
  • @crosana01
    @crosana0110 күн бұрын

    My guess is since N, V and now Uzi can fly they could get there pretty quickly and land behind them. Just a theory. As for Tessa shooting at Doll it's my guess she suspected that Doll was infected and had her suspicions confirmed when the bullet had its trajectory forcefully changed at the last moment. Hence Tessa saying "just checking" and Doll looking upset that despite her eyepatch hiding the Absolute Solver symbol from Tessa she found out anyway.

  • @MarcPlayYatagarasu
    @MarcPlayYatagarasu11 күн бұрын

    Uzi is 18-20 years old she is shorter than most drones due the code of her parents than works as genetic for humans, the worker drones to have children build the body of the child than will look like an egg until grows as formed drone, the worker drone are program to mimic the human dehavior and lern of it and also use the internet to improve the Quality of their work, the are in an exoplaned name Cooper 9 a residential zone and mine of copper and its the year 3073

  • @Murderdronesnerd
    @Murderdronesnerd18 күн бұрын

    Let’s start with the VHS tape first it’s just to tell us why disposing drones in the right way is very important but the human ignored this anyway and as we can see at 9:50 any drone who is not properly disposed like Cyn, V, N and j has 0.001% chance of self rebooting and the thing you missed is at 10:31 we can see that 70.3% chance of no charges observed like what happened to N V and J when they rebooted and we have 0.7% chances of potentially hazardous mutations which is exactly what happened to cyn when see rebooted Now at 13:30 you missed this which is actually the absolute solver talking to cyn showing they are completely different entities as the solver is saying hello and how he won’t discard her so cyn can let it control her as the absolute solver said she will be there in a while which means cyn could be innocent but the solver is taking control of her mind making her the first host of the solver or user and most importantly they are at earth n j v tessa and cyn all at earth therefore everything starred at earth At 49:59 you didn’t understand the disassembly drones were created by cyn or the absolute solver to be more accurate yes cyn made them which means the humans aren’t the ones who sent them to dispose the worker drones in copper 9 and they are innocent but it’s cyn we kinda figured that out in episode 2 when Uzi said the humans sent them without a communication to earth and then N asked questions if j was getting ordered then from who and how? Since they can’t communicate which is actually cyn not the humans they were taking orders from also the disassembly drones aren’t completely robotic they have organic insides including j v and N alsothat the first thing cyn did to the humans is killing them therefore i dont think it would be very hard to know why she created the murder drones which also means that cyn is the one who created the landing pot so v j and N clones could reach copper nine but the weird thing is if tessa used the landing pots to reach copper nine seems suspicious right? But most importantly how did she even survived the gala massacre? Also if she really works for jcjenson I think they would give her very powerful weapons not a sword and revolver and i don’t think they can also make a disassembly j clone to help tessa At 58:20 you missed this important scene which is very important in the later episodes that explains why their memories were being blocked is because cyn is an administrator over v and N and j when she was around in episode 1 also that is a further proof that they were created by cyn. Also uzi made herself an admin over them which means cyn doesn’t have any access to them now which means that their memories are back

  • @pibombbb1175
    @pibombbb117519 күн бұрын

    Seeing him pause to read text at 30:10 but then NOT reading the text at the top left corner was painful lol, it's much more important than the bottom right text

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88826 күн бұрын

    Ok. Really? I was confused, and I lashed, but then realized it and apologized. It doesn’t need a whole ass vid to prove you were right. I know it does that sometimes. I just didn’t know that was the case for you. Honestly though.

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm26 күн бұрын

    Apologies, I made the video last night , or about 24 hours ago, right when you sent the questions. I was not sure if I had explained it well, and thought I should try and answer the questions you posed in greater detail than simply 100 words. I hope you understand, but I can remove the video if you would like.

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88825 күн бұрын

    @@fr0z0nst0rm it’s fine, I just didn’t know why it was necessary.

  • @A.witty_text.M
    @A.witty_text.M26 күн бұрын

    Bad video, needs more ukulele solos. In all seriousness I've seen this happen myself so I can confirm it's true.

  • @Murderdronesnerd
    @Murderdronesnerd26 күн бұрын

    I believe you because the same thing happened to me a lot also where I can watch your streams like do you stream on youtube or another platform?

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm26 күн бұрын

    So I stream on Twitch, same name and everything. I won’t be streaming for about 2 weeks, but will still try and record episodes 5-7 in the interim. Hope your day goes well!

