

Hello everyone! It's Brian & Lynda here. We love to discuss what's on our minds and we also think it's super important to talk about current events and things that need to change for the better in this world! We hope to find a community of like-minded people and also to maybe talk with people who aren't! We hope you enjoy our content :)


  • @davidcritchley8424
    @davidcritchley842415 сағат бұрын

    Just to be pedantic - health care isn’t free in the U.K. National insurance is deducted from your pay packet, before income tax is taken, if you earn over 12k at 1%, and at 2% at over 50k. We just don’t notice it because it is deducted before we receive our pay.

  • @RobertJames-fe2pd
    @RobertJames-fe2pd17 сағат бұрын

    My parents were able to buy a brand new council house for only the cost of the build, because they had been tenants for many years, the true cost of the house was twice, at least, of the price on the market.

  • @RobertJames-fe2pd
    @RobertJames-fe2pd18 сағат бұрын

    you are great together

  • @RobertJames-fe2pd
    @RobertJames-fe2pd18 сағат бұрын

    zig zag! only playing sport

  • @RobertJames-fe2pd
    @RobertJames-fe2pd18 сағат бұрын

    It's great to have you as friends

  • @Dangel98
    @Dangel9819 сағат бұрын

    "It's just to get power" No it is not just that. There are severe problems in the current system as every country still just thinks about itself. Especially with the Ukraine war this became apparent. Europe can't keep up with India, China or the US military wise because everything is fractured. The same goes for a lot of other things that are mostly directed by the government. Creating a business that is competitive in all of the EU? It became easier but it's still not the same as if it was one country like the US. Even more problematic are countries like Hungary or previously Poland which completely jeopardize the collective foreign policy of the EU with vetoing every move. The current form of the EU is not sustainable long term as it will either break apart or fall behind other world powers... which will result in it breaking apart because countries don't see a benefit anymore. The only way EU countries stay at the top is to grow closer.

  • @daftirishmarej1827
    @daftirishmarej182721 сағат бұрын

    I wonder if anything will happen after Southport?

  • @Sam-pv7bd
    @Sam-pv7bd22 сағат бұрын

    I don’t think Dennis Rodman to go to North Korea anymore

  • @alananderson5731
    @alananderson573122 сағат бұрын

    I'm offended by you , won't watch again like goodbye.

  • @alananderson5731
    @alananderson573122 сағат бұрын

    I'm like like , such class fuck like .

  • @Sam-pv7bd
    @Sam-pv7bd22 сағат бұрын

    I was going to comment that there’s wider roads in North Korea and Myanmar, but then I rewatched the clip and realized it was widest street.

  • @frankprice7575
    @frankprice757523 сағат бұрын

    Richest country in the world......do your research..........

  • @zaasfromparis
    @zaasfromparisКүн бұрын

    Being able to taking care of your health without losing all your money is freedom

  • @Sofield119
    @Sofield119Күн бұрын

    "Foie gras" doesn't look good ? :o Damn... You should really try it. One of the best food in my opinion (eat it with white wine ;) )

  • @Sam-pv7bd
    @Sam-pv7bdКүн бұрын

    Portland is not the capital of Oregon. Salem is. Why would you go to Minsk? Belarus is run by a crazy dictator who been President since 1994. He hikacked a commercial airplane to remove a Belarusian dissident and his girlfriend. He eventually pardoned them. Don’t go to Belarus.

  • @StewartEvans52
    @StewartEvans52Күн бұрын

    Im welsh and used to work in london,my god the traffic and amount of people is unreal

  • @cbjones82
    @cbjones82Күн бұрын

    His pronunciation is unusual, unless it's standard american. Wells is a city in England. Wales (pronounced like you would "Whales", unless you'd also make that sound like "Wells" in an american accent!) is a country in the UK.

