DJeep Thoughts

DJeep Thoughts

Some life lessons for the men and women who are grounded in universal truths and objective reality. The tragedy of life finds it's guidance in the mystery of faith. Faith in God, faith in your fellow man and faith that the future is bright when guided by the past. History is the roadmap. Let's explore this world together. It's past and it's future possibilities. Please like, comment and subscribe! Cheers!
Also check out Leroy The WWII Jeep on Facebook and Instagram


  • @Tankflipper
    @TankflipperАй бұрын

    an informative film, thank you! i agree about the use of power tools. You cannot feel a suspect thread with an impact gun!

  • @PugOnTheAir
    @PugOnTheAir3 ай бұрын

    Thank you for the video. What size flap do you use?

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts3 ай бұрын

    600-16. Thanks for asking. Look up the guy I mention at the end of the video. His flaps and tubes are correct for the 16" WWII combat rim with stock 600 tires. I've gotten these from other suppliers and they were too thick and didn't reveal enough valve stem. I've also gotten tubes with valve stems that were too short and not 100% in the correct position. Lots of junk out there. Peter DeBella, on Long Island, is the best in the business and is my usual go-to for parts. Unfortunately he doesn't offer tubes and flaps.

  • @PugOnTheAir
    @PugOnTheAir3 ай бұрын

    @@DJeepThoughts thank you for the reply, much appreciated

  • @TheBitchFromPittsburgh
    @TheBitchFromPittsburgh4 ай бұрын

  • @TheBitchFromPittsburgh
    @TheBitchFromPittsburgh4 ай бұрын


  • @TheBitchFromPittsburgh
    @TheBitchFromPittsburgh4 ай бұрын

    Pls make a vid addressing the insanity of the Pgh Police Bureau’s new policies.

  • @TheBitchFromPittsburgh
    @TheBitchFromPittsburgh5 ай бұрын

    That’s a fkn insult!!🤬🤬🤬

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas73449 ай бұрын

    Good presentation! What no NTB's in WWII??

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts9 ай бұрын

    Hahahahaha... not a one

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas73449 ай бұрын

    Keep up the great observations! They need to made. Another great presentation !! You should have mentioned that for many years that Shenango coke plant got blamed for excessively high pollution levels as read by the pollution monitoring station in the Borough along the major roadway directly across the river from the coke plant. Ironically, the pollution levels are just as high now as they were when this coke plant was functional. But the plant is long gone now. It turns out that the intake pipe for the pollution monitoring station is at the same height as the exhaust stacks of all the tractor trailers who use this major roadway!! If you do the research, high readings from this pollution monitoring station are indicative of truck exhaust, not coke oven emissions - they are much different. But the coke plant got blamed for much of it. The daily readings can be found online for analysis. This information though true, would never serve the "GREEN WEENIES" agendas. It's all about selling Carbon credits and making profits via a different venue. People pushing the GREEN agendas, many of whom are honest in their goals of a cleaner planet, do not, will not or never will check the real science and learn the real truth. They are followers of the cult like Lemmings following the Pied Piper. They will follow so called vocal "Climatologists" whose only real goals are to make large amounts of money by obtaining research grants to live a cushy lifestyle, not improve the environment.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts9 ай бұрын


  • @MountainFisher
    @MountainFisher9 ай бұрын

    I tell people like her I hope you don't want the rest of us to pay for your do nothing PhD. that's extremely expensive. Tell them to go stop China from polluting more than the rest of the world _combined_ an overwhelming fact when you add in that they've also poured more concrete in the last 60 years than everyone else has in all of history. Concrete heavily pollutes when it is made, mixed and cured, assuming it was done right.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts9 ай бұрын

    Ironically, or maybe not so ironically, this same group is targeting a local concrete plant. Them: "China?" " Never heard of it."

  • @MountainFisher
    @MountainFisher9 ай бұрын

    @@DJeepThoughts Shows their hypocrisy when they ignore the biggest polluter in the world.

  • @geobus3307
    @geobus33079 ай бұрын

    Whats your plan?

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts9 ай бұрын

    For what?

  • @anniepompano6661
    @anniepompano666110 ай бұрын

    New polling data: 4 out of 5 ppl DO NOT TRUST THE GOVT.

