Scenic Beauty

Scenic Beauty

Welcome to SCENIC BEAUTY....This channel will provide you with relaxing videos and aerial views of villages,town,cities and beautiful sceneries which nature has provided. Will try to bring out the best content for you guys and thanks for visiting this channel..


  • @nighatonigha6919
    @nighatonigha6919Күн бұрын

    Wish I could visit But I don't have any friends out dr

  • @Khumonglam-cc1mx
    @Khumonglam-cc1mx3 күн бұрын

    The place where mostly living khiamniungan 😊 and Chang😊 The name Tuensang means I always remember football ⚽⚽🪷🪷

  • @Mr.Judge-Satpal-Pal
    @Mr.Judge-Satpal-Pal4 күн бұрын

    🥀🇮🇳🔱बहुत अच्छा भक्ति विडीयो है🕉Very Good Bhakti Devotional Video🔱जय श्री गंगोत्री धाम(भागीरथी)+बद्रीनाथ धाम(अलकनंदा)=देवप्रयाग(गंगा संगम) और जय श्री गंगा[गोमती/काली/शारदा/गण्डक/राप्ती/वरूणा/रिहंद/पाण्डो/ईसन/रामगंगा/सरयू/घाघरा/काली/कर्णाली/दामोदर/कोयल/स्वर्ण रेखा/फल्गु/मोहना/पंचानन/मयुराक्षी/ओरंगा/खरकई/कोवा/सकरी/बोकारो/जमुनिया/कतरी/हुगली/सोन/कन्हार/गुमानी/ब्राह्मणी/बांसलोई/शंख/बराकर/अजय/महानदी/शिवनाथ/रेणुका/अरपा/दुध/ईव/लीलागर/बाघ/मनियारी/इन्द्रावती/कुनूर/तीस्ता/संकोश/ब्राह्मणी/शीलाबती/कंगसाबती/जलडाका/कोपाई/तोरसा/कालीजानी/रूपनारायण/वेतरणी/बुद्धाबलंग/वंशधारा/रुसिकुल्या/कालिंदी/महानंदा/रंगीत/ब्रह्मपुत्र/दिबांग/लोहित/धनसिरी/दोयांग/चिंदविन/बरा K(बराक)/पदमा/जमुना/मेघना] मईया🔱जय श्री नेपाल🕉जय श्री भूटान🔱जय श्री सिक्किम🕉Jai Shri 7 Sister(अनाम मेत्री मिजो-असम/ ANM MT-MA)🔱जय श्री WB(बंगाल)🕉जय श्री फरक्का डैम(बांध/बेराज/बिजली/पानी/खेत)=गंगा=नदी+नहर=बंगाल समुद्र(Bay Of Bengal)🕉जय श्री गंगा=बंगाल सागर+अरब सागर=हिंद महासागर 🔱जय श्री हरिद्वार🔱जय