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  • @waynemccuen8213
    @waynemccuen8213Күн бұрын

    "Craft a message"? Stanley is more a Twister of Scripture. Not once in this did he speak of studying in context and give examples of how to find the meaning. Not once did he offer citations of known quality expositors of scripture or places to go study to mine out the meanings of scripture. Not once does he encourage people to study deeper in a way to become close with God. But what he does offer are his own strawman arguments and assessments and his own philosophy of life then goes full speed and in an uncaring manor to twist Gods plain word to make scripture say something that it actually doesn't say. Beware of this wolf in sheeps clothing.

  • @-albertstoica-
    @-albertstoica-3 күн бұрын

    Wow so scary she looks like demon possessed look at her eyes

  • @bootcampslave
    @bootcampslave4 күн бұрын

    She’s a joke

  • @apropos4701
    @apropos47014 күн бұрын

    Christianity, even more than other religions, is a bridge of reinforcing statements, teachings, doctrines, history, and systematized theology. There are many places in the supporting members where a weakness can bring the whole structure down. The internet has provided a forum for scholars and students to discuss the texts of the Bible, the actions of the leaders, the developing theology subsequent to the last selection and editing of the Bible, etc. Scholars and students have found the Bible and the Christian faith it spawned to be so rotten that the entire project has to be scrapped. Deconstruction is evaluation and recommendation, just as it is in engineering. The New Atheism is not in decline. The leaders have created a body of intellectual best-practices that the next generations will be using in a wave of secular humanism. The silver lining for Christian churches is that members who want to live in an alternate reality will be concentrated in them and will have all the benefits of tribalism.

  • @danyellbeauty3714
    @danyellbeauty37145 күн бұрын

    We have To remember that there is nothing new under the Sun and the Blood of Jesus has the power to Change anyone. The problem is we cant counsel a demon spirit it has to be cast out first and then you counsel the person so they won't invite that spirit back in. the person will know how to recognize the fruits of that Spirit and resist it....

  • @Gfish17
    @Gfish175 күн бұрын

    Why do Christians feel they need to apologize for their religion? Oh wait read the Bible and you will see why a god can't be real.

  • @Gfish17
    @Gfish175 күн бұрын

    I'm an Atheist still. Recognizing that Transgender Americans exist isn't a religion. Cats exist too. Is that a religion now?

  • @EvidenceandReasons
    @EvidenceandReasons8 күн бұрын

    Platt destroyed McLean Bible Church (MBC) and is living in an exclusive expensive neighborhood and has probably raked in millions in income and tax shelters. He threatened a Christian wife, mother, and missionary with arrest and jail in after she raised suspicious financial and contractual dealings. He wasted millions of dollars of congregational dollars to fight legal-probes demanding financial and operational transparency. He asks speaking fees of 20,000 to tell you to impoverish yourself. Much of this is now out in court records.

  • @BlumpkinLumpkin
    @BlumpkinLumpkin8 күн бұрын

    Thirty minutes of cope. No 'rebirth in belief in god' and no decline in 'atheism' DERP

