

Things that Xisuma says in his streams.

All my links in one place : linktree.xisuma.co

Is Tech SPYING On You?

Is Tech SPYING On You?

The End Of An Era

The End Of An Era

My Trip To New York City!

My Trip To New York City!

What Did I Miss Out On?

What Did I Miss Out On?

Skiing Vacation In Austria

Skiing Vacation In Austria


  • @Harlequin_Actor
    @Harlequin_Actor9 күн бұрын

    I think this is why therapy is very good.

  • @Petaklanidis
    @Petaklanidis10 күн бұрын

    Guys im doing great work about thumbnails content editing why im not getting any views.

  • @Nthanielnt1
    @Nthanielnt112 күн бұрын

    Instead of being a time traveller, you could have catacombs under your base with certain, smaller aspects of past seasons, so it isn't incredibly time consuming, but does the same thing

  • @manihatami6293
    @manihatami629313 күн бұрын


  • @the.eepy.snail21
    @the.eepy.snail2113 күн бұрын

    The waking up after an attempt and going to school the next day hit too close to home

  • @the.eepy.snail21
    @the.eepy.snail2113 күн бұрын

    This made me cry lol never had a creator i like talk so openly about things like this. Im glad your still here and im glad im still here :)

  • @thechair83
    @thechair8319 күн бұрын

    I have had an extremely troubled youth. I have spoken with many different psychiatrists over the years and have been offered antidepressants many times. I have been depressed from the age of 11, and suffer terribly with insomnia. At the lowest point in my life I was offered all sorts of medication to try and help the issue, but antidepressants aren't nearly as safe as you think. As well as this I was offered this med called melatonin which I tried but it sent my anxiety through the roof and I hated it. It was at this point that I tried cannabis oil, and I mean this in the most literal sense when I say it saved my life. Nothing can cure your problems, that has to come from within, however immediately my quality of life improved significantly. I was able to function much better, get a bit of sleep and put a bit of weight on (I was 6 stone at the time which is severely underweight, I am probably about 7-7.5 now) . I then spoke to a cannabis scientist in depth about my situation to learn more about what I was doing (as I am the type of person who has never wanted to do anything) and I learned a lot of invaluable information (Like for example, usually you will only ever experience the mental health negatives of weed if you experience paranoia, if you don't, then the chances of the risks showing up are a hell of a lot lower)! Also you mentioned the risk of cannabis causing schizophrenia, and I just wanted to say that I read a hell of a lot about this topic, and I have never seen a single piece of scientific evidence to support this, and that is including talking to the scientist I mentioned earlier. Abuse of anything, in any form can be bad for you like you said X, whether that be running, TV, mobile phones, sugar, hell, paracetamol is more dangerous as the crow flies than weed is. However, weed is a healer to so many, look at the remarkable effects it has had on cancer patients, people with ALS, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, and also there is a significant amount of anecdotal evidence to suggest it really helps people with autism (I myself am someone who would attest to this). Compare that to something like alcohol, and there really is no comparison as to which is worse. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug that everyone thinks is alright, why it is legal I have no idea! However with that said, if weed it makes you paranoid, you shouldn't do it. I know a lot of weed dealers (despite never actually smoking myself, as I say I took cannabis oil), and it seems you had some pretty evil ones! I've been around weed my entire life, and I've never even heard anything like that. I've known many people that grow, and I've never heard of anyone spraying it with glass or anything even close to that. They just take the plant, grow it, once it is grown hang it upside down, let it dry out, and then harvest it and that's it, nothing's added. It's uses in medicine date back over 1000 years, it's a herb. I've never heard of anyone supplementing weed with anything else, usually to my knowledge it is pills and things like that, that are cut with stuff (for example most ecstasy tabs you would find in a nightclub are likely cut with coke and speed, among other amphets). As an addition to this I will say, my depression has never truly gone away. And currently I am wrestling with a pretty massive thing in my life trying to finish a record I have been working on for 2 years, and I still can't get it to sound how I want it to sound! It is killing me as this is my lifes work. I have been very low for the past few months therefore, I wanted to see if there was any possibility that cannabis was exaggerating this low mood. After 2 months off I can definitively say that, all that is happening is that I'm reverting back to how my mental state was before weed. I'm barely sleeping, my anxiety is through the roof everyday, I'm barely eating, and my depression has worsened even further! I haven't struggled in the slightest to stop, and have had no noticeable effects from stopping other than as I say, my mental state reverting back to how it was before I took weed. Maybe I'm just strong willed I don't know, but I don't believe it to be addictive, it certainly isn't in the physical sense (I.E you don't have any physical withdrawal like you would with tobacco or alcohol for example). Saying all of this, I may never go back to it for the sole reason that I've never wanted to do anything! I even hate taking a paracetamol when I have a headache. But, I can say that weed has undoubtably been a positive influence in my life. I'm definitely not endorsing it to anyone, people need to be responsible for their own decisions. Also, there is a massive variation based on genetics (which is why some people get paranoid, and I have literally never been paranoid from it in my life), but especially with weed more than most things, an excessive amount of what you read on the internet is baseless misinformation without any actual science behind it. When I spoke to the scientist they told me that most of these "studies" have been embarrassingly conducted, have had extremely inconsistent testing, and have been pushed forward heavily by the governments to aid the tirade of propaganda surrounding cannabis since the 1960s. I'm just sharing my experience and some facts, as I have been reading about this subject for many years, long before I used it myself. And the amount of misinformation about it is staggering so it's time some real information got out there. One of the biggest reasons it won't be legal in the UK is because pharmaceutical companies will loose an unfathomable amount of money (I'm not sure on the exact figure, but it's in the hundreds of millions) as weed is a better, safer alternative to a lot of pharmaceuticals on the market. In fact THC is actually one of the best anti inflammatories in the world. Why we live in a world where you can get Codeine, Morphine and diazepam prescribed to you (i've unfortunately been on all of these things in the past), alcohol kills 100,000+ every year but weed is illegal, I'll never understand it! If it makes you paranoid, don't do it, simple as that. I'm glad you're in a better place now X (I don't want to assume but it seems that way). Love your videos mate, it feels like we'd get along well, I'd love to chat music and bands with you 😂☺

