derek stormaway

derek stormaway













YouTube  Desert Storm in Italy

YouTube Desert Storm in Italy







B.M.W (who put the sugar).wmv

B.M.W (who put the sugar).wmv


  • @fleontrotsky
    @fleontrotsky4 ай бұрын

    Looking back. It was so obviously quietly sponsored by intelligence agencies. Westernise Bosnia the old fashioned way. Sex, drugs and fast music. This is just an observation, not a moral judgement.

  • @HassanCodA-Xod8hm.
    @HassanCodA-Xod8hm.6 ай бұрын

    Desert storm are my friends and 1 of them is missing 🔥🔥 4:24

  • @antonellaconcilio285
    @antonellaconcilio2857 ай бұрын

    Came for the anniversary in London in 2018 and I was thinking...FFS he's been part of my life for 30 years 😅😅 so I am very old 😂❤music is freedom 🎈 we have never paid for it 🖕

  • @antonellaconcilio285
    @antonellaconcilio2857 ай бұрын

    Met you in Italy and around Europe. Keith ...u r missed ❤

  • @user-ln9un3ih4r
    @user-ln9un3ih4r11 ай бұрын

    Oh my days to see my friend Keith r.i.p james .hope.your ok with Love little Scouser you lot were always game as fuck

  • @amrakalem
    @amrakalem Жыл бұрын

    wooow, glade to find this but it need better name for easy finding

  • @danielkelbrick7744
    @danielkelbrick7744 Жыл бұрын

    Peace keepers friends 😁

  • @T41k15
    @T41k15 Жыл бұрын

    Nice video! Which track is being played at 15:37? Thanks :-)

  • @Goratek
    @Goratek2 жыл бұрын

    Funny crew ! Had the honour to meet Keith, great guy ! Rave in heaven my friend

  • @doctormosy7411
    @doctormosy74113 жыл бұрын

    Music is not a luxury, it's an essential

  • @TheDK106
    @TheDK1063 жыл бұрын

    Rave On🔥

  • @benutzmich23
    @benutzmich233 жыл бұрын

    anybody knows the name of the track which is playing on minute 28:30?

  • @MainDrainStudios
    @MainDrainStudios3 жыл бұрын

    Robert Patterson on patrol b4 Twilight hit @21:36

  • @BlackMagikTeam
    @BlackMagikTeam3 жыл бұрын

    Law say than i have the Sound System more great of You!!

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    oh ye im not weird or dead yet... keith always says were not dead yet simmy..

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    the mushrooms processed stuff was in the cab main light fitting the hash on new years day was in my money pocket

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын


  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    26 wheel studs and nuts later danny....!!!

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    watch out for the road blocks...!!

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    im happy to see keith again after so many years i went to the former states before it broke up and only encountered needy people so they helped me so elfacto reverso i feel for keith all i ask is why ?? dmt ideas ffs [email protected]

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    we changed the gear box using a under truck blanky and a cooker to heat all the metal and the local people were magno superbo never forget the night in the farmers and his new wifes new house 4 ways to heat it hot bath all round at new years day and a wee two joints worth i kept.... gear box installed watch out for low volts in EU

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    the big plug socket for the hub... lol had to steal it from the local shop /... terrible insider secrets we needed the big biggest ish socket for the dif..

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    now keith has gone ill add some memories he cant...

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    echo danny etc kick back nice to make links even the full on guys mr veggy

  • @simeonwebber1636
    @simeonwebber16363 жыл бұрын

    where is kerry??

  • @tobybowden4009
    @tobybowden40094 жыл бұрын

    I remember going to Africa with Kieth and Rory, we woke up in a police station!

  • @tobybowden4009
    @tobybowden40094 жыл бұрын

    Miss you so much brother. T and R and Z xxx

  • @E180TEKNO
    @E180TEKNO4 жыл бұрын

    the best documentaire on travlers for me

  • @radekadamuska2305
    @radekadamuska23054 жыл бұрын

    Name of track 13:24 please Thanks

  • @NeilDnb
    @NeilDnb5 жыл бұрын

    Yes Dstorm!

