Summit Ministries

Summit Ministries

Since 1962, Summit Ministries has been training Christians in worldview development and analysis. Summit is your leading worldview ministry with abundant resources online ( for your encouragement and training. Summit's Student Worldview Conferences are intensive 12-day retreats designed to teach young adults critical and biblical thinking skills to champion a biblical worldview.

Why Should Christians Read?

Why Should Christians Read?

What is the Church For?

What is the Church For?


  • @emmaslininger6398
    @emmaslininger63982 күн бұрын

    One of the most important topics to be talking about in my opinion! Definitely wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the first time I heard Jon speak!

  • @KentNazarene
    @KentNazarene3 күн бұрын

    Neither of these knuckleheads are qualified to talk about mental health. They are politicians in sheep's clothing.

  • @briannehill7583
    @briannehill75833 күн бұрын

    Earlier this month, about a week and a few days ago a friend from my childhood shot himself. Something happened and its assumed that he was in the middle of a PTSD moment. He was also struggling with depression. Thank you for this episode.

  • @cinven38
    @cinven383 күн бұрын

    Reading expands our vocabulary and fluency developing better communication skills.

  • @posturebalanceandfitness8429
    @posturebalanceandfitness84293 күн бұрын

    Anne of Green Gables is my go to book whenever I feel like I need a vocabulary boost. Haha

  • @CaroRitoh-rv5bh
    @CaroRitoh-rv5bh3 күн бұрын

    Whatever people say about islam , in the end this religion will be in every inch in this planet

  • @JackRyanMurphy
    @JackRyanMurphy5 күн бұрын

    Love it!

  • @juliopenaloza5655
    @juliopenaloza56556 күн бұрын

    This video shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what Latter-Day Saints (mormons) believe. Not a good source for getting your information and determining whether or not you can consider them Christian, which they very much are.

  • @user-to8ye6mk9m
    @user-to8ye6mk9m6 күн бұрын

    Who did create the environment we live in ? Wasn't it the God of the Bible ? And He said that everything He had created was good. The only thing human beings should do was to maintain His creation in order. So, Jewdeo-Christian world view is perfect. You have made the right choice.❤

  • @Warrior4Him74
    @Warrior4Him746 күн бұрын

    No words! Summit Session 7, 2023, I miss y'all! Y'all were the highlight of the last decade for me and I pray blessings over you all! 💘

  • @victorialaing4227
    @victorialaing42277 күн бұрын

    Some Christian’s are just too judgmental and controlling and harsh but it feels good to know that god still loves gay and lesbian people

  • @ElectraGamingYTR
    @ElectraGamingYTR7 күн бұрын

    Heres a quote for all the lgbtq haters “ gay people dont go to hell because they’re gay and straight people dont go to heaven because they’re straight”

  • @sergioortiz1839
    @sergioortiz18397 күн бұрын

    Leviticus 22:20 Do not bring anything with a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf. We are all defected by sin. This is why Jesus being perfect was the only one qualified as the ultimate sacrifice for our transgressions!!!!

  • @cherisec1170
    @cherisec11708 күн бұрын

    He had the nerve to talk about black people and black liberation. This is garbage. He doesn’t know anything about black people and what we believe. Listening to him makes me sick to my stomach. He had so many claims like Trump. Black people do believe in the miracles of Jesus. How many black people does this guy know??? He compares the fact that black people want to be treated justly to communism. What a fraud he is and this is why. Christian nationalism is a disguise for bigotry. Similar to their ancestors giving us the slave bible. He doesn’t know anything about black people and what our relationship with Jesus is. Disgusting!!! Charlie Kirk is definitely a bigot and he hangs with the likes of them. He is no authority race. Let alone black people suffering under he and people like him bigotry

  • @Cadenjb
    @Cadenjb9 күн бұрын

    You killed this, Lorraine!

  • @loraineferrin1922
    @loraineferrin19229 күн бұрын

    Thanks Caden!!

  • @soulfire2095
    @soulfire20959 күн бұрын

    Yo! 2:40 is where I’m at! Ashton is one of the best guys I’ve met at Summit. My prayers for you are continual! Thank you Summit Ministries for all that you’ve done for us students and our families!

  • @yanedlmacall8251
    @yanedlmacall825110 күн бұрын

    Amazing video!!!

  • @scottcarmack1897
    @scottcarmack189710 күн бұрын

    Someone should show John the great documentary “Eve in Exile” from Canon Press. There’s a book by the same title. Well worth the watch.

