Dean Heylen

Dean Heylen

I am an avid gamer, golfer and cyclist. This channel is mainly aimed at featuring my WGT Golf games and tutorials on how to become a better player. I also play Nitro Nation, but not nearly as much as WGT GOLF.


  • @neilgabrielson22
    @neilgabrielson22Күн бұрын

    That happened to me

  • @user-xj2vh8ej8p
    @user-xj2vh8ej8p3 күн бұрын

    why don't you ever play on hard or expert mode

  • @Claude-Eckel
    @Claude-Eckel13 күн бұрын

    Gosh, this tacky "music"... 🤦🏼‍♂ Ear cancer alert! But what would ye expect from nowadays dudes in dresses. Or for a change: in pink shoes. 🌈🤡

  • @Titan_tvman1230
    @Titan_tvman123016 күн бұрын

    ı was love this car so much but this car now remowed ı wish this car will come back to game

  • @Robfurious360
    @Robfurious36021 күн бұрын

    Thanks !

  • @chriszz9006
    @chriszz900628 күн бұрын

    You didn't move it to the left enough, sorry Also too much spin is way too much and unpredictable, in my case anyways I use Titleist and cally balls so idk what you have there I stick to around half backspin give or take, and go 3/4 at most usually unless it's very difficult shot, and ofc occasionally top spin but not this shot You definitely didn't move it left enough for a 200+ yard shot The further out, the more the wind effects the ball distance and direction Please trust me 🎉 Like how the wind hardly takes any distance off or add from 50y away But from 100y it takes more, 200y a lot more.. And so on The further the shot, the more the wind effects the ball, in every way possible

  • @ReloadedGlock
    @ReloadedGlockАй бұрын

    Mudderfuggin piss pant vanity starved a-holes

  • @ReloadedGlock
    @ReloadedGlockАй бұрын

    Just drug dealer type of extortion game, is all this WGT is. They have even cheated me and I don't know how to sue them for it. It's proven. 35-yard shot against the wind and I use a 35-yard club. I hit it the same distance as the hole and the ball went over the hole about 10 yd. Proof they rip you off. The mudderfuggers!!! And you sign off they can screw you over anyway they want. Read it and see.

  • @ReloadedGlock
    @ReloadedGlockАй бұрын

    All of these players paying into these developers and making them Rich all because of their vanity needs of feeling better... So they pay to feel better and play better. Mental fools!!!🤬 You must all be drug addicts. Because only drug addicts do this type of crap.

  • @dbd6393
    @dbd6393Ай бұрын

    I'm about to get these same specs. (Coming tomorrow!!!) Wondering why you're not getting full gpu usage? You'd think that headroom could squeeze out quite a few extra frames?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    I have intentionally set the game to 120 fps. The idea is to not make my GPU work at 100%, thereby extending its lifespan. The game is more than playable at 120 fps

  • @randrrr2193
    @randrrr2193Ай бұрын

    Super final round!

  • @pistolpete65over
    @pistolpete65overАй бұрын

    Ah! What level?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    No particular level, but you need to be using ALL the same brand apparel. In other words, your shirt, hat, pants etc etc all need to be Swing Edge to enable the driver and 3-wood bonus distance.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    Sorry. I stand corrected. I just looked now and it seems that to get the max added distance, you need to be level 10. The hat/cap is the item that adds distance.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    All the Swing Edge apparel benefits woods and drivers as follows: - The cap adds distance to the driver. - The glove enhances the driver's sweet spot (increased margin of error) - The shoes add extra spin to the 3-wood (this helps the ball stop quicker after landing - a technique I use often and which you may have noticed if you watch a lot of my videos) - The shirt adds distance to the 3-wood over and above the base distance - The shorts enhance the 3-wood's sweet spot (increased margin of error)

  • @pistolpete65over
    @pistolpete65overАй бұрын

    Question for you: How does your driver rate as a 312 yd club? Mine is 291..

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    I am using the Swing Edge apparel which adds distance to my driver and 3-wood.

  • @shoutinghorse
    @shoutinghorseАй бұрын

    What I've found in some of the fairways and greens with a lot of tree protection is that they block out some of the wind, so therefore it might tell you there is a breeze of say 10 to 13 but it's playing more like 5 to 7 due to the trees.

  • @terencewebb7024
    @terencewebb7024Ай бұрын

    we have a 475 yrds drive in our ZEALOTS club

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    Impressive. I suppose a lot depends on a good bounce + tailwinds.