  • @Captain-Cosmo
    @Captain-Cosmo8 күн бұрын

    It is always disheartening to witness adults clinging so strongly to beliefs instilled in them during childhood. In a neutral context, atheism would naturally be the default stance: withholding belief in any deity until convinced otherwise. However, Christianity has historically held cultural sway, indoctrinating children before they could develop critical thinking or skepticism. The religion itself fortified this with mechanisms to discourage questioning, effectively trapping adults with fears of societal rejection in this life and damnation in the afterlife. A notable scene from the 1981 film "The Right Stuff," based on Tom Wolfe's book, illustrates this societal pressure. During a press conference, the original Mercury astronauts, when asked about their religious affiliations, awkwardly affirm their Christian faith to widespread approval. The message was clear: America wanted its heroes to be just like them: Christian. America's Christian dominance made atheism taboo, marginalizing non-believers from public office, employment, and even family acceptance if they didn't "carry the cross." Consequently, many skeptics, including clergy, feigned Christian adherence. The internet has been pivotal in changing this landscape. It provides a platform for skeptics to explore their doubts privately and connect with others in similar situations. This has facilitated the process of "deconversion" and enabled atheists to openly express their views without isolation. The advent of "new atheism," coinciding with the internet age, unleashed pent-up interest in these discussions. Many atheists came forward, unafraid to voice their disbelief, contributing to a rise in those identifying as "nones" while traditional church attendance declined sharply. Atheism, devoid of doctrine or faith, lacks a unified movement beyond supporting each other and combating persistent cultural biases against non-Christians. Post-"new atheism," many have moved on from their former beliefs without dwelling on them, suggesting a future where Christianity's cultural dominance wanes and labels like "atheism" become unnecessary. As Christianity loses its grip, a small minority will identify as Christians while the majority will simply be themselves. This shift reflects broader societal changes towards greater acceptance of diverse beliefs and identities.

  • @JordanLittle-bb3yq
    @JordanLittle-bb3yq8 күн бұрын

    Churches of all kinds of denominations and religions create more atheists every year than atheists do. There's no decline in 'new atheism'. There's a decline in religion. You know why? Cause evangelicals prove day after day that their faiths, beliefs and religion mean nothing. Absolutely nothing! Hatred is all you idiots know and that's what will end up killing religion.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    I always wondered, how someone convinces himself that all of this is by random chance?

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Atheism is just an opinion and not even a smart one 🤣

  • @MaxFoster-ni3op
    @MaxFoster-ni3op9 күн бұрын

    Nobody describes themselves as a 'New Atheist'. As Alex O'Connor has mentioned before, it was more of a publishing term than anything. The decline of the use of the label says nothing of the nature of the values people hold, which (in Britain anyway) are increasingly secular. Framing such superficial observations as a decline in atheism is merely an attempt to restore short-term emotional satisfaction.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Isn't UK flooded by muslims right now considering all of the stabbings on the rise? Yeah, secularism is just better then "you shall not kill" lol 🤣

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Few of the atheistic blind beliefs: We always observe hundreds of spiecies dying out while no new ones emerge at the same time. The ratio of dying out versus emerging new spiecies since we record history is ALL OF IT to ZERO, but people believe that somehow natural selection creates new spiecies by random chance lol We always observe mutations as harmful to health. There was never a case when doctor said: "Great, you have a genetic disease. Everything will be much, much better for you from now on sir". The ratio of negative versus positve mutations since we record history is ALL OF IT to ZERO, but people believe random mutations give positive traits to human body lol We always observe mind behind encoded information. There was never a case when software engineer typed random string of code into TXT file, then changed it's extension to EXE and after execution some type of working software emerged. The ratio of designed encoded information versus unintended encoded information is ALL OF IT to ZERO, but people believe that somehow DNA encoded itself by random chance lol Atheism is just a cult of physical impossibilities. Nothing created everything etc. etc.

  • @tomasrocha6139
    @tomasrocha61398 күн бұрын

    Nope, we've witnessed speciation in Darwin's finches for example. Likewise we know of lots of beneficial mutations like lactose tolerance. Quit spreading misinformation.

  • @este4955
    @este49558 күн бұрын

    @@tomasrocha6139 "finches" are still the same spiecies, and lactose intolerance is a disease. Do you have any other "beneficial mutations" ? I bet you don't.

  • @tomasrocha6139
    @tomasrocha61398 күн бұрын

    @@este4955 No, Darwin's finches are a group of about 18 species of passerine birds. Lactose intolerance is the older state of mankind, lactose tolerance is known to be a beneficial mutation, just as with a rich color vision and resistance to HIV

  • @este4955
    @este49558 күн бұрын

    @@tomasrocha6139 Are you saying there are no lactose intolerant people anymore? Older state of man kind lol. Rich color vision? Are there any eye fossils? lol. There is no resistance to HIV. If it gets into your bloodstream, you have it to the rest of your life. All you have is blind assumptions. Birds are still birds. Nothing comes out of birds other then birds. OK, i think I'm done here. You didn't convince me to atheism. My faith is stronger now. Bye 😇