  • @anniepompano6661
    @anniepompano666110 ай бұрын


  • @anniepompano6661
    @anniepompano666110 ай бұрын

    You can do ANYTHING, just like your dad!!😊

  • @anniepompano6661
    @anniepompano666110 ай бұрын

    PERFECTLY EXPLAINED & OH, SO TRUE!! Democrats w/unwavering union support & collusion hv both simultaneously bankrupted (destroyed) many sectors of the U.S. economy w/no end in sight. The vast majority of our pharmaceuticals are made in China; Important medications that require stringent oversight. #SCARY!!😳

  • @TheBitchFromPittsburgh
    @TheBitchFromPittsburgh10 ай бұрын

    Great info!! Love it, Buttou!!😍

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    You are so right on with all these observations. I have also have lived in the 1970s and everything you have said is so true. People in this country have become mindless dweebs on so many levels. Lemmings being led into the the sea following the Pied Piper Most people have been brainwashed into doing what the Unions and the Government tell them to do instead of thinking for themselves. It is the total entitlement mentality of modern socialism and totalitarian, greed and profiteering That is why our school systems are such utter failures in this country. They don't teach people how to think, analyze or observe for themselves. Most all of us in this country can't afford new cars these days (average price $50,000 +) unless we finance them for 6-10 years. This has driven the price of very old junk clunkers prices through the roof and put a high demand on them!! And don't get me started on University educations!! They have become institutions of indoctrination not centers of higher learning. Our family's college age kids have so many horror stories to tell us about how bad the education that colleges provide has become, it is frightening!! At least they grew up in our family where independent thought and observation were encouraged, it was an important part of their lives. At least they recognize this crap!! Now many are pursuing this absurd "Green Wheenie" new deal. The Greening of America is all about selling Carbon credits to make GREEN Money, not a green environment!! These people really aren't observant and many are not very smart at all. Green electric cars are not really Green, they still require a lot of Carbon energy sources to keep them charged. Wind power is proving to be a financial trap, solar power hasn't yet evolved the battery storage technology cheap enough to be practical, Hydro river power doesn't have near enough fast water rivers to ever be a total solution either. People are afraid of Nuclear energy and no longer trust it. One seriously under estimated source of electric power could come from harvesting energy from ocean waves and tidal motion. But the down side is they too will cause environmental disturbances we can never repair. Just like everything else mankind does now!! Long term, only massive amounts of solar energy collected in space will provide us with the badly needed energy unless we massively slow population growth, over consumption, etc. and we all know that will never happen!! Maybe a Dyson Sphere is in our future but I doubt it. I think man will destroy himself long before the technology evolves that far. As a civilization I think we are already dying rapidly. Collecting and redistributing large amounts of solar energy in space will so grossly over heat this planet compared to the natural level of heat the planet collects from the sun in its; own now. We will terminate our selves with real, massive true global warming, like we have never seen before!! And yet the government wants us all to switch to electric cars by 2035 at the cost of $70,000 to $100,000 each. Average Americans will never be able to afford those prices. Statistically most average Americans haven't seen real pay raises in over 40 years!! Except for people in the biggest Unions. I remember my Uncle worked for Continental Can Corp near Pittsburgh back then and he got the 8 weeks vacation every year and every 5th year a WHOPPING 13 weeks. He'd take 3-4 weeks a year on average and the rest of his time off he would work anyway to boost his pay to premium levels! As for the Unions, they will never be a solution for any real problems, not like they were in the 1800-1900's, they just cause more problems and do more damage every day. More high tech automation and AI will eventually make Unions totally insignificant no matter how hard they try to remain relevant and in control!! Those of us old enough to be Baby Boomers have seen this every day of our lives. As you said the Unions killed big Steel in this country as well as other industries, and to this day we buy most of our Steel and other goods from China. China has had our balls in vice for a long time and they know it. Every single person in this country knows this issue is a real problem for our economy but it is too late to go back. Pandora's box is open and the evil has gotten out. No putting it back in now. Our country can never again compete against really cheap Asian labor markets. There re way to many third world countries now coming into their own industrial revolutions and cheap labor will be with us for at least another century. Keep up the great observations!

