

💚💛❤ It's not the dread upon your head, but the love inna your heart, that mek ya rasta ❤💛💚

🙋🏼‍♀️ #Carina
🇩🇪 #Germany (Stuttgart)
🐴 #horsegirl
🐕 #Labrador-Retriever
🌿 #plants (not drugs)
🌳 #nature
🌱 #vegan
🥘 #ital food
🦁 #Rasta #Dreadlocks
🎼🎶 #BobMarley #Reggae
🎸🎻 #Guitar #Ukulele
🌍🇯🇲 #Africa #Jamaica
💚💛❤ #onelove #oneness
✌✌🏻✌🏿 #interracial

Thank you very much for your interest.
Have a nice day 🙂

#dreadlocks #dreads #dreadlocs #dreadgirl #rasta #rastafari #bobmarley #alternative


  • @jesss.616
    @jesss.6166 ай бұрын

    Die gibt es auf ebay, super Qualität für 8 Euro

  • @littleandre4957
    @littleandre49577 ай бұрын

    04:27 where did you hear Germanic tribes (Germans) had dreadlocks? 🙂

  • @littleandre4957
    @littleandre49577 ай бұрын

    cultural appropriation is racist. I believe the first people who had dreadlocks were "white" but it's a human "hairstyle".

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Hi ! I think you already very far in your thinking and your attention in your live:) I beliefe you are not old fashion, but you are realy connectet to de nature of this earth....respect for your true words... it needs a lot of courage to show your deepest thoughts the World, in this way thank you for your open words ! Greetings from the Woodsman ..beliefe in your way my friend :)

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Much appreciation ❤ Thank you sooo much for these nice words !!!! 😍 Made my day ! 🎉 Wish you the very best, my friend ! Dankeeeee !!! Freu mich immer sehr über deine netten Kommentare.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Yes, I am really old-fashioned ! 🧓 The more I look at other people and other families... The more I appreciate and respect my own parents. I realize how well they treat theirself as a couple - every single day. I realize how well they raised me as a kid...and how well they still treat me... ...and I am proud of it. I see my mum as a "role model" for a good mum ❤ and I see my dad as a "role model" for a good dad 💙 That's why my expectations are really high when it comes to LOVE I give thanks to my parents ! ...from all my heart ! And I appreciate that they don't use social media because they are way too cool for it !

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    Du kannst nicht die Welt retten. Bleib bei dir und sei Du anderen ein gutes Vorbild :) es wir diese Art von Menschen immer geben. Und meiner Meinung nach ist es okay, wenn jemand mehrere Menschen liebt. Stichwort Polyamorie. Wir sollten alle viel offener sein und nicht alles so negativ behaften ❤ Much love

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Ja das stimmt. Ich kann die Welt wirklich nicht retten 😅🙈 Ich finde es nur traurig zu sehen wie sich manche Menschen (vor allem sehr junge Leute) heutzutage entwickeln. Liebe, Loyalität, Respekt etc... geht in der "neuen Generation" irgendwie mehr und mehr verloren. Zumindest kommt es mir so vor ! Es kann auch sein, dass ich es einfach nur nicht sehe/verstehe, da ich eine sehr "altmodische" Denkweise habe. Ich bin auch für mehr Offenheit und Akzeptanz. Ich verurteile niemanden dafür wenn er "anders" liebt als ich das kenne/nachvollziehen kann. Dennoch ist mir persönlich bspw. "Familie" sehr wichtig...und es fällt mir schwer ein Polyamorie / offenes Beziehungs-Konzept damit in Einklang zu bringen. Ich glaube viele Menschen (nicht alle!) flüchten sich in eine offene Beziehung weil sie nicht bindungsfähig sind und "alles" haben wollen - ohne sich richtig entscheiden zu müssen und ohne viel Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Ich gebe mir stets Mühe immer an das Gute zu Glauben. Und ich denke auch dass es nicht den einen "richtigen" Weg gibt. Es gibt sicherlich viele Wege. Jeder muss seinen eigenen finden... Much love ❤

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Don't be's always only a bunch of free gypsies...wich got a ticket for the ,,Arche Noah ". People always talk about bad weather ....but forget ...if everything is wrong and stormy must getting better because there is no other direction :) Greetings from the old Woodsman !