श्री छठी मईया🕉जय श्री अयोध्या धाम🔱जय श्री मथुरा(वृंदावन/ब्रज)🕉जय श्री सूर्यदेव🔱जय श्री ऋषिकेश(शिव/बुद्ध/जेन/हरि/दुर्गा/हनुमान/राम/कृष्ण/ब्रह्म)🕉जय श्री शिव🔱जय श्री यमुनोत्री🕉जय श्री Kदर(केदारनाथ/केलाश पर्वत/शिव/गणेश)रुद्रप्रयाग 🕉जय श्री बुद्ध🔱जय श्री लेह-लद्दाख🕉जय श्री पेंगोग झील[भारत-INDIA And Chin-चीन(तिब्बत-Tebet)]🕉जय श्री गंगा(सिन्धु/जांस्कर/श्योक) मईया🔱जय श्री गंंगा [झेलम/किशनगंगा(नीलम)/चिनाब(चीन-अब)/रावि(रवि या सुर्य)/तवी/आरा/सतलुज/व्यास]मईया🕉जय श्री हिमाचल🔱जय श्री UK🕉जय श्री UP🕉जय श्री MP🕉जय श्री बिहार🔱जय श्री JHK 🔱जय श्री 36गढ🕉जय श्री ओडिशा 🕉जय श्री सिमलीपाल पर्वत🕉जय श्री गंगा-ताल या जय श्री ताल-गंगा🔱Jai Shri Ganga Pool(Lake)Or Jai Shri Pool (Lake)Ganga🕉जय श्री Rake ताल (गंगा-ताल/मान सरोवर ताल या मान सरोवर झील)🔱जय श्री वुलर झील🕉जय श्री शेषनाग झील🔱जय श्री त्रिचि(तिरुचिल्लापल्ली)🕉जय श्री रंगनाथ स्वामी (हरि/विष्णु)🕉जय श्री अखिलेण्श्वर(अखिलेण्श्वरी)🔱जय श्री कावेरी मईया🕉जय श्री ताल कावेरी🔱जय श्री गोदावरी मईया🕉जय श्री त्रयम्बकेश्वर महादेव🔱जय श्री ब्रह्मगिरी पर्वत (नासिक-महाराष्ट्र)🕉हर हर महादेव🔱जय श्री काशी विश्वनाथ (शिव)🕉जय श्री गंगा(यमुना/टोंस/चंबल/बनास/केन/बेतवा)मईया🔱जय श्री पार्वती मईया🕉जय श्री गंगा मईया🔱जय श्री कृष्ण🔱जय श्री राम🕉जय श्री सीता (जानकी)🕉जय श्री महालक्ष्मी🔱जय श्री गणेश🕉जय श्री भारत(INDIA)🔱जय श्री हिंदी🕉जय श्री English🔱जय श्री मातृभाषा🔱जय श्री भोजपुरी~राजस्थानी~पाली🕉जय श्री ब्राहमी लिपि (हिन्दी देवनागरी लिपि)🔱 जय श्री वन्दे मातरम🕉जय श्री दुर्गा माँ 🔱 जय श्री शीतला माँ 🕉जय श्री अवधी🕉जय श्री मैथिली🔱जय श्री मराठी🔱जय श्री नेपाली 🕉नये भारत (INDIA)मानचित्र अनुसार यह भारतीय (Indian)नदी हैं🔱जय श्री लेडिज एण्ड जेंटलमेन 🕉Jai Shri Ladies & Gentleman🔱🇮🇳🕉🥀⛅🌈🥀