  • @StewartEvans52
    @StewartEvans52Күн бұрын

    What are you doing? why make fun of the original guy who made the vid lisp,be better ffs

  • @cbjones82
    @cbjones8214 сағат бұрын

    @StewartEvans52 it's not a lisp, it's a wrong pronunciation of Wales. I've heard a lot of Americans say Wells for Wales on KZread. My son has a lisp: this is not a lisp. Be better. Read. FFS

  • @davidcritchley8424
    @davidcritchley8424Күн бұрын

    Technically the Anglican Church is Catholic, just not Roman Catholic i.e anglicans don’t recognise the Pope as head of the church. Protestants are sects like Lutherans, Baptists, and Quakers etc. who do not have a church hierarchy, arch bishops, bishops etc. The Church of England is Anglican, (but there are a lot of Protestant sects too). Henry VIII did not change the church structure in England, just who was the head of it. Thus endeth your lecture on Tudor history 😂

  • @freewill8218
    @freewill8218Күн бұрын

    I’m happy i’m not American.

  • @stuartfitch7093
    @stuartfitch7093Күн бұрын

    I wouldn't live in London if you paid me a million pounds. Nothing against any Londoners reading this. It's because I'm 47, I was born and have grown up virtually all my life in the English countryside in one tiny village or another. Growing up the nearest supermarket was a nine mile drive one way. In winter when it snowed the villages would get cut off and I couldn't go to school for days because the school bus couldn't get through the narrow country roads. The comprehensive school I went to was about 7 miles away in another larger village because the village I lived in was only big enough to have a small combined junior and infant school. I just couldn't live anywhere else now. I'm addicted to the peace and quiet of the countryside. Of being able to go on walks down by the river and feed the ducks or walk to the next village and stop part way to feed the horses in one of the fields a carrot or I can just sit in the back garden and listen to the birds chirping in the trees. I don't like crowds of people, I don't like a lot of noise and I don't like driving in heavy traffic. I don't need wine bars, nightclubs, designer clothes shops, fancy restaurants etc as the most I've had immediate access to for most of my life is a pub, a public phone box and a post box. I won't say anything about crime because living in the countryside almost all my life, my view will be skewed. All I can say is, where I've lived most of my life, "What crime?". The villages I've lived in have been so small that we didn't have a local bobby at all. Growing up the nearest police station was over ten miles away.

  • @KaeptenVollBlauBaer
    @KaeptenVollBlauBaerКүн бұрын

    In my opinion the most severe problem is the split in the US-American society. I hope Kamala Harris wins, because she may be able to unite the people at least a bit. I don't think Trump would be able to do that. Besides of that it's high time for a female President anyway. Don't be afraid. History is much more important than geography. You don't need to know where Macedonia is, but you should know history, especially your own. The split between the Americans reminds me of the Civil War. "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." Abraham Lincoln 1838 (Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois)

  • @davidcritchley8424
    @davidcritchley8424Күн бұрын

    Private schools in the U.K. are called “Public” because the original ones were founded in the 15 and 16th century when the only other alternatives were provided by the monasteries, so it’s public as opposed to ecclesiastical. Not public as opposed to private. The term just stuck, so we refer to non fee paying schools as “state schools “

  • @MrKingkz
    @MrKingkzКүн бұрын

    He missed out report its the stage between isolation and suspension called report they also went up in colour green being for kinda bad kids and red for the real shitheads i was on red lol

  • @julienlefevre8735
    @julienlefevre8735Күн бұрын

    In France, if you are going to the us and get hurt, the french healthcare will take care of the US hospital etc.

  • @mattsmith5421
    @mattsmith5421Күн бұрын

    That about the weather is nonsense British people are climatised to colder weather its our natural state we are used to it. More people dislike mad hot summer than cold winter and plenty of people go on holiday to Scandinavia were its even colder. Its about education and above that a desire to know. I could name a load of american cities before i started secondary school and i hadn't travelled there.

  • @NeuroBe
    @NeuroBeКүн бұрын

    Actually went to The Stinking Rose once, you could smell it from a few blocks away. Lots of garlic in everything, even the ice cream.

  • @janetkizer5956
    @janetkizer5956Күн бұрын

    I’m Canadian. Our healthcare system is not perfect, but at least I’ve not accumulated enormous debt from healthcare. Indeed, I’ve not accumulated any debt at all. Because I don’t tend to use the system a lot, I haven’t used up all my “allowance”, so most of that goes toward helping other people, and I’m fine with that. Some Americans would not be fine with their healthcare dollars going to other people. I’ve read such statements many times. I consider these people to be selfish beyond belief.