  • @georgedoyle2487
    @georgedoyle248710 күн бұрын

    [“FALSE EQUIVOCATION”] [“This is such a lazy critique of moral relativism”] Sorry but “LAZY CRITIQUE OF MORAL RELATIVISM” according to who? Or what absolute, universal, objective standard of measure exactly? I’ll wait!! Don’t lose your FAITH though because perhaps this was a “LAZY CRITIQUE OF MORAL RELATIVISM” according to nothing more substantive than brain chemicals, that is nothing more substantive than the brains (USER ILLUSION) of self accidentally bubbling over - right? That is nothing more substantive than the delusions of a determined machine, a biological and chemical robot with the illusion of freewill, that is the illusion of “RATIONAL DECISION MAKING” and being “MORALLY SUPERIOR” whilst screaming into oblivion “FALSE EQUIVOCATION” - yes? This is beyond ironic and beyond absurd and triggered. Sorry to break it to you buddy but under this strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical it’s all nothing more substantive than ultimately meaningless word games - right? Have you even read Nietzsche, Camus or Foucault? Just simply have the courage of your convictions and live it out? You can’t live it out, not even for a second!! Your world view, your absurdity, your ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, HOLLOW AND SOULLESS APE, your determined machine, your ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL ROBOT, your existential crisis and your epistemological crisis not the theists!! The fact is that under this strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical naturalism “you” and your very ironic “LAZY” argument are nothing more substantive than the science project of vinegar and baking soda accidentally bubbling over - right? Sorry but does the science project of vinegar and baking soda accidentally bubble over “TRUTH” with a capital T when it claims that critiques of moral relativism are just a “FALSE EQUIVOCATION”? This is a self own on multiple levels - isn’t it? Moreover, the claim that a world view is “LAZY” and is a “FALSE EQUIVOCATION””, by the way, that’s a “PHILOSOPHICAL” claim mate, that’s a value claim, that is a METAPHYSICAL presupposition and a transcendental category. You are now in the domain of metaphysics buddy. And that’s our domain - yes? By the way, you just totally and utterly refuted yourself!! “Philosophy always buries its undertakers." Indeed, you can't get away from philosophy. It's like logic. To deny it is to use it.” C. S. Lewis famously wrote. The fact is that when our pride usurps metaphysics, that is when our pride usurps TRUTH and VALUE and OBJECTIVE MORALITY, we walk on the shifting sands of relativism, materialism, moral subjectivism and solipsism, a narcissistic and ego driven reality!! Prove me wrong? I’ll wait!!

  • @georgedoyle2487
    @georgedoyle248710 күн бұрын

    [“It doesn't appear I am the one triggered or projecting here. Do you even have anything to add?”] - Chidds. SMOKESCREENS AGAIN!! You’re the one who’s provided zero argumentation and have completely failed to address my arguments and will continue to obfuscate and tap dance around the ELEPHANT in the room - right? Sorry but I’m the one “TRIGGERED AND PROJECTING” according to who? Or what absolute, universal, objective standard of measure exactly? I’m the one “TRIGGERED AND PROJECTING” according to the standard of an overgrown amoeba with illusions of grandeur? Or “TRIGGERED AND PROJECTING” according to the standard of nothing more substantive than the delusions of an ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, HOLLOW AND SOULLESS APE who shares half their DNA with a POTATO? Your worldview, your absurdity, Your ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, HOLLOW AND SOULLESS APE, your ELEPHANT in the room, your existential crisis, your epistemological crisis not the theists - right? There’s still hope though because perhaps I’m the one “TRIGGERED AND PROJECTING” and “ADDED NOTHING” according to nothing more substantive than the standard of the blind, mindless, ultimately meaningless, accidental arrangement of [random atoms] and [brain chemicals] creating the illusion of stable patterns and regularities - yes? Your worldview, your absurdity, your ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, HOLLOW AND SOULLESS APE, your existential crisis and your epistemological crisis not the theists!! There’s still hope though because perhaps I’ve “ADDED NOTHING” according to nothing more substantive than [brain fizz] creating the illusion of stable patterns and regularities - yes? That is nothing more substantive than the science project of vinegar and baking soda accidentally bubbling over!! Moreover, that is nothing more substantive than the blind, mindless, ultimately meaningless accidental arrangement of POND SLIME evolved to an allegedly “HIGHER” order - right? Your worldview, your absurdity, your ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, HOLLOW AND SOULLESS APE, your ELEPHANT in the room, your existential crisis and your epistemological crisis not the theists!! I mean, everyone has a right to believe what they want under moral relativism and moral subjectivism - yes? Because in an ultimately meaningless universe we all allegedly just create our own meaning and purpose - right? Sorry but every one has a right to believe what they want and everyone including theists have a right to find it totally ridiculous, totally fatalistic, totally nihilistic and totally and utterly self refuting!! Prove me wrong? I’ll wait!!