  • @emoharalampiev1590
    @emoharalampiev159019 күн бұрын

    I'm curious how does watch speed affect algorithms. I mean I often watch YT on x2 (sometimes faster) so like I watch the entire video, but I give half the watch time.

  • @emoharalampiev1590
    @emoharalampiev159020 күн бұрын

    The comment on 7:15 is talking about the thing you pointed out already in the previous vide (I presume from where the comment is from), that just because it happened once ignores the fact that that there were a million times where it didn't happen. Not to mention either again as you said maybe something is trendy and that's why you talked about it, orr maybe you're juts consuming media of that topic, like IDK you've just found out about a game (maybe even an older game) and the last 2 days you've watched 10 videos on it you've googled 30 things related to it and then you talk to a friend about that game and all of a sudden you grab your phone and it has an ad for that game, I mean it makes sense, you're clearly interested in it so it gets served to you. But might even be something less direct, maybe you're watching a very generic gaming video (IDK like "top 10 crazy coincidences in video games") which draws your attention to a specific game, and it gets served to you as an ad, well maybe just a lot of people who watch this video also get interested in that game and so it's learned from them that watching this video has some likelyhood of making you interested in that other game.

  • @emoharalampiev1590
    @emoharalampiev159021 күн бұрын

    Personally never was a fan of the mob vote "here are 2 well thought out mobs that you'll never see in the game". I mean don't get me wrong, I ain't going around starting riots over it, I just try to avoid seeing the stuff, but since I'm quite active in MC communities (YT, Reddit etc.) it's kinda hard to avoid. I mean as I said, not a big deal or anything, but I do dislike them.

  • @emoharalampiev1590
    @emoharalampiev159021 күн бұрын

    I dunno enough about clocks, but maybe they have some sort of maintenance, and so if the "man of the house" isn't around cause he's at war, maybe it's more likely to stop (again 0 clue if that's the case, but another thinking point on top of the pure likelyhood)

  • @stoneybologne
    @stoneybologne26 күн бұрын

    went into this video thinkin "oh ima catch up on all the X videos school made me miss instead of studying for my massive exam soon" and immediately got hit with the "go study!"

  • @amirhosseinmaghsoodi388
    @amirhosseinmaghsoodi38826 күн бұрын

    It's like how you get good ideas when you're absolutely doing nothing that requires thought. So your thoughts are free to go about. When you're doing things like this you're sitting there and listening. When it's someone you know, you try to think of how to talk and stuff. So I think we should listen more.