  • @A.witty_text.M
    @A.witty_text.M26 күн бұрын

    Welcome to Cabin Fever! We have: -Popular girl -Actual stoner -the h0rny ones -Final Girl -And lotsa jerks! -Oh and Braiden our burning king, shame he put out his flame and died for it. Also regarding the Solver powers, they are based off of Blender tools if I'm not mistaken. They include: Translate: used to move stuff. Rotate: used to... you get the idea. Although Uzi used it to rip apart floorboards. Scale: used in this episode to implode someone's head, was also used by Doll to jam a door. Just general resizing shenanigans. Edit: used by Doll to copy knives and sharpen steel fans, and by Uzi to edit the crushed roach back into its fixed state. I might be mistaken, but I THINK Uzi's tail has eyes that allow it to see. Her bat wings also have vaguely human claws on them, which is cool. I personally like to imagine that the Teacher is the only drone to get paid in the colony, since it was the only way to convince him to do it, and nobody else could be trusted with education.

  • @A.witty_text.M
    @A.witty_text.M26 күн бұрын

    Also, I really like your reactions! You actually notice a lot of stuff and analyse things which not many people seem to do.

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88827 күн бұрын

    YOU WATCHED THEM ALREADY!!!!???! Ligit ur intro, episode five was already watched.

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm27 күн бұрын

    Pardon? I am not sure what you mean. I have been trying to find time to watch episode 5, but have not yet. What made you think I had watched it?

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88827 күн бұрын

    @@fr0z0nst0rm on your intro, behind your watch screen, episode five is already watched.

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88827 күн бұрын

    Also, you seem to notice and question things that would take several watches, of most episodes.

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88827 күн бұрын

    I’m still watching it, but yes I noticed

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm27 күн бұрын

    @@kenadie888 Oh, for the watch screen, it often shows full watch time if I do not stop the video before the next starts. I write my intros down before I do the videos, but this time I did not record it until I finished watching the video. I do edit my reacts because I pause an awful lot when talking, or simply thinking. I can show when I put out e5 how if I start e6 the entire vid will show as being watched. As for the catching things, I do appreciate the compliment. I try to get as much information on screen as I can, as well as try to use some of the film coursework I did in university to notice stuff.

  • @kenadie888
    @kenadie88827 күн бұрын

    I can’t be the only one that was confused about the thumbnail… it says episode 2… 😅

  • @CringeKid_420
    @CringeKid_42029 күн бұрын

    The weel from episode one ,,Pilot’’ from your first episode of this series explains every episode like in the first episode unatural aid and etc

  • @CringeKid_420
    @CringeKid_42029 күн бұрын

    Unlikely aid part he said it himself one of the Murder drones might help her 6:49

  • @Murderdronesnerd
    @MurderdronesnerdАй бұрын

    Before you read this i advise you to read my past comment cause it has a lot of important details. So one of the things you missed in the past episode is when uzi stopped the bullet by her solver abilities V was pointing the gun at her and you clearly don’t notice how V was trying to mess with Uzi emotions so she could lose control and kill her all throughout the episode first by saying N is a pilot so Rebecca will flirt with him to make uzi jealous because you didn’t notice that There is something between uzi and N cause uzi is clearly crushing on him and then V went to uzi in the cabin and tell her that N wouldn’t care if she died because uzi wasn’t jealous of N and V getting accepted easily by her classmates but actually she was afraid that V and especially N will leave her because they got along with the other workers and then N and V will leave her because in uzi’s eyes why wouldn’t they? She is an outsider outcast weird freak and edgy so they will make friends with the others cause they are the normal ones and leave her like if she never existed that’s why uzi start having an emotional breakdown and since she has the solver her emotions will take control of her which led her to killing everyone but when she saw V she snapped out of it because she reconsidered V as her friend and then she asked V if she could talk to N because he is the only one who could help her but V said she will make sure she doesn’t which made her lose control all over again until N came and stopped her from killing V and she snapped when she accidentally stabbed his hands he then throw her 16k feet above the ground and talked to her as we discovered that all of this happened because she was scared that he will leave her and then N reassured her that he wouldn’t leave her and saying how he is scared without her and things aren’t as fun as they were without her which led uzi to hug N also in this episode that’s when we finally see N stand up from himself when he shouted at V for trying to kill uzi and then telling her to stop antagonising her therefore N grew backbone and actually stood up for himself and uzi. As for the lore stuff N’s and V’s me memories were wiped out but V’s memories weren’t completely wiped out unlike N. Also the weird drone with the solver that N saw when touched the zombie drones VHS is same drone we saw in the flashback scene in episode 2 with tessa and her name is Cyn which is why V called uzi Cyn. Also uzi isn’t a murder drone nor a zombie drone but A solver drone the same thing goes to doll yeva and nori. As i said in my past comment the solver is reality wrapping and manipulating program which gives its host godlike abilities and the murder drones have this program but a nerfed version of it 18:12 that’s is very important thing that you haven’t noticed this thing looks like tessa