  • @georgedoyle2487
    @georgedoyle248710 күн бұрын

    This is a response to Chidds again as I’m still being shadow banned by the left wing THOUGHT POLICE. Which actually proves my point about this so called “LIBERAL FREETHINKING” atheistic, nihilistic, fan fiction!!

  • @georgedoyle2487
    @georgedoyle248711 күн бұрын

    This is a response to Chidds above as I’m being shadow banned by the left wing THOUGHT POLICE. What a surprise!! [“Seeing this now, I do wonder why it is missing a response. Perhaps it is because it veers wildly off on a tangent, but more likely because I somehow missed it. Nowhere did I even imply the notion of relative truth. Relative morality does not necessitate relative truth. The two are often packaged together to erect a strawman that one can bash. And bash you have.”] SMOKESCREEN!! Listening to triggered atheists projecting and pontificating about absolute “TRUTH” whilst subscribing to the belief that we are all ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS, HOLLOW AND SOULLESS APES WHO SHARE HALF THEIR DNA WITH A BANANA IS PRICELESS!! Moreover, listening to strictly reductive materialists, atheists or philosophical naturalists proselytising and preaching about “RELATIVE MORALITY” whilst subscribing to the belief that we are all nothing more substantive than ultimately meaningless HOLLOW AND SOULLESS OVERGROWN AMOEBAS WITH ILLUSIONS OF GRANDEUR is as entertaining as watching someone trying to thrash the front of his car with the branch of a tree in order to beat it into submission! It's very Basil Fawlty like at times!! But without the comedy value. CRINGE ATHEISM in full effect!!

  • @alvarobellidodeluna1579
    @alvarobellidodeluna157911 күн бұрын

    As followers of Christ, we are called to love one another and to uphold the teachings of the Bible. It’s important to address what Scripture says about various topics, including homosexuality, with both truth and grace. The Bible does contain passages that address homosexual behavior. For example, Leviticus 18:22 (NIV) states, “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” Similarly, Romans 1:26-27 (NIV) says, “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.” These verses reflect the biblical perspective on homosexual acts. However, it is crucial to approach this topic with the love and compassion that Jesus exemplified. Jesus spent time with those who were marginalized and showed kindness to everyone, regardless of their past or current behaviors. In John 8:7 (NIV), when a woman caught in adultery was brought before Him, Jesus said, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” This teaches us to approach others with humility, recognizing our own imperfections. Furthermore, the Bible teaches us to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15, NIV). This means addressing sin not with condemnation, but with a heart aimed at restoration and love. We are all in need of God’s grace, and our interactions should reflect the transformative love of Christ. As we navigate conversations about faith and sexuality, let’s remember Jesus’ commandment in Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV), “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” By loving our neighbors and treating them with respect and dignity, we embody the essence of the Gospel and create opportunities for genuine, transformative dialogue.

  • @RonSilver-k8x
    @RonSilver-k8x11 күн бұрын

    This conversation is like a group of imbeciles discussing how troubling their imbecilia is amongst themselves ? ! The real question would be , do any of these persons of whatever they refer to themselves as realize that their just imbeciles ? ! Now just sit back & watch .

  • @Homeland.
    @Homeland.12 күн бұрын

    They made the automobile mandatory and it's a big deal. And what does the oath official's take mean exactly?

  • @Homeland.
    @Homeland.12 күн бұрын

    I'm glad you are on here. Can you tell the " conservatives" the difference between privileges and rights from God. Because they are calling access to privilege freedoms. It's illegal to sleep and travel. We are supposed to be free to travel to all points by foot and beast.

  • @elliottmoffatporter4572
    @elliottmoffatporter457213 күн бұрын

    The biggest scientific study of genetics (500,000 people) showed that no one is born gay - influence of genes is 8-25% - the rest is choice - yes, most likely influenced by environment. Our true identity is in Christ, any other pathway leads to incompleteness and separation from God.

  • @John-jh9ud
    @John-jh9ud13 күн бұрын

    The trinity is not preached in the scriptures

  • @John-jh9ud
    @John-jh9ud13 күн бұрын

    Christianity is not a united Faith

  • @Ralph419
    @Ralph41911 күн бұрын

    LDS people are not united over where the Book of Mormon events occurred. One large group of followers insists it happened in Meso-America, another group claims it happened in regions of the United States. Christianity is far more united with the Doctrine of the Trinity than members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are with their divisive Book of Mormon geography.

  • @phillipjakediaz9783
    @phillipjakediaz978314 күн бұрын

    Both economic systems are rooted in sinful ways.

  • @Cadenjb
    @Cadenjb14 күн бұрын

    Amazing work Summit online!

  • @EverythingForLife777
    @EverythingForLife77715 күн бұрын

    I worked with a Mormon and he was very smart, educated, nice and strongly believed his faith. I look forward to God speaking truth to all of us and we become one mind.

