Blue Gum Farm TV

Blue Gum Farm TV

Set in rural Queensland, Blue Gum Farm TV is a fun and engaging program for children about life on a real farm! With cute farm animals, beautiful children’s songs and vibrant music, this program is irresistible to young children! With a series of online videos as well as live concert tours, Blue Gum Farm TV shares Australia’s unique rural heritage and farming culture through a fun, interactive program, complete with costumes, puppets and loveable Aussie characters! Now seen on Muster Dogs, Series 2 on ABC Australia!

Produced on Cilla’s family farm in Queensland, Blue Gum Farm TV is a show for children that follows the fascinating adventures of life in the Australian Outback. From milking the cow to harvesting the vegetables, this program is full of farm experiences that children will love! So, for authentic and experiences children’s entertainment, Blue Gum Farm TV is a must-see! Chapter One, Two, Three and Four DVDs, Streaming/Download options and other merch now available!

The Ash Barky Song

The Ash Barky Song
