Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory

Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory

Discover 1000's of free-flying butterflies in a lush tropical garden. Explore a vast collection of insects, meet live giant exotic bugs and experience the tropics!

Visit us! We're located in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Purchase tickets in advance at
Open year 'round 10am - 5pm daily (last timed entry at 4:00pm)
*Closed Mondays in the Fall & Winter

Giant African Land Snails

Giant African Land Snails

Spiny Stick Bug Eggs!

Spiny Stick Bug Eggs!

Bumble the Skink

Bumble the Skink

Introduction to Arthropods!

Introduction to Arthropods!

Tagging a Migratory Monarch

Tagging a Migratory Monarch

Domino roaches

Domino roaches