  • @Mr.Judge-Satpal-Pal
    @Mr.Judge-Satpal-Pal4 күн бұрын

    🥀🇮🇳🔱बहुत अच्छा भक्ति विडीयो है🕉Very Good Bhakti Devotional Video🔱जय श्री गंगोत्री धाम(भागीरथी)+बद्रीनाथ धाम(अलकनंदा)=देवप्रयाग(गंगा संगम) और जय श्री गंगा[गोमती/काली/शारदा/गण्डक/राप्ती/वरूणा/रिहंद/पाण्डो/ईसन/रामगंगा/सरयू/घाघरा/काली/कर्णाली/दामोदर/कोयल/स्वर्ण रेखा/फल्गु/मोहना/पंचानन/मयुराक्षी/ओरंगा/खरकई/कोवा/सकरी/बोकारो/जमुनिया/कतरी/हुगली/सोन/कन्हार/गुमानी/ब्राह्मणी/बांसलोई/शंख/बराकर/अजय/महानदी/शिवनाथ/रेणुका/अरपा/दुध/ईव/लीलागर/बाघ/मनियारी/इन्द्रावती/कुनूर/तीस्ता/संकोश/ब्राह्मणी/शीलाबती/कंगसाबती/जलडाका/कोपाई/तोरसा/कालीजानी/रूपनारायण/वेतरणी/बुद्धाबलंग/वंशधारा/रुसिकुल्या/कालिंदी/महानंदा/रंगीत/ब्रह्मपुत्र/दिबांग/लोहित/धनसिरी/दोयांग/चिंदविन/बरा K(बराक)/पदमा/जमुना/मेघना] मईया🔱जय श्री नेपाल🕉जय श्री भूटान🔱जय श्री सिक्किम🕉Jai Shri 7 Sister(अनाम मेत्री मिजो-असम/ ANM MT-MA)🔱जय श्री WB(बंगाल)🕉जय श्री फरक्का डैम(बांध/बेराज/बिजली/पानी/खेत)=गंगा=नदी+नहर=बंगाल समुद्र(Bay Of Bengal)🕉जय श्री गंगा=बंगाल सागर+अरब सागर=हिंद महासागर 🔱जय श्री हरिद्वार🔱जय श्री छठी मईया🕉जय श्री अयोध्या धाम🔱जय श्री मथुरा(वृंदावन/ब्रज)🕉जय श्री सूर्यदेव🔱जय श्री ऋषिकेश(शिव/बुद्ध/जेन/हरि/दुर्गा/हनुमान/राम/कृष्ण/ब्रह्म)🕉जय श्री शिव🔱जय श्री यमुनोत्री🕉जय श्री Kदर(केदारनाथ/केलाश पर्वत/शिव/गणेश)रुद्रप्रयाग 🕉जय श्री बुद्ध🔱जय श्री लेह-लद्दाख🕉जय श्री पेंगोग झील[भारत-INDIA And Chin-चीन(तिब्बत-Tebet)]🕉जय श्री गंगा(सिन्धु/जांस्कर/श्योक) मईया🔱जय श्री गंंगा [झेलम/किशनगंगा(नीलम)/चिनाब(चीन-अब)/रावि(रवि या सुर्य)/तवी/आरा/सतलुज/व्यास]मईया🕉जय श्री हिमाचल🔱जय श्री UK🕉जय श्री UP🕉जय श्री MP🕉जय श्री बिहार🔱जय श्री JHK 🔱जय श्री 36गढ🕉जय श्री ओडिशा 🕉जय श्री सिमलीपाल पर्वत🕉जय श्री गंगा-ताल या जय श्री ताल-गंगा🔱Jai Shri Ganga Pool(Lake)Or Jai Shri Pool (Lake)Ganga🕉जय श्री Rake ताल (गंगा-ताल/मान सरोवर ताल या मान सरोवर झील)🔱जय श्री वुलर झील🕉जय श्री शेषनाग झील🔱जय श्री त्रिचि(तिरुचिल्लापल्ली)🕉जय श्री रंगनाथ स्वामी (हरि/विष्णु)🕉जय श्री अखिलेण्श्वर(अखिलेण्श्वरी)🔱जय श्री कावेरी मईया🕉जय श्री ताल कावेरी🔱जय श्री गोदावरी मईया🕉जय श्री त्रयम्बकेश्वर महादेव🔱जय श्री ब्रह्मगिरी पर्वत (नासिक-महाराष्ट्र)🕉हर हर महादेव🔱जय श्री काशी विश्वनाथ (शिव)🕉जय श्री गंगा(यमुना/टोंस/चंबल/बनास/केन/बेतवा)मईया🔱जय श्री पार्वती मईया🕉जय श्री गंगा मईया🔱जय श्री कृष्ण🔱जय श्री राम🕉जय श्री सीता (जानकी)🕉जय श्री महालक्ष्मी🔱जय श्री गणेश🕉जय श्री भारत(INDIA)🔱जय श्री हिंदी🕉जय श्री English🔱जय श्री मातृभाषा🔱जय श्री भोजपुरी~राजस्थानी~पाली🕉जय श्री ब्राहमी लिपि (हिन्दी देवनागरी लिपि)🔱 जय श्री वन्दे मातरम🕉जय श्री दुर्गा माँ 🔱 जय श्री शीतला माँ 🕉जय श्री अवधी🕉जय श्री मैथिली🔱जय श्री मराठी🔱जय श्री नेपाली 🕉नये भारत (INDIA)मानचित्र अनुसार यह भारतीय (Indian)नदी हैं🔱जय श्री लेडिज एण्ड जेंटलमेन 🕉Jai Shri Ladies & Gentleman🔱🇮🇳🕉🥀⛅🌈🥀

