


키브로드 스튜디오

Good Bye My Friend....

Good Bye My Friend....


  • @user-hp9wd7re8y
    @user-hp9wd7re8yСағат бұрын

    1박에 고액의 숙소를 묵는 사람이라 타켓이 된것 같아요... 처음부터 노리고 있었을듯.. 부내가 나서 그렇습니다...

  • @sh4995
    @sh49956 сағат бұрын

    요 근래 해외여행을 많이 가는 인구가 많아지며 외국뽕 단단히 맞은 사람들 보고 좀 느꼇으면 좋겟네요 외국은 다 친절하고 여유롭고~ㅋㅋㅋ 그런데 한국돌아오면 다 화나있다 한국은 종업원도 사람들도 불친절하다 라는 댓글들 하도많이 봄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 항상 외국과 비교하며 자국을 까내리는 사람이 너무 많아짐

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23188 сағат бұрын

    Oink Oink.. Beating on Me.. what if I stop beating.. and I can't feel my Heart beating inside of Me.. I guess in times like that.. I can be glad that I am behind the screen.. because If I were to face YOU.. and has to talk to YOU directly.. would I say the things that I can say and share like the way I am able to write to YOU these Letters.. what I have the Words to speak and tell YOU all these things that I can when I am able to sit by the desk.. and I would pull the drawer and the Key Board is there.. I would turn on the screen and I would Look at the Blank white Screen.. and the first thing is that I would Look at your Picture.. I would say.. YOU are so Beautiful.. and I would ask the Question.. WHY are you so Beautiful to Me.. when I look at you through your Picture.. I can feel this Sharp Pain.. it hurts me more than YOU can say One word to me because this Sharp pain never goes away unless I needs to say It.. to tell YOU from my Heart.. How much that It is Hurting me because I been loving YOU.. just loving YOU does hurt me because it is what you do to MY Heart when I look at you and Your Picture.. YOU are wondering.. you can be thinking that is it going to end very soon.. WILL I ever stop writing.. Will I ever end telling YOU these words and maybe YOU can think that way because It can feel like.. what if IT does end.. and I will ask YOU.. will you be missing Me.. is it then when I will know your true Heart.. if YOU ever did Love Me.. but to speak truth in love is this.. It is so Hard for me to end because it is YOU who I love.. when a MAN like myself has Nothing to Lose.. I really have Nothing to Give YOU to be honest with YOU.. I am Not wealthy.. I am Not even smart.. I don't have Any Master degrees.. and I don't even have a Great Job.. what I will look like to YOU is a MAN who has failed many times In my Life.. seems Like I am going Nowhere.. I guess that is where it all begins because I do truly Have Nothing to Lose.. that I am Not afraid to tell YOU that I do Love YOU.. it does Not matter what YOU think of Me.. I can be the Most smallest Person on this earth.. I may be very small but when It comes down to Love YOU.. I know that I can run through Snowy roads to get to YOU.. even if it takes Miles and miles apart from here to where YOU are at.. I know that NO matter what.. If I have the Heart to go to you now.. I know that I can.. I can even climb up on Mountains.. if falling down and rolling down.. hitting the floor and falling down.. just remember that I can get back UP.. and I will try one more time because I believe in Loving YOU.. give me two wings.. and I will put the wings so that I can fly to YOU.. just to tell YOU that it is me whose been loving YOU.. I don't care because I love YOU more.. that is why I want to prove it to YOU HOW much I really do.. I can run.. I can walk.. I can fall back and bounce back.. but as long as I know that I love YOU.. I will do what my Heart says in me.. to keep on trying until YOU can get it to Your Head.. I believe that In due time.. One day I do believe that YOU will love me too.. I am Not asking you to love me Now because I know that YOU just can't.. do you know why.. because I am Not ready yet to be with YOU.. the day that comes for me to be with YOU and when I am ready.. I know that YOU be ready to receive the Love I want to give to YOU.. I am only letting YOU know that I been here.. Looking at your Picture.. but when I do look at your Picture.. my Heart burns in me.. and my eyes get watery these days.. it did Not happen before.. but Now.. I am Not sure what is happening to My Heart.. but I know that I am beginning to Love YOU more.. I focus on telling YOU.. How to tell YOU that I really do Love YOU.. which way.. is it to the North.. is it to the East.. how about to the West.. looking down to the South.. any direction as long as I can find YOU so that I can tell YOU that It is Me who is loving YOU.. as I would look at your Picture.. I would be wiping the tears from my eyes.. as my Chest hurts.. and YOU are wondering.. if My Heart Burns and It is hurting me with this Sharp Pain.. why don't I go see the doctor.. why don't I tell the doctor that I have a Heart problem.. if the Doctor asks me why am I in for the Office check.. I will tell the Doctor.. and I will show the doctor the Picture of YOU.. and I will point to YOU to that doctor and say.. when ever I look at this Picture of YOU.. I can feel my Heart burning and I do receive this sharp Pain of sensation that just don't go away.. and My eyes becomes watery and I just want to pour Out my emotions as I want to cry loud as I be looking at YOU.. looking at your Picture.. It hurts me that this is the Only thing I can do.. that It hurts me more.. it hurts so sharp.. I wish that this pain can go away but it becomes more stronger and stronger each time I would LOOK at your Picture.. I know that I want to stop.. but I just can't.. I wonder what the doctor would say.. unless he gets rid of my Heart.. but I want My Heart because I love YOU.. I need my Heart because I know that this Heart can only tell YOU how much YOU mean to me.. I want to go to YOU.. if I have to swim in the Oceans.. in the cold water and telling me this is the direction I needs to take.. I will go and will go to find YOU just to tell YOU that It is Me who is loving YOU.. when It comes to loving YOU.. I have this drive.. it is driven in my Heart.. this will in my Heart that I want to love YOU more.. what am I suppose to do or say to the Heart.. I am determined to Love YOU more.. YOU can tell me and Push me.. telling me to GO away.. kick me.. push me so that I fall on the floor.. but I will tell YOU.. I just can't.. I needs to love YOU.. and More I needs to love because it makes me alive when I do love YOU.. I am Not sure if you ever have this kind of experience before but lately.. I am feeling it More and more.. the Picture in my hand.. I would hold unto.. and I will say.. I am going to love YOU.. I am going to show YOU one day which is HOW MUCH I really do.. YOU can test me the day YOU meet me and I will do anything just to be close to YOU so that I can finally say to YOU.. I love YOU.. when My Heart be burning inside.. and I feel this sharp pain inside.. it is after I would take a LOOK at your Picture.. looking and saying to myself.. YOU are so Beautiful.. why are you so Beautiful.. that I know I am going to Hurt myself because I know YOU are just good to be true.. I would sit on the top of the bed.. just thinking of YOU.. I would say.. holding unto your Picture.. sitting on the top of the bed.. I look at your Picture.. looking at YOU.. I just can't keep you away.. am I nuts.. am I going crazy.. do YOU call me insane.. that there is something wrong with me.. and I would get Out of the Bed and Sit on the chair.. and drawer pulls out.. I would LOOK at the Key Board.. I do remember when I first started to type.. many years ago.. I would be looking at the Keyboard constantly.. fingers trying to push down on Letters.. when YOU practice typing for such a Long time.. and when Years went by.. I am able to look at the screen.. my eyes don't need to look at the key board any more because my Fingers knows now where to push the Letters as I be thinking of YOU and telling you How much I love YOU.. that shows how much I had to practice over the Years.. where I can only LOOK at the screen.. I would LOOK at your Picture.. I can feel my Heart calling Out to YOU.. calling Out your Name as I would keep on typing.. telling YOU through this How much I needs to be with YOU.. How much I needs to be the One to Love YOU.. Only YOU are the One who can give that answer an account.. YOU are the Only one who can let that happen.. and I be hoping.. I wish that these Letters get to YOU.. that YOU know my Heart.. my Mind.. my Soul.. How much I love YOU.. I remember when I first saw Your Picture.. and I would be looking at YOU.. and I would say.. How can I tell YOU that I love YOU.. I want my Mind to go across.. I wanted to tell YOU something.. and I would say How.. that is when I saw the drawer.. and I saw the Key board inside the drawer.. and the Idea came into my Mind.. and Into my Heart.. that I needs to tell YOU that I love YOU.. as My fingers would touch the Keyboard.. and I would start to type by pushing into the Letters.. I saw something that felt like Impossible turn into some thing special to Me.. that It was possible to get it Out to YOU.. that I am able to share my Heart.. to tell YOU that I love YOU.. and ever since the day I saw Your Picture is when it began.. that I needs to say It.. I needs to tell it to YOU.. needs to tell you that I love YOU.. and I will never give UP on YOU because I know.. maybe One day.. Maybe some day soon.. I know that YOU can too love me back too.. and still I am believing in that Dream I have in my Heart.. YOU are the One for Me.. and I know that YOU are the Only One who I know I can love.. I never gave UP on that Dream till this day.. when I first saw that Dream.. can a Man like me ever Love.. Can I turn a Like into some thing Bigger.. Can it change to be Love.. at first it started as just liking it.. but Now I know in my Heart.. I am in love with YOU.. when It becomes Love.. NO matter How much it hurts.. the Sharp Pains that keeps on coming.. the Burning of the Heart.. missing YOU like crazy.. and just Loving YOU just because it is YOU.. I know that I now love YOU more.. and growing more stronger each day because I never stopped loving YOU.. YOU are the One for me.. always been the One for me even till this day Now.. just wanted to say.. I still love YOU.. ever since I saw your Picture.. I just knew that I am going to start loving YOU.. when YOU believe in Love and loving YOU.. I believe anything can happen as long as I know.. YOU are the One for Me.. and I am just hoping that YOU believe in the same way too.. YOU are everything to Me.. that I know that YOU mean everything to me and you

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23188 сағат бұрын

    MAH MAH.. I walk into the tent in the training Ground.. all the Men are inside the Tents.. and I would lay down.. before I would close my eyes to sleep.. I have a recent Picture of YOU.. a friend of Mine has gave me the Art Sketch paper.. and some one drew this Picture and the friend of Mine who kept it and gave it to Me.. it was before I came into the Training Camp with the Official Seal Paper.. the Letter which the Older man.. the Teacher gave to Me so that I can pass it to YOU.. MAH MAH.. and I am looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. and I would say again.. MAH MAH.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. do YOU know that I been looking at this Picture.. this Art sketch Paper that some one drew of YOU.. I remember when the Friend of Mine came to me.. knowing that I been Loving YOU for a Long Time.. He saw me with the Art Sketch paper.. it was when YOU were much Younger.. the Boy who went over to draw picture of YOU and who was caught after giving it to Me.. MAH MAH.. the One that I gave to YOU.. because I told you that I did not need it any More.. because I was next to YOU now.. and when YOU took it.. I saw you holding.. I asked you to Burn it.. but I see that YOU would Not.. and to be honest with YOU MAH MAH.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I had a recent One.. the Art Sketch paper which some one drew of YOU.. I know that YOU have ways to capture the Hearts of Many Men.. it does Not matter who Loves YOU but I know for sure that I can Love you More.. that is why I am telling YOU even though YOU may Not hear me on this very Night.. as I am holding this Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. I just saw you before I went into the Tent.. but I feel like I still has to keep On seeing YOU.. I don't know what it is about YOU.. maybe because YOU are the Crown Princess of the Nation to be the Next Ruler for this Country.. for this Nation.. because YOU are the greatest.. the Biggest.. the best.. a true Ruler and that is why knowing this Truth.. the Strength and the Power and the control.. the Dominance you have in YOU.. the More I look at YOU.. the More my Heart be moving.. and I just can't let YOU Go MAH MAH.. WHY can't I let you go MAH MAH.. Please tell me WHY.. and I am laying down.. as I would LOOK at the Art Sketch paper.. the drawing picture of YOU and I would fold into Half and lay it behind Me.. just thinking about YOU.. thinking about the People.. but when I saw YOU holding the Sword.. pointing to the direction which I did Not want to see.. I would be begging YOU.. to Stay with the People.. with the Little Children.. when I saw HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. pulling out the Sword.. the King's Sword towards the Other side where the Enemies are going to Come.. I just could Not help it to drop on both Knees.. because I did Not want to see you fight.. I don't want to see you going into the Battle field.. but I know how YOU are MAH MAH.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. once you put your Mind on something that YOU be aiming for.. I know you will go for It.. in One way this is the reason WHY I felt in Love with YOU.. YOU are so Bold.. and so Fierce when it comes to protection and fighting for something.. when it comes for the Nation of your People YOU love.. that YOU will do anything to Protect this Country.. this Nation because of the People.. when I saw YOU on that Horse.. in the Garden bringing the People from the Royal Palace.. to rebuild the Garden.. My Heart.. I just knew it from the start that you were.. Crown Princess be different.. when I saw you doing something.. when MAH MAH cared for the Unimportant.. the Little People.. a person like myself.. I knew that YOU are going to do something very Big.. because even the Poor and the Little People are also your People too.. the most smallest of all.. I came from that Garden.. I am the Most lowest person in that Garden and I saw you in that Garden.. all of the Knees went down when the People saw YOU in that Garden.. tears would roll from the eyes.. just could not believe.. the Crown Princess.. MAH MAH.. it was the HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. from all of the People out there in the royal family.. it was the CROWN PRINCESS who came with the Horse.. who has this Big Heart of even rebuilding what was under Looked.. NO ONE cares about the Poor people.. NO ONE loves the Ones who are hungry and dying in such poverty.. growing UP in the Garden.. there was NO Homes.. when it rained.. I would sit in a Hay House.. but I be wet from the rain.. I would look across at the neighbor Hay Home.. just like my home.. we are staring at each other watching the rain fall from the sky and both of us are getting wet.. it is very hard when it becomes Cold in the Winter.. many of the Children living in the Low poverty will die because it is just too cold for any one to survive in that condition.. many times and Many nights.. many winter nights.. I do wonder How did I even manage to come this very far.. I saw many families in the Hay Homes.. the Parents of the children are in their arms and left to die as they are crying for help.. my Heart breaks each time I think of being so Low.. being so Poor and having not much.. but How is it that I manage to get Out of that Garden.. and I saw many Mothers burying their Sons and daughters in the Garden.. Hay Homes would fall and crumble as strong winds comes to blow hard.. I would watch strong rains breaking the roof tops of the Hays down and it falls down on people.. I would watch Many People living without homes.. begging for Food and crying in the Night asking for Help.. rescue Me is what I would hear.. and WHO ever thought it be YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. out of the Blue you came along on that Horse.. what really got to My Heart is that Hays and straws were no longer use.. when YOU Came MAH MAH.. it became bricks and How you rebuild giving it a NAME and it became a Town.. now I hear that it has changed to a City like.. market place where people are Now Living.. and watching many People who came from the Garden.. to pay respect for YOU.. many children grew UP well after YOU came to rebuild that Garden into a Town to City.. a market Place where More People are going there to Work.. MAH MAH.. if YOU did Not show UP.. I am Not sure if I would of made it here today and that is why I wanted to tell YOU that I am so thankful that I get to Love YOU now.. and every day I can Love you more because YOU have given me a Place.. where I can be so close to YOU.. just wanted to say to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. thank YOU for rebuilding that Garden.. Now that Place is flourishing and more people are going to come here after they make it Out of that Garden.. as I would close Both eyes and I am dreaming.. I am Not sure but I look at the door in front of Me.. behind me is the Seven Friends of Mine.. as the DOOR opens.. I walk in with the Seven Friends.. the MAIN HALL ROOM.. and it is the Meeting Board.. on the Right side.. the Six Princes are standing from the First to Sixth SON and the Prime Minister with the 12 Council of Noble Men.. on the Left side is the Older MAN.. the teacher.. the TOP COMMANDER.. the Commanders.. to Chief Generals.. to TOP General.. 2nd Rank General to 3rd rank General and to the generals.. as I walk and I stop.. a stairs above me.. and the King's Chair.. the Messenger calls Out to YOU.. and I would stop.. it just can't be.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and the Scroll rolls Down.. and I see YOU walking UP the stairs.. and I see you turn around.. MAH MAH.. the Messenger walks UP to YOU.. the Crowns are changing.. I am wondering what does this Mean.. and the Messenger reads the scroll pronouncing that YOU be the QUEEN.. My Heart.. are you trying to KILL my Heart.. I know that It is going to Happen.. but is it going to happen NOW.. are you the True QUEEN.. to be pronounce.. and the Messenger walks UP.. holding the KING's Crown and Puts on TOP over your Head.. HAIL to the QUEEN of NATION.. and I fall on two knees.. and I am crying.. I know it suppose to be the Best day to celebrate.. but How about Me.. I am now suppose to call you HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. that is the QUEEN.. and I hear the Voices in the MAIN HALL room.. in the Board of Meeting calling Out.. HAIL to the QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and voices grows louder and louder as they Shout to YOU.. knees all hits to two.. and shouts Louder HAIL to the QUEEN.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to the QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HAIL to the QUEEN.. and I am crying louder and Louder.. How can I love the QUEEN.. Please help me.. How can I love you when YOU are seated as the QUEEN of the Nation.. as HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I am looking at the ground.. I see you sitting on the King's chair and YOU stand UP.. pulling Out the king's sword.. hands all lifted UP.. and voices raises UP higher and people are all crying.. HAIL to the QUEEN.. HAIL to the QUEEN.. HAIL to the QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH MANSAE.. MANSAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would open two eyes from the sleep.. I know that this means some thing very big is going to happen.. it must be a sign that YOU are going to rule for this Nation.. and I would stand UP and get Out of the tent.. and I am standing alone still dark.. with my hand is the sword and I pull it Out.. LOOKING at the Blade.. the War is coming.. first we needs to win and beat in this WAR but I know and I would JUMP UP in the air left right left right swing the Sword.. I know Not much time but for the CROWN PRINCESS.. for WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I must fight to Protect so that YOU can sit on that THRONE. the King's Chair to become my QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH. as I would LOOK UP at the MOON.. my both feet lands on