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Sometimes I am angry...its my "natural" behaviour...however, not for a long time 🤗 I really like your thought about "Arche Noah" ...and I totally agree to your words... Also having in mind that Noah only took animals on his boat. And there are days, I totally understand why he only took the animals...haha 😅✌ (Family and animals...2 or 3 friends...thats all you need) Thanks a lot ! Greetings to you !

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    Brechen die Haare, weil du sie blondiert hast? Oder sind es Extensions? Ich habe meine Dreads jetzt 3 Jahre und es ist noch nichts gebrochen. Würde sie aber gern blondieren, aber wenn sie dann reißen, wäre es natürlich sehr schade. Aber cool, wäre also gar nicht soo wild, wenn sie brechen. 😊❤Much love!

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Nein, blondiert habe ich sie nicht. Es sind hauptsächlich meine Spitzen die abbrechen (2 Jahre alte Extensions). Ab und zu brechen mir auch Dreads ab, die zu dünn geworden werden. Ich nehme an das kommt vom Tragen von Dreadperlen, Schmuck etc. Durch die Reibung (zbsp. beim Schlafen) werden die Dreads durch den Schmuck strapaziert und dünnen dann nach und nach aus. Irgendwann werden sie so dünn dass sie dann reißen. Beim Blondieren kenne ich mich leider nicht aus...ich habe aber gehört dass es die Dreads deutlich trockener macht. Deswegen kann es passieren dass sie brechen. Denke das passiert aber nur wenn man es sehr oft macht (wie beim Färben von "normalen" Haaren auch)...sprich, ich denke wenn man es nicht damit übertreibt und nicht ständig färbt, dann sollte nichts passieren. Es kommt halt auch immer darauf an wie dick und fest deine Haarstruktur / Dreads sind. Vielleicht kannst du es mal an einem Dread zuerst ausprobieren und schauen was passiert...den kannst du dann zur Not wieder reparieren 😉 Viel Erfolg ! Ich drück dir die Daumen ! Much love ! 🥰❤

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    @@jasminw9245: ...Ach ja...und das Alter der Dreads spielt auch eine Rolle. 3 Jahre ist gut. Bei ganz "frischen" Dreads wäre ich vorsichtig weil die noch nicht richtig verfilzt sind

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    @my_dreadlocks_journey lieben Dank für die schnelle Antwort ❤️ es ist eine gute Idee, das Blondieren ersteinmal zu testen. Achso okay, auch wegen der Dreadperlen können sie reißen, also dann ab und an die Perlen rausnehmen und palm rolen🙃💚❤️

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Immer gerne ! 🥰 Ja genau...ab und zu rausnehmen. Und palmrollen ist sowieso immer gut 😊

  • @Ruspsycho
    @Ruspsycho Жыл бұрын

    Can you just explain what is it you put in the water and why?

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Sure, i can try to explain 😊 I put "curd soap" into the water. In fact there are two (or more ?) ways / techniques when it comes to felting. You can either do "wet felting" or "dry felting". The video is about "wet felting". Wet felting is when you use water and soap. The soap is used to make the felting process more "easy"... It helps to raise the woolshed in the uppermost layer of the wool so that finally the fibers of the wool can migrate together in all directions, blending them.

  • @Ruspsycho
    @Ruspsycho Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey wowww 🤩 you opened my eyes! Thank you!

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    @@LadyNemesis you're welcome 💚

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Cool Video 😃👍!Thumbs up for the ,,Rasta Queen" :)!!! Greetings from the old Woodsman.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thank you soooo much !!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Lovely greetings ! Hope you do well !!!

  • @Gamma_Draconis
    @Gamma_Draconis Жыл бұрын

    Shower more often, I wash my hair ever 2nd day in winter and every day in summer. European hair is more flexibel and more moist ,washing dries it more out. You can try some tech to wash and how you wash them.