  • @PakongLam
    @PakongLam7 күн бұрын


  • @seigoulimsong8135
    @seigoulimsong81358 күн бұрын

    Miss you all my brothers 💞 new subscribers sir angam deilam

  • @JTNaga
    @JTNaga11 күн бұрын

    Where is mr Kent house😅😅😅😅😅😅

  • @lpslamlpslam4066
    @lpslamlpslam406612 күн бұрын

    How lucky am i to live such a beautiful place 💗

  • @SaveAllTheGoodThing
    @SaveAllTheGoodThing15 күн бұрын

    Can smell local rice 🍺 😂😂

  • @abenotungu7229
    @abenotungu722916 күн бұрын

    Waaw beautiful village so nice 👍

  • @sumedhzote864
    @sumedhzote86420 күн бұрын

    Awesome Beauty of North East India 🎉❤

  • @chungshiba2549
    @chungshiba254927 күн бұрын

    Noklak district beautiful place but not develope why eastern area

  • @vikethotase512
    @vikethotase512Ай бұрын

    Videography A1.

  • @wepfowetsah6757
    @wepfowetsah6757Ай бұрын


  • @wepfowetsah6757
    @wepfowetsah6757Ай бұрын


  • @vedukhonaga
    @vedukhonagaАй бұрын

    Beautiful view of my Headquarter Phek Town 😊

  • @bukhotsuritobukhotsurito
    @bukhotsuritobukhotsuritoАй бұрын

    21 years already but haven't return and visited my own villages and towns yet, one day I'll come and take over my lands😂

  • @ThungchamoEzung-xc5vy
    @ThungchamoEzung-xc5vyАй бұрын

    It's a very very beautiful village

  • @ThungchamoEzung-xc5vy
    @ThungchamoEzung-xc5vyАй бұрын

    Ito bosti laka ghor Khan te colour lakai le to sapole kiman pi phal aro sundor hopo na a a

  • @yongkanglamba-pu8ex
    @yongkanglamba-pu8exАй бұрын

    missed 😔

  • @user-kc1dx1ze3b
    @user-kc1dx1ze3bАй бұрын

    Its just wow ❤

  • @merenpongen4468
    @merenpongen4468Ай бұрын

    Wow , I miss Noklak very much .😢

  • @mpmlam
    @mpmlamАй бұрын

    I'm pretty sure tat many khiamniungan peoples will not know wats the meaning of Noklak... N y it is called as Noklak

  • @Roammer
    @Roammer2 ай бұрын

    And the light here is not good at alllllllllllllll

  • @myingexungmorran5189
    @myingexungmorran51892 ай бұрын

    Over smart village

  • @milestone1369
    @milestone13692 ай бұрын

    Wow! Beautifully Captured 👏. Well kept place . Please Take us to Mopungchuket Village. Would Love to See the Cinematic Video of the Village. There had been lots of Appreciation and Praise going on about Mopungchuket Village.

  • @Littlegiant1234
    @Littlegiant12342 ай бұрын

    Mini Kohima ♥️

  • @kejongkun2169
    @kejongkun21692 ай бұрын

    Can i know the name of rhe background music bro 1st wala

  • @alemalia6888
    @alemalia68882 ай бұрын

    nice video with awesome music background subscriber here

  • @Khiasuthong
    @Khiasuthong2 ай бұрын

    Very beautiful Village, I'm very grateful that I belong to Tikhir naga may God bless you all

  • @RejurentemsuOzukum
    @RejurentemsuOzukum2 ай бұрын

    I was born in 3th NAP camp tuensang i did my did my class A and B from the police camp.sadly my father got posted and since then i never been im married and have a beautiful daughter and my oly wish before i die is to visit my birth place once with my wife and daughter.

  • @temsujamir1358
    @temsujamir13582 ай бұрын

    You guys have still chance to make the city in how you want it ..make it like a garden city.

  • @sentimonglalongkumer4952
    @sentimonglalongkumer49522 ай бұрын

    Sorry,for the first time,in this bed,very nice❤❤

  • @sentimonglalongkumer4952
    @sentimonglalongkumer49522 ай бұрын

    I'm seeing Noklak

  • @shyamshyam9370
    @shyamshyam93703 ай бұрын

    Ok your number please send

  • @Kiushu
    @Kiushu3 ай бұрын

    Missing my hometown tuensang 😢😢😢😢

  • @julikramsapi5636
    @julikramsapi56363 ай бұрын

    Looks so beautiful❤❤

  • @everythingisnotthesame
    @everythingisnotthesame3 ай бұрын

    To khiamniungan people don't let non-local people (outsiders) take control of the business shops,grocery store don't be like Dimapur and kohima, I like the disign of the houses, lumber house👌

  • @deadskinrippers
    @deadskinrippers2 ай бұрын

    Why? Wot u mean outsders? U ppl can come anywhere and do whatever in India so why the one sided approach?