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23188 сағат бұрын

    MAH MAH.. People are going to choose YOU to take your Father's Place.. who will be the One to rule and direct for this NATION.. but if I can't love you any more.. I know that I must Go and YOU can select the MEN.. I will let them stay with YOU and I will go alone.. it is just too hard for me because I have been loving YOU since when I was a young Boy.. ever since I saw YOU for the first Time.. my Heart would beat more than it skipped the Beat.. but I know.. the people also who came from the Garden.. they are seeking for YOU to rule over them too.. that is why they are going to fight and unite so that they want to PLACE YOU over them.. if I can't love YOU any more.. there is NO reason longer for me to stay any more.. I can't live without loving YOU more.. that is the Part where it hurts me the Most.. I just can't keep it to myself and be silent.. if the council of Noble men sees me keep on doing this.. they are going to find ways to put my chains and will try to persecute ME.. they are going to try to kill me for this.. that is why I know that I must go after the War.. will you let me Leave Your sight after the War.. either way I am a dead Man now.. the Prime Ministry with the 12 council of Noble men tried to find ways to execute me because I am hearing words.. so Please.. if I can't love YOU any more.. please let me GO and I can go as far.. I am thinking about returning back to the Garden where I came from.. and I would see you pointing the sword and YOU remove the sword away from me.. picking UP the arrow.. putting on the end of the Strings of the Bow.. pulling it back YOU would aim and release.. the ARROW hits right in the Middle of the target.. I am thinking.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH is so good even at Night.. YOU just never miss the shot hitting this target.. in this dark Night.. it is so hard for me to see the target.. and I am hearing the Soldier by the target.. the flag is moving around.. But.. YOU know that I still Love YOU.. I will always love you no matter where I go.. it is just that It is getting so much harder for me Now to Love the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. it is because I really Love YOU.. even from the Far.. when I was in a long distance I loved you then when I did Not see YOU.. Now I see you close that I love you more.. either way far or Near.. my Heart will never change of loving YOU more.. because I really Love YOU NO matter where YOU are CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH..I am watching the Little Children.. boys are walking into the training Ground.. I just can't believe that they are from the Garden.. the Parents of these children.. some of them are my friends growing Up and I am watching YOU standing by the Fence.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I never thought you be having this Big Heart.. Now look at the Hopes and Dreams YOU are planting.. the Parents who came with their Children.. thinking about their future.. and I am on the Two Knees.. tears just fills UP.. and I can feel my tears streaming down.. and One of the guy who came with his Son stops and Looks at me.. and He smiles.. and Just cannot believe that I am the trainer for the new Recruits.. and He cries Looking at me because.. I know that His SON can also dream for this Nation.. the Crown Princess.. who loves the People.. who are the One with the Big Heart for the People.. who is the One who helped the Poor People in that Garden.. Now.. the People has come because this Nation is growing stronger and stronger because of YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. it is because YOU are here that all these things can happen.. I do remember.. the First time My Heart felt something.. I was in this Position.. I saw a friend laying on the ground.. He was very Poor and Lowly servant just like Me.. we had NO Place to Go.. No place to sleep.. hungry without Homes and just picking food from the Floors.. it was at the Garden.. He got sick eating watching Him hit the floor.. I was crying for that Friend.. he would throw UP in blood and he looks at me.. telling me that Being so poor.. it is NO JOKE.. and he tells me.. I am dying.. I was crying and crying as He lay on the Floor.. My Heart broke into pieces.. and He looks at me and says.. when He dies to plant him by my Mother's grave.. and my Mother was like an Auntie to him.. as I saw him laying sick.. I heard a Loud Voice.. and I turn to look.. the day YOU came to the Garden.. I turn too look.. I fell on my face looking at the ground.. I saw YOU sitting on the Horse.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. MAH MAH.. and I would cry Out Loud More.. MAH MAH.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please hear my voice.. and I saw YOU.. the YOUNG Girl you were.. YOU had a Sword.. small sword and Pointed to my direction to Speak.. and I would be crying.. could Not talk much but it was about my dying friend.. He was laying down.. and throw UP blood in front of me.. and asking me to bury him when he died.. But Help me MAH MAH.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. YOU are the Only ONE with the Power to save the Life of a BOY who has NO ONE else to turn TOO.. PLEASE.. MAH MAH.. HELP US and I would be crying Loud.. he is my best friend.. My father raised him like a SON to Me like a Brother.. SAVE HIM MAH MAH.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH... Please help my Dying friend.. and tears would be falling down.. and I can see.. Maybe I needs to die with him too.. if YOU can't help him.. I would lift UP my Head looking UP at you.. with tears in my eyes.. my Friend needs YOUR HELP.. the Crown Princess.. which is YOU raise UP your Little Sword and YOU would call for the Royal Physicians who came.. I was very shocked that they came here to the Garden.. I never thought YOU would do this for the Little People.. the Poor People.. for the Lowly lives who NO ONE cares about.. NO ONE cares for the Broken.. the Little People who has NO NAMES.. How do people know my Name.. they just don't and I was touched.. But YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS cared.. my best friend was dying before my eyes.. and I cannot do anything to help.. I am watching him throw UP blood and He is asking me to bury HIM next to my Mother who is already GONE.. and I would close both eyes crying Loud.. my Heart hurts because He is telling me that HE is dying.. this pain.. and I would watch the Royal Physicians walking into the Garden.. and two of them goes over to my Best Friend.. I watch HIM being carried by the two doctors.. and I would walk the wood cutters and stone builders and they have come with Nurses and even the Maids and kitchen Ladies all comes to this Garden.. feeding the Poor.. feeding the Lost.. feeding thousands of children with no homes and I would watch the remodel of the Garden as the Homes are being placed in the Garden.. and as I come to my senses.. and I am both on the Knees Looking at the ground.. the man who knows Me brings His Son.. he was the Best Friend who was on the Floor.. on the ground talking about if He dies to bury HIM close to my Mother.. Now I am seeing his SON and I look at the SON.. and I lift UP my Head and I see you standing by the Fence and I would say.. CROWN PRINCESS.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. can YOU please give me your ears and I see YOU standing with the White Dress and the Big Crown on the top of your Head.. and YOU would point the Sword direct at me.. and I would watch YOU walk closer to ME and stops next to me.. I would lift UP my Head looking at YOU.. DO you remember the Garden.. DO you remember this Man.. and I see you turn your Head looking at him.. and it seems like YOU don't know who he is and I would say.. he is the One who I was talking about.. the Day YOU came to the garden.. and I was crying.. I was asking YOU to save a Life of a Boy.. and YOU were sitting on the Horse and I was begging for Your Help.. pleading for a cause.. to help a dying Boy.. and It was when YOU brought the Royal Physicians.. two of them went over and picked HIM up.. do you remember that Day.. and I see you turn your Head looking at HIM and I see that YOU DO remember.. you would smile LOOKING at him.. Yes.. if the Royal Physicians did NOT show UP that Day.. I know that He would Not been alive this very day.. HE has remembered YOU ever since and TOLD ME.. One day HE is going to come to join the Nation where YOU stand.. NOW he is here with his SON.. and NOW we are reunited because of what YOU have done that day.. I was pleading.. begging and asking you to help me.. to Help Him and Now.. LOOK what has happened because of WHAT YOU have done that Day.. as I would hold his son around my Arms.. I want to teach this YOUNG boy how to fight for this Nation.. to raise UP the next YOUNG generations of these Boys to HELP forth.. to Push this Nation which YOU will rule.. for you to conqueror so that this NATION Of people would be so Strong for YOU.. CROWN PRINCESS.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. it is because of Your Big Heart for the people you love.. the People are the reason to help this Nation to become stronger so that YOU can RULE as the True CONQUEROR.. and I would see YOU pointing your Sword at me and telling me to get UP.. so I would listen and I would get UP on two feet.. as I get UP.. I am hearing sounds of foot steps.. and I turn towards the Fence.. and a Messenger comes on the Horse.. and He has a scroll in his hand and He gets Out of the Horse and Runs towards YOU.. stops.. two knees on the floor.. head looks down arm forward with the Scroll in the Hand.. I see YOU turn looking at the Messenger.. and YOU take the Scroll.. and YOU would unfold and YOU would read the Scroll.. and I see something is wrong.. what is Wrong HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. WHAT IS wrong and I see you hand me the Scroll and I

