Circle L Rescue

Circle L Rescue

Circle L Rescue serves the abused, neglected and unwanted dogs and horses of Northeast Oklahoma. While in our care, all animals receive appropriate medical care, to ensure their health condition is sound. Intakes are determined on a case-by-case basis. Once animals in our care have been fully vetted, we begin the rehabilitation and assessment portion of the animal's stay with us. We want to be sure to truly know a dog or horse's personality, in order to best match them to their new family!
Love animals as much as we do? Contact us on Facebook, email or phone for a volunteer application!

Wally Pupdate

Wally Pupdate

Selene Post-Op!

Selene Post-Op!

Helen’s Recovery Progress

Helen’s Recovery Progress

saving one life at a time

saving one life at a time

Sebastian Update

Sebastian Update
