Shadows of Darkness Silent War . Alien Agenda.

Shadows of Darkness Silent War . Alien Agenda.

Shadows of Darkness Silent War/Zillionium Science. Have you ever wondered if Aliens are real if they are here? If it could affect you in some way. Could our solar system be more than we think as a process cycle system where Earth becomes a nuclear toxic frozen planet next, then Venus burning evidence, then Mars, then back to Earth. Are you looking for a new answer/idea of what could be fact with evidence? Is it possible Aliens have cities in Ancient Magna chambers from past volcanos and dimensional portholes from past blowholes and caves with grey demons to protect the Dimensional gate and bigfoot out in the field to protect their World? could this World be about soul darkening and claiming for their process with an Alien injection abduction program? A pathway is only walked by taking the first step many things may be learned on the way. Light is to life and the Soul what water is to the body. Fun is had by enjoying life not destroying others the World and ending life.

Snow Moon, and My Earth Core Theory.

Snow Moon, and My Earth Core Theory.

Aliens, Time on Earth.

Aliens, Time on Earth.

Sunspot Pics over 2 days.

Sunspot Pics over 2 days.

Soul Cleaning,

Soul Cleaning,