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    These words need to be said.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын


  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    Danke für deine informativen Videos ❤️

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Vielen vielen lieben Dank 🥰 ❤ Ich danke DIR fürs Schauen 😊 (...und Sorry für die späte Antwort...hab den Kommentar gerade erst gesehen)

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Hi Rasta Woman :) You don't too's like you sayd do your own stuff and that's what makes people happy, all the best for you and your live. Greetings from the old woodsman 😉👍 (Ps: The most important tracks are the yourself)

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Dear woodsman, Thank you very much !!!! Much appreciation ! Wish you the same ! Love and Peace. Do what makes you happy ! Vielen lieben Dank und ganz liebe Grüße an dich. Genieß das Wochenende in der Natur 🌲🌳🌿💚 Lg Carina

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Hello my friend 😃👍 This Video, wich i like very much is realy brave and in my mind you are right 😃!!! Greetings from the old Woodsman

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Hello my dear woodsman 😊☺️ Thank you so much !!!! Always makes me happy to hear from you ! 🥰 Lieben Dank 💚 Machs gut und genieß deine Zeit 🌲🌳🌿🍀🌱🍂🍃🍁

  • @johnfollowerofchrist
    @johnfollowerofchrist Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for this beautiful message ✝️🌹

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thanks to you for watching ! 🌞

  • @garrisonnichols807
    @garrisonnichols807 Жыл бұрын

    I'm in an interracial relationship. I'm white and my girlfriend is puerto rican. We're happy and love each other. That's all that matters to me.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thats it !!! 👌❤💯 Thats all that matters ! Wish you the very best.

  • @garrisonnichols807
    @garrisonnichols807 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey thanks you too.❤

  • @kevingates5100
    @kevingates5100 Жыл бұрын


  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thank you ! 😊

  • @daniaderey7053
    @daniaderey7053 Жыл бұрын

    En un análisis muy crudo pero muy real, más personas como tú, más personas abiertas la cambio💞, Ojalá que algún día seamos menos personas conectadas desde las pantallas y más conectadas con nuestra alma.💕🗨🫂

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    ¡Muchas gracias por este bonito comentario! Yo también lo espero ! También deseo que las almas nos conecten y no las pantallas. La humanidad siempre debe estar en primer plano, no la tecnología. Cálidos saludos !

  • @ajkhara3021
    @ajkhara3021 Жыл бұрын

    Good 🤗🤗🤗

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thank youuuuu !!!!

  • @hunchbackaudio
    @hunchbackaudio Жыл бұрын

    Is this guy a doctor, or is that a self-invented title? He makes a number of comments about marriage in general that have absolutely nothing to do with the ethnic composition of a marriage and then draw completely unfounded conclusions from them. I can't take this seriously. If you don't have any arguments, just add some generalities?

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Totally agree with that ! 💯 I had the same thoughts when I was watching it !...and I was a little bit confused about his words... haha. Thank you for your comment! Have a great day ! 🌞

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын

    Ihr seit so goldig ihr zwei. Hoffentlich bleibt ihr immer zusammen. ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Dankeeeee...das hoffe ich auch 🙏🏼... 🙈❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын

    Liebes so traurig wie es klingt aber das ist der Plan von denen. Bin kein schwubller aber es ist traurig zu sehen wie die wahre Menschlichkeit immer mehr verloren geht. Wenn du Kinder hast wirst du sehen das fängt schon im Kindergarten an... Und diese ganze Schein social media welt Macht es noch schlimmer. Ich mag dein content sehr. Ganz viel liebe an dich liebe Carina. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    ❤❤❤ Kann dir nur zustimmen! Es ist wirklich sehr traurig zu sehen dass es meist nur um Geld, Macht, Materialismus und Egoismus geht. Egal fängt im Kindergarten an, in der Schule geht's weiter ...und bei vielen Ärzten / Krankenhäusern steht auch schon längst nicht mehr die Gesundheit und das Helfen sondern nur der Rubel im Vordergrund 😥 Schade ! Schön dass es noch so Menschen wie dich gibt, die das ebenfalls erkennen. Ganz lieben Dank für deine Worte ! Freut mich sehr dass dir mein Content gefällt 🥰😘 Ganz liebe Grüße