  • @everythingisnotthesame
    @everythingisnotthesame2 ай бұрын

    @@deadskinrippers I love my Naga people that's why, Outsiders means,who came to Nagaland with(ILP)inner line permit,if you don't have one than your illegal immigrant, I don't know your behavior,but let's say you're good,others are not like you my brother from another mother, they discriminate Naga's (North-East),their are alot of racist people in India, You know what they call us (chinki) (Chinese), It's easy for you to say,you can come anywhere and do whatever in india,but not us, You don't face discriminate,you don't even know how we feel? Why so much hate man? Recently Rakhi sawant call us Chinese, Well I appreciate Rakhi sawant for calling Naga's Chinese, That's all thank you🤝

  • @everythingisnotthesame
    @everythingisnotthesame2 ай бұрын

    @@deadskinrippers it's easy for you to say,you can come anywhere and do whatever in India,but not for us, You have no idea how much people of India discriminate Naga's (North-East), Discriminate everywhere, Recently Rakhi sawant calling Naga's Chinese,why so much hate? Thank you'll for calling us chinki Chinese etc etc....

  • @deadskinrippers
    @deadskinrippers2 ай бұрын

    @@everythingisnotthesame hate come from ur side. U never tried to integrate with Indians while we have been trying to assimilate with your side. Simple u can't have the cake and eat it too. No land belongs to anybody.

  • @everythingisnotthesame
    @everythingisnotthesame2 ай бұрын

    @@deadskinrippers it's easy for you to say, you can come anywhere and do whatever in India, For you it's easy to say that,but for Naga's(North-East) it's not, we face discriminate.

  • @AjenbaJamie-lx6uk
    @AjenbaJamie-lx6uk3 ай бұрын

    "I'm a Ao but my father working in tuensang n my posting was in other place so we r living distance"

  • @aibannongrum7258
    @aibannongrum72583 ай бұрын

    Got a chance to visit Noklak twice. Such a beautiful place with beautiful and friendly people. Great food too. Would love to visit it again. Love from Shillong.

  • @babyboss8208
    @babyboss82083 ай бұрын

    Hu derü or aaa derü … Only real chiechamians can pronounce those word perfectly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 angami hoilewi chiechama manu nahoile napariwo….

  • @thesept1775
    @thesept17759 күн бұрын

    🤣🤣the only word I've learnt

  • @Kencars123
    @Kencars1237 күн бұрын


  • @NzanchumiKikon-eb8bk
    @NzanchumiKikon-eb8bk3 ай бұрын


  • @user-di8kq7og2b
    @user-di8kq7og2b3 ай бұрын

    I didn't realize that my hometown is this much beautiful ❤❤…..

  • @Lulougonz
    @Lulougonz3 ай бұрын

    Please show people and their culture to be more educative.

  • @jatrasingha9991
    @jatrasingha99914 ай бұрын

    My childhood I was in Phek ,I studied in Assam Rifles School as well Govt High School, Phek. I remember my life In Phek alot. Today after long time I can see Phek view Thank You Very Much.

  • @madnaga2826
    @madnaga28264 ай бұрын

    Tenyie kikha,mezha kikha🔥 ...Ura uvie.

  • @shekuxhijoh956
    @shekuxhijoh9564 ай бұрын

    Wow love it ❤❤

  • @i.tongzukchangkija9843
    @i.tongzukchangkija98434 ай бұрын

    Wow.. It's beautiful much more than I thought as people always say it's still backward but actually it's more beautiful then Chumukedima.. 😊

  • @simonhegaac1121
    @simonhegaac11214 ай бұрын

    Not Barak. It's teipuiki. Barak is from puilo This is Peren town.

  • @Tayikopfithu
    @Tayikopfithu5 ай бұрын

    So beautiful