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23188 сағат бұрын

    MAH MAH.. YOU KNOW how much I love YOU.. and it was YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. who opened the Fences for the Children.. these little children has come Long ways from the Garden and they have come under your Care.. and Only YOU can protect these children because they have all come to YOU.. for the War.. I know that we have mighty Men and soldiers.. the warriors who will go Out there to fight for this Nation.. to protect and to defend because this is the reason WHY I was born to do this.. to Protect YOU.. to serve and to defend YOU.. for the Nation.. I am asking YOU to be there for the Children who has come a long ways.. they have come to YOU.. they have thought about you when they came here and they just arrived.. and I would Be holding unto your Wrist.. so Please only for this time.. can YOU please listen to my Plea.. to my Heart because I just can't fight out there when YOU are fighting with me.. I just can't focus.. and knowing How strong and fierce YOU are.. I see you turn your Head and looking down at me.. but I can tell that YOU will not listen.. and I would say.. CROWN PRINCESS.. leave the Battle for Us.. for the Men that YOU have raised UP.. YOU have plenty of men who can fight.. How about Me.. How about my Heart.. I just can't see you out there.. I have tried when YOU were out there last time.. but I just could Not.. I wanted the sword to drive Into my Heart when I saw YOU.. I wanted YOUR SWORD to pierce into my Heart when I saw the enemies getting just too close to YOU.. I wanted.. rather I die.. rather come after Me and Kill me instead because I rather Die instead of YOU enter that Battle Ground of war.. I can't take it any more.. so Please.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. just this Once.. and how about these children.. they too needs your hands and Your care.. they wanted to meet YOU.. they want to be close to YOU.. look at the Children and I would watch you turn your Head looking at these Little boys and girls.. more than hundred children came with their parents.. and I would watch the New Recruits raising UP their wooden Sticks wanting to join in the Fight.. and I am Looking UP at YOU.. and I would watch YOU turn your Head looking at the Little children.. and LOOKING at the new recruits and YOU turn to LOOK down at Me.. CROWN PRINCESS.. Please say something.. Please answer me for Once.. even those families with the little children all needs YOU by your side.. they need Your hands to rest.. and I see YOU looking at them.. and I would turn to LOOK over.. I am hearing More foot steps.. and I see Six Horses.. and they are the Royal Princes.. the six Older Brothers has come.. on the Horses and I would see behind the seventh.. and ALL seven men would get out of the Horses.. and as I would watch the six Princes.. they would fall on two knees.. and they have brought their swords and I just can't believe.. the seventh person is the Older man.. the Teacher.. the master who taught me with his armor who came to serve in the military Arts.. I just can't believe.. and More Military Generals are behind the Horses of the Princes.. and ALL on the two knees Heads looking down.. arms out forward saluting to Your Authority as the One true Ruler.. and I am holding Your Wrist.. this is why I am asking YOU to please stay Behind.. YOU have men.. powerful strong Men who is going to Fight for this Nation.. the Little Children needs YOU too with their families.. because of what YOU have done in the past at the Garden.. YOU are able to see them grow UP becoming parents NOW and with children.. they have all come to support this Nation.. so Please help for the Next UP coming.. we.. CROWN PRINCESS needs you to be here with the families and the Little Children.. YOU are the Only ONE that needs to stay to preserve the next and to RULE for them too.. and I would watch ALL the voices shouting Out.. CROWN PRINCESS.. Please stay and protect the Families and the Little Children and I would watch YOU.. your sword is pointing to the War Ground and I just can't believe it that YOU want to fight in the war.. WHY HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. WHY.. and my Heart breaks because YOU would not listen to the voices of Your Men.. YOUR PEOPLE.. we shout Out loud More.. Please stay with children.. I would watch One boy picking UP a stick and he shouts Fight.. I am thinking of You.. as I am holding the stick in my hand.. I would say.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. My One wish.. I just want to Love YOU but also with this Sword.. I want to protect YOU and I would swing the Stick.. and My friend who is also holding the stick blocks with the stick I swing at him.. and He would look at me and swing the Stick in his hand and It hits me on the Arm.. I would swing the stick I am holding with my hand and it hits his head and my friend falls on the Ground.. and He looks UP on the ground.. I stood there.. just thinking of YOU.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hand grabs his hand and I pull HIM up on his two legs.. as the Moon is High Above.. the Six Friends are making a circle on two of us.. and they are all holding the Sticks.. and as I am thinking of YOU.. I would look at the Seven Friends.. I have to go back to the Palace.. I have to go see the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I am on the two Knees.. My Head looking on the Ground.. the Seven Friends are Behind Me.. both on the Knees.. Looking on the Ground.. arms UP saluting to YOU as the Crown Princess.. as I hear more foot steps walking.. I see you with the Big Crown on top of Your Head.. I see you turn around looking back.. there are seven Chief Generals.. with their Foot soldiers all walking to YOU.. and Five Commanders behind with the Foot Soldiers.. they all stop.. both on knees.. Heads all looks on the ground.. arms UP and I see YOU.. a great large of army military men has gathered around you.. As I am holding the sword.. I would Lift up my Arm up with my hand holding the Sword.. and I would shout Out.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. the Seven Men.. my friends all would pull out the swords.. hands holding the swords.. arms lifted UP and they shout out with a Loud Voice.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I would shout Out louder More.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I would hear.. the Chief Generals and the Commanders.. they pull out their swords holding in their hands.. arms lifted UP high.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. the Seven Friends with the Foot SOLDIERS all lifted UP their Swords holding their hands.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to Crown Princess.. and I would raise UP my Voice Louder and Cried OUT.. MANSAE to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. to Crown Princess.. and I hear all of the Voices.. MANSAE.. HOORAY to HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see you stand in the Middle.. our heads looking at the ground.. and I would say.. YOU are so Great.. Look at you because the men has gathered.. I know there is something that is about to happen.. but my Heart.. to Protect YOU.. and Too keep on protecting you to the end.. and I see YOU looking down.. as I would lift UP my Head looking into your eyes.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I hear something behind.. a Messenger riding on the Horse.. and He has a scroll in his hand.. and the Heads would all turn to look.. the Horse stops.. the Messenger gets out of the Horse.. two on knees.. arm UP and Head looks down.. hand holding the Scroll.. and I am wondering.. what does this Mean.. a Private Messenger only for the Crown Princess.. and I see you raise YOUR HAND.. and the Messenger gets UP.. and He would unroll the scroll.. and starts to share.. a War is going to break Out.. and the enemies are coming to the Fortress.. and they are bringing many foot soldiers.. horse riders.. and the Six Princes are in the Eldest house and they are drinking having the Party.. and the Messenger goes down both knees.. Head goes down and arm up.. and I am wondering.. a War.. and I turn to LOOK at YOU.. and YOU look at me.. there has been a talk about a war for a Long time.. and it is happening.. I look at YOU.. Why did YOU not tell me about this war.. then I would of been preparing for a battle.. but why did YOU not tell Me.. and I looked at YOU.. it does Not matter Now.. because it is going to happen anyways.. and I Just can't believe you have kept this from me.. I told YOU that I wanted to protect YOU.. and that is what I have said.. I have promised YOU that the reason why I am here.. it is to Protect YOU and Your nation.. if YOU told me about this War.. then I could of found More men.. gathered more Men.. and I would look behind YOU.. which there was more than thousand Men.. they are ready.. has been prepared for this War.. and of course.. I knew that you had the men power.. but I also wanted to bring more so that we can win this War.. and I get UP.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I told you.. ever since I saw you from the Garden.. that I was going to come to YOU.. I have made the Promise in the garden.. when I was only looking at the garden of flowers.. even though I am a lowly servant son.. that One day I am going to see you and meet you at the Palace.. I told you that I will make this promise that I will become a Swordsmanship so that I can guard and protect.. Because this is all I can give and this is all I can do for YOU.. I may be very small.. and not be much to YOU.. but I know that I will never give UP on you.. I will keep on fighting for YOU as long as YOU give me a chance to stay.. and Now.. here I am.. I have kept my words.. I have kept my promises to YOU.. it took me long long long time to get and come this far.. but I am here right Now beside YOU.. I told you when I was young

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23188 сағат бұрын

    MAH MAH.. They have more experience then me at the art of swordsmanship.. but having more Men it be better for this war.. and My Heart.. I just can't believe I have to hear it like this.. at the last minute when I did Not know anything.. and I just can't see YOU go out on the Battle.. I know that YOU would and you will.. I can't see you at the battle field.. I saw you training with your teacher who is the Chief general.. when I saw YOU with the stick.. I knew something was going to happen.. YOU know that I can't lose YOU.. YOU know How much I love YOU.. and it be better if I die rather than YOU.. and I hear the Horn.. and someone is blowing the Horn from the far.. and I know now.. so I would get UP.. both feet.. and I turn around.. and I look at the seven Men.. the friends.. I am going alone first.. and I am looking at the Horse.. and I get on its Back.. holding the sword with my hand.. and I see your hand telling me to wait.. but.. I know that it is time.. I needs to GO and handle some business here.. I look at the closest friend and I tell HIM.. to Protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. be with you.. and.. I see the Other Six Men.. they all get on the back of the Horses and holding the swords in their hands.. I am looking toward the Fortress and my Heart.. it is Hurting me More.. when I am thinking about this More and More.. my Heart keeps on hurting.. why didn't WANGSEJABI MAH MAH did Not tell me anything about this situation.. I know I may not be much.. but I know that I will fight for YOU.. I will do anything for YOU.. even I know that I can die for YOU.. I am sure I can bring some enemies die with this Sword.. but why is My Heart keeps on hurting me.. this is NO JOKE because this is a War.. and I would turn to look back.. and I am looking at YOU.. the Crown Princess.. DO you not know how much I love YOU.. and I am grabbing the strings of the Horse.. and I swing it and the Horse takes Off.. the Six Friends behind Me.. they too grabs the strings of the Horses and swings it.. and follows behind Me.. as the Horse keeps on running fast.. I turn on the Side.. putting the Sword into the sheath and I pull the Bow on the side.. and behind is the arrows.. and the Horse keeps on running.. leaving the Palace.. and it is going to the Fortress.. and the Horse stops.. and my hand hits my Chest.. How long was this been going On.. How long was it for this talking of the war.. I wonder how the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH felt.. knowing there is going to come this war.. and have to keep it inside for a long time.. and I grab the Two Arrows.. putting on the Strings of the Bow.. PULLS the strings Back and I would release the strings.. the arrows shoots far off.. and I would sit on the Horse.. and I would think about when I was a young Boy.. watching YOU from the far.. when YOU were young.. I was sitting on the Horse.. the Commanders behind YOU.. the Chief General next to the Target Practice.. with the Flag.. my eyes full of tears.. YOU were holding the Bow pulling back the strings with the Arrow.. and release the strings and the arrow shoots and hits the red dot of the target.. and hearing the cheering and hands clapping.. flag swings around.. BULLS EYE.. and as I am sitting on the horse.. being still.. what bothers me the most.. I was by the Ocean water.. thinking about YOU coming to the Ocean waters.. but YOU just stood.. YOU just sat on the Horse.. watching me from the distance as I am looking at the waters.. but did Not tell me anything about it there.. it bothers me when I saw YOU looking at me.. sending four new friends to me.. and I saw You turning the Horse away and in silent you left the site.. but the Heart.. was it heavy leaving without mentioning about what was to come.. why did YOU not say anything then.. why did YOU not tell me that something was about to happen.. why just leave in silent.. YOU know.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. if YOU told me.. I would left everything behind and just went with YOU that night.. I would of not think about anything but to Just to protect YOU and to Protect Your Nation.. I would of done anything.. If YOU just said something.. I would come with YOU much sooner.. I feel like a foolish person now.. because I would told YOU that I was Not coming.. I do remember you be asking me to come with YOU.. but I told YOU that I needed some time away.. that I wanted to stay by the Ocean water.. but if YOU just told me then.. what was happening.. YOU know that I would leave it behind and came with YOU without making you feel frustrated.. because I know that I can be some kind of Help of your Need.. why do YOU think I wanted to be a Swordsmanship.. WHY would I learn this skills and this Art of holding the sword.. I have promised you.. I remember when I was YOUNG.. I made a Promise to YOU.. even at the Garden when I knew Nothing about the Sword.. I told YOU that One day.. I am going to master the Art so that I can be useful and to be a part.. to Love YOU and to protect YOU forever.. and YOU have seen me through it ALL.. YOU have seen me when I had no skills at the sword.. when I was working in the garden as a flower Boy.. just as gardener.. Now here I am with the Sword.. at least you could of told me then.. I would not feel so bad right Now.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. YOU know that I would drop everything just for YOU and to Protect YOU because YOU know How much I love YOU.. I am looking towards and I am watching the Arrows flying and many arrows flying over the Wall of the Tower.. I turn to look at the Left.. ten men sitting on their Horses.. bows in the hands.. Looking UP.. and Arrows shoot Fire and I am truly Touched.. these are the Men that belongs to YOU.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see the Chief General standing on the Tower.. and He arm raises holding the Sword UP.. and ALL the Men up on the Tower of the walls.. They are too holding the Bows.. and arrows are shooting out.. I grab the Bow.. and I turn back.. grabbing two Arrows.. I remember when YOU.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. when YOU were a girl.. I saw YOU on the Practice training ground.. I was sitting on the Horse and My Father next to Me.. I have never see a Princess.. Now a Crown Princess.. grabbing the two Arrows.. and the TOP GENERALS.. the CHIEF GENERALS who were standing behind YOU.. and they kneel.. two knees.. heads looking Down.. asking Only to shoot One Arrow.. and I would watch YOU.. the two ends of the arrows.. pulling back the strings of the Bow.. and pulling aiming and off you release.. the two arrows flies fast and Hits the Target on the red BULLS EYES.. the Chief General.. the teacher holds the flag and swings.. BULLS EYES.. and the five TOP generals.. three are Chief Generals.. they raise their heads too look.. hands would all clap.. and I would sit on the Horse.. my hands start to clap.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. MANSAE WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. my hands would clap.. as I am holding the Bow.. two arrows in my hand.. DO you know How much I love YOU.. I was touched in my Heart.. I was truly touched in my soul.. I was truly inspired when I saw what YOU did when YOU were young.. I even started to practice.. when My Father was with me.. I would ask HIM that I wanted to protect YOU.. How do I protect the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Please help me to be the Protector.. and I remember my Father looks at me.. and lowers.. Do what the Crown Princess has done.. I started to practice Shooting arrows.. as I am looking at the wall.. I look UP sitting on this Horse.. I raise up the Bow.. putting the two ends of the Arrows and I pull back the strings.. and I aim looking towards.. I release the string and the two arrows flies Off.. over the Wall and I would keep on looking back.. two arrows.. pulling back the strings and release.. the two arrows would keep on flying over the walls.. I hear the foot steps.. I hear the Horses coming.. and I see the seven friends and they all stop behind Me.. and pulling their Bows.. grabbing the arrows with me.. and aiming looking over the wall.. More arrows are shot fired out and the Eight of us kept on pulling Out the Arrows.. shooting over the wall.. and Chief General turns who is standing at the tower of the Wall and shouts.. they are retreating.. and He raises the Sword UP and Shouts in loud cry.. and I raise UP the Sword.. the Seven men behind Me.. they raise up their swords.. and the ten Men on the left side.. all shouts.. MANSAE to the Crown Princess.. MANSAE TO WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE TO CROWN PRINCESS.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I can feel the tears flowing down my Eyes.. CROWN PRINCESS.. the enemies are going to come back.. But right Now they have retreated.. SO we have WON this Battle.. and I turn around.. Protect the Crown Princess.. Protect HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and as I turn to look back.. I just can't believe it.. and the seven men also turns to look back with Me.. I see YOU.. Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. and YOU are riding on the Horse.. even few Chief Generals and the Commanders are on the Horses and YOU are leading.. I see the Bow in your Hand and also the Sword on the Side.. and I just can't believe it.. YOU must not GO.. the Battle is going to be fierce.. we won but the More are coming this Way.. and I get Off the horse.. and I would walk fast and I kneel before YOU.. two knees.. Head looking down.. my arm up.. and I see you stop the Horse.. Now the seven friends of Mine also gets off the Horses.. and they are behind me.. kneeling.. two knees and heads looking down. arms are Up.. and I see you raise Up the Sword.. and I lift up my Head to look at YOU.. I just don't want YOU to go out