  • @joshuas1893
    @joshuas1893Ай бұрын

    I feel that a lot of the advice I've received has been pretty poor whether it's come from people I know or not. Sometimes you meet people who can't or don't want to understand your problems or perspective, but they feel obliged to give you advice anyway because it make them feel less bad. If you don't take the advice and continue to struggle... well then they're able to resolve their own psychological distress by concluding that it's your own stupid fault. That's very often the purpose of the advice. It's not about helping you at all.

  • @timwoods2852
    @timwoods2852Ай бұрын

    It's always good to know what season we're in. Though the big numbers get hard to follow after a while.😅

  • @azuresiren5846
    @azuresiren5846Ай бұрын

    Nah we deserve to get all 3 mobs. every year we lose two cool mobs and that sucks

  • @aidanlanz3114
    @aidanlanz3114Ай бұрын

    You can multitask things that involve procedural memory, but not things that involve cognition.

  • @PixelSE46
    @PixelSE46Ай бұрын

    I play Bedrock (becuase I can’t afford a laptop) and my friend has got a weird cross platform version of minecraft on his laptop so we play together

  • @KingJellyfishII
    @KingJellyfishIIАй бұрын

    I've recently been really enjoying lentil dahl, along with some (admittedly not nearly as good as you get in a restaurant) homemade naan. It's also really easy and convenient to take as a packed lunch and you don't even need cutlery if you get good at eating with the bread lol

  • @Melanie_M
    @Melanie_MАй бұрын

    I think it's not that mysterious that people rather listen to strangers for self-help and life advice than own family or loved ones. This stuff makes one vulnerable. It's very easy to receive advice behind a computer or reflect upon that in your own space and safety. Yet most of us have our defence mechanisms engaged when interacting with people who know us, see us, care about us or who we fear can hurt us or worse judge us in a way we are not prepared to for a multitude of reasons. A podcast is not going to make us accountable for healing and getting better and showing up in a healthier way for others, the actual people who care in our lives might.

  • @LotusTheWise
    @LotusTheWiseАй бұрын

    nah xisuma is the internet dad of wisdom

  • @gricklegrass100
    @gricklegrass100Ай бұрын

    I think there is some confusion between multitasking and prioritization. In my engineering job, it is expected that you're solving multiple problems with different deadlines simultaneously. Multitasking doesn't mean you're killing it in several different areas concurrently. It means you can only tackle one thing at a time but you understand which order to tackle things such that you meet each objective at the needed time. A good engineer can attack one problem at a time. A great engineer can attack a sequence of problems in series and schedule them in a way that they don't become overwhelmed. What does this have to do with listening to your parents? Absolutely nothing. As a parent, I can tell you that a child's purpose is to rebel from their parents just as a citizen should rebel from their government. Raising a child is a constant barrage of of rebellion and negotiation and putting your foot down. Is it rewarding? Yes. Is it tiresome? Yes. Is it worth it? Well, the world keeps turning so ...

  • @osmo2384
    @osmo2384Ай бұрын

    I put this video on to multitask and then you said that about multitasking and I was like.... oh yeah,,, damn it

  • @Ximoc
    @XimocАй бұрын

    It was my second favorite because it was the second I watched.

  • @Ximoc
    @XimocАй бұрын

    I think the thing is that I’ve only ever known three ‘black people’ It is just something that I notice of a person like ‘oh, they’re black, cool, I can use that to help me remember them :D’ I do this with everyone like I know ‘queer wheelchair lady who does art’ and ‘high vis cycle guy’ and ‘nice cycle guy who rides with hands in his pockets’.

  • @Ximoc
    @XimocАй бұрын

    The thing is, it’s my school and my parents believe it is an amazing school just because it is a private school and they “are good with mental health”. Also, I have no friends as my school is tiny and I’m known as the “weird one”.

  • @HarmonyMoonbeam024
    @HarmonyMoonbeam024Ай бұрын

    Really needed this today. I’ve been working on a Last Life AU that I’m enjoying the HECK out of, but procrastination also runs in my family, so I don’t always get to work on the next chapter immediately, and instead watch horror games or mess with my eraser clay for hours. And it’s allll because of that little voice that says “NAHHHH, this thing is so easy, you could literally finish it in three days. Go watch Impulse play Phasmophobia and start writing the next chapter tomorrow :)” and absolutely nothing gets done 🥲

  • @alyssarichards2939
    @alyssarichards2939Ай бұрын

    Skizz’s influence on the hermits….

