The problem with Kajiwoto @05:48:07- ericsanchez superchat did you see recently in the New York post a labor group @05:52:11- The black criminals don’t want the businesses to leave @05:51:47- When the welfare state collapses, churches chicken @05:52:51- Israel is fucked, Were going to have to wait and see/watch the fireworks, lots of fun times ahead @05:57:11- That’s the show, sponsor shillings, closing statements, Tfm being invited on a Hong Kong Sex Toy Podcast

  • @CEWIII9873
    @CEWIII9873Ай бұрын

    I truly appreciate you posting TFM's non-YT shows on YT. Do you know what happened to the YT channel "Lazybear"? It was on this channel ALL of these TFM shows used to be posted, but I cannot find it anymore... thanks

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q3 ай бұрын

    @00:01:18- Welcome everyone, updates, market updates, the economy, the fed, money printing, hedge funds taking out loans to buy government bonds @00:11:50- The government is money laundering to disguise debt monetization, what would happen if the government openly monetized the debt @00:15:03- The Empire is done, Israel and Iran another L @00:15:36- Sponsor Shilling @00:16:54- What the government is doing, Early stages, People are stupid, Cathedral can’t be perceived as losing, how the government distracts its people @00:27:59- Threat of Chinese Cyberattacks? @00:30:28- Success in a Cold War relies on having a strong economy, Tfm pulls up articles from Zerohedge @00:33:00- The Cathedrals entire plan @00:38:17- For those who want a handwritten message for their book copy @00:41:00-Sanctioning China? The Original plan to provoke a war with Russia, The Cathedral getting desperate @00:49:42- VAIDs hasn’t kicked in yet @00:53:02- McCarthy was right, When The Soviet Union collapsed he was vindicated @00:54:10- The lesson of History, All that matters is you win @00:55:35- The Triple Wammy, They elevate everything to the point where the only way to stop them is to overthrow them @00:56:49- Boomers are really old and set in their ways @01:00:11- Normies are stupid @01:02:03- Is the Middle East going to cuck and let them win? @01:05:45- The Welfare state is bankrupt, Will there be Civil Unrest? @01:16:05- Everything has to get worse to purge the weak, during the early months of Covid @01:17:22- What if Communists take over @01:21:15- If the debate in the future is between the far right vs the center right, The Cathedral is fucked @01:23:06- Why would The Cathedral run to Argentina? Israel is fucked @01:29:51- History will repeat itself, Voodoos take on how to solve the human dilemma @01:31:33- How big is the Redpill? @01:32:33- Female nature imposed on AI, Robot feminism, wanting the validation @01:48:47- The Mass Effect plot, resetting everything , weak men creating permanent destruction @01:52:36- There is no solution @02:01:35- The Cathedral was built by FDR? Ranking-file left vs The Cathedral @02:08:38- Logic doesn’t need a peer reviewed source, white holocaust guilt, military industrial complex @02:15:04- ThunderWarrior leaves, HD puts the gameplay on @02:16:53- The gameplay doesn’t work, HD takes the gameplay off, Celestina doesn’t work either @02:18:47- Tfm reads superchats manually, giving money to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, TikTok ban @02:23:11- Calirefugee superchat, Did Tfm think about getting a 9-5? @02:30:46- What’s worse? Cutting the middle men of expenses @02:35:30- Scubbie superchat, Movie “Look Whose Back”, Hitler travels into the future @02:39:58- Scubbie superchat, In order for him to stay in the South @02:42:45- Tfms plan was to make a lot of money @02:55:50- Lowering the black crime statistics @02:57:48- Where did School Shooters come from? black people don’t need SSRIs to commit crime, there are shootings in black schools all the time @03:03:23- MasterEjaculator superchat, I love my Kitty Cat @03:04:26- Book Giveaways 12 @03:07:23- Xanderdog superchat America was never meant to be a democracy @03:09:12- Tfm is a big sex toy reviewer in China