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23188 сағат бұрын

    MAH MAH.. You grabbing the two Arrows.. grabbing the Bow.. and putting the two ends of the arrows on the strings of the Bow.. and aiming the arrows.. and your hand releases the string of the Bow.. the two arrows goes straight and Hit the Red Dot.. the flag was raised UP and the Chief General swings the Flag.. I was sitting on the Horse.. my hands would clap with the Chief generals and the commanders.. and they would shout.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. MANSAE.. HOORAY and I was truly touched.. I asked my Father that very Night.. when I was at Home.. I wanted to Protect the Crown Princess.. How can I protect the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please Father tell me.. Please.. and He tells me.. DO what the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH has did and what I saw that morning.. every Night.. I looked at the Target that my Father made.. with the RED DOT Circle around it.. I started with One Arrow.. my hands would hurt.. my arms would ache.. and I knew YOU were so strong.. because pulling the strings of the arrow.. my Father would tell me to keep on pulling it over and over.. for months I had to do the basic training.. just to pull.. then He gave me the arrow to shoot.. It would not shoot at all.. as Months.. more months went by.. I started to shoot the arrows.. hitting on left far to the right far.. But I was thinking about YOU.. I was thinking about that if I don't this.. I can't protect the Crown Princess.. but I have made UP my Mind and made a Promise that I will protect YOU and always will love YOU.. from Months goes to years as I would start picking UP two Arrows.. starting to shoot over and over until It would Hit the Red circle big Dot.. every Night.. I would look UP to see the Moon.. into the woods.. and the Target stuck on a tree.. I would aim.. two arrows I would shoot from the distance to Hit the BULLS EYES.. I been waiting for this very Day CROWN PRINCESS.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I don't want to see YOU Hurt before My eyes.. I don't think anyone here wants to see YOU out on that Battle field.. WHO wants when YOU are the Next Ruler.. YOU are going to be the QUEEN for this Nation.. How can any of Us want to see you out there.. I don't want YOU to go.. that Is why I am taking the steps.. I know YOU are a very strong woman.. and also the Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. but I don't want to see you Out there.. I even asked my Father.. How can I be a Protector.. How can I protect YOU.. and he told me the way.. and I did it.. practiced and trained for multi of years so that YOU don't have to go to that Battle Field.. if someone is to Die.. let me be the One to die for YOU.. at least I can say I have tried Hard.. and I did it for YOU.. just to protect YOU and coming this far to SHOW YOU that I can and that I love YOU.. Please don't refuse my request.. Please think about it before.. because I can't see YOU out there.. my Heart would not let me.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. Please consider this request.. and I hear the seven friends.. Please reconsider the Request.. and I see you looking down sitting on the Horse.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. there are plenty of Men here who are ready to go and fight for YOU and for this Nation.. I want YOU to be kept safe.. and I see you looking at me.. and I see you putting down the sword.. the Men raises up the Voice.. MANSAE to Crown Princess.. MANSAE to WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. MANSAE TO Crown Princess.. MANSAE TO HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I see you giving me your Sword.. and I just can't believe it.. it is the King's Sword.. from PEH HA!.. How is it that YOU give me this Sword.. It is from the KING'S hand to YOU.. and I am looking at the Blade.. and I see the teacher.. the Chief General who is with YOU.. and he is the One to help you to get back to the Palace.. and I am so amazed.. so inspired by this Sword.. this is which the King has won many battles with.. who fought in many wars and in the battle fields.. as I keep on looking at YOU.. I can't take this Sword.. because it belongs to YOU CROWN PRINCESS.. I have a sword with me.. which My Grand father gave to my father to give it to Me.. I want you to take the Sword which belongs to Your Father the King.. Please.. and I would lay the King's sword on the Ground because I know I can't.. and my Head looks on the ground.. arm raises.. I see you walking.. and I see your hand grabs the King's sword.. are you considering to stay in the Palace.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. I just can't see you on that Battle field.. Please consider.. Please be safe.. and I see YOU on the Horse and YOU hit the Horse on the side and It goes Off.. I just can't believe it.. WHY.. Crown Princess.. WHY are you breaking my Heart.. I asked you to Please Consider and I see you raising up the King's Sword.. and the Men.. the soldiers.. Commanders and the Generals.. Chief Generals.. they are all preparing to go Out to the field.. ready to fight Out.. as I turn to LOOK at YOU.. I hear other voices.. Please Consider.. Please stay in the palace.. Crown Princess.. I Look up at the sky.. Please help me Father.. help me because the Crown Princess does not hear my Voice.. the Battle is going to get fierce.. my eyes can't see the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH out fighting.. Do you want to see a bloody Heart.. How about a bloody Tears.. YOU are suppose to be the One to rule Next.. and I would stand UP.. Crown Princess.. Please Consider.. Please hear my words.. Hear my Heart.. Please reconsider my request.. and I hear the seven friends also asking the Crown Princess.. Not to go.. Not to go Out to fight.. we have plenty of men who will fight for YOU and will die for this Nation.. I came here so that I can Protect YOU.. I came and became the Swordsmanship for YOU.. so that I can protect YOU.. because when YOU love.. YOU just don't want to see hurt and I would start to show you my tears.. Crown Princess.. Please Consider.. Please reconsider my request.. the Chief General UP on the Tower.. he raises the Sword and the Horn Blows.. saying the Enemies are coming again.. the Horn Blows.. Get ready for Battle.. I am looking back.. thinking about the Time.. both eyes would close.. I am standing by the Horse.. and in my both hands.. I am holding the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. I just wants to be with YOU.. Missing YOU.. I just wants to go back.. looking at the Picture of YOU.. the art sketch paper.. and my Father walks and stops next to me.. and He has the Bow in his hand.. and Pulling the strings of the Bow back.. my father looks at me.. and I turn to LOOK up at him.. what if I never see YOU again.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. I know that I am so Little.. I am so weak right Now.. there is Nothing that I can give YOU.. what am I suppose to do because I know that I am powerless and useless right Now.. all I can do is just pull out this Art Sketch Paper.. my eyes would look at this Picture of YOU.. but there is NOTHING THAT I can do.. that is Hurts my Heart so bad.. but Just loving YOU.. can it really work.. can anything truly work Out like this.. Look at me.. I am so Poor.. I am uneducated.. I am so weak and so Little.. have NO power or NO strength.. what can I do.. and I be looking.. tears would fill my eyes and it starts to roll down my two cheeks.. what do I do.. I just can't give UP right Now.. do I suppose to give UP now.. and my Father looks at Me.. He grabs an Arrow.. put the end of the Arrow.. pulling the back of the string of the Bow.. and He aims.. the target in center of the Tree.. and He lets go of the string and the Arrow Flies and It hits the Middle.. BULLS eye of the target.. I am wondering.. what do I do Now.. I can't think of anything else.. the Crown Princess.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH has become so Big.. become so Great.. My Father.. which he takes out another arrow and Put the end of the arrow of the Strings of the Bow.. and He pulls back and aims.. and I lift UP to look.. He releases and the Arrow flies and Hits the Middle of the Target again.. I am looking UP at my Father.. He smiles.. and I am wondering.. when can I ever be good like my Father.. I want to learn to shoot the arrow Like this.. I see my Father turns away and He walks Off.. I am holding the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU.. I know that my Father wants to show me and teach me something.. and I look at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Picture of YOU again.. I really want to protect YOU.. I really want to be there for YOU.. I wish that It is ME who can truly Love YOU and that YOUR HEART can open UP to accept.. but I know that even though I want to give YOU all my Heart.. all my Love to YOU.. I look at myself.. I am a Low Born.. I know that I can't afford to be with YOU.. WHO am I to Love YOU.. I have Nothing.. what can I give or bring which YOU have already just too Much and plentiful.. My Father stands behind.. and I would turn to LOOK back.. I see his Figure but could Not see HIM.. but I hear his voice.. telling me.. If I love YOU.. Crown Princess.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. and I am not afraid to Die for Love.. It should NOT matter at ALL because Love comes from the Heart.. if I truly Love YOU.. I will do anything to be close to YOU.. if I truly choose Love and Death.. and if it does not scare me.. I can just truly Love YOU forever.. does Not matter about what will happen to me.. if I can only Protect YOU.. and that is the Mighty Weapon I carry just to be with YOU.. Just to be close with YOU.. Just to get to know YOU little.. that is all it matters.. because Love is the greatest gift that A HEART can give to a person you truly Love.. and I hear my Father.. telling me that the secret Weapon is the Bow and the Arrow.. and to DIE for YOU means to protect not just YOU.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. but also Your Nation

  • @user-tx8zr5do9t
    @user-tx8zr5do9t13 сағат бұрын

    이정도면 이제 제발 유럽가지 말자. 유럽에 환장했나

  • @user-jarry
    @user-jarryКүн бұрын

    언니는 뭘 쓰든 다 잘 어울려요❤️ 헉 저는 언니 멧이 젤 잘 어울리는거 같아요!! 언니가 얼굴 라인이 갸름하고 넘 이뻐서 뭘 착용해도 다 이쁜거 같네요😊 제니 글리터는 케이스 넘이뻐서 껏내는데 띠옹..?핑크핑크 느낌이 아니군용 ㅠㅠ 영상 잘 봤어요😊❤

  • @YeomDavid
    @YeomDavidКүн бұрын

    저는 비싼 물건도 별로 없지만 그런 비싼 물건이라면 무조건 캐리어 안에 넣고 비밀번호 걸어서 잠급니다. 캐리어 사진도 찍고요. 너무 비싼 물건 많이 가져가신걸 탓해야지 어쩝니까

  • @user-lp6et8bj8r
    @user-lp6et8bj8r2 күн бұрын

    탈색머리 하니까 할머니 같음

  • @zachyoon2147
    @zachyoon21472 күн бұрын

    에어비엔비는... 이용안해야겠네요 친구들끼리 놀로 가는거 아니면요

  • @dusi-kq4qe
    @dusi-kq4qe2 күн бұрын

    호텔도 털려서 귀중품 안가지고 가는게 제일 좋음

  • @zachyoon2147
    @zachyoon21472 күн бұрын

    @@dusi-kq4qe 그렇긴 하죠.. 그래서 ㅜㅜ 그나마 가져간다면 금고 이용, 브랜드 호텔 이용...

  • @user-hs9ci2sj2y
    @user-hs9ci2sj2y2 күн бұрын

    혹시 케이스가 젤리에요?? 아님 하드인가요???

  • @taeyeon_22
    @taeyeon_223 күн бұрын

    잘 어울려요!

  • @user-dc7mv1xn3v
    @user-dc7mv1xn3v3 күн бұрын

    유럽에서 여행가이드 하시는 분께서 말씀하시기를, 호텔방에도 들어와서 훔쳐간다고 하고요, 전세버스에 짐칸에 싣지 않고 위에 의자위에 놓아둔 짐은 훔쳐가도 되는 거라고 생각한다네요. 한번은 버스기사(현지인)가 도둑에게 버스문을 열어준 것 같은데 심증은 있지만 물증이 없어서 어쩔 수 없었다고 하더라구요. 유럽은 우리나라랑 다릅니다. 내 손에 쥐고 있지 않으면 다 훔쳐가는 거라고 생각하시면 됩니다.

  • @오Raedunn
    @오Raedunn3 күн бұрын

    샤넬만요! 갖고 싶은 사람이 범인일거 같은데요 생각해 보세요. 도둑은 가까운 사람, 친한사람 입니다. 유럽은 미국보다 인종차별 더 심하다네요ㅠ

  • @user-vf5mr5qu2t
    @user-vf5mr5qu2t3 күн бұрын

    착용 원피스 정보도 알려주세용

  • @baozzzang
    @baozzzang3 күн бұрын


  • @user-nw6zb4et6k
    @user-nw6zb4et6k3 күн бұрын

    너무 억울 하네요 진짜!!!! ~~~!!!

  • @ssmyon
    @ssmyon3 күн бұрын

    지금도 엄총이쁘지만 슬슬 수수언니 흑발 긴생머리 그립따••••🥹🤍

  • @Kimchiis
    @Kimchiis3 күн бұрын

    나두 연뚜처럼 안경 선글라스 잘 어울렸음 좋개땨❤❤❤ 존예

  • @user-bx9hk7uu5c
    @user-bx9hk7uu5c4 күн бұрын

    넘 죄송한데 티셔츠 정보 알수있을까요? ㅠㅠ

  • @jinsunglee5910
    @jinsunglee59104 күн бұрын

    선글라스도 글구 안경들도 다 너무 예뻐요!! 이번 여름 선글 언니 영상 보고 골라봅니당💕

  • @the_worlddd333
    @the_worlddd3334 күн бұрын

    제가 사고 싶었던 제품들이 정말 많은뎅.. 설명을 너무 잘 해주셔서 다사고 싶어짐유.... 저 우짜나욤...🥲

  • @eunhye5847
    @eunhye58474 күн бұрын

    언니 이번주에요…❤꺅 오랜만인거같은 언니의 이번영상‼️ 선글라스 안경 다 잘어울려요😎ㅎㅎ

  • @dbaang213
    @dbaang2134 күн бұрын

    마음고생 심했겠네요 😢

  • @user-sh9mw7jw1u
    @user-sh9mw7jw1u4 күн бұрын

    그 숙소에서 얼마나 많은 피해자가 나올지

  • @user-ox9ys6nf9i
    @user-ox9ys6nf9i4 күн бұрын

    수수님.. 혹시 자주 착용하시는(지금 영상엔 없지만..) 아디다스 파이어버드팬츠 품명 알수있을까요..? 너무 예뻐서 계속 찾아보고있눈데 어려워서요오..😢

  • @_ToTo_chae_o_n.1207
    @_ToTo_chae_o_n.12074 күн бұрын

    젠틀몬스터가 곧 연수님일정도로 자주 착용하셧는데 이렇게 정리해서 소개해주다니~~안경이랑 선글라스가 연수님 선택한거 아니냐구!!!착붙..다들 잘보고 비교해서 살수 잇을거 가타서 너무 유용하고 세심함 역쉬✨👏👏 주말 마무리 연수님으로 완벽하게🩵🩵

  • @user-em2rv3zc3b
    @user-em2rv3zc3b4 күн бұрын

    유럽 조심해도 나도모르게 당하는 어이없습니다 ;;

  • @user-sh8bn7or9e
    @user-sh8bn7or9e4 күн бұрын

    폰 케이스 정보 궁금해요

  • @bishmeChuckyboy
    @bishmeChuckyboy4 күн бұрын


  • @user-if5sq8mt4b
    @user-if5sq8mt4b4 күн бұрын

    언니 중간중간에 빈티지 늒김 카메라 정보 궁금해요옹 ꯁ

  • @ball9carrot933
    @ball9carrot9334 күн бұрын


  • @yyumi888
    @yyumi8884 күн бұрын

    하 안 어울리는게 뭐야 그냥 언니 얼굴이 다 한 거잖아…

  • @user-nd8lk7vt9r
    @user-nd8lk7vt9r5 күн бұрын

    착용 원피스 정보도 알려주세용!!