  • @TMS-choppy
    @TMS-choppyАй бұрын

    Keep up the good content man you’re awesome

  • @HumanUzi
    @HumanUziАй бұрын


  • @Murderdronesnerd
    @MurderdronesnerdАй бұрын

    Sorry for the misunderstanding but the way doll and uzi got the solver is by inheriting from their mothers yeva( doll’s mother or 048 ) and nori(uzi’s mother or 002 ) not by eating oil. also uzi’s solver was already fully activated since the end of episode 1. uzi ate the oil because she start feeling hungry towards it cause it’s one of the solver symptoms which means a solver infected drones eats oil so they don’t overheat just like the murder drones. The solver is a program which can manipulate reality and shape it in any form. A solver “host” has basically god like ability and any drone which is infected with the solver cannot hurt or manipulate any other solver infected drones body directly that’s why doll didn’t just exploded uzi’s body or v’s body. the difference between a disassembly drones solver and a solver infected drone aka a host is the disassembly drones’s one is nerfed while the host’s one has every ability the disassembly drones have alongside with teleportation reality manipulation and telekinesis

  • @A.witty_text.M
    @A.witty_text.MАй бұрын

    The hologram drone that the popular girl (her name is Lizzy) was about to let inside was actually a hologram of herself, so she both failed to realize she was looking at a copy of herself and called herself gorgeous.

  • @A.witty_text.M
    @A.witty_text.MАй бұрын

    Daughter makes up a lie that would be believable if she wasn't so [insert female counterpart of maidenless], proceeds to laugh at her. Daughter spouts out a textbook bad excuse that isn't believable in the slightest, ends up actually believing her.

  • @HumanUzi
    @HumanUziАй бұрын

    29:59 its basically a lot of broken mirrors covered in blood

  • @HumanUzi
    @HumanUziАй бұрын

    Ok, the solver thing may be considered as a spoiler, but in no spoiler terms:The solver is like a corrupted program that certain drones have

  • @EpicGaming-bruuh
    @EpicGaming-bruuhАй бұрын


  • @HumanUzi
    @HumanUziАй бұрын

    Good seing more people interested in Murder drones ,btw You may get a lot of questions in the first 4 ep ,but ep 5,6 & 7 give you more context of it

  • @Murderdronesnerd
    @MurderdronesnerdАй бұрын

    I am actually pretty fascinated by how many things you remembered from the pilot and how you are catching things so easily i just really appreciate that you actually tries to understand and know what’s going on unlike most of the big KZreadrs reactions. (There are no spoilers I’m only using information from this episode and the last one) Also the picture that the russian girl (doll) was holding is V’s picture showing that she is plotting on taking revenge and also this weird symbol that appeared on doll’s eyes appeared on uzi’s eyes too and at the end you can see a drawing N made for uzi saying “thanks for being my friend” also that centipede monster thingy isn’t J it actually took control of the badly damaged J body because the wound was too severe to regenerate so the admin of J took control of her body and fully activated the solver in her because the version of the solver in the murder drones are kinda nerfed and the hologram that the program showed to uzi is her mom holding her when she was a baby telling us that uzi inherited the solver from her mother and the reason why uzi isn’t using it cause she still hasn’t figured it out yet but doll did by the way any drone who is infected with the solver will start starving for oil because they need to cool down the temperature just like why murder drones are eating the worker drones. Uzi is my favourite character too alongside N she isn’t always mean angsty or tough she is just coping because people always made fun of her and her insecurities which made her always acts like she doesn’t need anyone or punching N because he asked if she good cause she feels like he would make fun of her for that and without him she has absolutely no one I forgot to mention that any drones who is infected in the solver will break mirrors by looking at themselves using the mirror I hope you at least understood my English i hope you have a good day also don’t forget to react to murder drones episode 3 I’m waiting for you

  • @SolverCyn-vx1kv
    @SolverCyn-vx1kvАй бұрын

    Yes i was gonna say the same thing

  • @crosana01
    @crosana01Ай бұрын

    Heya, glad to see more people enjoying Murder Drones! It seems like you're pretty good at paying attention which will be very helpful as this show doesn't emphasize what dialogue or images are important and leaves it to the viewer to be really observant and connect many of the dots themselves. The show is as much a mystery as it is a comedy/horror. Be aware though that if you're streaming your reactions live that there have been trolls popping into the chats of some reaction viewers spamming spoilers, so be vigilant as this show is so much better without advanced knowledge.

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rmАй бұрын

    Why thank you! I am really enjoying this show, it is one of the most unique ideas that I have seen thus far! Also thank you for the advance warning, I will keep an eye out for any spoilers

  • @meganle5204
    @meganle52042 жыл бұрын

    the song is so much better than mine! I somehow chose the one with autotune so it's not as good (and a little cringy to listen)

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you! Glad you liked it!

  • @strom5710
    @strom57103 жыл бұрын

    Nice highlights i like, i make similar content if you want to see bro 🔥

  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm3 жыл бұрын

    I will check it out. Thank you for watching

  • @ToxicGamer-ui7fs
    @ToxicGamer-ui7fs3 жыл бұрын


  • @fr0z0nst0rm
    @fr0z0nst0rm3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks mate