  • @Ponchofromrl
    @PonchofromrlАй бұрын

    Ever thought of putting xisumasays on Spotify as a podcast?

  • @touch_me.
    @touch_me.Ай бұрын

    not trying to bring my religion into this, or anything, but modern people’s behavior was predicted a loooooong time ago “You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5

  • @jacqueline373
    @jacqueline373Ай бұрын

    i mean this is just people’s behavior, not modern and people in literally every culture and religion has made this observation!

  • @yusaki8064
    @yusaki8064Ай бұрын

    I wonder if it’s a subconscious wondering if someone has an ulterior motive. Like if my dad gives me some advice, partially perhaps because I know him well enough to know his prejudices, somewhere in the back of my mind I can’t help but wonder if he’s trying to change my behaviour for some other reason. But getting an outside perspective from someone who has little to no real connection to you allows you to take in that advice without worrying about that.

  • @adalon378
    @adalon378Ай бұрын

    Humans are not made to multitask, period. So how do some people do it? Well, muscle memory... We can clean the home or run on a threadmill while listening to an audiobook book, or a lesson, so surely listening to a podcast or music which tend to need less concentration. I see it like outsourcing the activity to somewhere other than the brain. So to answer your viewer... Homework needs brain and the stream is by definition a distraction for the brain, that's not compatible! We all hated homework. But while in school, we all had to do it, it's just the duties of the student. Work has even more duties, so just enjoy the time in school when all you have to do is homework 😛 You also get to enjoy the stream more if the homework is out of the way... like... leave for 30min, 1 hour, or whatever, and focus on that alone, and then come back. Being an adult now, i appreciate so much more the opportunity to give full attention to one thing. Even if it's work or a mandatory task that I need to focus on. The way to do it without stress, to me, starts by giving full attention to that thing while it's being done, so i also don't think about better things that i could be doing, or what i can do if I finish fast... Things don't disappear, so I just try to not mix anymore. The stream will be there after, and maybe he can talk about what he did in his homework after it's over, in the stream (instead of talking about not wanting to do it, join the club buddy 😅). Giving full attention to something, means that we also gain from it, like learning stuff to talk about.

  • @GothBoyUK
    @GothBoyUKАй бұрын

    I think it depends on the environment you are brought up in. I listen to my family a lot because they have always given good advice. However, I was brought up in a very open way where no subject was taboo if approached correctly and appropriately. Unfortunately many people don't have that luxury.

  • @jjkthebest
    @jjkthebestАй бұрын

    My attention is being split either way. I'd rather do multiple things not very well than one thing not very well.

  • @red_inblack
    @red_inblackАй бұрын

    5:03 so true, I had this theory to comment, but glad I watched the whole video.

  • @jenniferm.2142
    @jenniferm.2142Ай бұрын

    Even when cleaning though, you’re paying more attention to the audio book than to the cleaning. It seems to work because you don’t need to pay as much attention to the cleaning to do it right, but I think your brain is probably still switching. I’m not judging, I do it too. But I do think it’s still accurate to say that multitasking doesn’t truly work like we think it does.

  • @the_prinz_
    @the_prinz_Ай бұрын

    "Oh Xisuma in the Nether, what it is your wisdom"

  • @cobble616
    @cobble616Ай бұрын

    I thought of an interesting parenting idea, not sure of its ethocal though. You go on your child's account and try and find videos that promote the things you want them to know. Then, when your child goes on youtube theyll see them and have this effect applied

  • @shawnholbrook7278
    @shawnholbrook7278Ай бұрын

    Sometimes, my kids will act like I'm annoying, but then they will tell their friends things that I have said.

  • @SmellOfMaple
    @SmellOfMapleАй бұрын

    You're spot on in your observation. Here's why we often resist parental advice: It's essential for our growth into well-adjusted adults. As children, we're governed by emotions and blind obedience. We outgrow these, prioritizing critical thinking and autonomy. It's through reasoning and experience that we forge our path to independence.