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    Another great observation BC! Keep them coming! As humans we "ALWAYS" seem to fail to learn from our mistakes. And if we don't learn from our mistakes we are doomed to repeat those mistakes and repeatedly fail over and over. Our generation, "The Boomers" may be the last generation to really care about this anymore. The post war Boomers learned a hard lesson from a long, protracted, vicious and costly world war. Our parents and us got to work and rebuilt a whole world to amazing standards. The Gen Z crowd only seeks entitlements, the easy life and to not have to work, persevere or struggle to obtain the American dream. Our government has quite effectively done a remarkable job to make us forget or kill off the American dream. Although much more difficult to obtain and getting worse every day because of government corruption the dream is still obtainable but not without a lot of hard work. Far more work than it has ever taken before now. Without it (american dream) the hard work it takes to strive for it and obtain it we'll never ever have more highly successful areas like Sewickley PA. Even Sewickley isn't what it used to be. The death of dreams is the end of what makes man strive to succeed and ultimately the death of civilization is near. I'm happy to say that people like you, and me and others in our generation and the next after us are still carrying on the good fight. But we are getting old and dying off, our voices grow weaker daily. I fear there is no one to replace us. I feel really sorry for they generations following us, I don't think they see the problem or have the ambitions anymore to keep this country great. Ultimately to prove this, all we have to do is look at the clowns we put into our governments to represent us - what a joke!! Work hard, dream big, reduce taxes, do away with entitlements, and always fight the good fight for what is right and just. It is the key to civilizations success and growth.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts10 ай бұрын

    Amen brother. I'm a Gen X'er. Which I believe is the last generation of hustlers who grew up in the elusive "America I grew up in." We were the last to know how great America and our fair city really was. Stay tuned because I'm working on a video about Pittsburgh's language and culture. Two things that are very sadly almost completely dead. Killed off primarily by transplants. Pittsburgh has all but lost it's former, and vastly superior, identity.

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    Right on my friend. They are bred, raised and trained by a now Totalitarian and corrupt government steeped in left progressive wing dogma. Too weak, too lazy, or just too busy to actually think for themselves and literally need someone to lead them through the streets with a ring through their noses. Both parties now are basically two flavors of the same old rancid candy (or swamp hooch) fed to the public for many years now by our government reps who no longer work for us Americans but now rule us as their tax paying slaves. Like Lemmings charging to the sea over the cliff following the Pied Piper.

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    Lots or artifacts around Pittsburgh just like that one from the mills, Rail roads etc. that are unmarked or identified. You're right why go to all that trouble and not a put a $50.00 description plaque on it. That's Pittsburgh for you.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts10 ай бұрын

    Right! It's silly. And sad. We're literally a generation removed from Industrial Pittsburgh and it's like everyone has forgotten what went on here.

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    @DJeepThoughts Just an observation -I'm an old guy that has lived here for 70 years - I lived the Pittsburgh adventure!! At one time Pittsburgh was one of mightiest manufacturing cities in the world. We were known as "Steel Town" with great pride!! Unquestionably the best in the USA! Unlimited high quality, workmanship, employee pride, job dedication, innovation in engineering and manufacturing. Three mighty rivers to drive and grow our economy with too!! Always a great place call home, even though it was also called the Smokey City". Mills and lots of steam engine trains. A massive manufacturing economy that drove a massive supporting service industry for 100 + years or more. Some of the friendliest people in the world. Ethnic diversity and friendly neighbors from all over the worlds living and playing together long before "Diversity Culture" got out of control became a trend. In Pittsburgh great people coming together to do great things was never an issue, no matter what race creed, religion or ethnicity you were. Then the Unions killed Pittsburgh in the 1980's. I know, I was in the Unions. But it has happened every where. Like everything else in the world greed & profits drives growth and success. "That is why capitalism works and socialism is for jerks." Profits drove Unions too for higher wages. That too is the way of the world. Unions forced more modernization by the mills and plants to reduce labor costs and increase profits even more. And has been the case through the industrial revolution, Unions always want more money which kills profits and more importantly kills modernization of those mill facilities. It is also part of the American dream until a corrupt government kills the dream, with entitlements, taxes and pork politics. Just like ours is now doing right now. So the steel companies moved to where they could modernize, built mini mills, find infinitely cheaper labor in Asia and make more profits. The Unions weren't smart enough to see this coming and ultimately this city died for many years. Then medical and university industries revitalized the city to some degree. To this day it has nowhere near the number of mfg. companies it used to have and has become a service based economy. Such is the way of economic growth and capitalism. Rapid technological growth kills jobs. The new technology of AI will now kill them even faster. Gen Z's you'd better be ready it it comes for you next!! If you don't grow, innovate, change and observe the failures of the past and look for the opportunities of the future - YOU DIE!! It happens to the best of us when we forget to observe, learn and grow.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts10 ай бұрын