  • @HipHopWorldStar
    @HipHopWorldStar8 күн бұрын

    @@tomasrocha6139 💯

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    This is what atheists think on how Christianity started lol 🤣

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Atheists think if more people will become atheists, then atheism will become truth lol 🤣 Just because more people now believe in inifnite amount of genders, that doesn't mean there is more then two, hahaha 🤣

  • @LGpi314
    @LGpi3149 күн бұрын

    LMAO. You were born as an atheist. Only later, you were indoctrinated into what ever religion surrounded you. Don't kid yourself. 😂😂😂 It is sad that people in 21st century are relying on goat herders' understanding of the world. It is insane.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    @@LGpi314 Thanks for proving that you're obsessed about God by commenting on God every single chance you have. You just can't live without God, can't you? lol 🤣It's almost like God was with you from the moment of birth, hahaha 🤣 Congratulations. You just self-refuted yourself 🤡 How is it thinking and talking your whole life about something that you don't even belive in? Do you need therapy for that? 🤡

  • @bubbafowpend9943
    @bubbafowpend99437 күн бұрын

    ​@@este4955"You just self-refuted yourself". This is a very telling line from you 🤦‍♂️ all of the unjustified cockiness in the world and not a single coherent opinion.

  • @vilicus77
    @vilicus779 күн бұрын

    What rebirth of belief?? A bunch of fundamentalist are getting views on KZread; that doesn't mean theistic belief is rising in any significant numbers. There is no new evidence for a god--it's just the same old claims.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    There is no evidence for atheism, so why do you belive it blindly?

  • @vilicus77
    @vilicus779 күн бұрын

    @@este4955 How could there be evidence for atheism-it’s not a claim. You have attempted to shift the burden of proof. Every modern public atheist defines it as a lack of belief; never do any of the popular “New Atheists” define atheism as including the claim, there is no god. You are making a straw man and not address the actual proposition.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    @@vilicus77 Then theism is just a lack of belief in unintended emergence of life by random chance - it's not a claim. Simple as that. See how that works?

  • @vilicus77
    @vilicus779 күн бұрын

    @@este4955 That's not how that works. I don't know why this is difficult to understand. Atheism is simply not theism. It makes zero claims about material facts or anything else. It is merely addressing one solitary issue. I know atheists who believe in crazy things like ghosts, mind reading and tarot cards. Here is another flaw in your last post; no one claims that life happened by chance. That is something religious apologists say. Chemistry is the study of chemical reactions which are highly predictable--the opposite of random. If you want to debate educated people, you will need to not straw man their arguments. You will convince no one that way. Try to steal man their position.

  • @este4955
    @este49558 күн бұрын

    @@vilicus77 That is how it works. Theism is just a lack of belief in "unintended" emergence of life. I don't know why this is difficult to understand. All atheists believe in crazy things. The most crazy one is that all of this happend by accident. If chemical reactions are highly predictable, then please, show me using chemical reactions how non-living matter becomes alive and then how that living matter becomes self aware. It shouldn't be a problem for such an educated person like you. Ohh, and right after that explain to me in sceintific way how encoded information emereges without intelligence behind it. That shouldn't also be a problem for such a champion of reason and science 😇

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Atheism is so cringe Atheists are obsessed about God. They just can't live without God. God is the most important thing in their life. All they do all the time is to talk about God and how much they hate it. It's a sign on insanity. Can you imagine a non-golfer commenting on every single video about golf? Telling how much he hates golf and golfers? Explaining to everyone he doesn't understand why golfers like to play golf? etc, etc. Why can't they see how silly miiltant atheism is? Pure cringe

  • @LGpi314
    @LGpi3149 күн бұрын

    “In fact, "atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist." We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.” ― Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation

  • @LGpi314
    @LGpi3149 күн бұрын

    "Decline of the New Atheism" LMAO In US, atheism grew from under 5% to almost 20% in the last decade. Christianity is dying out. The net change of religions due to religious conversion by Pew Research Center between 2010 and 2050. Religion Switching in Switching out Net change Religiously Unaffiliated 97,080,000 35,590,000 +61,490,000 Islam 12,620,000 9,400,000 +3,220,000 Folk religions 5,460,000 2,850,000 +2,610,000 Other religions 3,040,000 1,160,000 +1,880,000 Hinduism 260,000 250,000 +10,000 Judaism 320,000 630,000 -310,000 Buddhism 3,370,000 6,210,000 -2,850,000 Christianity 40,060,000 106,110,000 -66,050,000

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    lol you don't even know the difference between atheism and lack of religious affiliation. These 20% are stil spiritual, they are just undecided Christians, hahahaha. Atheists are just small unimportant minority and no1 takes them seriously, hahahaha 🤣

  • @Nava9380
    @Nava93809 күн бұрын

    Iam still laughing and you still tyring to proof your God. Nothing changed.

  • @TrevonFoxxx
    @TrevonFoxxx9 күн бұрын

    If you want me to believe in a book that endorses slavery, subjugation of women, and child abuse. You better give me some evidence, until then the evil that you guys adhere to will ultimately be your cults downfall, hopefully sooner than later

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    You do realize that just because something is described, that doesn't mean it's prescribed, right? How do you combine "slavery, subjugation of women, and child abuse" with 10 commandment given to people by God? Ever heard about logical thinking, or reasoning? 🤣

  • @user-xx7hx9ot2o
    @user-xx7hx9ot2o9 күн бұрын

    my ranked teammates

  • @_WowSignal_
    @_WowSignal_9 күн бұрын

    Professional wishful thinking on display

  • @richardhunter132
    @richardhunter1329 күн бұрын

    this take seems a bit online to me: what is Richard Dawkins saying; what is Jordan Peterson saying etc. the real question is what are ordinary people actually doing? is there evidence of a decline in atheism or an upswing in religion?

  • @Em-lq3vs
    @Em-lq3vs9 күн бұрын


  • @foxf6
    @foxf69 күн бұрын

    I love when people who know nothing about even the simple definition of atheist still don’t know what it means yet want to talk about it as if they do. You should interview me if you want a real discussion.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Yeah, definition of atheism is as mystical as that magical nothing which created everything according to atheists lol What makes you think that any theist care about what atheists have to say about God? It's like asking a blind man how is it to see? Or asking a virgin how does it feel to copulate? In every single case it's just a waste of time 😇

  • @goodquestion7915
    @goodquestion79159 күн бұрын

    Men losing their purpose? Are you saying that men with less misogyny, less patriarchal tendencies, and more intelligence have become purposeless? With purposeless, do you mean, less animal?

  • @TrevonFoxxx
    @TrevonFoxxx9 күн бұрын

    That’s exactly what they mean “Men aren’t oppressing the people I think they should, we’re losing real men”

  • @bradleyyurk5744
    @bradleyyurk57449 күн бұрын

    18% of Americans identify as both non-religious and non-spiritual. That number is up from 9% in 1999. How is atheism on the decline?

  • @foxf6
    @foxf69 күн бұрын

    They are desperate that’s why.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Wrong, non religious is not the same as non spritual. They are still spiritual, so it makes them just undecided Christians, hahahah. Atheists are just very small unimportant minority and no one takes them seriously 🤣

  • @goodquestion7915
    @goodquestion79159 күн бұрын

    I am Cultural Christian. Translation: My lingering religious stench comes from the Christian Church. Examples: PTSD towards images of Hell, traces of guilt towards sex, disproportionate excitement when a Pope shows on TV, etc.

  • @Victorsamo345
    @Victorsamo3459 күн бұрын

    ...."And I hate minorities"

  • @goodquestion7915
    @goodquestion79159 күн бұрын

    Decline? New Atheism won and moved on. Now atheists speakup (instead of ignoring) when stupid titles like this show up, and christian leaders cry because The Church is shrinking.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Hahahaha lol. Religion is here to stay for millennia long after you will be gone 😂

  • @ShinMadero
    @ShinMadero9 күн бұрын

    Belief in God is down, church attendance is down. The lack of popularity of a new public intellectuals is meaningless.