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Fruit and vegetable for medication Plant based we seh - Long time rastafari Haffi stop eat too much animal And then you will see You start operate at a different frequency Your mind and body Get in tune to the elements And treat them accordingly Me seh prevention is better than cure You can′t rely on the system no more Say all over the west, the healthcare inna mess

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын

    Uhh wie schää😍😍wollt ich noch vorschlagen von deinem schatz einen dread ein zuarbeiten 😉💕

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    ❤🙈❤🙈❤🙈 haha...vielen lieben Dank 🥰❤

  • @scrappy9435
    @scrappy9435 Жыл бұрын

    🤦🏽‍♂️ all ya white people gonna be bold af when ya hair fall out

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    🤦🏼‍♀️...LOL !

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Wie geil ! 😉🤗🤗🤗Si Claro multicultural.. .

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    😍🥰 Vielen lieben Dank 😍💛🌞🤩

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын

    We are all humans!! 🥰one love♥️♥️

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Yessss ❤💯...ganz liebe Grüße an dich 😘

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    yeah! lass' Dich nicht unter kriegen =))

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    😍🥰😘 niemals! 💪 Vielen lieben Dank ❤🌞

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын

    😘😘😘We stay with you sweet❤️😉

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Herzlichen Dank ❤😍 You are sooo nice ! 😘

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын

    Du bist so goldig hast du auch tiktok Kanal

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Awwww...danke 🙈...werde ganz rot...haha. Hab leider kein tiktok...nur youtube, facebook und instagram 😊

  • @rabiac.1739
    @rabiac.1739 Жыл бұрын


  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Vielen lieben Dank ❤❤❤😘

  • @Rchelle_YAHsdaughter
    @Rchelle_YAHsdaughter Жыл бұрын

    You are dis-missing the point he is making.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    What point is he making ?

  • @annrose8469
    @annrose8469 Жыл бұрын

    All People are HomoSapiens. If you put any animals of the same spicies together with others who merely have differences in phenotype, they will often mate with those who look differnt because it provides greater genetic diversity to their offspring thus increasing their survival rate. With people, however, since they pass down prejudicial attitudes it can be against the nature of their attitudes. It Is best to be with others of the same faith.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for sharing your opinion !

  • @elmarteucher296
    @elmarteucher296 Жыл бұрын

    Hi ! Ich finde deine Videos zu dem Thema wirklich Super 😃👍. Ausserdem kann ich dich sehr gut verstehen. Ich war 5 Jahre mit einer Frau aus Peru (Südamerika) verheiratet.Hör auf dein Herz ,Liebe kennt keine Grenzen, oder Kulturelle Unterschiede. Liebe ist Liebe und diese Sprache ist überall auf der Welt dieselbe. LG an dich und eine Gute Zeit.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Hi ! Vielen lieben Dank für diese netten Worte 🥰 Freut mich sehr 😍 Kann dir nur zustimmen...💯 sollte immer auf sein Herz hören und sich nicht zu sehr von anderen Leuten beeinflussen lassen. Wünsche dir weiterhin auch das Allerbeste. Lieben Dank & Grüße, Carina

  • @jaiyabyrd4177
    @jaiyabyrd4177 Жыл бұрын

    @mydreadlockjourney @1:22. "This makes me kind of uncomfortable because I don't think this is true". Why are you uncomfortable about a conversation that is based on the Black American Community ⁉️🔥 You're NOT 🚫 a Black American Women or Man. Therefore you don't have an opinion on this specific matter ‼️

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Yes it is obvious that I am neither a black american woman nor man. Nevertheless everyone can have an opinion about everything. This conversation is based on ONLY the black american community ? 🤔 Ah okay ?! Well...I didnt get that point from the video ! I am just hearing that he is speaking about black and white people in general. "Marriage is an economic contract" "Most women do not marry down in me a rich white women..." "Marriage is not about is not colorblind and it is totally economic" ➡️ These are GENERAL statements! They are not related only to the black american community ! If he is really speaking only about the american society, then I would appreciate that he is saying that directly...e.g. "marriage OF AMERICAN PEOPLE is not about love" ...