  • @noahworkman9419
    @noahworkman9419Ай бұрын

    Keep up the content

  • @critiuqe123
    @critiuqe123Ай бұрын

    In the vast landscape of video games, where innovation and excellence are celebrated, there inevitably emerge titles that fall short of expectations, failing to deliver on the promises of engaging gameplay, immersive storytelling, and technical prowess. Among these disappointing entries stands "The Finals," a video game that, despite its aspirations, has earned a reputation for mediocrity and deficiency. This comprehensive essay endeavors to dissect the myriad flaws of "The Finals," exploring its shortcomings across various dimensions including gameplay mechanics, graphics, narrative, and overall execution, ultimately aiming to provide a thorough understanding of why it is considered a bad video game. At the core of any video game lies its gameplay mechanics, the intricate systems and interactions that govern the player's experience. In the case of "The Finals," these mechanics are riddled with issues that undermine the fundamental enjoyment of the game. From the moment players pick up the controller, they are greeted with a sensation of clunkiness and unresponsiveness that permeates every aspect of gameplay. Whether it be the sluggish movement of characters, the imprecise aiming of weapons, or the delayed execution of actions, the controls of "The Finals" fail to provide the fluidity and precision that players expect from a modern video game. Moreover, the game suffers from a lack of balance and depth in its gameplay mechanics, a crucial aspect that is essential for fostering a sense of fairness and competitiveness among players. Certain abilities or characters are egregiously overpowered, dominating the battlefield with little skill or strategy required, while others languish in obscurity, rendered virtually useless by comparison. This imbalance not only undermines the competitive integrity of the game but also diminishes the sense of accomplishment that players derive from mastering its mechanics. Furthermore, the artificial intelligence (AI) of "The Finals" leaves much to be desired, failing to provide a meaningful challenge for players to overcome. Instead of presenting dynamic and adaptive opponents that keep players on their toes, the AI exhibits predictable behavior patterns that quickly become exploitable and monotonous. This lack of intelligent decision-making robs the game of the tension and excitement that should accompany encounters with computer-controlled adversaries, resulting in a gaming experience that feels shallow and uninspired. In an industry where graphical fidelity plays an increasingly significant role in shaping the immersive qualities of a video game, the visual presentation of "The Finals" falls woefully short of expectations. Character models are crudely rendered, lacking the fine detail and fluid animation that breathe life into virtual avatars. Environments are bland and uninspired, devoid of the intricacies and nuances that make virtual worlds feel vibrant and captivating. From a technical standpoint, the graphical performance of "The Finals" is marred by frequent frame rate drops, texture pop-in, and other visual anomalies that detract from the overall aesthetic cohesion of the game. Beyond mere technical shortcomings, the art direction of "The Finals" also leaves much to be desired, failing to establish a cohesive visual identity that sets it apart from other titles in the same genre. Character designs are derivative and forgettable, lacking the distinctive flair and creativity that make memorable protagonists and antagonists. Similarly, environmental design fails to evoke a sense of wonder or exploration, instead opting for generic landscapes and uninspired locales that fail to capture the imagination of players. A compelling narrative can elevate a video game from being merely entertaining to truly unforgettable, providing players with a rich tapestry of characters, conflicts, and themes to explore and engage with. Unfortunately, "The Finals" fails to deliver in this regard, offering a shallow and derivative story that fails to resonate with players on any meaningful level. The plot follows tired tropes and clichés, relying on predictable twists and turns that do little to surprise or captivate the audience. Moreover, the characters of "The Finals" are thinly developed and lacking in depth, existing primarily as vessels for advancing the plot rather than as fully realized individuals with their own hopes, fears, and motivations. Protagonists are characterized by their unwavering heroism and unyielding determination, while antagonists are portrayed as one-dimensional villains driven by nothing more than a desire for power or revenge. As a result, players are given little reason to care about the outcome of the story or the fate of its characters, resulting in a narrative experience that feels hollow and uninspired. Ultimately, the problems with "The Finals" extend beyond its individual components to encompass its overall execution as a video game. Despite the potential for an engaging gaming experience, the developers have failed to capitalize on the strengths of their concept, instead delivering a product that feels rushed, unpolished, and incomplete. Whether due to a lack of resources, expertise, or creative vision, "The Finals" falls short in nearly every aspect, resulting in a disappointing and underwhelming experience for players. Furthermore, the developers' apparent lack of responsiveness to feedback or criticism further exacerbates the game's shortcomings, as they seem content to allow "The Finals" to languish in its current state rather than addressing the issues that have been raised by players and critics alike. This lack of engagement with the community not only erodes trust in the developers but also reinforces the perception that "The Finals" is a product of incompetence or apathy rather than a genuine attempt to create a compelling and enjoyable gaming experience. In conclusion, "The Finals" is a prime example of a bad video game, plagued by numerous flaws that detract from the overall gaming experience. From its deficient gameplay mechanics and lackluster graphics to its uninspired narrative and overall execution, the game fails to meet the expectations of players on nearly every front. While every video game may have its shortcomings, "The Finals" stands out for the magnitude of its failures, cementing its status as a disappointing and forgettable addition to the gaming landscape. As gamers continue to demand excellence and innovation from the industry, it is essential for developers to learn from the mistakes of titles like "The Finals" and strive to deliver experiences that are worthy of their time, attention, and investment. Only then can the medium of video games continue to evolve and thrive as a form of artistic expression and entertainment.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    Wow. You sure have a lot to say. But you're barking up the wrong tree. Don't complain to me, complain to the devs. And by the way, your response is clearly copied and pasted from other sites. Nice try.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    Another thing you are wrong about is the AI in the game. The Finals does not feature AI because it is purely a PVP multiplayer game, so for you to say that the game does not provided meaningful challenges is just plain stupid. Humans are battling each other in this game. There are no AI enemies. Furthermore, clunkiness of controllers is a console player's problem. I play with a mouse and keyboard, the way it is meant to be played. I disagree with most of what you are saying and to be honest, it actually sounds like you are criticizing some other game and not THE FINALS as most of what you said is actually not relevant to this game.

