
  • @blueseanewt2138
    @blueseanewt213811 сағат бұрын

    I don't know how someone can peg the end of the golden age at FF XI, I understand FF XII can be controversial but it is undoubtably a good Final Fantasy, the combat may not be for everyone, it definitely is for my brain, but it is well thought out and designed and the story is incredibly well constructed. Its a good game. XIII has a lot of problems and I am much Harder pressed to defend but it is followed by XIV which while had a rough start did land on its feet. I really don't buy into the "gold age" idea, the franchises has a history of tumultuous periods and was opened with one.

  • @dragumkirisute1998
    @dragumkirisute199815 сағат бұрын

    Should of added a tip to stay away from Asura lol Sure, it may be the most populated server but literally nobody wants to do anything so they pay mercs to do content for them

  • @spetsu1
    @spetsu1Күн бұрын

    I'm going to try to get over my hatred of the playonline launcher and give ffxi another shot, we'll see how that goes after the 12 hours trying to navigate to set up my account, setup my controller, and fix the ui to make it playable on my end. Also, for anyone thinking this is a jab at ffxi, I actually like the game. There are just some things that drive me insane about it.

  • @Youkesama
    @Youkesama2 күн бұрын

    I've always been oblivious about FF11 and how it fares since its launch and ngl playing FF14 awaken my curiosity and made me think that I might of missed on a lot of stuff in FF11. I tried 11 couple months ago and I even have your guideline on how to follow the story screenshotted on my desktop. My only problem with FF11 that it is a bit overwhelming and confusing to me as a new player even with the FF11 wiki on how to do things I still find it hard. I'm trying to wrap my head around it.. but I won't give up I wanna reach chains of promathia story line 'cause it always intrigued me. thanks for the video and please keep up the videos they are so enjoyable to watch <3

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyan7 сағат бұрын

    I'm glad you enjoyed the video we did together! If you need some more gameplay tips for Final Fantasy XI, my video on XI on my channel has some gameplay tips and some links in the description to some resources that can help you out as you get started in the game. Best of luck on your journey through FFXI!

  • @x_nno
    @x_nno2 күн бұрын

    The game system is really a big barrier for me to play ffxi. It's definitely a good story I can feel. Sad it's hard for me to play it. I even can't understand how the teleport system work.

  • @soul-man
    @soul-man5 күн бұрын

    The truth is. I don't remember much of the storyline when I was playing the game in the 2005 or 06. But i remember all the linkshell I was in, all the friends i had made, and all up and down while doing quest, exp levelling, or camping for drops. Glad tat i had played the game. And glad tat ff14 didn't lose tat 'human' interaction, which i still playing today. It's truly a MMO, and rpg at the side.

  • @Kingkingbully
    @Kingkingbully5 күн бұрын

    Love this! Thank you for the great video

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyan7 сағат бұрын

    So glad you enjoyed our conversation!

  • @sumcoolguy
    @sumcoolguy5 күн бұрын

    FF14 1.0 was actually a lot like FF11.. which was unpopular for the more casual players and players who came into mmos through WOW.. but I, a ff11 fan, loved 1.0.. now its just WOW with FF Lore/Skin..

  • @FFXIgwyn
    @FFXIgwyn6 күн бұрын

    I'll forever be disapointed they never got to flesh out the rest of the Vana d'iel globe with expansions. Maybe some day when we're even more out of ideas than our current status.

  • @KJRiotGaming
    @KJRiotGaming6 күн бұрын

    I've been playing since the launch of the asura server, i still play today. Rhapsodies of Vanadiel came out at a time i was actually considering ending my sub, and because of how good it was, i still have my sub today, despite being very casual. I wish more people could experience rhapsodies for themselves but i understand going back is difficult. Truly love rhapsodies though.

  • @RandoomDude
    @RandoomDude7 күн бұрын

    it would be a lot better, especially in modern day where most of the expansions have been made a lot easier to go through, if the nation missions were optional. Yeah you only have to do 1 of the 3, but instead of forcing you to do it just finish the main story, let you do it seperately so you can do it later when you beat the game and looking for extra scenarios to play through, would be a lot better received by players.

