White Horse Inn

White Horse Inn

White Horse Inn (whitehorseinn.org) is a multi-media catalyst for reformation.

Our mission is to help Christians "know what they believe and why they believe it" by hosting conversations:
-on the radio
-in a magazine
-in books
-at events
-on video
-and through resources for churches

I Will Build My Church

I Will Build My Church

The Blessings of Simeon

The Blessings of Simeon


  • @deborahthorp758
    @deborahthorp7583 күн бұрын

    The Bible was inspired by God ,God breathed, and the Bible also says the natural man cannot rightly understand or discern the word of God,apart from the Holy Spirit ,as God is Spirit, and when your born again and given God's Holy Spirit to live and dwell in you ,as we have recieved the anointing from God ,comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual things , so it takes the Holy Spirit of God bearing witness to His Holy Spirit to understand correctly what God is speaking through His Holy word, I didn't understand, or no matter how hard I tried to read the Bible and when I really got saved ,the Bible became alive ,I understood it , I read it every day , it literally fed me everyday ,never have I loved a book more it us the living word of God ,completely changed my life , ONE God,one Jesus Christ who saved me conducted me of my sin, forgave me washed me in His Blood ,and it never grows old ,I don't need new Revelation, the Holy Spirit leads and guides me into all truth, and confirms His word through Bible teaching in context men of God, ONE Holy Spirit ,bears witness to His Spirit and His word, never contradicts Him self, Thank you Father, Son,Holy Spirit of truth.been to many Nar churches and my Spirit don't bear witness unless the word of God is being preached, in context, God protects me ,for 48 yrs. If it were possible even the elect would be decieved ,yes I test all things I hear and God us so faithful, red flags go up ,and I don't bear witness .Preach the word.Amen Bless you men and woman of God

  • @davidfox683
    @davidfox6835 күн бұрын

    I watched part of this video and the entirety of another. I define myself as charismatic and filled with the holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I believe that God desires to see the five-fold ministry active in the church. I never saw a scripture in context that suggested that the five-fold ministry had been removed from the church. Now, I don't think it's a requirement, but it can bring health to a church community. Healing is for today. I have seen legs grow out, tumors leave someone's body, and know a number of people who have raised the dead. Didn't Jesus say, these things that I did you will do also and greater. God gave us dominion over the earth, right? I'm not saying this movement is all sunshine and rainbows and is in need alignment, but you certainly don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

  • @lmorter7867
    @lmorter786710 күн бұрын

    I've seen a lot in this movement. Personally I think some people want a supernatural experience so badly that they can be manipulated by the power of suggestion. Kind of like hypnosis or witchcraft.

  • @michaeldunigan1067
    @michaeldunigan106713 күн бұрын

    It is necessary to keep the Law of God. The Law of God is seen in the garden when God told Adam to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It proves that men are not able to keep the Law of God. The next is the Law of Moses. Which God sent to correct men after the fall in the garden. But all it did was to prove that we are not made of a substance that can bear correction. Being made of the dust of the earth. So in the due time God sent Yeshua who is the Word made flesh and He was able to keep the Law of Moses even unto the death on the cross. Bearing our correction for us and offering it to us by grace through faith. But in the fullness of time the Law of God will be written upon our heart. Not the letter of the Law of Moses but the spirit of the Law of God for our heart is spirit. It will become a natural part of our character and we will not be able to break it. Internal Law vs. external Law. Because external Law is always at enmity with the flesh. The perfect Law of liberty. This is the purpose of Law in scripture.

  • @theotherme4120
    @theotherme412013 күн бұрын

    I feel like Tim is still here. So grateful for all his teaching on KZread

  • @PaganCollegePontiff
    @PaganCollegePontiff14 күн бұрын

    people have turned Jesus into someone else for nearly two thousand years. Heresies abound.

  • @michaeldunigan1067
    @michaeldunigan106714 күн бұрын

    I think that the teaching that distinguishes NAR from classical Pentecostalism is dominionism. I am a classical Pentecostal. An Ordained Elder in the COGIC.

  • @michaeldunigan1067
    @michaeldunigan106714 күн бұрын

    The cure for NAR is the everlasting gospel. That we are saved by grace through faith trusting in the cross and the shed blood of Yeshua for our justification and for our redemption. Nothing added. Nothing taken away.

  • @michaeldunigan1067
    @michaeldunigan106714 күн бұрын

    NAR is not in it's essence a problem of doctrine. It is a misapplication of Apostolic honor. Perpetrated by false Apostles. They must be shown up as false Apostles.

