Julius Plissken

Julius Plissken

Just a curmudgeonly old dude relaxing and playing games. Sometimes board games, sometimes video games.

Be on the look out for some illustration videos coming soon ;)

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 8

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 8

Starfield Casual Playthrough 8

Starfield Casual Playthrough 8

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 5

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 5

Starfield Casual Playthrough 5

Starfield Casual Playthrough 5

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 4

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 4

Starfield Casual Playthrough 4

Starfield Casual Playthrough 4

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 3

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 3

Starfield Casual Playthrough 3

Starfield Casual Playthrough 3

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 2

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 2

Starfield Casual Playthrough 2

Starfield Casual Playthrough 2

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 1

TES IV Oblivion Playthrough 1

Starfield Casual Playthrough 1

Starfield Casual Playthrough 1


  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg3242Күн бұрын

    1:26 You can't fast travel to that location for ship combat because you're not IN your ship. lol. With a controller RB defaults to thruster mode where you can turn your ship while drifting on your original course. I use it so much in combat I put it on LT and used RB for weapon group 2. If you see a sensor contact on the system map, you might want to check it out. Sometimes it's just cargo crates, but sometimes you find interesting stuff there. Ship icons could be hostile, friendly, or derelict. You can also hail non hostile ships and trade with them to sell off some of your excess loot. That thing where companions stand outside when you're in an airlock or elevator, there's a mod for that. lol I avoided mods like the plague at first. Started using them when the creation kit was released and now run a ton of them to fix dumb stuff like that. 14:35 When you see messages about suit protection depleted, if you don't want to change your spacesuit, you could change the clothes under it to something with more thermal protection. Stats for clothes are added to stats for suits, helmets, and packs for total protection stats. Lockpicking will get you more credits than scavenging. That's a weird issue you're having with your controller. I use the controller for everything on this game since my invert vertical settings are different when I use a mouse compared to the controller so I don't know if that's a common issue. (I realize a lot of people prefer a mouse for FPS combat) 20:30 You need to take out the engines for boarding and it has to be the last hostile ship. It's hard to do with allies "helping" since they'll often destroy the damaged ship before you're close enough to dock. The calibrated suits you found on that spacer station are improved grades of suits. If I remember right there's unnamed, calibrated, refined, advanced, then in the late game, superior. Each higher class has more damage protection. This is totally separate from the rare, epic, legendary tiers which are just added effects to the suit. A normal tier advanced suit will have more protection but less perks compared to a calibrated suit that's epic tier. Some perks might not be helpful depending on your playstyle. A beast hunter perk isn't much good if you don't shoot aliens much and a sturdy perk for taking less melee damage won't help you if you shoot everyone before they're close enough for melee. Also, when you're having a companion carrying stuff, you can go into his inventory and have him equip stuff. If you want them to use a different spacesuit, outfit, or weapon, you can. They need at least 1 round of ammo for a weapon, but get unlimited shots. If you give them 1 grenade and equip it, they'll have unlimited grenades. (I'll let you decide if that's a good or a bad thing) 47:57 You left a ton of credits on that station. When you thought you were going in circles just before you went downstairs and shot the last 2 spacers of the mission, there was a vault room under the control room with a bunch of safes in it. You found the safe key in the control room just above it. Not sure if you can go back later to get it, but it might be worth checking. By the way, the Trackers Alliance mission is a pretty good side mission. You might want to make that an episode. ;^) Since you're in Akilla and I KNOW you haven't done it. (would be obvious if you had) 1:15 For boost packs, you've got the basic ones that are pretty weak. You've got power boost packs that give you a lot of height, but really short duration. Good for getting up high towers or on buildings in higher grav worlds. You've got balanced packs that are between basic and power but use less fuel so you can pulse them again in the air. They'll get you onto low buildings on normal grav worlds or high buildings on low grav worlds. Then you've got skip packs which are my personal favorite. They're pretty weak on normal grav worlds with about the same thrust as a basic pack, but use much less fuel per pulse. On a low grav world, they'll keep you airborne almost indefinetly since you can just keep pulsing them when you start to lose altitude. Start with a sprint for more horizontal speed. Once your spacesuit design skill is high enough, you can change a pack from one type to another. I've been trying to avoid story spoilers, but gameplay tips and telling you what you missed after the fact are fair game in my eyes.

  • @gaara_death88
    @gaara_death882 күн бұрын

    How are you ignoring you the journey steps it literally walks you through everything you need to know

  • @spring2k2
    @spring2k23 күн бұрын

    Good job!

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg32425 күн бұрын

    How do you know how many ship parts you've got? When the button doesn't repair your ship any more, you're out. lol. Ship parts are fairly heavy at 10kg each so you'll never be able to carry that many. (luckily many ships drop them as loot) In combat, you'll have an easier time if you use thruster mode and I find combat WAY easier with a controller. Stuff like targeting mode and thruster mode are much easier to get in and out of.