  • @tramyfischer2741
    @tramyfischer27415 күн бұрын

    I love you Du bist so süß so cute Söhne🩷🌸🩷🌸🩷🌸🩷🌸🩷🌸

  • @user-hk9rt6yf8t
    @user-hk9rt6yf8t5 күн бұрын

    연수님 마지막 영상이 선글라스가 딱 잘 어울린다..ㅋㅋ 오늘 영상 잘 봤어요.^-^

  • @user-yc4rl2kw1u
    @user-yc4rl2kw1u5 күн бұрын

    인형같아요 미국인형st🤍금발 너무 예쁘시네욥

  • @euwmhifndufk269
    @euwmhifndufk2695 күн бұрын

    3000만원? ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @user-qe6sp8ud4t
    @user-qe6sp8ud4t5 күн бұрын

    수수연수님 너무 예쁘십니다

  • @user-qh9tv6vk6p
    @user-qh9tv6vk6p5 күн бұрын


  • @ljh3139
    @ljh31395 күн бұрын


  • @ljh3139
    @ljh31395 күн бұрын


  • @user-mj4cr1rk8g
    @user-mj4cr1rk8g5 күн бұрын

    정말 가보고 싶어요

  • @moonsky5294
    @moonsky52945 күн бұрын

    어느 여행 숙박 어플인지 왜 말 할 수 없나요? 그리고 그 어플 메니저 한테 메세지 보내 그 집은 더이상 영업을 못하게 해야 됩니다. 아예 그 사이트에 그 집은 포스트 할 수 없게 더 다른 사람 피해 못 보게 해야 됩니다.

  • @user-wz5rk5lc3b
    @user-wz5rk5lc3b5 күн бұрын

    여행가는데 비싼거 두루고 가면 범죄 표적됩니다. 수수하게 하고 가야 좋아요

  • @bunddachung
    @bunddachung5 күн бұрын

    어그로 지리네 ㅋㅋ

  • @Bool-rYang-gyo-Saeng
    @Bool-rYang-gyo-Saeng5 күн бұрын

    수수연수 님 하이 브이로그 둘러보다 왔… 쩝 내 이름은 不良敎生, 썰렁 멘트의 달인이죠! 【햄복】한 【기운】 잘 받고 갑니다 …응? 썰렁 꾸벅 후다닥

  • @user-sj7wg7bc1m
    @user-sj7wg7bc1m7 күн бұрын

    집공개를 해주세요 그래야 그런일을 다른 사람이 안당하죠~~~올려주세요!!! 그리고 힘내세요 ㅠㅠ 사건반장에 올리세요. 파리는 안간다 안가 무섭다

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23187 күн бұрын

    Oink Oink.. I can't wait until I see your Heart.. for many days.. for many nights I have been waiting for Your Heart.. I think it has been years that has gone by and still I am waiting for an answer.. there has been a Knocking at the front door and Now I am going to the Front Door to open it.. as I open the Door to Look.. I see a big Box left.. I am Not sure who left this Big box.. and there is a Note which has been written to Me.. and All I see is a Name on the Note.. But.. why is this Big box left to the front door to my House.. did I ever asked for something.. was it a wish I made years ago.. and Now it has arrived.. was it a Prayer.. I been praying for Your Heart.. but I don't think you can answer it right?? but I been waiting all this time.. It can't be Your Heart right!? and this Big Box.. I have to lift it UP and I would carry it to my Room.. wondering why is it this Big.. the Note of the Name.. it is Not even my Name.. but has a Name on it.. is it suppose to deliver to my Place.. to this House.. and I am wondering as I would lift UP the Big box and carrying it to my room.. and I am thinking.. what if it was Not to me.. maybe came to the wrong house.. I been asking over and over.. asking as I would Look at your Picture.. wishing looking UP at the Moon.. wondering does the MOON even care about my Wish at the Nights.. every night.. walking Out side.. I would stand LOOKING UP at the sky.. Looking to see if the MOON would appear.. in my hand is Your Picture.. looking at YOU through this Picture.. wishing that if I can have Your Heart.. would you Please send me Your Heart to me.. I have so much to say.. so many words.. even I can write many words directing to Your Heart.. only if YOU can send Your Heart this way.. Only if YOU can have ears to listen to the words I needs to say.. what I want to say is NOT going to be enough but it is the Needing of Your Heart.. to say that I been loving YOU.. YOU are wondering.. if I am only looking at your Picture.. How can I say that.. am I lying to YOU with these words.. am I just using the words to Look like I am.. and if you want to see if I am true with my Words.. if I am reals with my Words.. you can truly try me and test me to see if I am truly a Fake One.. but One thing for sure that I can share and tell YOU and be real with YOU.. that for a Long Long Long Time Now.. for two decades that time passed by.. I been able to share and type and write all this Time.. I been sharing and telling and writing as long as I remember.. but I can say that for more than 20 years Now.. I been sharing and typing and writing.. never giving Up and coming this far.. YOU do not have to trust me.. YOU do not have to believe me at all.. YOU can call me a Liar or a Fake all you Want.. but when YOU look at me as the Writer.. I been reals all this Time.. and this is one thing that I can tell YOU that Now.. I have the experiences that YOU need to know that now.. when it comes of Loving YOU.. I know that I can Love you Good.. I know that I can love you right.. and I know that I can tell YOU through the Letters that I do love YOU.. coming Out at Night.. I love the Peace that is in the air.. I can stand still looking UP at the dark skies.. LOOKING at the stars and the MOON.. on this very night.. My Hand is holding Your Picture.. I am Not sure why I just can't let go of Your Picture.. but I would take a LOOK at YOU.. wishing that I can cry Looking at your Picture because I don't know why.. but all I want to say and tell YOU is this.. How much I love YOU.. I am Not sure if you would ever believe Me.. but all I am asking if for One chance.. give me a chance so that I can say to YOU that I really Love YOU.. I want to tell YOU even when I don't see YOU.. only if YOU can come Out side at night.. on the Other side.. when you see the Dark Skies.. see the stars and the MOON appear before your eyes.. when we are looking at the same MOON.. I am sure you can hear my Heart Beating for YOU because I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. but as days go by.. maybe to YOU it seems like such a distance.. miles and miles away.. and seems like it is going to be impossible for me to ever tell YOU.. but when I stand alone.. looking at the Moon.. in the Night.. I have your Picture in my hand.. and I am LOOKING UP.. I would smile looking at the Moon.. do YOU know why.. YOU may think in your Heart.. what if I never meet You.. what if It never happens.. what if this is all Fake is what YOU are going to say to Me.. and How can I smile on the Other side if I can't meet YOU right?? YOU have to remember how it gets delivered.. YOU have to remember that behind the screen is Me.. and I am thinking of YOU always.. and to transfer love means I needs to tell YOU.. I needs to say what I needs to so that It can go direct to YOU.. that it delivers and transfers.. remember like 20 years ago.. it was impossible for anything to ever happened.. and I think about when I first started to share.. when It was Nothing at All.. I had No name.. I had No face.. I have NO reputation.. there was Nothing when I first started to share.. when I think about at that time.. I was Nothing at all because YOU did Not even know my Name.. YOU did not even know there was me in the first Place but to come this very far.. and Now I do have a Place.. I do Have a face.. and Now has a Name.. I am sure you know my Name right.. and that Name has a face.. is a person.. a MAN who has been loving YOU ever since.. I been sharing to YOU.. but it is when I saw Your Picture.. when Your picture came into my hand.. I would look at It wondering.. why is your Picture in my hand.. How did it get to me.. what is it that my Heart be feeling.. I wanted to brush it Off at first.. I wanted to say.. I just can't.. I just don't have the time to do this but.. when My hand holds unto your Picture.. something about YOU in that picture gets to my eyes.. gets to my mind.. my brains and to my Heart.. I just had to let it ALL OUT.. what is it that brings something from my Heart.. as I would Look at the key board in front and LOOK at the screen.. I would LOOK at your Picture and My eyes.. my heart tingles inside saying.. I must tell YOU a story.. a story I call how much I love YOU.. a story that Only can happen ONCE in a Life time.. to tell YOU that what I am best at and put in the time into work as I would write YOU a Letter.. a story only YOU can hear that is coming Out from my Heart.. from the Mind of the creative side of How much I love YOU.. it started with that One Picture that came across.. and I wanted to let YOU know.. I must have YOU.. I must be with YOU.. I must love YOU.. and I started to think.. How can I tell YOU this Heart of Mine.. How can I show YOU that I really do Love YOU.. that when I am standing Out side alone in the Nights.. and LOOKING UP at the Dark skies.. stars and the Moon.. there are days and Nights that I just want to see YOU.. days and Nights when I miss YOU.. YOU be wondering.. How can I miss YOU when we don't really meet.. if I don't see you in person.. How can I miss YOU right.. if there was some kind of friendship or had some kind of relationship with YOU.. it can happen of missing YOU.. I miss wanting to be with YOU.. I miss YOU because I want to be close to YOU.. to have you near.. and in my arms is what I am talking about.. is it wrong for me to Love YOU and to miss YOU all at one time because I do crave for Your closeness.. I do long for your Presences and just you be here next to Me.. even you don't have to say any words to me.. but YOU just being there.. giving me a smile if you can be the greatest gift a man like myself can have.. because I am Not asking Much.. just YOU.. and for me to keep on loving YOU.. and to transfer that love.. to deliver the message so that you know who is the One loving YOU.. I would LOOK Up.. holding unto your Picture.. looking UP at the Moon at Night.. just wishing upon the stars.. asking the Moon if it can hear me.. and I would ask the Moon.. can I have Your Heart.. I be wishing upon the stars that I see at Night.. can I please have Your Heart.. would I hear any answers.. to be honest with YOU.. I don't hear any answers from any thing.. but I know that as Long as I try.. maybe I know someone can hear me.. when a Voice is calling Out.. and sometimes it can cry Out Loud into the air.. asking for YOU.. calling Out your Name.. asking for YOU.. wishing and praying for Your Heart.. for YOU.. I been asking for your Heart.. and ever since the first day.. when I saw your Picture// into my hand I would hold unto.. and my hand would never let go of your Picture.. and YOU be asking.. why do I want your Heart so bad.. why am I asking.. why am I calling Out.. why for your Heart.. because if I can have your Heart.. I know that I can call your name.. that I can get your attention.. that YOU can see me the way I do.. and YOU will believe me that it is me who has been loving you.. that I am Not lying or it is Not a fake Love.. but a real Love from my Heart.. just asking for Your Heart means I can call your Name.. so that I can tell YOU that I love YOU.. and Your Heart will understand.. your Heart will know that It is me who truly Loves YOU.. that is why I know without your Heart.. it is impossible to tell YOU.. that my need to say it will Not go through to YOU unless I have your Heart.. many Nights it has been so Hard.. very lonely when YOU stand Out alone.. when YOU do not hear anything on the Other side.. it seems like Hopeless.. it seems like It is going to be Nothing.. I would stand Out.. at Night.. hand holding Unto your Picture.. Looking at YOU.. and I would ask.. why can't I tell YOU.. why can't you hear me.. it is that distance of being far away from YOU.. why can't I be close to YOU so that when YOU are near.. I am able to say it right there and then.. and tell YOU that it is ME who been loving YOU.. going into the room.. after I been asking for YOU.. and I would feel down.. and I