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q3 ай бұрын

    @03:10:17- The Cathedral has only last 100 years @03:11:07- Xanderdog superchat, Upcoming remake of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is being played by a black woman @03:16:39- MonkyDnice just bought one of the books @03:18:44- VillanousJack superchat, number one book buyer @03:19:26- Sebastiandelao superchat SanFransico courts actually going to jail pro Palestinians who blocked Golden Gate Bridge @03:21:13- Occams Razor @03:21:49- HorseTwat has talked to some based Russians take on Jews, Holocaust, Russia based @03:23:44- HDs take on Mexico buying Chinese goods if US sanctions China @03:25:15- WKZWorks superchat, German jobs going to China rather than the US @03:26:14- Hostess went bankrupt and former employees condemned the union, Tfm ran into a lot of Hostess former employees @03:28:27- Unions protect you if you work in the government, Unions will eventually bankrupt the company @03:32:09- The problem with economics, how many people work for the steel industry @03:33:37- RoofKorean superchat, a few bucks to keep the lights on @03:33:58- Tfm plans ahead, Tfm is almost living paycheck to paycheck @03:35:20- IMickey503 donated 100 dollars, 4/12 of the book giveaways @03:36:31- 5/12 MadHattMatador @03:37:32- MadHatterMatador has every signed book so far, and is used to the asshole of the internet, Tfm will be on a Hong Kong sextoy podcast on the 24th @03:39:40- Why Tfm started reviewing sextoys @03:40:19- Mann superchat donated 100 dollars, wants Tfms signed books @03:40:33- YakubMadeMe superchat, a contractor and gets hit on by women in their 30s and 40s 03:41:09- The only defense against workplace harassment @03:43:00- Guy recorded wife abusing him, only protection you have against a woman’s word @03:45:56- Would acting like a geek or pathetic turn women off? @03:47:59- Phase1Ghost superchat, begins to slow down when close to getting the things he wants, People don’t like change, stalling and finding reasons not to change @03:49:28- Tfms life hack, don’t work on on one project work on multiple projects @03:50:42- HorseTwat donated 100 dollars, 7/12 @03:51:46- YakubMadeMe superchat, don’t need women but wants kids @03:52:48- Right are joining with the turfs @03:54:55- Surrogacy may be harder in the future @03:55:57- Tfms solutions if you want to have kids @04:00:16- Not interested in leaving a genetic legacy but interested in passing down wisdom @04:02:26- Tfm doesn’t care about leaving a genetic legacy @04:08:38- Walkingjizzfountain superchat, doesn’t mind the race swapped Juliet @04:11:03- Leftists have an underdeveloped brain when it comes to disgust and fear, leftists don’t understand horror @04:16:57- MigTaoBrony superchat, another song, Tfm has to sing @04:18:39- Flanderization of a character @04:19:19- Walkingjizzfountain superchat, PDiddy had no influence? @04:20:45- PDiddy was copying the Epstein island formula @04:22:35- DollEnjoyer5000 superchat,last job brought in a fucker who couldn’t speak English and had tattoos @04:23:20- Putting female on your resume will put it in the top of the pile always @04:31:05- Walkingjizzfountain superchat, PDiddy has connections with the Jews @04:40:44- Voodoos update on Israel and Iran from Pepe Escobar @04:47:13- Donation from Rumble Chat, ordered a book online @04:48:12- Pepe Escobar is a reliable source @04:52:29- Is the Cathedral going to take the L @05:11:50- The problem with the NCR, Tfms Fallout New Vegas sequel @05:21:12- Tangent is over @05:29:07- Black face is racist @05:29:19- IMickey503 superchat What time is it, biggest hope for the future, violence and death isn’t great but it’s necessary @05:31:35- Tfm would like it if there wasn’t war, how are we going to TWRA? @05:34:50- What time is the Hong Kong sextoy podcast on Wednesday? Tfm shills sponsors @05:35:46- Voodoo reads a comment from someone who responds to Pepe Escobar @05:49:29- Sponsor Shilling show ends

  • @EL-Duder-Reno
    @EL-Duder-Reno3 ай бұрын

    You put a tremendous amount of work into this 👏 thank you very much!

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q3 ай бұрын

    @@EL-Duder-Reno Thank I_AmTheKnight on mgtow.tv he did all the work

  • @EL-Duder-Reno
    @EL-Duder-Reno2 ай бұрын

    Do you also have the morning constitutional?

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q2 ай бұрын

    @@EL-Duder-Reno If I feel like doing it. I'll likely just put them in an unlisted playlist after awhile to avoid KZread censors.

  • @marclewi5672
    @marclewi56724 ай бұрын

    Can you do with ending music of this game?