  • @cerad7304
    @cerad73049 күн бұрын

    Christianity gives people permission and reasons to hate. Hence the rise of God Emperor Trump's MAGA creed.

  • @foxf6
    @foxf69 күн бұрын

    Nah, I’m an atheist and have been for 20 years. Trump all day.

  • @TrevonFoxxx
    @TrevonFoxxx9 күн бұрын

    Absolutely agree and people like @foxf6 are just degenerate sadists who don’t care about anything so it doesn’t matter what label they call themselves

  • @LGpi314
    @LGpi3149 күн бұрын

    @@foxf6 sadly.

  • @Theprofessorator
    @Theprofessorator9 күн бұрын

    Christians: **Stop killing and shaming any self-identified Atheists for 20 seconds. Also Christians: Hey, where'd all these New Atheists come from?

  • @bootskanchelsis3337
    @bootskanchelsis333710 күн бұрын

    the intellectually dishonest twists that theists tie themselves into.

  • @idunno3302
    @idunno330210 күн бұрын

    Holy nonsense. Why do you think your book is more that delusional thoughts or a deliberate attempt to decieve?

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Because it contains historical events.

  • @idunno3302
    @idunno33028 күн бұрын

    @este4955 So just like Forest Gump? It had real history so it's true?!

  • @este4955
    @este49558 күн бұрын

    @@idunno3302 So, you think this is how Christianity started?

  • @idunno3302
    @idunno33028 күн бұрын

    @@este4955 Do you also think Forest Gump is real? It contains historical events.

  • @henryaudubon
    @henryaudubon10 күн бұрын

    @9:19 Other beliefs are just shadows of the thing I believe in, which is the truth! Even he couldn't contain his smile.

  • @courgette3401
    @courgette340110 күн бұрын

    Being an atheist isn’t a movement. It is a non belief. We are individuals. But the reality is that more than half of the people in the uk do not have a religious belief.

  • @courgette3401
    @courgette340110 күн бұрын

    Most Christians in the uk are only cultural. They don’t actually believe in god.

  • @este4955
    @este495510 күн бұрын

    Yeah, yeah. And theism is just a non belief in unintended emergence of life by random chance. Isn't most of UK inhabited by muslims nowadays? Seems like it considering all of the stabbings on the rise. Well, you didn't want to hear about "you shall not kill", so you have what you whished for.

  • @rikardotsamsiyu
    @rikardotsamsiyu10 күн бұрын

    @@este4955 You wrote, _“Theism is just a non belief in unintended emergence of life by random chance.”_ Feel free to provide evidence for this claim instead of merely asserting it.

  • @idunno3302
    @idunno330210 күн бұрын

    Buddy athiesm has one claim. Your book is not truth

  • @este4955
    @este495510 күн бұрын

    @@idunno3302 Until you present evidence which disproves my book, it's just your opinion buddy.

  • @brucebaker810
    @brucebaker81010 күн бұрын


  • @rikardotsamsiyu
    @rikardotsamsiyu10 күн бұрын

    Until you present evidence for god, the decline of new atheism means nothing.

  • @este4955
    @este495510 күн бұрын

    Until you present evidence for unitended emergence of life by random chance it simply didn't happen.

  • @Jonas-gl9ke
    @Jonas-gl9ke10 күн бұрын

    ⁠​⁠@@este4955Are you referring to abiogenesis?

  • @este4955
    @este495510 күн бұрын

    @@Jonas-gl9ke That + unintended emergence of encoded information by random chance. No evidence for any of it. Plenty of evidence against it.

  • @rikardotsamsiyu
    @rikardotsamsiyu10 күн бұрын

    @@este4955 That’s got nothing to do with atheism, so I’m with you 100%.