  • @PaganCollegePontiff
    @PaganCollegePontiff15 күн бұрын

    so true ...one's Christology shapes the entirety of the theology. Whatever path one chooses will also determine your view of the historic person of Christ and thus one's soteriology first and foremost.

  • @michellecheriekjv4115
    @michellecheriekjv411516 күн бұрын

    He ran back to the wrong church. He should of run to his brother's. Not the wicked Pharisees that deceived him. John 17:12 Its quite obvious that God had a purpose for Judas. 📖

  • @PaganCollegePontiff
    @PaganCollegePontiff18 күн бұрын

    The Radical anabaptist theology has been a foundation for so many problems within societies and Churches for far too long. I suspect they were a building block for collegiate theories of post modernist sophistry as well.

  • @PaganCollegePontiff
    @PaganCollegePontiff18 күн бұрын

    A sacramental view of theology is more grounded in a theology of creation and soteriology as well.

  • @FreedomBeaconMinistries
    @FreedomBeaconMinistries18 күн бұрын

    I've been studying NAR for a number of months, even participating in a 6-week conference with Holly and Doug online this past spring. I wanted to settle the question in my mind as to whether NAR could be considered a cult. I have concluded, based upon the criteria that I use from both a theological (different gospel) and a sociological perspective (i.e., shunning, ad hominem attacks directed at defectors and detractors, fear mongering regarding demonic attacks when you remove yourself from their "covering", etc.) that it is a cult. Hearing Doug and Holly speaking about “prophetic illumination” on this video, put me immediately in mind of how the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) cult that I grew up in loved to talk about “new light” every time they wanted to introduce a new teaching or a new rule that they didn't want members to push back against. This is a power and control tactic, plain and simple and it is endemic to the cults.

  • @bonfireblessings
    @bonfireblessings19 күн бұрын

    Thanks, guys! I'm sure that was difficult. Just like to share that he is the biggest reason I am a Lutheran, after 2 years of listening to the round table of White Horse Inn. ☮️

  • @michaelvodinelich2462
    @michaelvodinelich246219 күн бұрын

    The original text of the disciples was in Greek not Hebrew

  • @D.E.Metcalf
    @D.E.Metcalf20 күн бұрын

    6:53 “bend the existing cultural tool box” Christian plumbers? It’s almost as if a Christian metaphysic, epistemology, ontology, teleology and ethic makes a difference (read as “Philosophia Christi”)

  • @renaissancetheology
    @renaissancetheology20 күн бұрын

    On the issue of Origen's denial of the body in the eschaton (6:43ff.), what is Professor Horton's exposition of On First Principles 3.6.5-6 (forgive the length)?: "Finally, our flesh is supposed by ignorant men and unbelievers to be destroyed after death, in such a degree that it retains no relic at all of its former substance. We, however, who believe in its resurrection, understand that a change only has been produced by death, but that its substance certainly remains; and that by the will of its Creator, and at the time appointed, it will be restored to life; and that a second time a change will take place in it, so that what at first was flesh (formed) out of earthly soil, and was afterwards dissolved by death, and again reduced to dust and ashes (For dust you are, it is said, and to dust shall you return), will be again raised from the earth, and shall after this, according to the merits of the indwelling soul, advance to the glory of a spiritual body. 6. Into this condition, then, we are to suppose that all this bodily substance of ours will be brought, when all things shall be re-established in a state of unity, and when God shall be all in all. ... When, therefore, all rational souls shall have been restored to a condition of this kind, then the nature of this body of ours will undergo a change into the glory of a spiritual body. ... so also are we to consider, with respect to the nature of the body, that the one which we now make use of in a state of meanness, and corruption, and weakness, is not a different body from that which we shall possess in incorruption, and in power, and in glory; but that the same body, when it has cast away the infirmities in which it is now entangled, shall be transmuted into a condition of glory, being rendered spiritual, so that what was a vessel of dishonour may, when cleansed, become a vessel unto honour, and an abode of blessedness. And in this condition, also, we are to believe, that by the will of the Creator, it will abide for ever without any change, as is confirmed by the declaration of the apostle, when he says, We have a house, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." www.newadvent.org/fathers/04123.htm It just seems that, even if there is some qualification of the interpretation of Origen in two chapters of Professor Horton's book, viewers of this video might benefit from knowing that Origen's position on the resurrection is much more complicated. I think that we should really be much more cautious about asserting that a major Christian thinker like Origen was so influenced by Plato (and Ammonius) that he would simply deny the teaching of Paul and Jesus about the resurrection.