  • @critiuqe123
    @critiuqe123Ай бұрын

    @@deanheylen ( sorry for bad english) I played in the games beta and they were so nice to give me 10000 in game currency. but the tricked me and removed all my money and cosmetictiks when the game released. this made me very mad and ruined a big part of the game for me. also in the beta the lights doubel barrel-shotgun was acctuly good and could to hit heavys but then they nerfed it and it made the light unusable and runied the light for me. The gameplay is also so sloppy and its such a snoose fest, the enemis game tank soooo many shots before they die. like how can you have fun playing this game and mediuems loves theire glaze gun and the trigangelet in a corner and heals eathceother. also the light sniper sucks, when you headshot the heavy the do not die but have a quater of their health left and thats sooo annoying and trash, like if you get a big jucie bullet through your head then your gonna die not survieve with a quater of your health left. all the other weapons the heavy has is abslout gargabe. this makes the heavy not very versitle with its only good weapon being the sledge hammer. the heavy cant do shit when the enemy is 3 meters anaway from you. the rocket laucher is ass and has a long cold down which makes it useless. and the infamous goo gang gun is a useless peice of trash, you can not kill with it and it barely protect yourself with it. mediums are by far the most op class and the most boring one. everytime i see a medium on the battlefield i hurts my eyes and soul because i know they a gonna glaze and glaze and glaze their teammate to eternity and onwards. all medium are goonner who realese their life load on thiere team which makes it impossible to kill them. the mediums also have the most op and verstile loadout. the finals have also very many pc and consle performance issuses. very often my game wont run and it lags out and crashes, it also happend with one of my friends. this game is a poor exuess of a game and should not be played by anyone ever. the second someone mentions the finals my whole body quakes in pain. please never metion the finals near me. the finals is a disgrace to the human race and should have never been made. but the beta was alright, mabye if they bring the beta back i will take back my alligationsions towards this game. pls give me back my 10000 beta ingame curency.

  • @yourfbiagent9011
    @yourfbiagent9011Ай бұрын

    Its always the skill issue players that barks alot

  • @thomassini
    @thomassiniАй бұрын

    please improve writing style, you just sound like tryhard trying to sound smart

  • @denzelromero4796
    @denzelromero4796Ай бұрын

    Sounds like the SMT4 main theme

  • @bryanhong7977
    @bryanhong7977Ай бұрын

    how do u get max xp? it says first game of the day but what time would that be?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    Your first game of the game will depend where in the word you are located. For me it is 02:00 am as I live in GMT+2 time zone. You would need to check when your days "tick over" to the next day and make sure to play then with any benefits to increase your XP gains.

