Liburia records

Liburia records

Liburia Records is an Italian label born in 2019 with the idea of researching and creating a double catalog of album productions, spanning two strands linked by a single common thread: the search for the artistic and sound identity of their records and their artists.

​-- Liburia Experimental, dedicated to various forms of unconventional music, from impro to electroacoustics, from free to electronics
-- Liburia World, dedicated to World Music, World beat, traditional and roots

Maluf System / New Album

Maluf System / New Album

Maluf system - Eddiwen

Maluf system - Eddiwen

degoya - FRAGMENTA (teaser)

degoya - FRAGMENTA (teaser)


  • @yusbanyumas8745
    @yusbanyumas8745Ай бұрын


    @DJDANJER4 ай бұрын

    Bravo !

  • @sandnfoam9845
    @sandnfoam98452 жыл бұрын

    Manuela's new fan

  • @sandnfoam9845
    @sandnfoam98452 жыл бұрын

    Chi e' il percussionista alle congas??? grazie

  • @liburiarecords122
    @liburiarecords1222 жыл бұрын

    tutte le percussioni sono curate e suonate interamente da Manuela Salinaro