  • @dielucchesi2400
    @dielucchesi24006 жыл бұрын

    RIP ❤️❤️❤️

  • @augustineleudar
    @augustineleudar7 жыл бұрын

    Track ID at 2:35 ?

  • @T41k15
    @T41k15 Жыл бұрын

    Looking for it as well. Let me know if you find it :)

  • @gabrielevurchio
    @gabrielevurchio7 жыл бұрын

    Rest in Party Brother of Freedom <3

  • @42kHz
    @42kHz7 жыл бұрын

    Rave for peace - in Mladina („Youth“) magazine 9.1.1996 Eight citizens of Manchester, Nottingham and Glasgow, members of the nonformal humanitarian association, the Desert Storm group, were determined to go to Sarajevo. Their van broke not far away from Postojna(1) so for some time they encamped in Metelkova(2) where they, just after Christmas, staged the typical English rave party, with their own sound system and a miniature light show, on which danced the sworn punkers of the Ljubljana squatt. I have caught DJ Danny Baxter and the spiritual leader Joe Marshall while they were eating the squatt snack and the others were trying to melt the snow on a little stove to wash their socks. P. S. Desert Storm had happily arrived to Sarajevo club Obala (“Coast”) on 4th of January. How do you plan to reach Sarajevo? In Postojna we would join the Worker’s Aid convoy, which is organized by the trade unionists and which takes the humanitarian aid to Sarajevo. The charity activities, getting funds for the hungry and for the victims of war is something that’s very common in Britain, especially around Christmas. In the van we have equipment for playing music, also food, clothes and toys, for which we collected money through our charity shows. Is this the first time you go to Bosnia? No, Danny and me have been to Tuzla twice, last time for last year’s Christmas holidays. During the night we were driving around in a truck with one side opened, from which the music was banging and the light show was shining. The people of Tuzla, also the mayor, were coming out of their houses, danced in front of the truck and followed us through the city. Then the military police came and said we should better turn the light show off, so we wouldn’t be picked as a target. How long do you plan to come here? Because I was raised in the spirit of pacifism, my thought is to express solidarity to the neglected, who should have been protected by the United Nations, but were killed nevertheless. For a trip to Bosnia we’ve decided spontaneously, without too much of a planning, there we have found out that we are more than welcome. We don’t believe in fight for nationalistic motives, one should fight for their home, family and life. Our help is aimed towards the people of Bosnia, and not the Bosnian government, and maybe we will start to think about visiting all the three parties involved. But it is in question because the tensions are still high. What are you doing back home in England? Around summer of 1989 the techno or rave scene started in England - before, American house scene was stronger - which together with ecstasy turned the lifestyle of people upside down, and which came from the underground and the squatts. It was still very alive in the squatts and on the illegal raves. For people, especially for those who were there from the very beginning, the atmosphere is more relaxed on illegal, free raves on the plains or in the abandoned buildings than in the clubs, where one goes without really knowing why. The network of illegal rave organizers is organized the same way the Falkland war protestors were organized, except the cause is techno. After the adoption of Criminal Justice Bill, against which we stand, the techno has gathered in an apolitical coalition a big number of civil groups. Groups, which are the direct response of the minority to laws of this kind and the pressures of the power, don’t have political goals or purposes to have effect on voters. We don’t want to be part of the government but to operate parallel, to retain the right to autonomy. Free raves, you say. How do you make a living, then? The majority receives social assistance, while Keith, for example, who is owner of the equipment, studies electrical engineering. In the raves we usually collect voluntary contributions, and we earn some money by selling drinks. If there is no at least beer, English ravers go mad, which means we don’t have big losses. Anyway, we start everything because of our own pleasure in the first place, because of the atmosphere and hanging out with people you can meet only in this type of parties. 1 A small town in Slovenija. 2 A squatt in Ljubljana (capital of Slovenija). KEITH ROBINSON 06.08.68 - 18.09.16 Rave In Peace