  • @youdontknowmegigna
    @youdontknowmegigna8 күн бұрын

    HorizonXI is maintaining 1500-2500+ ppl logged on (single box) about a year and a half in. Bigger dev team than any other private server, custom battle content, CoP era currently soonish to move into ToAU. Come join the golden days.

  • @relentlesscreations
    @relentlesscreations9 күн бұрын

    Shout out to you, and great job on the low fi bangers.

  • @LMach1
    @LMach111 күн бұрын

    This video makes me want to re-sub. FFXI had the best system with its sub-jobs and main jobs. Mixing and matching to find out what works well was always fun. As a WHM there was nothing quite like seeing blink tank duos.

  • @cyne122
    @cyne12211 күн бұрын

    ME! I DID! I dedicated a Month to raising my baby Chocobo! And you know what. The name I gave him "Strike ichimonji" has stuck with me to this day, and in many games, The Character i create is "Kaju Ichimonji" People ask if it's because of One Piece, or many of the other Japanese Media with "Ichimonji" in it.... But NO... it's because of MY SON!

  • @MrTomemac
    @MrTomemac12 күн бұрын

    I fell off this game in 2012. But played it since launch up to then. Miss those times. Something about the magic feels missing from this current version. Brutal as og ff11 was it was a community.

  • @aksh7811
    @aksh781112 күн бұрын

    I wish everyone who love mmorpgs, experienced FFXI when it was not modernized. Yes it was punishing, yes it was time consuming, yes it forced you to find other players, but that was what made it special. I have played a lot of mmos. And i mean a lot as that is a genre i enjoy. None .... And i absolutely mean none, come close to the golden eras of FFXI. There are private servers that mimic the golden eras, sadly i never liked playing private servers. I played a lot of the content back when i was younger, and i wish i stuck around longer before the changes. Damn I'm sad now lol. FFXIV is nice and all, but it's a huge step back from FFXI. At least for me.

  • @kennysage914
    @kennysage91412 күн бұрын

    Everyone forgot about the Dunes leveling up( where noobs, never lived long enough past the Goblins.

  • @yayoeva00
    @yayoeva0012 күн бұрын

    Wow, these tips are really good. Thank you so much!

  • @TheFitDragon
    @TheFitDragon14 күн бұрын

    Finishing every expansions storyline is quite the accomplishment

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian34014 күн бұрын

    You're right! It took me almost 300 hours to get to lvl. 99 and beat all the expansion stories. It's definitely worth it though if you enjoy videogame stories!

  • @Erock1985x
    @Erock1985x14 күн бұрын

    Honestly 11 was/is the game I still play but no where near how I use to back in the day man holy fck.... I remember during christmas breaks during school and that Christmas Jeuno music hit.......... You had to be there for real not even joking...... Saintpassinus I will always remember this guy, I hope he's doing well, one of the funniest/helpful linkshell members I've ever met , fcking sucks I didn't have social media back then him and this one char Umorane, these two would have me log in just to talk in the ls

  • @alexakaa.charlesross8919
    @alexakaa.charlesross891917 күн бұрын

    Just started playing FF11 and streaming it on my channel Final Fantasy Survives, it's cool to see other channels discussing this game in the "modern era". Keep up the good work

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyan16 күн бұрын

    Thanks mate! Glad to see you're help keeping the game alive!

  • @SabrinaAliceOleary
    @SabrinaAliceOleary17 күн бұрын

    I e been playing off and on since the release and I have so many memories of the friends I have made I do miss the old FFXI I go back every now and then to revisit and fall even more in love with the game by far my favorite game and the game I have put the most time in well over 2k real life days thanks you for all the amazing adventures. Runouni was my character on Seraph/Bismarck

  • @Levish01
    @Levish0120 күн бұрын

    Did the slow menu interactions ever get attention? Took me like 15 minutes just to work out what I needed and didn't and to list 7 items on auction house about a decade ago.