  • @Matt-Pursley
    @Matt-Pursley20 күн бұрын

    I had a similar question. Origin Romans 8:23-25 "And for this reason each person must suffer and groan in this age, lest, on account of wicked deeds and negligence in the present life, he might not merit to attain to the redemption of his own body, but that sentence that condemns body and soul to the fires of hell should overtake him." Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10, ed. Thomas P. Halton, trans. Thomas P. Scheck, vol. 104, The Fathers of the Church (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2002), 78-79. As I've read Origin he definitely seems be a neo-platonist in terms of our modern bodies of corruption. His hope for the resurrection of the body, in my reading, transcends his neo-platonism of our current bodies. His neo-platonism is not a complete picture of Origin but applies only to fallen corrupted bodies. Kind of a rabbit trail but I think this applies to his "universalism" which does not seem as clear in my reading of him as some say.

  • @jamessheffield4173
    @jamessheffield417320 күн бұрын

    Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria charged Origen with foreign speculations. Two church councils held in 231 and 232 enacted motions against Origen, and he was excommunicated. Bing search

  • @alliemathis4855
    @alliemathis485520 күн бұрын

    My son is a quad and he has that snarky attitude and looses caregivers all the time. He is in his 23rd year. I wish I could help him by encouraging him but he just thinks I'm being Mom. It hurts not to be able to help.

  • @alliemathis4855
    @alliemathis485520 күн бұрын

    God bless Joni she is a blessing to all.

  • @KaliYugaSurfCo
    @KaliYugaSurfCo20 күн бұрын

    You can’t actually understand the Bible or Christianity without a knowledge of Astrology and Alchemy. The fact of the matter is that Christianity, in its rationalist interpretation, has foolishly dismissed the many gods and lords of the countryside religions rather than accepting their true existence and competing with them. In 2024 AD, Age of Pisces, it is difficult to say how Credal Institutional Christianity offers a solution to the metaphysical, social, political, and spiritual questions of our times; indeed, it is Traditional Christianity as such-and not the fading in our memory of its creeds or liturgies-that landed us in this our present predicament. To follow the man with the pitcher into the house that he enters is to proceed into Aquarius for the wedding feast of the lamb where the wisdom of the Most High God will be poured out onto all of mankind, and every man will sit autonomously under his own fig tree; and those who followed in the way and Tao of Christ will be priests after the order of the pirate shaman Melchizedek. The shamanic archetype in the deep memory of the Western mind is there for reasons that come from God. At the beginning of nearly every city there are two brothers and a murdered king. Jesus was a counter-temple desert prophet. If you want to locate the organizational DNA of autonomy in the psyche of the Christian West then you need look no further than our founding Shaman, the messiah himself. What tempered his autonomy, though, was his communion with God. But this was not a communion necessarily mediated by the temple. What post-Piscean Christians will have to get comfortable with is the death of philosophy and its decrepit white-washed ivory priesthood; embracing instead, the rebirth of direct unmediated super-enchanted communion with God, Christ, and creation-which is the handiwork and signature of the mind of The Maker, even manifesting his real presence. The Aquarian Superman understands the signs and seasons, he sees the omens of life, draws lots when puzzled, remembers the Urim and Thummim, interprets dreams, does justice, loves mercy, communes with only one Holy Spirit, and walks humbly with his God. Has true Christianity been tried before? Maybe, maybe not. We shall see.

  • @TheDarkchum1
    @TheDarkchum122 күн бұрын

    Psychedelics are absolutely integral to the foundation of our civilization. We are “schizophrenic” to shun them now.

  • @TheDarkchum1
    @TheDarkchum122 күн бұрын

    Western civilization is “schizophrenic” and as such, would label TRUE DIVINE spiritual experiences as “schizophrenic”.

  • @SkepticShay
    @SkepticShay22 күн бұрын

    Majority of of the religious and irreligious spirituals (including the the new agers) throughout history have believed various degrees of superstitions. I take astrology as an example that I've read and heard a portion of religious folks and proportionally even more new age spirituals believe in. However I'd say it is possible to incline towards spirituality, yearn a universal connection, or have faith in a higher power/Creator without being bound by all the rules of theistic religions or belief in superstition be it astrology, palm reading, psychic reading, or other unessential beliefs to deism or spirituality.

  • @miguel-angelcervantes5021
    @miguel-angelcervantes502122 күн бұрын

    Our lord knows his church and it's made up of many people's of different places for he is the head and maybe we get caught up with labels and forget this

  • @miguel-angelcervantes5021
    @miguel-angelcervantes502122 күн бұрын

    We need a new clarification for the average follower of our Lord Jesus Crist because for many church following folk religion has become a dirty word, we're do we stand with them is what many ask themselves.