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23187 күн бұрын

    Heart that I love YOU.. and I really mean it Now.. that I truly understand.. that I do really Love YOU.. Now.. I want to say it and tell YOU.. I need your Heart.. I want Your Heart because I want to be heard when I call your Name and YOU know who is the MAN calling your name because it is I who loves YOU and has been loving YOU till this day.. so Please.. when I call your name.. Please answer so that I can have YOUR HEART.. I need Your Heart.. why.. I want Your Heart so that I can Love you More and More.. I grow More as time goes by because it is the Only thing that is the Best I can do.. to tell YOU that I love YOU..I been looking at this Door.. I tried to knock on this Door.. I would even stand by this door.. from the Sun Set to Sun Rise.. I even saw the Stars and the Moon appears in the dark Sky.. I would look at the door.. I been asking for Your Heart.. I wanted to show you this Art Sketch Paper.. I drew a Heart on the Piece of paper.. wanting to show YOU.. wanted your Approval if does this Drawing of the Heart looks like Yours.. and I wanted the answers from your Words.. But No matter How many times I would knock on this Door.. I would hear YOUR voice inside this House.. but The door never opened for Me.. It broke My Heart.. ALL I ever wanted was YOUR answers that Does this Heart LOOKS like YOURS.. if YOU only told me that It is the drawing of Your Heart.. I was going to ask YOU a Question but that Question comes with asking a Favor from YOU.. and I wanted to ask.. If this Heart of drawing which I drew in my room thinking of YOU resembles Your Heart.. can YOU Please write YOUR NAME on this Piece of paper.. in the center of this Heart saying this is YOUR HEART.. and If you would of told me yes and Writes YOUR NAME.. I would ask you a Favor.. is it okay I can call Out your Name looking at this Piece of Paper.. the Art Sketch Paper of Picture of Your Heart.. I want to call Out your Name and tell your Heart YOUR NAME and tell you that I love Your Name.. I will start with just loving Your Name and thinking of Your Name.. I would say.. can I love this Heart.. with Your Name in the center.. I can call out your Name.. every Night.. I would walk Out side.. I would turn and LOOK UP to the sky.. LOOKING at the MOON and I will show the MOON the Piece of paper.. LOOK at this Heart.. Please say the Name of this Heart.. and I would open my mouth and say YOUR NAME before the MOON up there and say.. I love this Name.. and I love this Heart means I really Love YOU.. But.. I am looking at this Door.. the same Door.. and many months has passed by.. of course for a while I begin to think.. Maybe YOU are Not going to open this Door.. maybe it is My voice.. is it just too rusty for YOU to hear.. is it because I am knocking on this door so Much YOU just grew tired of this same person.. I would see the Figure in the Window and I know that YOU are inside this House.. I saw the figure of YOU.. and Yes.. I heard your voice too saying something.. I kept on knocking and knocking.. but YOU never answered.. YOU never opened the Door.. and YOU are wondering.. why did I come back.. why did I return back to the same DOOR which it never opened for Me.. I don't know.. and If you want an answer.. I just don't know why I keep on coming back to YOU.. even though the Door never opens for Me.. YOU are asking.. DO I ever give UP.. and I will tell YOU NO.. I never will give UP on Love.. especially when It comes on Loving YOU.. How can I give UP ON YOU.. I just will Not stop trying until YOU OPEN this door for me.. I would unfold the Piece of paper.. and I am looking at the Drawing of the Heart.. It has been a while since I looked at it but I do remember.. I would sit by the Door.. and turning away from the Door.. I would sit and cry.. I only wanted YOU to answer Me.. I only wanted to see if this Looks Like Your Heart.. why don't you answer.. I wanted to know does this LOOKS like your Heart.. so that at least I can tell this Piece of paper.. the Drawing of Your Heart.. that I love YOU.. that I want YOUR HEART.. and for ever can I just stand by this door and tell it by the door and YOU can hear me from the Inside when I am standing Out side.. How much I want to be with YOU.. but I need your Heart.. Please give me YOUR Heart and tell me that It looks like your Heart.. so that I know that I can start saying and telling YOU.. telling your Heart that I really Love YOU.. but why don't you answer the Door.. why don't you open the Door.. why don't you tell me that It does looks Like or resemble YOUR Heart.. Please tell me the truth.. give an answer to My Ear so I can hear you say something about this Piece of Paper.. that It is a Drawing of Your Heart.. I want to start loving YOU.. BUT I just can't love you until YOU tell me the answer.. I want to tell YOU and Love you so Bad.. why don't you answer.. why don't you tell me something.. or just anything.. and I would be sitting.. Looking at the Piece of Paper.. the Drawing of the Heart.. which I only drew of thinking of YOU.. all I want is YOU to say.. I needs to hear you tell me.. give me the approval that I needs to know that It looks Like your Heart.. as I am standing by the Door.. I am just thinking about the last time I came to this Door.. I was crying.. and It started to shower down the rain.. I do remember I would stand UP from sitting on the ground.. and I started to walk straight.. and I would walk and stop.. turning too look at the window.. I stood there.. hands holding the Piece of paper.. the Drawing of the Heart.. and I am getting Hit by the rain and I am looking at the paper.. as I see it getting wet by the rain and It would tear slowly and into halves It became.. and I would open my mouth wide crying in the rain.. ALL I wanted to know is does this Drawing looks Like your Heart.. why is it so Upsetting to me watching this Piece of paper tearing apart in front of the eyes.. and I started to feel getting more wetter as the rain would fall down on Me.. and I would be crying and crying.. looking at the window.. LOOK at this.. LOOK at the Art Sketch Paper.. I came all the way down here to show YOU but to ask YOU for one thing.. It is all about YOUR HEART.. why can't you answer Me.. why can't you tell me what is in your Heart.. all you do is open that door and ALL I wanted to hear yes or No.. but why did YOU Not answer the door.. and as I am getting more wet by the rain.. I hear the Thunder and flashes of lightening making sounds.. and ALL I wanted is a simple Yes or No.. but I wanted to hear the answer YES more than No.. I came here to ask just this One question and also had a Favor in Mind.. as I would wait for YOU to appear in the window.. I don't see you there.. and I would turn around and started to walk slowly.. My head looks down and My Heart.. it feels so Hurt.. it feels so Broken inside.. I can't even hear my Heart or feel my Heart any more.. I just can't feel it no more.. as I am standing here.. why do I feel so Sad all of a sudden.. was it because of last time painful experience I had going away.. walking away.. if It hurts this bad.. why did I come here again.. and I stood by the door.. I know that I won't hear YOU.. I know that YOU are Not going to open this Door.. even though I already Know.. WHY did I come.. and my two hands holding the sides of this Piece of paper.. and I am looking at the Drawing of a Heart and I would smile.. YOU are thinking I should of been frowning HUH.. NOPE.. because I am thinking of another way.. different method appear to me in my Heart and IN my Mind and I came with a new Plan and I know that It does NOT Matter if YOU don't open the Door.. Just don't open it for Me.. Please keep it locked and DO NOT even come out to see this Heart.. WHY.. I am going to tell YOU what I think of Your Heart.. I know that If YOU are standing on the Other Side.. YOU can hear Me.. that is a GOOD thing because as Long as YOU can hear My voice.. and Hear my words and Knows my Heart.. I know once it gets to YOU ON the Other side.. ONE day Your Heart can Open.. I believe that YOUR HEART may Not accept me Now.. But YOUR Heart can Hear and can understand when IT comes from MY Heart of How much I LOVE YOU.. I know you know what Love really Is.. If YOU are truly LOOKING and thinking of Love.. SO AM I.. I been trying to tell YOU many times what it means to Love YOU.. as Long as YOU can Hear ME from Where you are.. YOU can be standing or can be sitting.. if YOU can Hear me.. I know that is a GOOD thing.. it is when YOU tell me to Leave YOU alone and Get Lost.. that is when I have NO Chance to Love YOU.. but able to come here.. even the DOOR is still locked and YOU are not opening the Door.. I know who I love.. and I want to boldly claim my rights to Love YOU.. and I know you can hear me on the Other side.. behind this Locked DOOR.. I know you are inside.. I saw the figure on the window when I was coming back to this Door.. and I waved at YOU.. what got to my Heart.. YOU waved back.. that is when I knew.. DOOR can be locked all YOU want.. BUT it is Not going to stop me to tell YOU a story of what it means to really Love YOU.. as long as YOU can hear me and listen to the Stories I love sharing and telling YOU.. I know I will love YOU still and I would walk UP to the Door and I would stand by the Door.. and My Hand Hits the Door.. DOK DOK DOK DOK DOK.. and Hand Hits the Door again.. and I hear.. DOK DOK DOK DOK DOK.. I was about to hit the Door but why did YOU hit it back.. I see.. I know YOU hear me.. behind this Door.. I see that YOU are there.. and also I am here just to say.. I missed YOU and I love you too.. and I can finally cry Out Loud knowing we are looking at the SAME MOON.. that YOU can hear me speak.. YOU can hear me talk and share.. that I know YOU are listening to My Heart.. that I can

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23187 күн бұрын

    I love YOU.. I asked you to love me.. I even told YOU that I love YOU.. you told me that you loved Me.. then why are you not getting this Picture.. YOU told me how much YOU loved the Moon.. Here is the Moon that YOU love.. I just want to give it back to YOU because YOU can hate me.. but I will always love YOU.. I will still love YOU until you know that I love YOU and that YOU know in your Heart that YOU love me too. I am looking at the Moon.. I am waiting for YOU.. just thinking about YOU.. Looking at the Moon.. I feel like I am starting to Miss YOU.. when can I see YOU.. can I hear Your Heart.. Can I see your Heart.. Please let me touch Your Heart.. because I need YOU.. I truly need YOU to love me Back.. only wish.. Only hope.. only dreaming if YOU can show me your Heart.. as I am looking UP toward the Moon.. I can picture in that Moon.. the Shape of Your Heart.. I want to see Your Heart.. My arm stretches Out.. my hand opens Wide.. my Other arm reaches.. stretches Out.. My Other Hand opens Wide.. if YOU can hear Me.. If YOU are able to hear.. Please listen with Your Ears.. Hear my words because I am talking to that MOON.. can YOU Hear through that Moon.. I want to know.. If YOU are Unable to hear my words.. If YOU are Unable to Hear my Voice.. On the Other side.. Is it Night.. because at this Point.. the Sun has went down and Now.. it is the Moon's Turn to get UP.. and I am looking at this Moon.. Hoping that It is Night on that Other side.. if it is.. Can YOU please come Out.. If YOU are able to see that MOON.. Please come Out from the Place YOU are.. I want to tell YOU something.. I want to speak and tell YOU something.. my hands are both open wide.. asking.. Can YOU Please give me Your Heart.. I will be standing still.. Until you give me Your Heart.. I been asking YOU for a long time.. Did you not forget.. ever since I first laid my eyes On you.. all I ever wanted is Your Heart.. All I ever talked about and asking YOU is for that Heart.. Please give me Your Heart.. Please Open your Heart.. I do not want anything else but Just for YOU to show me Your Heart and Please.. let me have Your Heart.. My Heart has been breaking.. It has been shattered into Pieces.. I am trying to put the Pieces of my Heart together.. without YOU.. I know that the Pieces of my Heart cannot come together.. that is why I am asking for Your Heart.. Only if YOU can show Me.. so that I can see the Shape of Your Heart.. and I can open my chest.. and Put your Heart inside the Chamber.. which been waiting for your Heart.. I need Your Heart.. I want to have YOUR HEART and Put close to my chest.. to see How can I live without YOU.. I know that I can't unless I have Your Heart.. I told YOU already.. How is my Heart be broken and How was it torn into Pieces and Cannot put it back together.. I broke my Own Heart.. So that I can put Your Heart instead of Mine.. that is How close I want to feel Your Heart.. to Feel the Beating of Your Heart.. to hear the Beating.. to hear the sound of Your Heart.. I want YOU very close.. SO close that I can hear Your Heart inside of Me.. so that I can see YOU close.. I am truly missing YOU.. I don't know why.. because it is so Hard to explain at this Point.. if YOU are asking me.. WHY do I miss YOU so Much.. I just saw your Picture.. which I would have it close to Me.. I would take a Look at your Picture.. and only Wish.. Only Hope when can I see YOU close.. will you ever come close to Me.. because the More away YOU are.. the More I want to see YOU close.. the More I miss YOU.. the More My Heart breaks.. breaking and hearing the sound of my Heart.. just breaking into pieces.. and I want to know.. Does Love hurts.. does it hurt you.. because for Me.. it hurts to Love YOU.. it hurts me so much that I can feel the breaking of my Heart.. I want to cry.. I want to cry a lot because it Hurts me more when I don't see YOU.. when I miss YOU.. when I step out side.. and I stand still in silent.. and I look UP.. toward the Moon.. I want to shout at the Moon and Cry when looking at the Moon.. I would say.. Can YOU please come Out tonight.. I wonder if it is Day.. Or is it Night.. If I am able to see the Moon tonight.. can YOU Please step Out side.. On the Other side.. do YOU see the Moon appear before Your eyes.. Look UP at the dark skies.. do you see the stars.. do you see the Moon.. if YOU can see the Moon appear before YOU.. Can YOU Hear me.. Can YOU Hear my voice.. Listen to my words because there is something very Important that I would like to say.. to tell YOU.. and I know for sure you know this and maybe heard it more than thousand times by Now.. But I never get tired of telling you this.. I just hope that YOU never get tired too.. If you do please tell Me so that I can stop.. if YOU hear me.. Please LOOK at the Moon.. can YOU see that MOON.. the same Moon that we can see together.. as I am standing still alone.. I am here by myself.. Looking at that Moon.. I been coming here.. from time to time.. when I think of YOU a lot and my Mind.. it gets very busy because I am thinking of YOU.. before I came Out side.. I saw Your Picture.. I saw the Picture of YOU smiling.. when I saw Your Picture.. My Heart was touched.. I put my hand on the Chest.. and I can feel the Beating of My Heart.. and I would tell Your Picture looking at YOU.. I love YOU.. YOU do not know How much I love YOU.. I am still here.. I am still able to tell YOU.. I am able to write to YOU still.. that shows that I have never lost the touch.. that I think of YOU always.. when I saw Your Picture.. it felt Like I got drunk.. I wanted to fall.. and sit on the floor.. I felt dizzy and my knees got weak when I saw YOUR picture.. I told myself.. I should Not keep on looking at your Picture.. because once I start to look.. I would miss YOU.. Missing YOU leads me to walk Out side.. Missing YOU leads me to Look at the Moon.. and my eyes would wander looking UP at the sky.. Looking for the stars.. and Looking for the Moon.. I would close my eyes.. Both eyes shut closed as I would put YOU in my Head.. a Picture pops in my Mind as I would think of YOU.. and envision YOU.. wanting to see YOU.. I would open my eyes.. as I am staring at the Moon.. I would look at the Moon.. and I would open my mouth and say.. Do you know why I am here tonight.. Do you know why I am lead here.. I saw YOUR Picture.. I saw your Beautiful Picture.. saw Your Beautiful Face.. Now Look what YOU have made me do.. I am asking YOU if YOU can hear me.. Please say something back.. Please tell me something because My Heart is listening.. say something because My Heart is opened to listen.. Say something because my ears wants to hear Your Voice and Your Words.. Please say something because tonight is the Night I really want to hear YOU.. that this very Night.. for some reason I am missing YOU much more.. even though every night I miss YOU.. and I want to see YOU every day.. But on this very Night.. I really really want to hear from YOU.. I want you to Know that I love YOU.. I really really Love YOU.. Why can't I hear from YOU on the Other side.. is it because YOU can't hear me at all.. YOU know that every time I come Out.. every time I look UP at the sky and Look towards the Moon.. I am always expecting to hear from YOU.. but every night.. I would be the One who is speaking.. saying something as I am looking toward the Moon.. after I am done speaking as I am looking UP at the Moon.. I would be so sad.. My Heart be broken.. My Heart be breaking.. My Heart be crying as I would go inside back to the House.. because I would come Out side on this Night just to hear something.. Your Words and Your Voice but I don't hear anything from YOU.. I would be Looking UP towards the Moon.. asking YOU.. if You can Hear me.. if YOU want to hear my Voice.. to hear my words.. I am here this very Night.. I am standing here All alone.. Just waiting for YOU to show Up on the Other side.. if YOU can see the Moon.. If you can hear Me Out.. Please say something so that I know I am speaking to YOU as I am here On the Other side.. I want My words to be Heard.. I want my Voice to be Heard.. if I say the Word I miss YOU.. I am telling YOU from My Heart.. that Means I really Miss YOU.. if I say the Word I love YOU.. it comes from the Deep within expressing my Heart felt to tell YOU that it is what it is.. that I am telling YOU this because I do.. But I am not sure if My Words are being heard.. if My Voice is being heard on the Other side.. What If YOU are Not there.. What if It is Night there.. and yes.. the Moon has come UP.. but YOU are Not standing Out side where YOU can see that Moon.. I want my Voice to be heard for YOU.. I want my Words to be Heard to YOU.. because None of it is empty words.. it is Words that comes from My Heart and My Mind.. from Inside of Me.. that is why I been asking for YOUR HEART.. If I can have your Heart just for One Night.. if I am able to put Your Heart inside the Chamber in my Chest.. and I close the Chamber of the gates of my Chest.. I know that if YOUR Heart is inside of Me.. I can walk out alone.. stand by myself in the Night.. Looking UP at the MOON.. so that My Words can be Heard.. so that My Voice may be heard.. and if YOUR HEART is inside my Chest in the chamber.. I would look UP at the Moon.. and YOU are able to hear all of My words.. my Voice.. and even what comes within Me to tell YOU.. YOUR Heart being so Close to Me.. I know that My Words would not go empty.. and I can just express and tell YOU.. and YOU can Hear me.. that YOU can hear me finally and that I know that YOUR HEART is able to hear my words and My Mind.. and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I would know for sure.. I can come Out side every night.. without questions rather YOU are listening or Not.. But I know for sure YOU can Hear Me