  • @jaiyabyrd4177
    @jaiyabyrd4177 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey You really missed the topic or you misconstrued the topic. Either way the entire conversation was that Black Americans should only marry within their race. If you understood the history of Black Americans in the United States of America then you could have a better understanding of His reasons. Also, regardless of race, in America most marriages end due to financial difficulties.

  • @kingmaafa120
    @kingmaafa120 Жыл бұрын

    Ask yourselves WTF exactly has interracial marriage done for the betterment of BLK flk ? Gotta be one you Mensa or Ebonics massas who can give me an answer m Damn sure ain’t got BLK flk reparations Oh wait that’s why it was put in to place REPARATIONS you marry one your status goes ⬆️

  • @kimberlybrumfield815
    @kimberlybrumfield815 Жыл бұрын

    Appreciate your thought but you must know the context of where Dr Umar is coming from! We have to protect our culture like you have to.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Thank you ! Yes thats true. I always give my best in trying to understand the context/background of other people. Protecting your culture is a good thing and I appreciate it when ppl do so. And I have absolutley nothing against staying within your own culture/race if you want to do so. But I know that there have been a lot of black heroes in the past who were fighting against racism and discrimination. They stood up for their rights and finally achieved a lot. However, I fear that mindsets "totally against interracial..." contribute to an unlucky division and seperation of people. If you only think of your own culture, it is really hard to gain unity, togetherness and finally racial harmony...and I believe this is necessary ! I think that every culture has something positive from which other people could take advantage when they "come together". I always appreciate when different cultures suceed in celebrating their differences and their similarities. And for that matter, I think that "interracial relationship/marriage" also builds that bridge to a more peaceful society. Furthermore, I think that you can built up the black community without limiting yourself. And it is a matter of fact that blacks are the majority so I dont think that we will ever run out of this race/culture. Thank you for your input!

  • @johngalt1967
    @johngalt1967 Жыл бұрын

    Marriage ain't supposed to be about love in the first place!

  • @goldenrule8706
    @goldenrule8706 Жыл бұрын

    Yes it is and it should NEVER EVER HAOPEN!!

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Feel free to share your reasons...

  • @goldenrule8706
    @goldenrule8706 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey it is unfair to our society

  • @STARK0181
    @STARK0181 Жыл бұрын

    @@goldenrule8706 lol. Why?

  • @lovelynuyaha968
    @lovelynuyaha968 Жыл бұрын

    😂😂😂😂😂 🛑 l didn't understand your reasoning for this video l didn't dating outside my race my black children (really brown) won't either loving your own race isn't a crime again society or humane it's simply loving yourself and your kind we are allowed to do that .

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    For sure it is absolutely no crime to love yourself and to stay within your own race...i have absolutely nothing against that ! You are allowed to do that 100%. I also appreciate it if you do so. 🙏🏼 But I'm just the opinion that the opposite way (mix of race) should also be accepted and normalized. Everyone should feel free to love the ones he/she matter what cultural background you have. The reason why I am adressing this video is just that he claimed that interracial marriage is only due to financial reason and NOT BECAUSE OF LOVE ! There are people who claim that "poor" black people are only looking for white girls because of financial reason and/or to receive e.g. visa in another country. Especially here in Germany some black guys are confronted with this kind of "prejudices"...even if they dont do it for money/paper but because of love. ➡️ marriage is not just an economic contract ➡️ marriage is about love ➡️ Love knows no colour (colour-blind) ➡️ i can show you him some rich white woman who married a broken black guy

  • @lovelynuyaha968
    @lovelynuyaha968 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey I don't agree with everything he say but a lot of the things my pan African brother say is true what is a mix of race because a vast majority of African-American are mix of race due to rape during slavery ..

  • @jonzun69
    @jonzun69 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey well said 👍🏿I agree with you 100%

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    @@jonzun69 Give thanks !

  • @jaiyabyrd4177
    @jaiyabyrd4177 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey Please explain why you are in the intimate affairs of Black American Men and Women ❓ I'd like you to elaborate on why the marriage preferences of Black Americans is your business.❓ . What does your opinion represent in this conversation ❓ Specifically how does it spiritually, financially and in heritage benefit the Black American Community ❓ Thank you, I'll wait for your response

  • @chantalmely9678
    @chantalmely9678 Жыл бұрын

    Economic contract?