  • @WetworksDamone
    @WetworksDamone21 күн бұрын

    Nah my guy this was the death of 11 the 75 era was the peak and you are right about the dedication it took to play the game but the sense of victory and accomplishment for the time put in showed up literally on the screen through the growth of your gameplay with the jobs and the gear you wore it really meant something to have things and to be good at your job not that you couldn't be good without the best gear but when you were good at something you'd be rewarded with the stuff that would make you better by all those in your LS because they all believed in your ability to help the party alliance and LS now you don't need to be good at all which is most likely because of the fact that most people who play now have never played 75era and only know the new era like you said in your video nothing wrong with that but it took guts and grit to play this game it was by far one of the hardest MMO out of all-time so much so that people would cry in town about it before going over to Warcraft and coming back saying how much easier it was salute to all of the vets from 2002 to 2009 we are legends my friends take pride in knowing that guys and to the new generation thanks for keeping our legacy alive and I'll see you all on Horizon XI Heroes of Vanadiel 75cap is back baby WOOT ❤

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian34019 күн бұрын

    To be more specific, it was actually Abyssea that destroyed the lvl75 era, not SoA. This expansion was what destroyed the lvl. 99 era. I do want to address some points that you bring up though. The game now has some of the hardest content that FFXI has ever had. So few people have beaten the v25 Odyssey NMs or have cleared the tVR Master Trials. Many people who have clears on this content have been playing since the 75 era too. The level of skill that this content requires is just flat out insane. This is evidenced by the fact that the most recent Master Trials, Oathsworn Blade and Wings of War, have yet to be cleared, despite being out for several months now. Most of your talking points still apply to FFXI's endgame. It just no longer applies to the early and mid game. You're right about this change, it was devastating to many in the community. But you're wrong in that, those elements haven't completely gone away. And most people I've encountered who say that it's gone away have never played modern endgame. Thanks for the feedback! And like you, I'm happy that there are certain private servers that keep the lvl 75 community structure alive.

  • @Westyle1
    @Westyle121 күн бұрын

    My favorite thing about FFXI was the community

  • @Tyantreides
    @Tyantreides21 күн бұрын

    As an FFXI Veteran (first played 2005) i can add something about this "FFXI got worse than in the early days" matter. I can clearly say: FFXI is best MMO i played so far. An i played many of them. The thing with MMOs from the "after WoW" Era is that most of them tried to copy things WoW did to get a part of the MMO Player base. WoW defined the formular of "success" that is redefined from every MMO until today. Accessability, simplicity and the monthly, weekly or even daily treadmills the player is send to over and over again. From the beginning WoW felt more like a single player reward machine where you are able to play with others from time to time then an MMO. FFXI was special. with its strong focus on social activities as a way to success and its pure difficuilty it was focusing on a complete different audience. The mechanics had an incredible effect... The players where much more friendly, polite and at last serious about there investment of time into the game. As a result i logged into the game just to chat with my friends i met in there and not to grab my next reward. Now to the point. The changes that where made to the game later took this very important spirit off the game. You are able to progress much faster now when you just level and quest by yourself. The mandatory EXP Parties are things of the past. That was a key feature to socialize for further activities. Many of the old Content now is rediciulously easy when you summon your NPCs. Some of this lend me to the best memories i had in my whole gaming time in the past. I think this are two reasons why older FFXI Players find that FFXI was best in its lvl 75 cap Era. And btw. thats why many of the so called private Servers try to recreate this magic by setting there servers to variations of that time.

  • @roger3force924
    @roger3force92424 күн бұрын

    THanks for the video! It was so relaxing to watch! and now i finally made up my mind to play FFXI

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian34023 күн бұрын

    I'm glad to hear it! FFXI has a BRUTAL learning curve. But if you stick with it, you'll be able to experience all I've talked about. Thanks for the feedback! If you have any questions while you're getting acclimated, feel free to reach out.

  • @Billlumberg227
    @Billlumberg22726 күн бұрын

    To me, FFXI is one of the greatest games of all time, period. And I didn't even play it until 2022.