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23187 күн бұрын

    Waiting for me.. I would ask this Angel.. How can I be an Angel.. because I just want to be close to YOU.. even though I do not ask for your Love.. I am not asking YOU.. can YOU love me.. it is what is in my Heart.. who is the One loving YOU.. I am truly feeling like I am filled and Full just by loving YOU.. and the Angel would look at me.. if I become the An angel.. I can't ever be with YOU.. but can be Near YOU.. be close to YOU and Just love YOU from the Far.. from the distance just to be there and just to love YOU and Only thing I can do is miss YOU.. and I would ask the Angel.. am I able to share.. tell and write letters to YOU.. the Angel tells me.. I still can.. I can always love YOU.. and able to tell you.. express the Joy of loving YOU.. I do remember begging this Angel.. that I needed to borrow the two wings.. or if I can be an Angel instead.. as long as I can love YOU.. as long as I can write you Letters to tell YOU how much I love YOU.. so I made the Deal with Angel.. he is going to bring me two wings and gives to me as a Gift and I will become Your Angel.. the One who loves YOU from a far and from distance.. I do remember sitting by the desk.. pulling Out the White Sheet of Clean Paper.. grabbing a Pen and started to write YOU a Letter.. to tell YOU this.. I would say.. I am Your Angel.. Please do not be afraid of Me.. but to know how much I love YOU.. when I get close to the window and the Sun goes down and the Moon with the Stars comes UP the sky.. I would open the Window and stare into the Night.. just thinking of YOU.. just missing YOU always.. I do not want to miss you any more.. there is this Ache in my Heart.. there is this Pain in my soul.. looking into the Night.. Looking at the Moon.. I am watching the Moon looking at me.. and when I look at the Moon.. I think of YOU.. YOU keep on crossing my Mind.. I can feel this pain.. a sharp Pain because I want to be close to YOU.. When can I see YOU.. When can I come close to YOU and reveal to YOU that It is Me who be loving you the Most.. would you please let me come close.. so that I don't have to keep on missing YOU.. I feel like I needs to make this Move first.. that I needs to get close.. even though I may not be able to be with YOU.. I know that if I am your Angel.. at least I get to see YOU.. see you closer and able to love you More because I don't miss YOU.. this wall.. this distance that is not able to let me get to YOU.. I know that I must break down the wall.. break down the distance.. this missing YOU.. so that I can be at least to tell YOU that I love YOU.. it is driving me Insane.. it is driving me crazy Now because I know my Heart.. I know what is IN my Heart and WHO I be loving for such a Long time.. that is why Now.. I just want to be close.. would you please accept these Letters that I write.. I just want to tell you what crosses my Mind.. and that without YOU.. I know that I can't Live.. without YOU I can't breathe so Please Help me to Love YOU more.. as I am writing on the Clean Sheet of Paper.. and I hear the Knock on the window.. and I turn to Look.. it is the Angel who has brought me the gift.. the two Wings.. NO more asking to borrow but Now I have two wings.. Once I put the two Wings on the Back.. I will become Your Angel.. who can be near YOU.. Not missing YOU no More.. I see the Angel leaves the two Wings by the Window and He leaves.. I am looking at your Picture.. I am so sorry that I have to be an Angel.. only thing I can do is to be Close.. just to be there and just loving you from the Distance.. But I do get to tell you how much I love YOU.. at least I have the Voice to share from these letters.. to tell you I love YOU.. for so long.. I have never stopped loving YOU.. will you please let me Love YOU still.. as I open the Window and grabbing the two wings.. I am looking at them.. both hands holding the two wings.. I am looking at your Picture sitting on the top of the desk.. I can't breathe.. because it is so Hard for me to breathe right Now.. I want to go.. I want to be with YOU Now.. if I can't do this.. I know I be going crazy.. so please understand why I am doing this for YOU.. I put the two Wings on my Back.. and I fall on the Floor.. and crying.. as I am holding your Picture.. IN my hand is your Picture.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to be with YOU forever.. If I stay here.. I know that I will miss you more.. and Missing YOU drives me Crazy and in such great pain.. I feel aches all over my body.. I am wiping my tears as I am looking at your Picture.. why do I have to be so far from YOU.. why do YOU have to live so far that I must do this.. WHY.. as I feel this Change.. I become Your Angel.. but as long as I can still love YOU and tell YOU How much I love YOU.. I don't care what happens to Me.. as long as YOU know.. YOU know that My Love for you is surreal.. that I love you for real.. and as long as YOU get this Message.. I am looking at the Bottle.. I been taking few shots.. before I would write you a Letter.. I would have the shot Glass.. and with the Bottle of Rice Wine.. I would pour on the Shot Glass.. My Heart could not take this Pain.. this Ache.. so I started to drink.. so that I don't feel this Pain in my Heart.. help Me to love YOU.. Help me by accepting the Letters so that I know that I have a chance to Love YOU... as I would stand UP.. on two feet.. I would roll the Paper and I would grab the Empty Bottle of the rice wine.. put the Rolled paper into the Bottle.. and I am standing.. walking to the window.. and I am looking at the Moon.. I would walk away from the room and go out side.. as I am standing outside.. One hand holding your Picture.. Looking at your Picture.. and On the Other hand I holding the Letter inside the Bottle.. I know that I must get to YOU.. I must fly over the Moon and go where YOU at.. Please be where I met YOU.. Please know that I am coming and I am going to YOU.. I have just written a Letter.. I have told YOU in the letter.. I have asked the Angel.. if I can be Your Angel.. so that I can be near YOU and love you from the distance.. if I stay here.. How can I show YOU that I love YOU.. How can I tell YOU that I love YOU.. so Now.. just standing here.. going out side and just looking at the Moon is Not going to do anything for Me.. I hope that when YOU receive the Message.. the Letter inside this Bottle.. will you open the Letter.. will you please accept and read it.. because I put so much time and thoughts.. my Heart into each Letter.. letting YOU know How much I miss YOU.. I miss you that It drives me Insane.. I miss you that it drives me crazy.. if YOU can't come to me.. then I will go to YOU.. but Now as your Angel.. please accept my Heart.. Please accept the Letters I give YOU.. and I am looking UP the MOON as I am speaking from My Heart.. I am looking UP at the Moon and telling these Words to the Moon.. I know that YOU can't hear me.. because of the distance.. for being so far away.. but I will let you know soon as I fly over the Moon to the Place you are.. Please Open YOUR Heart.. Please let me In.. Open your Heart for Me.. and please don't reject how much I love YOU.. how much I miss YOU.. Please open your Heart and receive and accept.. I am crying Out as I am saying these things.. LOOKING UP at the Moon.. Looking at your Picture.. Holding hard on the Bottle.. I want to give.. I want to give as much as I can.. I want to give YOU how much I love YOU.. I just want to give you my ALL.. my everything to YOU.. and the two wings starts to flap.. as I feel myself being lifted from the Ground.. WHY must I change to Love YOU.. why can't I love you for Me.. WHY do I must have two wings.. why have to be an angel to Love YOU.. I just want to love YOU.. but standing here.. I know I can't get to YOU.. I know that just standing here and standing still.. Nothing will be done.. so Please forgive me for changing into I am waiting for the Moon to appear.. in my hands is a Letter I have written for YOU.. but I am waiting for an Angel.. Do you know that I believe in Angels and I would ask if the Angels could Come as I am asking for One to appear before my Eyes.. as I was sitting by the desk.. and I would write.. pulling the Piece of paper before me.. I would be looking at your Picture.. Only if YOU know my Heart.. trying to let YOU know How much I love YOU.. I been practicing writing on this Pieces of Papers.. I would even grab One Piece of paper.. walking to the Mirror in the rest Room.. I am Not a Person who can speak well in speech.. I may not be able to speak right with the Words when it comes face to face.. But I know that I needs to practice my Speech telling YOU and Letting YOU know How much I love YOU.. as I am in the rest Room.. I am Looking at myself the Mirror is in front of me.. I know that I can let YOU see the Letter.. but.. I am alone in this House.. so I would show UP.. looking at myself and trying to Picture YOU standing on the other side.. will I have the Boldness.. WILL I have the courage to Tell YOU what My Heart feels.. WILL you let me speak to YOU about How much I love YOU.. as I am looking at myself.. Looking at the Mirror.. Holding the Piece of paper.. and I would try to talk.. try to speak.. but my Words would Not come Out because I am Looking at Me instead.. but I know that I needs to practice.. practice more to speak to YOU.. to tell YOU.. to have the Guts and Courage.. but I am wondering will YOU even give me Your Ears to listen.. will YOU give me the attention that I need from YOU so that I am able to talk to YOU.. to get something Off my Chest.. letting YOU know what I am thinking.. to Let YOU know that I love YOU.. I would open my Mouth.. and I would start to read from the Letter.. and I would say to YOU.. even though YOU are not here.. But I am envisioning that YOU are here and able to listen to the Words I am telling YOU.. speaking to YOU.. I would say.. I can't get my Mind Off of YOU

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23187 күн бұрын

    I want to be well prepared.. I want to be ready to Tell YOU that I have a Love story that Only YOU can hear.. that I can share to YOU.. would you give me Your Time and energy.. your attention is all I am asking for.. all I need so that I can tell YOU.. I been looking.. trying to speak.. because I am not well in speech.. but I do know how to write Many Letters now.. and the Best way.. fastest way for me to reach YOU is by giving YOU this Letter.. I can look at myself and holding UP the Piece of Paper in my hands.. and reading the Letters.. How long can I be doing this.. and I would ask.. How far can it go if only thing I do is read the Letters looking at myself at the Mirror in front of Me.. I would keep on trying.. after sitting down by the desk.. I would pull up the chair.. with the Pencil and write YOU a Letter.. letting YOU know there is so much going On my Mind.. burning inside of My Heart.. that I still Love YOU.. I would pick up the Picture.. taking a Look at YOU.. and always.. it brings me great Love and Joy and Inspires me to write and to tell YOU a Story that I love YOU.. the Only thing that I can do.. the Only thing I can bring out from My Heart.. and I go to face the Mirror.. and I look at myself.. I wish that It be YOU on the other side.. I want to tell YOU.. I want to read the Letter to YOU.. but I am only looking at myself and it breaks my Heart that I am only reading to myself.. But I want this Letter to reach YOU.. so that YOU know my Heart.. my longing has been growing.. missing YOU brings Hate in my Heart cause of the pain that comes with it.. I wish that YOU know that Loving YOU sometimes Hurts me the Most because I miss YOU.. I can't stop thinking of YOU.. going back and forth.. to Sitting by the desk.. writing a Letter.. getting UP from and walking to the rest room.. Holding UP the Letter.. looking at myself looking at the Mirror and reading the Letter Out Loud.. I would look at my self.. and it hurts Me because I miss YOU.. I been missing YOU for such a Long time.. going back to sit.. Looking at your Picture.. my Heart starts to burn inside.. I want this Burn to come across Your Heart.. I wish that YOU can deal with the same Burning and this Pain that is aching inside my Soul.. I feel like it is NO fair sometimes because.. WHY is it that I am the One who has to deal with this Pain of ache.. this Pain of missing YOU and It feels Like YOU do not feel anything on the Other side.. do YOU know that I am waiting for YOU still.. that I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I don't want to spend the time looking at the Mirror and Looking at myself and just reading the letters.. it is NOT for me but for YOU.. so I have decided to change a New Way.. I would wait.. waiting until the SUN goes Down and asking for the MOON to come UP.. I would walk Out side.. and stand alone as I see the Night has approached.. I am holding the Letter In front of Me.. and I have heard that there are Angels WHO is able to listen to an OUT CRY of the Heart when YOU LOVE.. I would stand.. Open the Piece of Paper.. the Letter is in front of Me.. and I started to LOOK UP at the Moon.. but I am Not asking the MOON anything.. but an Angel.. if the Angel can hear me on this very night.. can the Angel be the One to do me a Favor.. I have One wish.. and It is very simple Wish.. to Hear the Heart of Mine crying for YOU.. I know if the Angel can hear the sobbing of my Heart.. my Tears of pains that comes from inside.. if the Angel can hear me and can feel sorry for Me because I am asking for the Angel to Give this Letter to YOU.. I can sit on the ground and weep.. sob in tears for many hours if I have too.. but if an Angel.. who is passing by through My direction and catches me in tears.. I know that the Angel can stop and Looks DOWN from the Sky wondering what is wrong with me.. and I can say to that Angel.. I am man who loves to write Love Story.. but it is a story of YOU.. story of how much I love YOU.. and that I am asking that Angel.. if He can do me a favor.. to give this Letter I have written to YOU.. to send the Message that I been here.. all along waiting for YOU.. if the angel asks.. I would tell that Angel.. I have even tried.. I even went to the rest room.. after I sat on the chair by the desk.. and I would show the angel the Picture of YOU.. and tell the Angel.. who YOU are and I would say to that Angel.. I would write with the pencil on the Piece of paper.. and I would get UP and go to the rest room.. and I would stand looking at the Mirror of myself and I would read the letter that I wrote to YOU.. I been doing that for a while.. but It seems like it has no Hope.. because I am only reading it to myself.. I want YOU to hear me.. hear my voice.. hear my words that I do speak.. I do talk and say.. share what is in my Heart.. but what good is ALL that when YOU can't even hear me.. if YOU just don't know or understand.. and I started to LOOK at myself on that Mirror.. in Pain.. what good is it if I am the Only One who knows it for myself.. so I have decided to walk Out.. and WHEN I saw the Moon.. if I love to stare at the MOON in the Night.. I am sure an Angel can also Love the Moon just like Me and can spend the Night looking at the MOON.. if I can be loud and Clear and if the Angel who is staring at the same MOON I am.. I know for sure.. the Angel can hear me Out.. hear my misery of NOT able to get the Letters to YOU.. Hear this Heart of Mine crying in the Night as I am staring at the MOON.. if the Angel sees Me.. with a Broken Heart and the Longing.. waiting for YOU.. waiting for your answer.. I am sure the Angel can look.. as I would walk Out side.. Not just Once.. but each Night.. two days.. four days.. ten days I am out.. holding the Letter.. and I am looking UP at the MOON.. open my mouth so that YOU can hear me Out Loud.. I am sure after many times of walking with the Letters.. the Angel can see that I am very serious.. I am Not asking Much but it is so simple.. to let YOU know my Heart.. to Let YOU know that I love YOU.. to Let YOU see the Heart of Mine.. that I am falling for YOU.. I need YOU and I need you to know that I love YOU.. that I be missing YOU.. DO you even know that.. can YOU SEE that.. and I know that One night.. with your Picture in my Hand.. and I be looking.. on the Other Hand is the Letter.. after I look at you through the Picture.. My Heart breaks into tears.. and I am missing YOU.. I will say why do I keep on missing YOU.. why must you be so far that it is so Hard for me to reach YOU.. why leave me like this stranded.. why let me die here just to Love YOU.. why do I must crumble and be hurt.. why be so miserable but at the same TIME the Joy to Love.. with this ache that leaves me this Pain.. it Hurts a lot sometimes because YOU are so Far away.. but I want YOU so Near.. so Close that my arms can wrap around YOU.. and to let YOU see the letters.. here is One that I written for YOU.. I know that I may not be good with speaking.. talking with good speech.. but I know that I can memorize the Letters that I have written for YOU.. to tell YOU a Story.. My Love story of How much I love YOU.. so that YOU can know forever that I love YOU.. as I am Looking UP.. Looking at the MOON.. I am holding the Letter.. and I open my Mouth and I read the Letter Loud.. I would say Out Loud.. do YOU hear Me.. can YOU Please hear me.. will YOU please listen to what I needs to say.. to tell YOU something that Keeps on coming from My Heart.. that I been coming Out here.. LOOKING at the Night.. I see the stars.. I see the Clouds and I see the Moon above me.. and I am waiting for an Angel.. I do truly believe that an Angel can hear me right Now.. and if an Angel who is passing by decides to stop and to listen.. I am sure that the Angel can come to my aide to Help me with this Letter.. so that this Letter can go to the right person which is YOU.. I want to say.. I been loving YOU.. I keep on telling YOU how much I love YOU.. but do you really believe in this Word that I am telling YOU.. I know that My Heart is Not mistaken.. but it is real because the Only thing I can do is tell YOU that I love YOU.. there is Nothing More I can say.. there is Nothing but the three Letter words I can tell YOU.. which is I LOVE YOU and I want YOU to know.. I want you to know this truth before I go.. because I know that One day SOON.. YOU will know for sure the truth.. that I do really Love YOU and meant it with my Words.. I been waiting for the Angel.. so that if the Angel appears before My eyes.. I can tell that Angel.. and show the Picture of YOU.. and the Angel is going to get it.. will understand it.. the problem is this.. what if this Angel comes and sees YOUR picture and also that Angel falls in love with YOU.. even with the distance and miles away.. I love YOU.. even with not spending time.. and knowing YOU in face to face.. I just love YOU as your are.. I don't need to be in your Presence or be with YOU as in face to face in person to Love YOU.. even with this Miles separated between US.. I just Love YOU just the way YOU are.. if YOU don't believe me.. I know that when the Angel shows UP with my Letters In the hands and gives to YOU.. and when the Angel holds the Picture of YOU and shows YOU.. I believe by that time YOU will know that I love YOU.. I don't needs to be there to Love YOU.. because it is all about Just Loving you First.. when I love YOU.. YOU will know what a Love means in a time when I can't love YOU anymore.. I am Not sure How long I will live.. but as long as I am alive.. I know that I still can love you.. breathing.. I know I can say to YOU that I really Love YOU..I am looking at the window.. as I am in the room.. I just keep on thinking of YOU.. I know that I am missing YOU.. will I ever see YOU.. and I would walk closer to the window.. and I would kneel and looking Out the window.. I am wondering.. do you think as much as I am thinking of YOU.. I can see that the Moon is come Up