  • @Lolife86
    @Lolife864 жыл бұрын

    World traveler adventure :D

  • @42kHz
    @42kHz7 жыл бұрын

    REJV ZA MIR - v reviji MLADINA, št. 2, 9.1.1996; Jaša Kramaršič Osem meščanov iz Manchestra, Nottinghama in Glasgowa, članov odprave Desert Storm, neformalnega humanitarnega združenja, je bilo sicer namenjeno v Sarajevo. Ker pa se jim je nedaleč od Postojne pokvaril kombi, so se za nekaj časa utaborili na Metelkovi in tam takoj po božiču z lastnim ozvočenjem in miniaturnim light showom, uprizorili značilno angleški rejv, na katerem so zaplesali celo zapriseženi pankovci iz ljubljanskega skvota. Didžeja Dannja Baxterja in duhovnega vodjo Joeja Marshalla sem zalotil, medtem ko sta jedla ravno skvotersko malico, drugi pa so skušali na pečici staliti sneg za pranje nogavic. P.S. Desert Storm je 4.1. srečno prispel v sarajevski klub Obala. Kako nameravate priti do Sarajeva? V Postojni naj bi se priključili konvoju Worker's Aid, ki ga organizirajo sindikalisti in pelje humanitarno pomoč v Sarajevo. Dobrodelna dejavnost, prispevanje sredstev za lačne, za žrtve vojne in podobno, je v Britaniji kar razširjena, posebno okoli božiča. Sami peljemo v kombiju opremo za predvajanje muzike, pa tudi hrano, obleke in igrače, za katere smo zbrali denar z dobrodelnim nastopanjem. Greste prvič v Bosno? Ne, midva z Dannyjem sva bila z Desert Stormom že dvakrat v Tuzli, nazadnje za lanske božične praznike. Ponoči smo se peljali s tovornjakom, ki je bil na eni strani odprt, s katerega je udarjala muzika in je svetil light show. Ljudje, tudi župan Tuzle, so prihajali iz hiš, plesali pred tovornjakom in nam sledili skozi mesto. Prišli pa so tudi vojaški policaji in nam rekli, naj raje ugasnemo svetlobne efekte, da si nas kdo ne izbere za tarčo. Kako dolgo še nameravate prihajati sem? Ker sem odrastel v pacifističnem duhu, se mi je zdelo, da je treba izraziti solidarnost z zapostavljenimi, ki naj bi jih ščitili Združeni narodi, pa so jih vseeno pobijali. Za pot v Bosno smo se odločili spontano, brez nevemkakšnega načrtovanja, tam pa smo ugotovili, da smo nadvse dobrodošli. Ne verjamemo v boj z nacionalističnih motivov, treba pa se je boriti za svoj dom, družino in življenje. Naša pomoč je namenjena bosenskemu ljudstvu in ne bosenski vladi, morda pa bomo začeli razmišljati tudi o gostovanju vseh treh vpletenih straneh. Vprašanje, kajti strasti so že zelo razvite. Kaj počnete doma v Angliji? Okoli leta 89, se je v Angliji začela tehno ali rejv scena - prej je šlo bolj za ameriški house -, ki je skupaj z ecstasyjem spreobrnila življenjski slog ljudi, prišla pa je iz undergrounda in skvotov. V skvotih ali na ilegalnih rejvih je še vedno zelo živo. Ljudem, posebej tistim, ki so zraven od samega začetka, je namreč bolj všeč sproščena atmosfera na ilegalnih, zastonjskih rejvih na planem ali v zapuščenih poslopjih kot plesi v klubih, kamor se hodi, ne da bi se točno vedelo, zakaj. Mreža prirediteljev ilegalnih rejvov je organizirana po istem vzorcu, kot so se organizirali protestniki za časa Falklandskih otokov, le da gre za techno. Od sprejetja Criminal Justice Billa, proti kateremu nastopamo, je tehno v apolitični koaliciji proti temu zakonu združil veliko civilnih skupin. Skupin, ki so neposreden odziv manjšine na tovrstne zakone in pritiske oblasti in ki nimajo političnih ciljev ali namena, da bi vplivale na volivce. Nočemo postati del vlade, temveč delovati vzporedno, ohraniti pravico do avtonomije. Zastonjski rejvi, pravite. Od česa pa potem živite? Največ nas živi od socialne pomoči, Keith, ki je lastnik opreme, pa, recimo, študira elektrotehniko. Na rejvih ponavadi zbiramo prostovoljne prispevke, nekaj denarja pa zaslužimo tudi s prodajo pijače. Če ni vsaj piva, angleški rejverji pobesnijo, kar pa ne pomeni, da nimamo velikokrat izgube. Kakorkoli že, vse počnemo v prvi vrsti zaradi lastnega užitka, zaradi vzdušja in druženja z ljudmi, ki jih spoznaš le na takih zabavah.

