Global CTC /CTC Africa

Global CTC /CTC Africa

Who is CTC Africa/GlobalCTC?
Community Transformation Centre (CTC) is a faith- based NGO founded in 2020, & registered in Kenya in March 2021, by the NGO board. We later incorporated it as a public charity in the USA as Global CTC, Inc. in November 2022. We have 501(c)3 status.

Who We Are
We are inspired by the biblical vision of social justice and human well-being.
We serve some of the hardest to reach communities affected by conflict, extreme hunger, climate change
The primary beneficiaries are women, children, and the youth. Secondary beneficiaries are the church and community leaders.

What We do
• Building the livelihood capacity for the poor to generate income. We equip them with technical and business skills and startup kits.
• Building the spiritual capacity of believers through discipleship
• Strengthening community ministry structures .

For inquiries, partnership opportunities,
• Email: [email protected]
• Phone: +254 721 351 377

Kakuma Sewing Project

Kakuma Sewing Project