  • @EverythingForLife777
    @EverythingForLife77715 күн бұрын

    Interestingly, Mormon book lists places that DON'T EXIST on earth & there's NOTHING in if that can be verified, unlike the Bible.

  • @ralkumar8254
    @ralkumar825415 күн бұрын

    Intersting podcast.... thank you

  • @summitministries
    @summitministries12 күн бұрын

    Thanks for watching!

  • @VodkaTheAntiAlcoholic
    @VodkaTheAntiAlcoholic15 күн бұрын

    The way I think of it is if we must abide by the commandment, “Thou shalt not murder” and suicide is considered a violation of this because it is the murder of one’s self, then a sinful act of not loving thy neighbor is parallel to being sinful of not loving thyself. It’s the same transgression against yourself that is considered sinful, just as if it were perpetrated against your neighbor. Just don’t go narcissistic.

  • @Nikki-me4Gd
    @Nikki-me4Gd16 күн бұрын

    Ummm not at thre expense of yourself, that's not biblical, that's just church indoctrination

  • @Homeland.
    @Homeland.17 күн бұрын

    I'm glad you see you doing this. We are in a physical fight with people in government. We've not been protected by the law and capital punishment while they have been being protected by killing and the law for so long that now we've just got to die for who we are.

  • @truthwatch2858
    @truthwatch285817 күн бұрын


  • @teresathomas7772
    @teresathomas777218 күн бұрын

    I know I am not the only one who GETTING TRIED …hates another slap in the face OVER ANOTHER man who claims they are preachers of the word of God BUT are grooming little girls for sex. YUP ! TIRED!!!!

  • @cwmillerrr1
    @cwmillerrr118 күн бұрын

    Needs to be reimagined

  • @MaryMouse51
    @MaryMouse5118 күн бұрын

    Since your discussion covered spiritual warfare, I highly recommend Nancy Guthrie's book "Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation." She does a brilliant job of explaining the COSMIC battle between God and Satan. Perhaps many Christians such as myself tend to think of spiritual warfare as an individual battle. Even when we look at the "culture war," I get the feeling that Christians are supposed to get out there and fight so that biblical people will be in power. The call of the Book of Revelation is a call to "patient endurance," and Jesus is asking us to have the perspective of heaven, as John wrote, "I saw heaven opened."

  • @dougfagerstrom8466
    @dougfagerstrom846619 күн бұрын

    Brilliant! Informative and inspirational! This level of awareness will lead to awesome action.

  • @johnfrancis3203
    @johnfrancis320319 күн бұрын

    Needs John L Cooper imo

  • @bluefallon6374
    @bluefallon637422 күн бұрын

    Religion is a man made construct, god loves us no matter what we do our say ,and we go to heaven no matter what we have done. I believe we we feel the pain we cause ourselves and others, and we we will try harder to do the loving thing to do in situations that are difficult.

  • @nifokoula1
    @nifokoula122 күн бұрын

    Thank for you discussing such an important topic. I lost a lot of friends in the 1990’s to this via the works on f Rob Bell and co. Blessings from NZ

  • @nesara106
    @nesara10623 күн бұрын

    this doesnot help, we want help from him, to interact we have lot of people

  • @user-hr8dx9qw4n
    @user-hr8dx9qw4n23 күн бұрын

    God might be good. It might be not your version of a god. So if you dont wana make god mad, then dont go to gay events and tell young gays, they shall not marry their loved same sex partner and shall not raise kids in responsibility. Maybe you go down a very wrong road with that. I anyway send you a lot human love from a Deist :)

  • @user-tc7fb2pb6j
    @user-tc7fb2pb6j23 күн бұрын

    Come on man its too eazy

  • @stevenscott7915
    @stevenscott791524 күн бұрын

    Well said!

  • @cookiebrain129
    @cookiebrain12924 күн бұрын

    There is conclusive evidence. -__- The brain regulates sexual behavior through a complex system of subcortical structures and cortical brain areas. Some parts of the brain that are involved in sexuality include: Hypothalamus: The body's hormone control center, which regulates desire, lubrication, and erection. It also releases hormones that regulate sexual behavior and fertility. Amygdala: Plays a role in emotions like pleasure. The placement of connections in the amygdala differs between heterosexual and homosexual individuals. Orbitofrontal cortex: A decision-making area that's involved in initiating sexual activity. Thalamus: Involved in sexual arousal and reward. The thalamus of heterosexual individuals is larger than that of homosexual individuals. Septal region: Involved in pleasurable response and orgasm.

  • @rogersacco4624
    @rogersacco462425 күн бұрын

    I prefer Peter Enns books and podcasr.