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian34026 күн бұрын

    I also started in 2022! There is so much that the game does well, it's truly a shame that SE doesn't invest more into it. Whether that be through more development budget or a remake.

  • @pjm.1500
    @pjm.150027 күн бұрын

    Free private server FFXI Eden check it out ToAU era

  • @Bewefau
    @Bewefau28 күн бұрын

    What song is that? I don't remember hearing it that melody its beautiful 11:25

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian34023 күн бұрын

    It's the song, "Distant Worlds" that plays at the end of Chains of Promathia.

  • @criticalarts2753
    @criticalarts2753Ай бұрын

    Thank you for this great video.

  • @tokenpoptart3750
    @tokenpoptart3750Ай бұрын

    Best game. If ur on odin. We can play. Im a returning 20 year vet

  • @tokenpoptart3750
    @tokenpoptart3750Ай бұрын


  • @instinct9519
    @instinct9519Ай бұрын

    Great vid. HorizonXi and Eden are both 75 locked and great to play on, if interested in this time/expansion era

  • @radthepaisley
    @radthepaisleyАй бұрын

    Being on the PS2 while WoW was only on PC must have been a saving grace. At this point in time, everyone i knew had a PS2 but not many had a PC. Especially a PC with internet capable of running WoW. I have to assume this helped save FFXI for a while

  • @dcarpenter85
    @dcarpenter857 күн бұрын

    Back in the day PC was the dominant platform for this game. Most players were on PC. The barrier to entry on PS2 was quite high since you needed the HDD and the network adapter addon (which was bundled with the game, but cost $99 US ) plus a keyboard to chat. This plus the fact that the game launched a full 6 months earlier in North America on PC than it did on PS2 meant most players started on PC. You didn't really see a large influx of console players until the 360 launch in April 2006.

  • @Ephremjlm1
    @Ephremjlm1Ай бұрын

    So I just wanted to throw my two cents in here as someone who is a more casual FFXI player who stays subbed to retail but has found myself playing on HorizonXI. I think there is a bit of a disconnect in not being able to see other peoples side of it. 1. I think it's asking the wrong question to say "name me one thing exclusive to private servers, that Final Fantasy XI retail doesn't have mechanically". Notice the words "exclusive" and "mechanically" are doing some HEAVY lifting there. Sometimes the answer is that legitimately less is more, and sometimes just because there is more it doesn't mean its better. This point will run into my next point 2. I know FFXI had an endgame but that WASN'T the main focus. One of the things I hate most about 14 is the fact that its basically "end game" focused, and when they force you to do older lower level content, it feels bad. This problem isn't half as bad in retail today but currently the experience is missing so much, and not everyone wants to start the game "at end game". I think we all have heard that random stat that most people didn't get to endgame in FFXI back in the day, yet the majority who played it loved it. I think that's a testament to just how well the devs were able to craft a real journey and a second life world. People LIKED leveling, and doing random stuff, and farming specific random pieces of gear because of the player driven content specifically. Going out and doing quests or missions or leveling normally entailed you planning to do multiple things along the way since indeed it was a treck. This meant that when you came back it felt like you literally just went on your own journey. Maybe you gained some levels, maybe you unlocked your chocobo, and maybe you completed a mission or two and got a decent piece of gear, or spell to drop. Not saying that retail doesn't have that "mechanically", but it was far less linear, and you actually felt attached to the things you earned, and player driven content meant that it was inevitable that you would meet friends, enemies, or rivals along the way. You had more of those experiences because the game forced that style of gameplay. And personally I get why retail doesn't work that way, and I think retail is probably fine the way it is, but like when I play retail aside from story bits, it just feels like im on a treadmill, as opposed to me carving my own path to tread on a classic style server. I think that's really what people miss. 3. The it's piracy argument is actually ignorant if anyone has ever talked to the people that run these servers. Been around this stuff since early 2010's and SE USED to shut these servers down, but apparently they made some unofficial truce with private servers and as long as they didn't compete with retail, they were fine with it. The reason was because it was actually doing two things for SE. (1) It was driving sales for FFXI when they were dipping(and FFXIV was in a dire situation) and (2) it solved the problem for SE of not having to actually make a private server, at least for now, because they flat out have said a bunch of times they don't think it will bring enough value for the effort. Anyways like I said, I like retail for what it is, and endgame is cool and all, I just personally don't get that same feeling and experience that I get from HorizonXI or other classic servers I've played on. 2.