  • @user-rw8ng3qb5v
    @user-rw8ng3qb5vАй бұрын

    thank you so much I've been waiting for this for a long time

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylenАй бұрын

    Enjoy. And make to sure to watch all of my many other THE FINALS videos here on my channel.

  • @Robfurious360
    @Robfurious360Ай бұрын


  • @johnkelly9046
    @johnkelly9046Ай бұрын

    The game would be boring if you could mathematically work out every shot to the precise millimetre. Everything in real life is fluid; wind, temperature, sponginess of ground landing, etc. Just enjoy the game for what it is. 1saacsdad lvl 90 😁👍

  • @Sickonaut
    @Sickonaut2 ай бұрын


  • @juelzswaggtastic
    @juelzswaggtastic2 ай бұрын

    Dumbest video ever

  • @roy60240
    @roy602402 ай бұрын

    How do you use 2 apparel in the game (eg.. hats)? Thx

  • @marcoantoniobarahona2675
    @marcoantoniobarahona26752 ай бұрын

    marco 3880 wgt friend aceept

  • @marcoantoniobarahona2675
    @marcoantoniobarahona26752 ай бұрын

    gg desde honduras

  • @user-xf3zw1qx4p
    @user-xf3zw1qx4p2 ай бұрын

    Considering the sniper kinda sucks this is very impressive

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    I used to think so too. If you watch some of my previous videos, you'll see I used to play mostly with the sword. One day I just decided to try the sniper build. Got killed a few times early on, but I caught on quick, and now sometimes I go through a whole match without a single death.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    And by the way, I am working on a second video which should go live in a few days from now. It will be another 20-minute video with just sniper kills.

  • @Natural-Causes
    @Natural-Causes2 ай бұрын

    I would have hit it exactly the same from the T on 2 no way should it have landed there, it’s happened to me many times

  • @rylichen9616
    @rylichen96162 ай бұрын

    solid sniper

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @LG20144
    @LG201442 ай бұрын

    this is not impressive man

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    Why not?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    Maybe you are just 10 years old. LOL

  • @Leprechaun_codm
    @Leprechaun_codm2 ай бұрын

    @@deanheylen broooo🤣🤣

  • @DonaldAmico-cz7bk
    @DonaldAmico-cz7bk2 ай бұрын

    How do you hit the ding every single time you have like a cheat code or something? I’ve been playing this game for 13 years and I can’t hit it every time.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    I did put a comment in the video about the dings because i was expecting questions like yours. I did not hit every ding every time. I am only human. What i did was record a very long video and use all the DING SHOTS only. With my video editing software, I removed any non-dings to eliminate variations that are caused by dinging early or late. Hope that makes sense?

  • @kevives9479
    @kevives94792 ай бұрын

    wtf the wind is 5-7 so you can have 56 or 7 wind..stupid fucking vid

  • @frankorbach6869
    @frankorbach68692 ай бұрын

    I Have had the same problems game not Loading for about 1 month. Im a senior so its as easy to fix things by phone. I have purchased clubs and misc items Now i can use it Can Someplease Help.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen2 ай бұрын

    Wish I could help you, but I am unable to. Perhaps WGT themselves could help

  • @BilalAhmad-pn1jl
    @BilalAhmad-pn1jl2 ай бұрын

    Same problem 2 year,s

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge233 ай бұрын

    The 3wood on the 16th to set up the eagle was naughty.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    It was a beauty, hey?

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge233 ай бұрын

    @@deanheylen There is seeing and doing it. You have both. I have neither lol.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    ​@@clarkeldridge23kind words 🤝🏻

  • @shoutinghorse
    @shoutinghorse3 ай бұрын

    How do you get coins from your sponsor box? I've never had that from 4 different sponsors.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    I think it is purely random

  • @laurenceday6124
    @laurenceday61243 ай бұрын

    😍 "Promo sm"

  • @doink5ter
    @doink5ter3 ай бұрын

    are you left handed?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    Good on you for noticing that 😎 I actually do write right handed, but i do pretty much everything else left handed. So the mouse is in my left hand and i use the numpad keys (right hand) for movement 😜

  • @doink5ter
    @doink5ter3 ай бұрын

    ​@@deanheylenyeah the numpad binds are what confused the hell out of me

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    @@doink5ter i figured 🤣🤣

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    Key moments in this video: Grenade glitch -- grenades not being thrown @ 4:26 Awesome grenade kill @ 10:37 Depositing the winning coins @ 10:47

  • @Exist64
    @Exist643 ай бұрын

    Looks incredibly smooth and beautiful. I can play with everything on ultra with a mere RTX 4070 and a Ryzen 5 7500F. However, I thought using Vsync was illegal for gamers, no?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    Illegal? Why? No. I dont think so. It just provides a very smooth gameplay by keeping the frames consistent.

