ERNI Academy

ERNI Academy

At ERNI Academy, our mission is to provide high-quality educational content in technology, programming, and innovation. Our passion for learning and teaching drives us to foster a Deep Tech environment: an inclusive and accessible place for everyone, regardless of their level of expertise, to support you on your learning journey.

What will you find on our channel?
- Tutorials: Our team of experts in various technology domains will walk you through foundational to advanced concepts step by step.
- Tech updates: Stay up to date with the latest industry trends.
- Inspiring talks: Listen to great professionals who will share their experiences and tips to boost your career.
- Collaborative community: We believe in the power of community and knowledge sharing. Join us, ask our experts and boost your programming skills using our open-source repositories on GitHub with many of our experiments available for you.

Subscribe now and let us help you dive into the exciting world of technology!

Summer Party 2024

Summer Party 2024

Better ask Brais

Better ask Brais

Introduction to Rust

Introduction to Rust

Road to CAS 2023!

Road to CAS 2023!