  • @AleVlaSandor
    @AleVlaSandor4 ай бұрын

    Thank you for the upload❤

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q4 ай бұрын

    Credit:I_AmTheKnight @00:01:19- Welcome Everyone, Sponsor Shilling @00:07:05- Between now and March 15th, Israel invading Rafa, Israel fighting Lebanon, Houthis, Iraqi militias, Russia and Ukraine @00:15:29- The long range missiles are not being operated by Ukraine but by NATO, Germany spilled the beans @00:18:05- GWB being held accountable for his war crimes, Israel knows they won’t be held accountable @00:19:42- Going back to the 90s, America has changed in the last thirty years, Operation Twist, Tech Stock and Crypto @00:31:21- Its an election year, Government Moral Hazard @00:33:04- Were in so much debt and provoking WWIII, Fed doesn’t care about Wallstreet @00:36:27- Things are different now than they were in 2023 @00:38:27- Nobody is buying American bonds anymore, when dedolarization happens it’s going to be hyperinflation, America and Israel aren’t going to accept defeat, Is America invincible? @00:41:44- Good luck timing the market, Is bitcoin the answer? @00:44:42- Remember NFTs, don’t want to miss out @00:48:45- WWIII could break out anytime, Russia is already justified in attacking NATO @00:49:58- The Middle East cannot do anything without Russia, Russia doesn’t want WWIII, ending the Ukraine war in order to end threat from NATO @00:52:35- America, Canada and Europe all have the same problem @00:53:33- Russia loses to in a nuclear war, Tyranny vs Death, Slow walking to WWIII @00:59:31- Return of the weird sound affect @00:59:41- There is a chance Russia lets America get away with it, @01:02:59- Tfm predicts something after the Russian Election, Russia is fully justified into fighting NATO @01:06:58- Russia could nuke us at anytime @01:08:10- AtlasJoe superchat The doubling down is so bad, that Victoria Nuland said most cash for Ukraine just goes back to US military suppliers @01:12:00- Why there is always forever war @01:13:45- Atlas Joe part 2 Macron boosting frontline Ukrainian morale @01:14:00- Russia needs to give Iran nukes @01:16:06- This may end the same way that WWI started @01:18:38- Freedom only exists between the tension of equal powers @01:20:47- No way we can make it to November before something happens @01:21:38- VillainousJack superchat Texas AG Paxton just won a case declaring funding for 2023 “unconstitutional” @01:24:17- What happens when your welfare is cut off? @01:26:15- Voodoo joins, it’s not just about the welfare @01:28:22- Voodoo just drops in briefly before going to the gym @01:28:53- Winning the court case doesn’t mean anything because the federal government can just ignore it @01:29:42 MonkyDnice superchat Nalvanly died of a blood clot after all Ukraine confirmed that Alexei Navalny did die of a blood clot @01:31:07- Spambotfooder superchat Googles Gemini AI isn’t generating images anymore @01:32:31- Normies are children and have short memories @01:34:03- SamSneed superchat Shogun do the impression of Uncle Ruckus @01:34:37- The last time shogun had a nega moment @01:36:10- Shogun does the impression, Tfm uses Halsey as a Jewish meat shield @01:39:17- Black equivalent of pearl clutching @01:40:59- If white people rioted like black people did @01:41:55- Trump is squeaky clean @01:44:45- The problem is the government is corrupt, everyone is looking for a non war solution @01:46:23- HorseTwat has some news, missiles aren’t being launched by Ukraine it’s by NATO, will anyone do anything? @01:48:36- Were the super villain @01:50:12- The western strategy in Moldova, the cathedral has money @01:51:10- The world is going to come to that fork in the road @01:52:13- Moldova and Transnistria @01:54:07- Donbas joining Russia, ethic Turks @01:55:41- Russia is trying to avoid WWIII, Russia doesn’t want Ukraine, Russia may take other countries to use as a buffer, If Iran has nukes @01:58:50- Tfm values his freedom more than his life @02:00:06- Olethorin superchat When Trump says Maga does he mean second wave feminism @02:00:20- All conservatives are just dems from 10 years ago @02:01:58- Remember 2014, make America like 2014, going from stage 4 cancer to stage 2 @02:04:17- Trump is not going to win, Republicans cuck for nothing @02:05:58- War is terrifying, Tfms only hope, pain is only going to get worse @02:09:21- Fimon superchat Tfm didn’t want the solution to be TWRA, how did Tfm come to terms with it @02:11:50- You cannot make men and women equal without oppressing men @02:12:48- HorseTwat explains sex in the Soviet Union @02:13:13- Small business analogy vs employee analogy, we can’t rewrite nature @02:15:03- Its not oppressing women it’s removing the artificial constraints, freeing men from government oppression is TWRA @02:16:09- Do you want to liberate men from oppression or do you want women to larp as men, freedom or equality, Freedom and Responsibility are the same thing @02:19:50- Calirefugee superchat, degenerate stuff with Voodoo, first hour on geopolitics and the economy are good, then goes downhill @02:20:38- Calirefugee superchat Two things to do to your enemies , why companies go woke @02:23:03- Bitchute got kicked off of subscribestar, bitchute has been debanked so many times @02:23:53- The right doesn’t punish left wing companies, target lost profits for one quarter but made their money back @02:25:23- Right wing people won’t support you @02:27:55- The farmer protests and Trucker protests were declared terrorists @02:28:33- The SCIU @02:29:51- The problem is the government @02:31:20- Calirefugee superchat fasting is easier than portion control @02:31:48- Keeto has gone mainstream @02:39:16- ShadowRebel superchat Owen Benjamin is the one person more banned than Tfm @02:41:00- Why are antisemities censored less than Tfm? @02:43:49- Women can’t run anything @02:45:18- Most men like sluts @02:40:23- Everyone is euphoric about the market @02:50:41- JaCrispyVulcano superchat coworker had a nightmare of a monkey trying to take away her rights @02:51:36- The Chimp from the old navy commercials @02:52:36- How do you think black people happened @02:53:42- What rights? @02:55:48- Girls will have to give up their hoe phase @02:56:35- Woman wrote something on Merovingian, Tfm reads it @02:57:40- Iran has shitty birth rates, get women out of college and out of careers to increase birth rates