  • @warrenturner397
    @warrenturner397Күн бұрын

    Outages in most banks shops and airlines etc. in Australia too

  • @tubekulose
    @tubekuloseКүн бұрын

    7:20 Sorry, but that's a lame excuse. You don't have to travel to know geography. An astronomer doesn't have to be an astronaut and a historian doesn't have to be a time traveller either. And only blaming the public educational system is also a short-sighted thing to do. Everyone, who really wants to broaden his or her horizons, can easily do so with a little bit of commitment.

  • @laurentpaumier3103
    @laurentpaumier3103Күн бұрын

    I'm french and like to dislike US choices about economics, social, éducation. But i would never say US people are stupid. They are just under influence...like many of us. Btw, it would help everybody if you fought for your social rights. 😉

  • @Spiklething
    @SpiklethingКүн бұрын

    My son was born in Germany. He has never been German though. He’s Scottish

  • @georgetaylor3978
    @georgetaylor3978Күн бұрын

    It's actually worse than described when it comes to Americans who own passports to travel far and wide. In 1989 only 3 percent of Americans had passports. It rose dramatically in recent decades due to the new barriers for Americans traveling to Canada and Mexico after 9/11. The growing Hispanic population in the US also increased passport usage.

  • @uweseemann8571
    @uweseemann8571Күн бұрын

    I'm not making fun of the USA because of a few people who were too poor to go to a good school. I'm laughing at the USA because they wanted to choose their president between two mummies.

  • @BassMatt1972
    @BassMatt1972Күн бұрын

    Thats his real name.. Australia is better than the USA in EVERY way, on EVERY metric.. Richer, More Free, Healthier, and Live longer.. And yes we have access to guns.. We ALL know about ALL your gun massacres.. the WHOLE World simply cant comprehend how you allow it to continue..

  • @liyunfei
    @liyunfeiКүн бұрын

    your politics take sooooooo long

  • @dennishendrikx3228
    @dennishendrikx3228Күн бұрын

    The only thing I can't stand, is how Americans trully believe in their greatness. Like they are ancient Rome. There isn't a Dutch village that doesn't have all infrastructure modernized, industrial sites included. America still has villages with barely asphalt roads, power, or clean tabwater. We are known to be blunt, but we don't put our chest up all day, so proud. In a decade American cities will have safari tourists, looking how the Americans live. Like they do, in other poor countries.

  • @beldin2987
    @beldin2987Күн бұрын

    For me its still shocking that a criminal fascist who mostly wants to end free elections when he gets into power, is even allowed to run or president. That alone shows how corrupt and rotten your whole system is, and that in the end it is really no democracy, its alredy more or less a fascism because : ___________________________________________________________________________ What Is Corporate Fascism? Is the US Government a Fascist Form of Government? "Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." - Benito Mussolini (speaking of corporate fascism) One of the easiest ways to identify fascism is by the actions of the government. Whether it is the Chief Executive, the Congress, or the Judicial branch of government, when government takes actions to protect the power of corporations, this is a step towards fascism. ___________________________________________________________________________ Also .. i still wait for the "WOKE card" .. like simple and easy : its WOKE to vote for a woman, its even double woke if she is not white .. and WOKE is these days maybe even worse that communism .. and so everybody rather votes for a racist fascist criminal only to not be WOKE ..

  • @micade2518
    @micade2518Күн бұрын

    It's not stupidity, it's ignorance and, worse, lack of interest!

  • @Sunshine123x
    @Sunshine123xКүн бұрын

    Standard for us in the UK swearing behind the wheel .😂

  • @DianeLittle-dd6ej
    @DianeLittle-dd6ejКүн бұрын

    Yeah was in uk 2 was world wide

  • @DianeLittle-dd6ej
    @DianeLittle-dd6ejКүн бұрын

    Scotlands school kids wins for five years running world debates championship

  • @riccardocoletta2398
    @riccardocoletta2398Күн бұрын

    Minute 18:18 - Absolutely not. If I go to Germany and I work in Germany, I pay taxes in Germany and not in Italy. I don't know about all countries, but I'm sure about Italy about this