  • @thereturntobeing
    @thereturntobeing23 күн бұрын

    19:34 - 20:09 If you have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear it, this is a description of Jesus.

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor910023 күн бұрын

    I suppose that's possible but there are people like me who cannot get to church, and it is a huge blessing.

  • @The_Unprofitable_Servant
    @The_Unprofitable_Servant7 күн бұрын

    I really think it is to do with those who are able. Your context is exceptional and fine. The case of many though is quite the opposite: they do not come to Church to hear the Word of God.

  • @PJ-Iam
    @PJ-Iam23 күн бұрын

    Love this Thank you

  • @Eric-tj3tg
    @Eric-tj3tg24 күн бұрын

    Osho's teaching's come to mind.

  • @youngvlasfetta211
    @youngvlasfetta21123 күн бұрын

    Sorba The Buddha to a T

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor910024 күн бұрын

    Dad Rod's love of and commitment to the Gospel was a beloved inspiration to all of us. His knowledge of the Australian Forum and spreading their wisdom was a blessing.

  • @bodeswell2260
    @bodeswell226024 күн бұрын

    The answer: to make more $$$

  • @bodeswell2260
    @bodeswell226024 күн бұрын

    Biden came down to earth to save us. Listen to his words with an open heart and mind. He wants to save you too.

  • @angelozachos8777
    @angelozachos877723 күн бұрын

    Biden has already saved me and my entire family ! And more than once ! It’s amazing how a politician can become the most important thing going for you … but you can’t argue the facts Biden will go down in history as one of the greatest humans

  • @cynthiarobinsmith3712
    @cynthiarobinsmith371224 күн бұрын

    True to Mike's reputation, he laser-focuses on THE point of the problem: Adam was the first enthusiast. Rejecting autonomy begins with each soul saved by Christ, in repentance and humble gratitude. The Disneyfication of the christian religion needs to be called out, avoided, rejected and the true Gospel needs to be taught and defended. Entertainment products like The Chosen (industrial profiteering of Jesus) and the various New Apostolic Reformation gimmicks, portray mega-blasphemous autonomy at a whole other level. Thank you Lord, for Dr. Horton's tireless work and love for Your people and Your Word. In the midst of the perilous realm, we are blessed.🙏

  • @pierrelabounty9917
    @pierrelabounty991725 күн бұрын

    It is really what has been compiled as the perennial philosophy as well.

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor910025 күн бұрын

    Honestly, the fewer false Christians lying about their faith, the better

  • @christophertaylor9100
    @christophertaylor910025 күн бұрын

    Its a statement of fact, not a requirement. The beatitudes are gospel, not law. Indicative, not law.

  • @lionsrising
    @lionsrising25 күн бұрын

    Still great 👍🏻

  • @auntietheistjuror
    @auntietheistjuror26 күн бұрын

    Statistically, this isn’t what’s happening. However, the US is a special case. It is primed to be fertile ground for all sorts of nonsense. You just have to look at the medicine and alternative medicine sectors to see this. However, generally, religious belief is in freefall, and ‘spiritual’ etc. is seeing a very mild resurgence.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord26 күн бұрын

    Statistically, it is happening.

  • @auntietheistjuror
    @auntietheistjuror26 күн бұрын

    @@HearGodsWord Show me.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord26 күн бұрын

    @@auntietheistjuror YT doesn't let me post links to Web pages, but there's a book I can recommend, however that means you'd need to read it

  • @auntietheistjuror
    @auntietheistjuror26 күн бұрын

    @@HearGodsWord I don’t need the link (obviously), just give me the title of the study and I’ll look it up myself. I’m surprisingly good at it considering my age.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord26 күн бұрын

    @@auntietheistjuror does that mean your opinion was based on a study, or just your feeling as a non-Christian?

  • @PatrickSteil
    @PatrickSteil27 күн бұрын

    The great lies of liberalism: - man can define his own freedom - man can define his own morals - man can be his own authority Do better. Be Catholic.

  • @EmilyTodicescu
    @EmilyTodicescu27 күн бұрын

    Well well well … I’m starting to understand the significance of Jordan Peterson’s church that he founded (apparently to become a marriage officiant - yeah right). He named it: “The Church of the Spirit of St. Joachim of Florence”.