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg32425 күн бұрын

    I use the exit save and just continue almost every single time. Pretty much the only time I use load is if I want to undo a mistake or switch to another character. What I am curious about from your game is if you lose engine sound if you travel within a system while in the exterior ship view. 90% of the time that will make my engine sounds go out, but traveling from the cockpit seems fine. I don't know if that's just my system though. (I've tried shutting off all mods and even loading saves that predate the existence of mods) Tech skills that will help a lot in the early to mid game: Targeting control systems: Level 1 will let you target engine subsystems to board enemy ships in space. It has to be the LAST hostile ship since you can't dock while being shot at. No real help for higher than level 1. Even if you don't want to add the ship to your fleet, you can make A LOT of money by boarding and looting bodies, the captains locker, and the cargo hold. 5 to 8k for a ship's not unusual. (there's a video on my channel about how to board and capture ships) Piloting: Unlocks thruster mode to strafe as well as turn your ship while drifting on your original course. Higher levels will let you fly B or C class ships. Shield systems: Level 1 to 3 each get you 20% more shield hitpoints. Security: pick harder locks. There's a LOT of loot you're missing out without it. L4 not really worth while. Boost Pack Training: Use less fuel, boost more often. Payload: Level 1 to 3 each get you 10% more cargo space. L4 gets you 50% more than base capacity. Starship Design: Unlocks better parts for shipbuilding and upgrading. Engine systems: Higher top speeds. I've listed these in what I consider order of importance. I'll usually get the first 4 to Level 1 then consider which of them need boosting from there with security one of the higher priorities.

  • @ulitharid5833
    @ulitharid58339 күн бұрын

    Hello there. If i may you should do journey steps under J key it will help you understand new mechanics and you will get reward after finishing them. Thank you for nice content and keep it up the good work👍

  • @kevinmason6634
    @kevinmason663410 күн бұрын

    Make a stone skinning knife too get more hide & a clever to get more meat.

  • @kevinmason6634
    @kevinmason663410 күн бұрын

    If you have windows on your first level of walls the sandstorm will blow right through them & damage you.

  • @kevinmason6634
    @kevinmason663410 күн бұрын

    You need metal tools for the sickle.

  • @kevinmason6634
    @kevinmason663410 күн бұрын

    You had food all along. You picked it up from the chest in The destroyed caravan.

  • @JuliusPlissken
    @JuliusPlissken10 күн бұрын

    LOL! Whoops...

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg324211 күн бұрын

    Was she really too lazy to fix her ship, or was it too difficult to climb the ladders with a bullet wound to the gut? You sound American so I'm guessing you'll have a working knowledge of bullet wounds. lol. Also, why would you play with a controller then switch to a keyboard and mouse? Why would anyone? If you've got REALLY deep pockets you'll sometimes find a really good gun or armour in a store, but that's more of a mid to late game thing. At your level you're better off just taking what you find for loot. Same goes for ships. Get level 1 of the Targeting Control Systems skill and you can capture ships in space. Enter targeting mode, target and fire on their engines till they're offline then get within 500m and dock. Kill everybody and grab the loot, check the cargo hold and captains locker for credits, and if you sit in the pilot's seat you capture the ship for your fleet. If you want to modify, paint, or rename it you'll have to pay a fee to register it, but it's WAY cheaper than buying ships. You also get way more credits if you board a ship and search the cargo hold and captains locker than you'll ever find in the wreckage if you destroy them. I often get 3000 to 5000 credits plus loot from the crew. Pirate ships usually have contraband on board though and you'll get a fine if you get scanned with it. You can either go to The Den in the Wolf system to sell it to the trade authority, or put it in the cargo hold and jettison it into space. Some pirate ships have shielded cargo holds and there's a chance of contraband not being scanned.

  • @TheCanadianFrog
    @TheCanadianFrog11 күн бұрын

    Great playthrough, keep on the good work😊

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg324212 күн бұрын

    Damn. Wrote a MASSIVE comment with loads of hints for you. Literally over a page of text about stuff that came up during the video, but your video ended so abruptly and the next video loaded so it was all lost. Guess I shouldn't wait for the end to post it. oh well, your loss...

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg324212 күн бұрын

    Also, at 51:00 you were over encumbered because you're hungry and dehydrated. They affect carry capacity. But I don't think that's why you were having trouble since I'm often hundreds of KG over weight by the time I finish a location.

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg324213 күн бұрын

    41:30 I think the real lesson isn't to save often, it's to look at your health bar often. lol

  • @JuliusPlissken
    @JuliusPlissken13 күн бұрын

    🤣 True dat!

  • @the_omg3242
    @the_omg324213 күн бұрын

    45:19 You don't know why you're taking more grendels? Simple, it's because they're worth a few hundred credits each and you're on the verge of poverty. Also they're more effective than you think if you go with headshots and do short bursts instead of mag dumps to the torso. Also, I don't think you've noticed this yet, but that zero when you're looking at your med packs in the weapon selector is the quick select button not the quantity you're carrying. You might also want to favorite trama packs and maybe a combat drug or 2. It's also worth setting your food and drink to give extra healing and take the 2% XP hit. It doesn't make eating or drinking overpowered, but it does make it useful for recovering a bit of health when you find something sitting on a counter. Just consume instead of take. You also missed the big loot crate at that tower. It's behind the security door in the big warehouse room and will usually have something between rare and legendary. Pretty much every large location has a main loot crate somewhere. You'd be surprised how varied some of those random quests you hear about on the street can be. Sure there's a lot of similarity, but there's a few that really stand out. Also, at some point you should investigate what's going on in Altair. You'll get a ton of XP by the time you're done there.

  • @JuliusPlissken
    @JuliusPlissken13 күн бұрын

    Appreciate the tips!

  • @gjgoltz
    @gjgoltz26 күн бұрын

    I've just started a playthrough of the game as well. Can't wait for the DLC!