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyanАй бұрын

    The private servers are literally just pirated versions of retail with less content. Just because Square isn't actively going after them as much doesn't mean it still isn't piracy and still doesn't hurt the real game. If the folks playing pirate subbed, XI would have more money to put back into the development of the real game. I see zero appeal in playing a pirated version of the game with less content. Retail has the same graphics, same music, and same mechanical options as private servers, along with additional options like quality of life features, more story, and more locations. If you want to play retail in a non-linear way, there's literally nothing stopping you from doing that. The only differences between retail and pirate is that pirate has less content is stealing from the devs.

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyanАй бұрын

    It's not even like Runescape where that game had a graphical and musical overhaul between versions. XI is still the same game mechanically, musically, visually, etc. except that there's just additional options and more content. If old school XI even had a different graphical or musical style, I would be sympathetic, but it doesn't, and thus I'm not sympathetic towards the pirate server folks.

  • @Ephremjlm1
    @Ephremjlm1Ай бұрын

    @gregtroyan yeah it's technically pirated but SE isn't offering a classic version so I think most people really don't care. And you're just so insanely wrong on the differences that it's crazy. You obviously either haven't played a classic version or just didn't like it, either way that part is fine, but almost ALL of those "quality of life" features negated so much of what the game was about. SO MUCH SO that people literally resorted to pirating. And if HorozonXI has around 30k individual account ties to different IP's which they regularly purge, and there are still other private servers with thousands then let's say that means there are around 40k players who aren't crazy, they have identified what they want and have gone through the roundabout ways to get it. On top of that, this last point needs to be said and clearly understood. FFXI ISN'T getting any new development, not for a long time. SE said that even if the numbers doubled (they wouldnt) it still wouldn't be worth it. Also you didn't read where SE said "unofficially" that private servers bring more money over time because people either stay subbed or eventually sub. On top of that it sucks for the devs because they are getting stuck on old technology instead of learning the modern stuff. People like me pay a sub regardless because I do have love for FFXI but retail just isn't the version I want to play. The POL launcher, though nostalgic, is a mess to deal with and it shouldn't take as long as it does now to install the game. And guess what? On HorizonXI not only have they made a whole new launcher, it only takes like 5 minutes from regostery to installation to logging in and they did that in their free time. On top of that the mods that DONT detriment the way the game was intended to be played are all easy to access and use and I've added EVERY graphics mod so the game looks like it's a new version. Partying is never an issue, and literally all the excuses as to why the game won't work that way today don't seem to be an issue. It fills a niche in the market that SE has taken away without replacing. And it's all free.......

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyanАй бұрын

    @@Ephremjlm1 It's not free. It's stolen. :P

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyanАй бұрын

    You can justify or rationalize your reason for playing a pirated version of the game with less content, but that's all it is. People can use graphics mods on retail too. It's a stolen version of the game where people are forced into playing a certain way, as opposed to retail, which gives you the option to play the exact same way, or the option to do something different. Retail isn't stolen and it has more options. I'll take the one that actually respects the people who made the game.

  • @ihatepeopleyes9492
    @ihatepeopleyes9492Ай бұрын

    You had to be there...

  • @lastdayer101
    @lastdayer101Ай бұрын

    I find myself deeply attracted to your voice. Sorry.

  • @Sonyboj
    @SonybojАй бұрын

    Never played this but I love the graphics. A high rez PS2 game. Just perfect.

  • @Metalgear195
    @Metalgear195Ай бұрын

    You gonna play the FFXIV TTRPG to expand your your franchise experience?

  • @nevitt2236
    @nevitt2236Ай бұрын

    Dude it absolutely takes a group

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian340Ай бұрын

    Which content are you talking about?

  • @BaronLector
    @BaronLectorАй бұрын

    "Private Server" is code for "FFXI for Hipsters."