  • @EmilyTodicescu
    @EmilyTodicescu27 күн бұрын

    “If each of us did everything we could do, and needed to do, we would have no need for a king. We're sovereign citizens.” - “And Away from Hell | Jordan Peterson's first speech at ARC 2023”

  • @PaganCollegePontiff
    @PaganCollegePontiff28 күн бұрын

    will this be a mere exposition or a very in depth discussion? because I have liked the content I have seen so far . I'm glad I started watching you all again. been a long time since I've seen Mike,Kim, and Shane in person . that was 30 some years ago.

  • @robertburke9920
    @robertburke992028 күн бұрын

    So then, read the masterpiece novel “Where Do We Go Now, LORD? - Burke.” Explains much. Very much!

  • @normanmilquetoast1
    @normanmilquetoast129 күн бұрын

    I'm rather surprised Dr. Horton thinks that the rejection of autonomy is the key to cultural shift in modern society. It's not that at all. Renewal (from a horizontal level) will be found in the ressourcement of the discipline of metaphysics and natural theology. The separation of matter and spirit under Kant's Idealism is the bugbear of our modern milieu. You can't confront autonomy until you first *prove* a se authority.

  • @manager0175
    @manager017527 күн бұрын

    You said: "Renewal (from a horizontal level) will be found in the ressourcement of the discipline of metaphysics and natural theology.". This is an interesting comment. I have been pondering Horton's position in this interview. It seems he is trying to prune away the "spiritual but not religious" notions while maintaining the real relationship of Christianity with Greek philosophy, shamanism, mystic religions and fertility cults. I tend to think we should encourage this trend to go full tilt. Sure there will be many that will go into the silly superstitious stuff Horton has evoked. But I maintain that the current mainline Christianity (particularly Protestantism) has gotten away from any notion of Christian service or pastoral care and swapped it for money, power and sex. The protestant rejection of the mystic traditions and disciplines (including natural theology) has been the most severe weakness of Protestantism. Anything that will help prune away those corrupt lusts, I would support.

  • @normanmilquetoast1
    @normanmilquetoast127 күн бұрын

    @@manager0175 I have no idea as to what you're trying to say. Let's have a conversation. When are you available?

  • @StephenSeabird
    @StephenSeabird13 күн бұрын

    The other problem with Kant is that he tried to say that there are limits to knowledge. How can we ever know that? The assertion has made people apathetic about trying. Rudolf Steiner took him on in his book, 'Philosophy of Freedom', and asserted that the nurturing of Intuition is the right pathway for modern minds.

  • @stevensdefenseacademyllc7898
    @stevensdefenseacademyllc789829 күн бұрын

    The original Reformation was dangerous and destructive too.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord28 күн бұрын

    The original Reformation contained truth though.

  • @JoshuaBSunderland
    @JoshuaBSunderland29 күн бұрын

    This is more of a deformation than a reformation

  • @WilliamWatsonBirch
    @WilliamWatsonBirch29 күн бұрын

    "... (as it is written, 'A father of many nations have I made you') in the presence of Him whom he [Abraham] believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist" (Rom. 4:17). I was taught, in the Pentecostal church to which I once belonged, that this verse means that we can also "call into being that which does not exist" through faith. But that is *not* what the text actually says. I left that false movement back in 2003.

  • @user-ms5yl2gb5o
    @user-ms5yl2gb5oАй бұрын

    Money money money.... that's what the NAR is about as far as I am concerned. A church I used to go to hosted a NAR conference. I was sooo excited to experience the presence of the Lord and learn something new and get all those "impartations" they kept talking about. When the meetings began, I was a bit surprised to discover that there was no "presence" to be found at all. It all seemed very dry. Worship was very passionate but really not that good, a whole bunch of loud singing and shouting and kept going on and on and on. Then the teaching was supposed to be oh so revelatory. The phrase I heard the most was "this is really a big topic and we don't have enough time to go in depth, so we will do an overview". Well, I already had an overview, but ok, maybe others needed it and I am always eager to learn something new. That overview really never materialized as the speakers (Peter Wagner and his wife both spoke) kept talking about the overview but never really said anything of substance. I think they seemed to be just beating around the bush and trying to convince us that in order to get all the nuggets of what they have to offer, we needed to come back to them and follow them. Of course, the offering was promptly taken, to be sure. I should have given half a dollar with a note that they will get the other half when they actually say something of any worth that glorifies Christ.

  • @Revolver1701
    @Revolver1701Ай бұрын

    Almost always in theology, things that are “new” are not good.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord28 күн бұрын

    As I've heard many people say "if it's new, it's not true."