    This is a fantastic piece of writing my friend. I would humbly ask your permission to use these words in a future video I'm working on about Pittsburgh's language and culture and how it's been completely decimated over the last thirty years. Last night I was watching a 1991 cops episode filmed in Pittsburgh from season 3 (episode 23).The part where they're talking a guy down from the bridge really opened my eyes of the then vs now contrast. This episode was my city. The one I grew up in. Our culture of caring, the presence of masculine men, and our language that just blew me away. It took me back to everything that was great about our city. It's been, as Obummer would say, fundamentally transformed. And I don't appreciate it one single bit. Sometimes I think I'm just a dinosaur until I look around and see just how strange and impersonal our city has become. Then I'm glad to stay a dinosaur. I'll be speaking like a true Pittsburgher till my last breath. @@johnkemas7344

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    You are absolutely correct! Their welfare check, government aid checks, their SS Disability checks, their grant checks, and their tax free income from their drug traffic sales is certainly are certainly bigger because they are part of the entitled generation. And most of them still live in Mom and Dads basement or have never had a real job.

  • @johnkemas7344
    @johnkemas734410 ай бұрын

    Right on sir! Well written by a true American . I'm glad some of us from Avonworth learned something of great importance!! This level of stupid think by the elitist totalitarians/Demoncrats / Republicans is running this country into the ground far faster than anytime in our country's history. Both parties are in this intentional degradation of our freedoms, liberties, the Constitution and ignorance/disrespect of our laws runs rampant. Only the people of this country can pull together and remove this Cabal of Totalitarian crooks running America into the ground. Through voting and if that doesn't work, our God given right to once again turn to revolution to seek and protect justice for one and all, not just our government dictators in office. Just as our European proto-American fore fathers used revolution for escape and betterment founding a new, better life, they moved to the shores of this country, fought and won a revolution, and did so to escape oppression from the European totalitarians and monarchs. Too many of us have become lazy and apathetic to the loss of our freedoms allowing big government to once again enslave us. We too need to fight the good fight and stand up against the tyranny that has taken over our government, and our government officials know that time is coming soon. And they are afraid!! Q??

  • @joebaz1801
    @joebaz180110 ай бұрын

    Spot on as always.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts10 ай бұрын

    Thank you. Wish it weren't so.

  • @bradycollins735
    @bradycollins73510 ай бұрын

    Killer. Perfect description of the out of touch untouchables.

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts10 ай бұрын

    They are indeed Untouchable. Perhaps the biggest reason for the distrust. I'll have to speak on that. No consequences ever. That's a big problem.

  • @marla.the.v35
    @marla.the.v3511 ай бұрын

    Such great info here. Can't wait to get my hands on a set!

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts11 ай бұрын

    Best of luck. And thank you!

  • @gac6574
    @gac657411 ай бұрын

    In the 80's, my Dad told me that he thought the Helen Keller thing was a hoax..

  • @TheBitchFromPittsburgh
    @TheBitchFromPittsburgh11 ай бұрын

    EXACTLY!! And if u want ur head to explode; the govt will soon subsidize “medical marijuana “ for welfare recipients!!!

  • @danbenacquisto4390
    @danbenacquisto439011 ай бұрын

    100% Brad

  • @gac6574
    @gac657411 ай бұрын

    very cool

  • @gac6574
    @gac657411 ай бұрын

    very cool! great video

  • @williambauer8034
    @williambauer8034 Жыл бұрын

    Amen Brother, Emsworth resident

  • @DJeepThoughts
    @DJeepThoughts Жыл бұрын

    Glad you found my channel. Thanks for subscribing.

  • @Roaddog9587
    @Roaddog9587 Жыл бұрын


  • @andrewdugas2265
    @andrewdugas2265 Жыл бұрын

    So soothing to hear someone intelligent speak the truth. Keep up the great work.

  • @chriscox7353
    @chriscox7353 Жыл бұрын

    The stigma that wholly plagues people who identify as liberal is protectionism. We ALWAYS know their true heart as they are accusing others endlessly for what they themselves continue to do.

  • @joebaz1801
    @joebaz1801 Жыл бұрын

    Very profound. I see this everyday.

  • @anniepompano6661
    @anniepompano6661 Жыл бұрын

    I second what she said: AWESOME!!!

  • @racollins-lz3he
    @racollins-lz3he Жыл бұрын


  • @Roaddog9587
    @Roaddog9587 Жыл бұрын

    Great job guy. Looking forward to seeing more.

  • @bradycollins735
    @bradycollins735 Жыл бұрын

    Love the ending on “the hand that rocks the cradle”