Tarnovgrad - majestic and glorious

Tarnovgrad - majestic and glorious

Tarnovgrad - majestic and glorious was created with the aim of showing more about the Old Bulgarian capital - Veliko Tarnovo and the settlements around the city, which also play an important role in Bulgarian history and are guardians of the Bulgarian spirit. Veliko Tarnovo is a Bulgarian city located in Central Northern Bulgaria. Roman and Byzantine cities existed in its place, and in the following years a Slavic settlement. After the arrival of the Bulgarians, it became an important city during the First Bulgarian Kingdom. It is located in an important strategic location and routes from the Western Balkans to the Black Sea and from Europe to the Middle East pass through it. Surrounded and protected by the Tarnovo heights. Tarnovgrad was the capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom in 1598 and the capital of the Third Bulgarian State for one year.