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyanАй бұрын

    I mean...you're not wrong. :P

  • @BaronLector
    @BaronLectorАй бұрын

    Prior to Wings of the Goddess, I had spent years in the ruins of Garlaige Citadel and the Crawlers' Nest. When I got to visit these places in Wings of the Goddess (20 years in the past), and seeing them when they were full of life, it was very humbling.

  • @mikenicolas671
    @mikenicolas671Ай бұрын

    I joined the FFXI community in 2003-2009 and to this day FFXI is still my favorite MMO game, I was online 24x7 at that time. In order to participate in linkshell activities, I joined the union organizations of NA and JP respectively!

  • @darwinmonzingo9738
    @darwinmonzingo9738Ай бұрын

    I loved wings of the goddess I engaged in this story the most. it was later once it had been fully released but I thought it was highly enjoyable

  • @darkzenal2593
    @darkzenal2593Ай бұрын

    The only MMORPG I can say I only ever LIVED in. After much drama with some ffxi friends in my FC in ffxiv, I went back to finish RoV with not even a fraction of my friends, and that ending tore me up after realizing my friendship with my old friends and XI a game ive played since 2002 and had a large impact on me was over. I admit I ugly cried.

  • @Mighto
    @MightoАй бұрын

    You have a talent to pull on my heartstrings. The greatest story never told, the greatest music never heared....... combined with this music....... I was close to crying. It throws me back into the best time of my gaming life. All the Adventures, all this friends I meet on the way. I just miss this time so much. This game deserves better.

  • @vicenarian340
    @vicenarian340Ай бұрын

    I completely agree. It's a shame that FFXI hasn't yet been re-budgeted, remade or remastered. SE is squandering this IP. Thank you for the kind words!