  • @emcustard
    @emcustardАй бұрын

    I think it’s because we know those people too well. I’m not going to take my mother's advice on memory as seriously when I’ve seen her spend 10 minutes looking for the sunglasses she’s currently wearing.

  • @myglaren29
    @myglaren29Ай бұрын

    i listened to my parents until my early twenties and learnt in therapy how very twisted their idea of who I am was. i think some parents, at least mine, just spam you with advice that would have helped _them_. a lot of advice in general is usually people trying to deter others from doing something they themselves think about as a mistake when they did it. haven’t listened to them for a few years now and I’ve never been better.

  • @Ronanelm
    @RonanelmАй бұрын

    I find it interesting how a parent can learn from a child just like how a child learns from a parent.

  • @weptbigfoot892
    @weptbigfoot892Ай бұрын

    I agree with a lot of the thoughts in this video. I want to add on a few ideas to the question of “why don’t we take the advice of people close to us?” In my limited experience, most people rarely ever give advice to those around them; when they do, it can often be interpreted as a critique of the person being advised, instead of genuine advice. Personally, I find it much harder to accept advice when it feels like the purpose of it is to insult me. It causes me to automatically become defensive and to come up with reasons as to why the advice is wrong, even if the person is actually intending to make my life better. On the other hand, advice given by someone you don’t know, who is addressing either you (who they see as a random stranger), or they’re addressing a broader audience. It is much easier to accept that something about the decisions you make or the way you think is inherently wrong when the people giving advice aren’t criticizing you specifically, but rather, criticizing a very specific thing that you might be doing, while also offering an alternative to that action or method of thought.

  • @molly_the_spy7414
    @molly_the_spy7414Ай бұрын

    Okay Dad

  • @o340
    @o340Ай бұрын

    Im not sure if this has much effect on it, but many parents do tend to in some ways infantilize their children or act as if the parent is always correct, even if theyre not, or if the kid has a genuinely good point. Some of it may be that we want to prove our autonomy and intelligence, and may deny our parents advice because of it, especially if the parents have been wrong in the past or are excessively strict or authoritarian. I am very lucky to have a mother who for as long as i remember has treated me as a human being and would often seriously take into consideration the things i said, even as a child, which i think has helped me a lot to become the person i am. I am much more likely to take advice (if i agree with it) from her than my dad, who has been pretty terrible to us a lot. Though i do think the point about seeing family as normal and others as special has a lot of truth to it too--its likely due partially to us seeing our families flaws, day by day, big and small, vs with others we may only see few flaws, and with social media people have a more deliberate process of sharing something with others, which means they will very rarely post anything bad--which is entirely normal with how social media works, not (usually) a bad thing (people with bad intentions can take advantage of that situation however)

  • @dooum
    @dooumАй бұрын

    I just had a random thought whose mode of expression embodies itself: Talking on the internet is thrilling because every message is like a message in a bottle. You don’t know if/who will reply and ya just kinda lob it out there.

  • @peterh.8027
    @peterh.8027Ай бұрын

    That “weird resistance” thing that you talked about, resisting parents-it’s called sin. We do that because we are tempted to sin and we give in. We need Jesus’ help to be transformed.

  • @peterh.8027
    @peterh.8027Ай бұрын

    It’s not healthy to put the opinions of strangers ahead of your own family and community. Albeit, being open minded and seeking the truth is good. Don’t hear me saying that’s bad. But being anti-authoritarian is not healthy, and when this person does despise authority and is suspicious of their community, then this leads to a destruction of their identity which leads to psychological harm. They will then seek a new identity and this land them in a desperate spot because we all desire identity and meaning like water and food. It isn’t God’s good will for us to be left without meaning or purpose or community in this world. We need His help to love those around us, our family, community, strangers, foreigners, and even our enemies.

  • @peterh.8027
    @peterh.8027Ай бұрын

    We need Jesus. He can repair these broken family relationships.

  • @Et_Exterminatus
    @Et_ExterminatusАй бұрын

    I feel like there is a large disconnect between myself and my immediate family. I listen to my Aunt, Uncle and younger cousin more because I feel like they understand how my brain works in a sense, even though they are rarely around me. I feel like my parents don’t have the time/energy/capability to understand me, so I just don’t bother with their advice. Their advice normally doesn’t really help, often because I already tried it and knew it wouldn’t work.