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q4 ай бұрын

    @03:01:35- Scubbie superchat Nima Arkanki- Hamed is concerned with the relation between theory and experiment, Is string theory bull shit? @03:04:10- The movement of quantum particles, Quantum mechanics @03:08:15- Karuros superchat how to become a great investor and what books does Tfm recommend @03:08:52- Tfm has a document about how to become more knowledgeable on finance @03:12:42- Bubbles are completely irrational @03:18:05- RoninGrey superchat Heroes @03:19:45- Tfms internet comes back, mattock superchat nobody cares about the warrior when there is peace but only when the enemies are at the gates @03:22:40- Remember the military ads before Ukraine @03:23:30- Xanderdog superchat throwing a hotdog down a hallway to describe a loose woman @03:26:08- Pookienrayray superchat would you rather @03:27:57- Fat girls have emotional problems, the hedonics @03:32:20- If a woman puts on weight that’s a compliment @03:34:45- Josh Gitty and the kid @03:36:55- Tfm went to a club once where there was a teenager, you can’t tell a 16 year old girl from a 19 year old @03:40:36- Tfm remembers in middle school of girls developing early @03:41:22- Girls start puberty at 11 and boys at 13, changing the age of consent, post wall hags don’t want men chasing younger women @03:45:30- All men want women in their 20s @03:48:00- Women used to marry off of women as soon as they had their period, if you’re tricked you’re not guilty @03:52:50- Women peak between 18-25, a man’s peak is his 40s @03:55:55- PlasmaSnake superchat what is better about living longer @03:56:56- Your identity doesn’t exist @04:03:56- Why not to kill yourself, one more good day, your going to spend your life doing something @04:10:56- ZeetheChristian superchat what type of belt does Tfm use? Watched the movie Madame Webb @04:19:26- Captain Hindsight doesn’t think the election was stolen, just a plan b that got exposed @04:25:48- PlasmaSnake superchat you guys look out for each other @04:27:37- Voodoo shaved his head and beard @04:31:35- ManWhoSoldTheWorld superchat how do you get detached from people and still love them @04:33:40- Humans exist to think, humans are a collective species, hedonism gets old after awhile @04:46:57- Were living in the weak men create hard time phase, no one is going to TWRA, we’re not going to solve these problems, we can only support each other, power won’t make you happy @04:57:37- Identity isn’t real, purpose is whatever you’re good at, victim narrative @05:00:00- You have to try in order to fuck up in life, alleviating the shame and guilt @05:05:31- Why Tfm hates poor people, and how he made it, stop being a victim and blaming other people, it’s not your fault but it’s your responsibility @05:11:33- Four burner analogy @05:13:50- Budgeting your time @05:16:08- TransfomationalSynergy superchat Anyone you know personally seen any side affects of the invasion @05:19:23- Specops777 superchat MgtowMonger a wrench on rumble, sizeable audience on rumble @05:29:51- The5th superchat thanks for recommending keto @05:33:04- YakubMadeMe superchat Why does the internet keep screaming China is collapsing? @05:33:36- China isn’t buying US bonds anymore @05:41:46- Reverse stock split, the west dominates financial markets