  • @jamesjones11301994
    @jamesjones113019949 күн бұрын

    @@Jonas-gl9ke Bro you atheists don’t get that just because you can name a scientific term that explains a process doesn’t mean you explained how it came to be. That process you named either came from random chance or intelligence. Atheists choose random chance. Theists choose intelligent agent.

  • @bubbafowpend9943
    @bubbafowpend994310 күн бұрын

    "New atheism", also known as "atheism"

  • @Theprofessorator
    @Theprofessorator9 күн бұрын

    I've cracked the code on this. It's because they constantly use the term "Atheist" incorrectly in churches to mean, "Someone that doesn't believe in God" for every generation and they refuse to correct themselves. So to them, when they come out of the church and meet REAL Atheists, it does feel like we're trying to pull a fast one on them. Because none of their bottled responses for their caricature of Atheism seem to work.

  • @goodquestion7915
    @goodquestion79159 күн бұрын

    Atheism means "No God" or "Without God", which means "Your God is meaningless to me" = "I don't believe in your Fairy friend".

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    the tenets of the satanic temple: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    doesn't god do this individually? or is god being personal mean something else? everyone seems to assume satan is going to be horrid. if i go to hell then GOD is "punishing me" for my sins, but why would satan want to punish me too? satan despises christians. if i'm being punished by satan, then satan is doing god's work - that makes zero sense. hell is more likely to be eternity having more fun than you ever could on earth, this is what god hates, heaven will just be eternal worship, satan is SAVING you from an eternity of boredom and slavery. i see no reason why hell wouldn't be a great place to be, no mind control, commandments to follow, just eternal life that you can probably quit if you get bored with learning guitar from hendrix or trying to grasp relativity from einstein. why would hell be undesirable? why would satan want to torment me - he detests god and christians, not sinners.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    what does god need DNA for? he makes blokes from dirt and chicks from ribs. and what does he need the higgs for? just to fool me into thinking he's maybe not real? there is no god, no one is bringing a train set for christmas.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    i wouldn't bother mate, you can't get anything right anymore, christians can be gay, christians can be drag queens, christians can need abortions, whoever you call sinner these days you lose half your audience, thank goodness, religion has RUINED BILLIONS of lives with it's accusations and guilt shaming, time to go.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    i have to say i love this channel, i love these little no one is interested channels cos if i'm the only commenting plenty of people can see how the talking snake and donkey cult is ridiculous, not to mention immoral. anyone who says god has the right to kill everyone on the planet, no trial, no jury, one unspecified crime of "sin" and one sentence, to burn for eternity - after being drowned of course - they are sick people who ought to re-evaluate their humanity. christians are horrible people.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    and just a quick reminder that the first amendment conflicts with the first commandment "thou shalt worship whoever you want" and that the declaration of human rights gives ME more rights than god. and a history lesson cos the USA is a secular nation, not many people seem to know that, and the founding fathers were at best deists and certainly not christian. hitchens became a naturalised american purely because of the constitution. the UK is officially christian, the US is officially secular. is it annoying that the satanic temple has the SAME RIGHTS as the church?

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    on the one hand we have a god who is sophisticated enough to create a universe using extremes of physics, chemistry, biology and quantum mechanics, a universe that is finely tuned to one part in zillions, with humans designed to have the smallest of biological machines to regulate the workings of our bodies, not to mention the uncountable operations our brain carries out every moment, and the intricacies of consciousness, but you want me to believe that his person also thought nailing his son to a tree was a good idea. religists are crazy people.

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Did Jesus nailed himself to the cross?

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas10 күн бұрын

    i think someone is living in cloud cuckoo land, pew polls predicted christianity will be a minority by 2050, and the numbers fall faster every time they do a new poll, gallup agrees - new atheism isn't even a thing to decline, but it's the church that is emptying out and they can't all be going over islam.

  • @TrevonFoxxx
    @TrevonFoxxx9 күн бұрын

    I really hope we can get them in the minority by 2030 honestly

  • @este4955
    @este49559 күн бұрын

    Hahaha lol. Religion is here to stay forever. Atheism will always be just a small minority.