  • @devinjo2318
    @devinjo23187 күн бұрын

    Looking for an Angel.. WILL the Angel hear me this very night.. can the Angel hear my voice.. or the Angel is Not there.. and I am looking UP.. looking around.. I can't see the Angel.. I don't see any Angel over here.. But I wish that the Angel can hear me.. I wanted to ask.. can I borrow two Wings.. can I have two wings.. I know that staying here in my room.. looking through the window.. and just looking UP to the Moon.. this distance is not going to take me any where.. I be missing YOU.. I want to tell YOU something.. I need to say something.. Let my words say something.. kneeling here and just looking UP at the Moon.. it is going to take me No where.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to Hold YOU.. if it is cold there.. If it is snowing.. or raining.. I want to Hold YOU.. let my hands touch your hands.. let me pull you closer.. so that I can hear your Heart Beating against Mine.. will you let me stay by your side please.. I am looking for the Angel.. I been praying and wishing for an Angel.. I would enter the room.. and I would look at the window.. and I would walk closer to the window in the room and kneel.. looking through the window.. asking.. Are you there.. I am speaking to the Angel.. I know that YOU can hear Me.. because every Night.. I come to the same spot.. asking for the Angel.. I know that YOU be tired of hearing me asking for the same thing.. so why Not just show UP and tell me that YOU are there.. can I have your two wings.. I need two wings.. If you can't give me two wings.. at least let me borrow two wings from YOU.. can YOU Please say something.. I need two wings.. and if the angel would finally show UP and tell me.. I am going to look UP.. Angel.. I want to have your two wings.. and can I borrow it just for one Night.. I want to spend my time Just being by YOUR side.. if the Angel Allows me to borrow two Wings.. I would place the wings on the right and left of the shoulder blade.. and I know that just for that One Night.. I want to be Your Angel.. and I be asking You.. can I fly over the Moon.. and if YOU believe in an Angel.. at least YOU know that I love YOU.. this Angel will Not let YOU GO.. this Angel will stay by your side.. just to tell YOU that I love YOU.. YOU know how much I missed YOU.. How much I been loving YOU and still been loving YOU.. I want be sitting on the top of the tree branch.. just watching you from the distance.. and having YOUR picture in my Hand.. to show YOU NOT to be afraid of me.. Look.. I will tell you.. LOOK at the Picture.. I am not a stranger.. and I would be with a Letter.. LOOK.. I am the One who has been typing YOU.. sharing to YOU how much I love YOU.. so that YOU would not step back or scream.. the Prove that On the Other side.. for a Long Long time.. I been asking for Your Heart.. for YOU TO Love me too.. even though I am not asking you right Now.. but I am asking you.. will you please love me some day.. I do not know How long it is going to take but until YOU can tell me that YOU love me.. but I would show UP as your angel.. and I would flap the two wings and I would lower to look at YOU.. and I would say.. I did not come here to hurt YOU.. I did not come here to scare you either.. I came here to say.. I have been missing YOU for such a Long time.. I had to ask.. I had to beg.. I had to pray.. I had to wish.. and Many Many Many Nights.. I would enter the room.. and go to the window in the room.. and kneel.. I would LOOK UP to see the Moon.. and I open the window and I would be asking for an Angel.. if the Angel is real or true.. and I would be asking for the Angel to answer me.. I would keep on going to the same spot.. until One night the Angel came down to the Window I was kneeling.. I just could not believe my eyes.. I started to cry when I saw the Angel and the Angel asked me why I kept on calling for Him and I asked the Angel.. two wings to Borrow.. just for one Night.. and I would show the Angel the Picture of YOU.. and I been telling the angel My Heart.. How much I been missing YOU.. How many nights I had to come out.. asking for you.. I would start just standing Out side by the House.. and Looking at the Moon.. I would pour out my Heart to the Moon about YOU.. and I knew that NO matter How much I would tell that Moon.. the Moon is Not going to tell me any thing.. it hurts because I wanted YOU to know.. so I went to the room and I believed in the Angel.. Maybe the Angel can Help me instead.. so that is when I started to call for the Angel.. which the angel came.. I asked to borrow the two wings.. which the Angel gave to me for just one Night.. I showed the angel the Letter I been writing to YOU and also the Picture of YOU and I had to be the one to go to see YOU.. I been missing YOU so much lately.. I just had to come.. Now.. I been sitting on the tree branch.. I saw YOU in a distance in a shop.. so I waited.. Of course I did not mean to scare YOU.. but the Angel gave me the permission to be an Angel for this one Night.. Now I am looking at YOU.. I don't want to leave.. I want to stay by your side.. and be there with YOU.. I want tell you how much I love YOU and if I do go.. I know that I am going to be missing YOU.. I hate missing YOU when I love YOU.. why can't YOU come with Me.. or why can't I stay with you.. I brought the Letter to show YOU.. it is Me who been telling YOU and sharing you my Heart.. so that YOU would not think I am crazy.. Do you see this letter.. Do you see the Picture.. it is YOU.. I been having this picture for a Long time.. and Only this Picture.. when I feel down.. I would take a LOOK at your picture.. I can't stop crying.. Because YOU Look so much prettier.. Because YOU look so much Beautiful.. Why do you have to be this Pretty.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. When YOU Love some one.. YOU look much more Beautiful in my eyes then ever.. I don't know what it is.. maybe it is because My Heart sees so much More.. I see Love that Only I can bring and tell and give to YOU.. I just want to hold YOU.. to tell YOU that I have never stopped loving YOU.. I came all down way.. flying over the Moon.. Just to see YOU for this One Night.. Now.. I don't want to leave.. I can't go because I know that I be missing YOU again.. I want to see YOU again.. I want to tell YOU how beautiful YOU are.. How much I want to be with YOU.. that when YOU leave.. when I go.. I know that I am going to ask the Angel again for the two wings.. if I can have the two wings so that I can every Night.. flying over the Moon.. waiting for YOU.. sitting on that Same Tree on that branch.. Just to tell YOU how much I miss YOU and how much I love YOU.. but Now.. since I saw YOU.. and I gave you the letter.. I know that I have to go.. YOU are the Only One who I love.. that is why I just can't go.. I just wanted to say.. I been on the Other side.. just waiting for YOU.. I even stoop by the House.. when the Moon came UP at Night.. I would stare at the MOON as it stare at me.. and I would hold Your Picture.. asking if the Moon can speak.. I first tried by asking the MOON to be the Voice I really needed to tell the One.. I been showing the Picture.. to that MOON.. to take a closer LOOK.. and LOOK at the Picture.. to Please Come Closer.. if the MOON has an ear.. can the MOON hear my words.. I first came for few months.. I stood in the same spot out side of the House.. with your Picture.. but I just grew tired because the MOON never seems to care.. did not come closer.. did Not speak.. it just stood there staring at Me.. so I had to try another way.. Now.. Look at these two wings.. I do thank the Angel who responded to my request because Now I get to see YOU.. I get to give you this Letter.. when YOU took this Letter.. My Heart stopped.. and I felt the beating of my Heart goes faster because YOU are the Only One who I love.. My Heart keeps on beating faster as I am looking at YOU.. But.. I just don't want to leave.. WHY do I have to leave YOU.. I just can't leave.. But I know that I must because I made the Promise to return.. to give back the two wings that I borrowed.. But I came here to see YOU.. I kept on missing YOU.. just looking at your Picture was not Enough.. just telling YOU through writings was Not enough for Me.. I started More.. I started to feel in my Heart I want More of YOU.. I want Your Love.. I want to see YOU.. your Presence.. your Smile.. Your Beautiful.. Your Scent.. I wanted More because My Heart started to Love YOU more.. I want More of YOU because I love you a lot More now.. why can't I be with YOU.. WHY can't I hold YOU.. my arms is killing me because it is YOU I want to hold so tight.. I want to hold you close to tell YOU.. why can't YOUR Heart be opened to me.. please tell your Heart to be open to me so that YOU will know who is the ONE been loving YOU.. It is Me who loves YOU.. I don't think there is Another WHO can Love you More and More as I can because I am able to tell YOU Heart to Heart.. if a Person is like a wall.. what good is that Person.. do NOT tell you how Much but YOU know that I can tell YOU.. PULL you into my arms.. and LOOK at your ear and I will speak.. telling YOU.. I am the One who Loves YOU.. Open your Heart.. Please.. Tell your Heart to Open to me so I can tell you more and more.. I love YOU.. as I am holding Your hand.. My hand just can't let Go.. and It is killing me because I know that it is time for me to go.. I am looking at the paper.. the drawing of a Heart.. and I am standing by this Tall tree.. is this the Right Tree.. can YOU please tell me if I am standing at the right Place.. I see about twelve more Trees behind and All around this Park.. WHY are you telling me to come to this Park without telling me Which Tree to go too.. Is it because I have delayed my Coming.. DO I needs to tell YOU that I am so Sorry.. I am so sorry for Not coming to the appointed Time.. I did Not expect the changing of the weather.. Of course

  • @user-gf7po7cu2w
    @user-gf7po7cu2w7 күн бұрын

    6.25때 난리는 난리도 아니네요 ㅎㅎ 귀여우심^^;;

  • @user-wp4iq6kl1p
    @user-wp4iq6kl1p7 күн бұрын

    파리나 니스에서 숙소 사용 할때 조심해야 해요 2000년대 초반에 니스에 갔을때 같이 간 일행이 면세점에서 산 하장품과 명품백 선글라스 모두 외출나갓다가 돌아와보니 싹 없어져서 항의했는데 아무 단서가 없어서 그냥 싹 다 날렸어요 그때 방을 청소했던 청소부가 있었는데 거기가 가져간거 같았는데 항의해도 소용없었아요ㅠㅠㅠ

  • @Cutiecookingclass
    @Cutiecookingclass7 күн бұрын

    언니가 4명(수연 태리 새은 헤이미) 중에 제 원픽이에요 요즘 금발하고 분위기가 완전 고급져졌어요

  • @user-mj4cr1rk8g
    @user-mj4cr1rk8g7 күн бұрын


  • @user-mj4cr1rk8g
    @user-mj4cr1rk8g7 күн бұрын