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын


  • @STARK0181
    @STARK0181 Жыл бұрын

    Economics is a factor but in the modern day generally people prioritise getting with people they actually like. I wouldn't put much weight on the point he was trying to make.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Yesss ! Thats true 👍🙌

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    Er vergleicht uns mit den Tieren. Ich würde diese Meinung nicht erst nehmen. Man kann lieben, wen man eben liebt und es ist egal, welche Hautfarbe. So ein Quatsch, was er sagt 🙈❤️

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey Жыл бұрын

    Sehe ich genauso 🥰 Vielen lieben Dank für deine Meinung :-)

  • @jasminw9245
    @jasminw9245 Жыл бұрын

    @@my_dreadlocks_journey sehr gern :)

  • @noni776
    @noni7762 жыл бұрын

    Toll!schön gemacht!😍

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    Vielen lieben Dank 🥰

  • @kristencurry3715
    @kristencurry37152 жыл бұрын

    Your dreads look super, and your pup is so adorable and has cute personality🐶

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    Haha 🙈 Thank you so much ! 💛 Yeah my dog has a really special personality...sometimes (very often 😅) he is a little bit "crazy" and he always has too much energy 🙈...but finally thats why I love him so much. It never gets boring with him 😅 Thank you !!!

  • @kristencurry3715
    @kristencurry37152 жыл бұрын

    I think you have a good heart and it brings wisdom when you speak. I'm happy that you have dreads and fulfilled that dream and desire. I was the same with blonde , thin hair and wondered if they would look good or not. I've had them for 6 months now and overall I'm liking them And have not run into any cultural issues. BTW I love your horse and have always wanted one of my own. I thought putting his tail hair into your dreads was so so cool. My daughter says my spirit animal is a horse😊🐎

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    Dear Kristen. Thank you soooo much for your lovely comment ❤. This really made my day 😊 I am happy that you fullfilled your wish to have dreadlocks, too ! And I do hope that you will also never run into cultural issues in the future 🙏🏼 Haha nice that you like horses, too 🙈 In fact they are amazing and special creatures with a lot of emotions. Hence, it is a great compliment when also your daughter sees a connection between you and these lovely beings 🐎 Thank you very much. Enjoy your day/evening/night (?) 😀 Greetings Carina

  • @fuchsmadchen
    @fuchsmadchen2 жыл бұрын

    I love freeform dreads also. And it's super exciting to watch dreadslocks do their own thing 😍

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    😍😍😍 yeah definitely ! It is so cool to see them changing 🙈

  • @fuchsmadchen
    @fuchsmadchen2 жыл бұрын

    Richtig schön geworden 😍

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    Vielen lieben Dank 🥰🥰🥰

  • @sakhu8945
    @sakhu89452 жыл бұрын

    We call them locs. White people call them dreadlocks.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    Who is "We" ? ("We" = african-american ?) Well, I guess I understand what you mean and I can get an idea why you prefer not to use the words "dreads" or "dreadlocks" as they have a negative connotation applied to them. Just wanted to add that, however, I wouldn't generalize that all PoC call them "locs" and all white people say "dreadlocks". I know some black people who have a spiritual connection to their hair (as energy is connected to the hair) and they especially prefer to use the term "dreads" or "rasta" instead of "locs" to set themselves apart i.e. to express that it is not only a hairstyle but rather a lifestyle. But this has also much to do how you wear and create your dread"locs". Are they created through coiling, braiding, twisting, backcombing etc. or do you just let them create naturally by not combing it...there's a big difference. ... But well, finally...there are a lot of terms. No matter if you are black or them "locs" or "dreads" or "dreadlocks" or "natty" or "rasta" or "jota" is all hair... Thanks for your comment ! Greetings. Peace ✌

  • @th.burggraf7814
    @th.burggraf78142 жыл бұрын

    As long as poc wearing European style clothes, they have no right to complain about whites wearing dreads. And forget that racism bullshit.

  • @my_dreadlocks_journey
    @my_dreadlocks_journey2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you