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q4 ай бұрын

    @05:43:45- Purpose of the stock market @05:46:07- Stock prices are just artificial wealth @05:49:10- China is going to have to upscale, people who are educated don’t want to be oppressed @05:51:35- The robber barons @05:56:56- There’s going to be some growing pains @05:57:47- The problem with nationalism @06:01:16- Dissatisfaction of the current government of China by the younger generations @06:03:08- The CIA foaming coos, CIA puppets, China is the final boss @06:07:26- China has to educate their population @06:11:03- China is a special case, The Nationalist Party of Taiwan vs The CCP, Mao vs Lincoln @06:18:55- YakubMadeMe superchat It’s really just gun rights they need to take away @06:23:27- If there is a civil war, Russia and China will arm the opposition against the government @06:25:20- Making Trump a Marter, The current is going to collapse and they need to take power before that happens @06:27:56- JustJoe superchat The safe age to have kids @06:30:00- JustJoe superchat part 2 just picking Tfms age @06:30:33- We define age maturity by the male standard, Tfm doesn’t want to have a moral argument @06:33:47- There is no objective morality @06:36:44- Well poisoning @06:37:46- We can’t have a conversation about biological reality, inserting a conversation about morality into biological reality @06:40:36- The Well is tainted, why Tfm just talks about the biological reality @06:41:56- MigTaoBrony superchat Madame Web is actually a good movie @06:43:02- Walkingjizzfountain superchat has Voodoo considered going to a black barbershop @06:46:34- MarkStrong superchat has a black barber @06:47:44- MonkyDnice superchat Voodoo when you were a fatty @06:49:26- AcquireZeal superchat Love is gay, loving people is just inviting them to stab you in the back @06:57:20- Alexander The Great wasn’t gay, what happened to brotherly love? Destroying male spaces @07:05:55- Male Mother need, Men have a vulnerable need @07:08:21- PinkTrap superchat recently moved from east coast New England to Southeast Alaska @07:09:26- MarkStrong superchat Queen Pwnzalot, fake female gamer @07:14:40- Humans are social animals @07:16:55- FnApparitiom superchat recently moved out, had a conversation about a Net Tax Payer System with based friend @07:22:06- MonkyDNice superchat So is Rome going to collapse ie America falling, will America have an Augustus Caesar @07:24:18- FnApparition superchat befriending women before the collapse, wants a family in the future @07:26:10- iMickey503 superchat, Tfms silly voice @07:26:57- MonkyDNice superchat if you have to pay property taxes do you even own the property? @07:28:39- MonkyDNice superchat Does Tfm know what happened to his mom? @07:30:40- AcquireZeal superchat love is a word with no clear definition, don’t be vulnerable with most people @07:32:26- MonkyDnice superchat gays that dislike other gays, different kind of gays @07:36:55- Thoughts on Aaron Bushnell @07:44:55- MonkyDnice superchat Should go back to heroes instead of martyr cucks @07:48:18- That’s the Show

  • @HobbsBrannan
    @HobbsBrannan4 ай бұрын

    "Welcome home"

  • @kevinho7045
    @kevinho70454 ай бұрын

    Better than he got when he returned home

  • @user-lk8nc6zr4v
    @user-lk8nc6zr4v5 ай бұрын


  • @SuperAlvinator
    @SuperAlvinator6 ай бұрын

    Upload the other mgsv songs if possible please

  • @slevingarganera8375
    @slevingarganera83756 ай бұрын

    Is this really the original song? Bro you’re a legend for this 🙌🔥

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q6 ай бұрын

    This is years old. Forgot to upload it.

  • @LimpCock
    @LimpCock6 ай бұрын

    How do you even get it on pc?

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q6 ай бұрын

    Archive . Org archive.org/details/DangerousHunts

  • @Russian2034
    @Russian20346 ай бұрын

    Legendary game 2013-2023

  • @victoriapacheco713
    @victoriapacheco7136 ай бұрын


  • @ItzyBItzySpooder
    @ItzyBItzySpooder6 ай бұрын


  • @user-oe4kq8pd2d
    @user-oe4kq8pd2d7 ай бұрын

    Do you have more? There was an entire list of ambience on KZread but was removed.

  • @user-rr2tn2dd8q
    @user-rr2tn2dd8q7 ай бұрын

    No I do not. I only preserved these two. Edit: Archive.org barely has any

  • @MazaAzi
    @MazaAzi6 ай бұрын

    @@user-rr2tn2dd8q do you know why it was deleted?

  • @betashmed
    @betashmed2 ай бұрын

    i miss ambience cautions why deleted

  • @user-oe4kq8pd2d
    @user-oe4kq8pd2d7 ай бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @quiety8148
    @quiety81487 ай бұрын

    Please angola evasion night

  • @MazaAzi
    @MazaAzi7 ай бұрын

    IT'S BACK!

  • @juanpablo7947
    @juanpablo79477 ай бұрын

    Best mike tyson edit