  • @Caelest
    @CaelestАй бұрын

    Coming from someone that played from the initial PS2 launch ('04) and eventually switched to PC and played FFXI hardcore til about 2018 or so (while i am technically "retired", i have come back to the game every now and then, lastly 2 years ago) i think i can talk about how FFXI changed over the years, and while i know this video mainly focuses on the story each encompassing expansion provided, i doubt ill ever play another game that not only encaptivated me for as long as it did, but a game that had sooooo many wholesale changes over the years its quite incredible to see it be where it is today and while the subscriber count FFXI will never be what it was 14 or so years ago (i.e circa Vision of Abyssea release)...i love the fact that this masterpiece of a game is still going strong today with no sign of slowing down, despite how old of a game it is. Some of the biggest changes/implementations/news FFXI has had over the years were: 2003 October - NA release date for PC: i only mention this b/c i think my biggest regret in my FFXI career was not playing the game on PC to begin with, its almost mindboggling to me that i played on console (PS2) for nearly 4 years, when i look back now i think FFXI is unplayable if it wasnt on PC, but it is what it is. 2004 March - PS2 NA release, this is when i started my journey on this wonderful game, and i gotta be honest with you, the difficulty of entry to this game, at this point in time, was unbelievably high, and after about 1 week of playing FFXI, i honestly thought this type of game just wasnt for me, the world was too overwhelming for me, with no real arrow to point you on what to do and where to go, and i thought i would just discontinue my subscription at the of the month, FFXI was the first MMO i ever played...i truly had no idea what i had gotten myself into, but i stuck with it, and for better or worse, im glad i did. 2005 July (i think?) The Ranger nerf...as in THE Ranger nerf. A lot of jobs had and have and would have changes to them over the years (i mean of course, this is an MMO after all) but the reason i will mention is b/c i remember a lot of friends from this era that literally quit the game b/c the ranger nerf was so severe and impactful...im not exaggerating when i say in this era of FFXI, if it wasnt dominated by Black Mages, it was definitely was dominated by Rangers..."just throw geared Rangers at it, it'll die sooner or later". It was a mighty nerf, but one that was needed, i honestly cant even put into words how strong Rangers were compared to all other jobs in the game in this era, it was quite silly. i Honestly believe this is a topic that fundamentally changed not only how the Ranger job was played going forward, but the game itself as a whole. 2009 Salvage Bans - FFXI has had a lot of bans of the years, and im sure they continue to do so whenever the team finds any illegal activity within the game, but w/o a doubt in my mind, nothing shook the game more than when this happened. To summarize what this was all about, apparently, when you were in Salvage (however, it was then discovered this was able to be done in ANY instanced event, not just Salvage) by dissolving your party into an alliance of groups of 3 while there was still treasure in your pool, you could effectively triple the loot, as each alliance party was going to get the same loot once formed and dissolved...look im probably not explaining the method properly, but it doesnt matter, all you need to know is that a lot of ppl discovered this exploit and duped god knows how many drops for a prolonged amount of time before SE took action and holy hell did they ever. I dont remember the exact amount of ppl that got permabanned, but i think to this day it remains the largest amount of subscriber ban in FFXI history, and SE showed their player base they actually cared about maintaining fair play, balance, and integrity in their game, even if they took a while to execute this. 2010 June - This is when Vision of Abyssea was released (and then the subsequent parts Scars/Heroes) and would fundamentally change FFXI inside out, not only was this when the level cap was lifted from 75 to 80 that would eventually be lifted to 99 near the end of 2011, but when grinding for gears would go a wholesale change as well...as well as the grind for exp. It was just shocking to me at first that not only (in abyssea of course) was it BETTER to exp in alliance, but it was literally 100, if not 400x times faster than it ever was before. As you can imagine, a lot of FFXi "purist" didnt like the fact that majority of NMs in abyssea either had a respawn time of, what, 15 minutes or so and provided gear that essentially made 90% or so of non-abyssean gear either pointless/obsolete, as well as the fact that now you could easily hit 80/85/90/etc (w/e the cap was at the current time) in a single day. A lot of ppl claim when abyssea released is when FFXI started to die...i dont agree with that notion, but abyssea is why private servers exist. They dont want anything to do with content such as this. 2014 June - Trust system implementation - Probably the biggest core addition to FFXI, and honestly believe the Trust system is one of the main aspects of FFXI that truly saved the game. When you are first starting out FFXI, whether you are playing for the story and indulge yourself within it, or if you are someone that wants to get to the endgame asap...back in the pre-75 days, to do either one, you needed help, and odds are you either needed a full party or even alliance. Not anymore with the trust system...when i first tried it out, i was actually pleasantly surprised how well the AI acted to do w/e task it was on (i.e White mage trust would keep the party buffed and would -na you and your fellow trust when needed, melee DD trusts would SC probably and either wait for you or open SCs when applicable, support trusts would cast appropriate buffs) obviously it wasnt perfect at launch, but i applaud SE for this change in gameplay. It really did open up doors for newbies who were too scared to play or were overwhelmed with the task of playing the game alone at first til you found a linkshell to your liking. Now dont get me wrong, there are some missions where trusts wont be enough, but at this point, odds are you will have made a friend or two that could help if needed, but for a lot of things story-wise to progress to...Trust does the job and then some. I might edit this later as its almost 1 am here and im starting to doze off, but you get the idea...this game as a very big part of my life and i got to see it "grow" as it did and become what it is today, its a shame it doesnt get the recognition it rightfully deserves only b/c FFXIV is as popular as it is right now. The irony is FFXIV exists only b/c FFXI does.

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyanАй бұрын

    Thank you for the post! In general, I agree with the decisions Square has made in regards to XI over the years. The additions they made to the game is why the game is still able to attract new players all these years later, and if they kept things the same as in the "golden days", newbies would have no chance of getting through the content due to gatekeeping of more experience players. Modern XI is perfect because it has challenge for hardcore players but also welcomes newcomers into the fold. What they managed to do with modern XI is nothing short of brilliance.

  • @AKurdi-ed4uo
    @AKurdi-ed4uoАй бұрын

    I started playing again after 7 yrs. And I can say the story if far superior than xiv. But the game is still kinda long handed.

  • @courtneymabry264
    @courtneymabry264Ай бұрын

    Good job