  • @riccardocoletta2398
    @riccardocoletta2398Күн бұрын

    I live in Rome since 50 years (since I was born) and I visited all Europe, some mutliple times and I can confirm you that Rome is simply one of the 44 capitals, one of the hundreds of cities, nor better or worse than any other as an absolute value. So, depending on what you're looking for, Rome can be the last city you should visit... if you don't like certain aspect, it can be a frustrating city The only think that make me laught and when at minute 5:30 he talks about "Authentic European Experience". That's a think that only an American can say. Europe isn't a country, it's continent with 44 different countries, with 20+ languages, cultures, histories... There isn't a "Authentic European Experience". What the guy is talking about is some cities that he liked and he decided that "those cities are authentic Europe", while the cities he doesn't like arenìt. I'm really sorry for him, because he didn't undrstand Europe at its core

  • @filipecastro8675
    @filipecastro86752 күн бұрын

    Dont tell me that people not knowing a country from a continent or what countries border your own country is because they dont travel

  • @maxxie84
    @maxxie842 күн бұрын

    Sorry but I have to disagree with the end, yes Brits have a shit weather (I know I live there), but counter example: France has all the weather you can imagine, just in metropole you can get from shitty weather like Britain, to Hot weather like Italian / Spanish weather. We have all the landscapes possible and imaginable... and if you include overseas, we litterally have 12 time zones worth of islands and territories, in North America, South America, Caraibes, Indian Ocean, African coast (Comores), and Oceania and Pacific ocean. But we still travel a lot around in other countries...

  • @ChrisTaylor-dz6nk
    @ChrisTaylor-dz6nk2 күн бұрын

    Its bad school 🏫 system

  • @micade2518
    @micade2518Күн бұрын

    Nope: it's bad parents who give their kids tablets instead of books ...

  • @mattsmith5421
    @mattsmith5421Күн бұрын

    ​@@micade2518Nope I haven't read a book since I left school I can't think of anything more boring than reading a book yet I'm interested in history geography geology astronomy all sorts. Empires great battles river systems weather literally most things interesting to people who study at university. I'll give anything a try apart from written English bugs and celebrities or modern day garbage trends.

  • @ChrisTaylor-dz6nk
    @ChrisTaylor-dz6nk2 күн бұрын

    Kennedy 😅we learn that at school. Its called history 😅😅

  • @warrenturner397
    @warrenturner397Күн бұрын

    You learn about Robert Kennedy in History!!!!!!!!

  • @CrowleyBabySham
    @CrowleyBabySham2 күн бұрын

    I don't like your female. Very indifferent and shame on her. Very dis respectful. I am born and in treaty 6 terrortory 2. Educate your self.

  • @uncle_matula
    @uncle_matula2 күн бұрын

    yes we know Kennedy, the dumbest Kennedy ever :D

  • @mormel12
    @mormel122 күн бұрын

    It's not about intelligence, it's about education

  • @laziojohnny79
    @laziojohnny79Күн бұрын

    Easy excuse, I'm Dutch, quite well educated and yet learned most of my topographical and geographical knowledge not in school, but due to traveling and a personal interest in everything concerning maps. I think it's not so much an intelligence or educational issue, but one of genuine interest or rather a lack of. Keep in mind we Europeans often say there is a lack of (proper) education in the US when it comes to topics like this, yet the US has the best-surveyed education system on the globe! American students however consistently score lower in math and science than students from many other countries.

  • @mattsmith5421
    @mattsmith5421Күн бұрын

    Exactly quite well educated, if you had no education then more than likely you wouldn't have a desire to enhance your advanced knowledge. It's about education and a desire to know. I have never travelled abroad yet I've learnt so much about geography history astronomy geology empires rivers dinosaurs great battles to name a few. Pretty much everything apart from written English celebrities and bugs. Saying you have to travel to learn is utter nonsense no astronomers go to space.

  • @laziojohnny79
    @laziojohnny79Күн бұрын

    @@mattsmith5421 And I didn't, but apparently you were to eager to comment and therefore didn't read my comment properly or are not able to understand what's being said...

  • @mormel12
    @mormel12Күн бұрын

    School isn't the only place to be educated. You can educate yourself as welll, like you did

  • @mattsmith5421
    @mattsmith5421Күн бұрын

    @@laziojohnny79 yes you did you said education is an easy excuse, in fact you doubled down on it and said you're educated but learned after you left school. So you either have a problem with reading or comprehension because you totally ignored the point of my comment education is the foundation for furthering your knowledge later on, instead you went for a laughable "oh you're keen to comment" slur, you know the type of things f00ls do when someone disagrees with "their" opinion.