  • @radekadamuska2305
    @radekadamuska23054 жыл бұрын

    Hi name od track please 13:24 Thanks

  • @miarose4581
    @miarose45817 жыл бұрын

    amazing ♥

  • @tim77ski
    @tim77ski7 жыл бұрын

    Great video.

  • @hahahahaha02
    @hahahahaha027 жыл бұрын

    Name of the tune at 27:55 please ?? Thanks a lot!

  • @42kHz
    @42kHz7 жыл бұрын

    sounds very similar to: Sourmash - Pilgrimage to paradise

  • @hahahahaha02
    @hahahahaha027 жыл бұрын

    Thank you! Yes very similar but not exactly the same tune! Great one anyway!

  • @hahahahaha02
    @hahahahaha027 жыл бұрын

    Ok, it is absolutely not "Nexus 6 - Très Chic". Still looking for it !

  • @42kHz
    @42kHz5 жыл бұрын

    I mean, it is mix of two tracks, vocals from Sourmash - Pilgrimage to paradise |Prolekult ‎- KULT 001| and mostly melody is from track Dharma Bums - Wrong Is Right |ZOOM 025|

  • @SerialGlandeuze
    @SerialGlandeuze7 жыл бұрын

    r i p ...

  • @likklewicked
    @likklewicked7 жыл бұрын

    RIP VIP Keith you're right about the trees and rocks feeling the bass. You will be missed brother x

  • @likklewicked
    @likklewicked7 жыл бұрын

    rip Mr Robinson xxxx

  • @donach9
    @donach97 жыл бұрын

    RIP Keith. Much respect.

  • @MattyJames
    @MattyJames7 жыл бұрын

    rest in peace Keith , am glad to know you and be your friend.... you were the life and soul of the party.......... see you on the other side bruv

  • @Mel-dy6qm
    @Mel-dy6qm2 жыл бұрын

    you know he will come and collect us.. beautiful pure of heart X

  • @cuntchops23
    @cuntchops237 жыл бұрын

    RIP Keith x

  • @42kHz
    @42kHz7 жыл бұрын

    rip Keith :(

  • @jonathanretico9576
    @jonathanretico95768 жыл бұрын


  • @petergrenier8493
    @petergrenier849310 жыл бұрын

    SP23 intrigates me..

  • @robertcefabol
    @robertcefabol10 жыл бұрын


  • @erlusio
    @erlusio10 жыл бұрын

    Doriano Natzukao R.I.P.

  • @makavasys
    @makavasys11 жыл бұрын

    Back again thanks so much

  • @zuskyeah4869
    @zuskyeah486911 жыл бұрын

    Adesso c'è un grande supermercato....... Speravo in qualcosa di più filosofico.......Peccato....

  • @neillcz
    @neillcz11 жыл бұрын

    nice job,,,,,all the spirals look nice and clean and fresh.......happy birthday and thanx 4 years of free partys.....

  • @HaraldOnTheRocks
    @HaraldOnTheRocks11 жыл бұрын

    absolutely amazing location

  • @E180TEKNO
    @E180TEKNO11 жыл бұрын

    network network network -- network network

  • @gazpf
    @gazpf11 жыл бұрын

    C U there

  • @oksanadet8125
    @oksanadet812511 жыл бұрын

    never want it to go off

  • @classickillah
    @classickillah11 жыл бұрын

    mad man!!!