  • @kuznee
    @kuznee3 ай бұрын

    How much fps are you getting with 7500F in 1080p? This game is very CPU intensive

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    @@kuznee Yes. This game is very CPU intensive indeed. The 7500F question needs to be answered by @Exist64.

  • @jimfoon
    @jimfoon3 ай бұрын

    Vsync adds input delay, if you have a VRR (Vsync or Adaptive Sync etc) capable monitor you can just turn off Vsync in game and it should work fine. Capturing 120FPS is hard right now but I'm assuming the footage here is actually captured at 60fps

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen3 ай бұрын

    @@jimfoon you are correct. The video footage captures as 60fps. I think KZread maxes out at 60fps anyways. So if the video is encoded at 120fps then it scales down easily by half to 60fps. However, I am going to make videos soon with variable FPS, so keep an eye on my channel because new videos are coming soon.

  • @TheNAULski
    @TheNAULski3 ай бұрын


  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge234 ай бұрын

    Great game with some great players.

  • @ShawnCheney-dk4yf
    @ShawnCheney-dk4yf4 ай бұрын

    What version of WGT are you play and I don't get camera like you do

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    Well, my game is always updated to the latest version. It updates automatically whether you play on a PC (like I do) or on a phone. My current version is

  • @shoutinghorse
    @shoutinghorse4 ай бұрын

    What ball do you use?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    Most of the time, I use the TaylorMade TP5 ball (L47+)

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge234 ай бұрын

    I'd rather not hit a ding shot. Not that i hit that many anyway lol. They effect the direction of the shot to much having spent half a minute lining it up.

  • @garysankey9620
    @garysankey96204 ай бұрын

    Really!? How paranoid and egotistical do you have to be to imagine that WGT is singling you out. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

  • @bennie0765
    @bennie07654 ай бұрын

    Great videos Dean. I've been enjoying the tournament videos

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    Excellent. Many more to come

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge234 ай бұрын

    The 14th hole with that wind is a monster par 4. I would have been 6 or 7 deep there.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    Truth. It was awful

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge234 ай бұрын

    Do you play real golf?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    Yes. But not often enough as i have a very demanding job.

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge234 ай бұрын

    Some of the camera angles in this game are stupid. If its not already hard enough for the average player to play the game they then go and give you a camera angle that just doesn't make sense.

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    Fully agree. Some camera angles are bad enough to make you miss a putt 😟

  • @keronthompson1
    @keronthompson14 ай бұрын

    Good round. Any advice how to get credits?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    The only reliable way i know how is to watch multiple ads... the surveys dont work in my opinion. Too many hoops to jump thru and then get rejected

  • @bennie0765
    @bennie07654 ай бұрын

    I'd recommend tapjoy and revU. Especially on the ×2 bonus weekends. How it works is you basically play a different game and complete tasks to earn credits on wgt. Some of the offers aren't that good. Not going into the details but i played a game :Mech Arena, its a Robot shooter.. really not my type of game and i really don't think older people would like it either but i was able to earn 6500+ credits on wgt just by completing some of the tasks ingame, and im still not done with every task. I played a other game aswell.. i think you call the type of game a "Rpg" or something like that, earned around 2800 credits on that aswell

  • @bennie0765
    @bennie07654 ай бұрын

    This is the first time that tapjoy offers are available to me.. idk about you dean? I thought it was because we're in South Africa and they don't support us but last weekend it opened up for me.. so i took advantage of it lol

  • @clarkeldridge23
    @clarkeldridge234 ай бұрын

    I'm currently ranked Tour Master, and am trying to reach Legend. My handicap is 66.8 so need to get it lower. Is there a course you think is better suited to help a average player like myself to get the kind of scores needed to lower my handicap enough to meet the requirements?

  • @deanheylen
    @deanheylen4 ай бұрын

    I quite like St Andrews because there are basically no trees and very few water hazards, so that makes for some "easier" golf as you dont really need to worry about hitting a tree and losing a ball in the water.