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Here you can join myself 'wAFF' on a wonderful journey filled with Gaming, Game Reviews, Reaction videos, Film Reviews, Music, Funny content, Comedy...

Basically a ton of fun content for your entertainment, but Mainly me playing games and acting stupid :D

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  • @oxcygenia
    @oxcygenia15 күн бұрын

    mate yo need to play more the poeple needs more..

  • @lamahra
    @lamahra15 күн бұрын

    Cant wait to see the new place 😊 Glad ur landlord sympathised in the end 🥰

  • @edwardwilliams2438
    @edwardwilliams243819 күн бұрын

    Great reaction and critique. The trailers (teaser and this one) seems to push the oral/suffocation aspect that always.. sort of creeps audiences out. The original ALIEN preface is a nice note. Alverez appears to have done his home work. I'm excited! Thanks for the overview....

  • @HazmatEsports
    @HazmatEsports21 күн бұрын

    I remember when they installed those windows backwards and everyone could see inside and you couldnt see outside🤣

  • @Narcomancer1943
    @Narcomancer194321 күн бұрын

    Hope the move goes well, new gaming place sounds wicked. My gaming setup used to be in my bedroom but the house I moved into has a loft where I have all my gaming rig and painting station. The upgrade will feel awesome 😎

  • @mmp_4477
    @mmp_447721 күн бұрын

    Best of luck with the move waff! Looking forward to the vlog of the new yard ✌

  • @chrisdavies5410
    @chrisdavies541021 күн бұрын

    It's a nightmare moving out. Looking forward to seeing the place though. You'll smash it in Ibiza as always! 🙌

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLD21 күн бұрын

    Just wanted to give a quick update on my life at the moment!! Moving out is always a stress but also exciting for new beginnings!! I’ll be back with more videos next week…. I’ll try my best to get my acolyte review on over next couple of days too ❤

  • @Unclebuzzcocksne
    @Unclebuzzcocksne27 күн бұрын

    I guess he’d be a Sith apprentice. Seems far to young to be a sith lord. A much better episode though

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLD27 күн бұрын

    Yeah your probably right… he did seem too young. Will be cool if we get introduced to his master if he has one 😁. But yeah definitely a better episode 🙌🏻

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLD27 күн бұрын

    This episode was mnuch better, i really enjoyed this episode but there was some things that brought it down a notch, the writing just isnt very good on this show as a whole. Some reveals that i felt didn't land and some rubbish dialogue in places. But for the most part i really enjoyed it. Hopefully the next episodes can continue to feel this strong...but yeah ha.... we will have to wait and see. What did you think?

  • @moodmusicytc
    @moodmusicytcАй бұрын

    Oh no, a pronoun. womp womp

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Ha well I wouldn’t care at all if it wasn’t a forced thing put into something like Star Wars… I’ve got friends that have different pronouns, happy for anyone to call themselves whatever… but it just doesn’t work for me doing it in Star Wars! But what do I know… I’m a fat little hairy guy sat in a chair

  • @isfj1009
    @isfj1009Ай бұрын

    KK's trolls are trying to destroy George Lucas' Star Wars and demolish it into something that completely caters to extreme woke LGB2+3194BDJKSI23943+++XXX liberals. It's up to all true Star Wars fans to let this shit completely fail. Don't buy their woke merchandise. Don't pay to see their woke movies. I will still collect shirts, hoodies, caps, and lightsabers. But I promise you, NOTHING I collect has any direct affiliation with their woke shift.

  • @Unclebuzzcocksne
    @UnclebuzzcocksneАй бұрын

    They’re trying to play out a really deep emotional story, and have allowed it to be written by children. With other writers it could have been great

  • @Unclebuzzcocksne
    @UnclebuzzcocksneАй бұрын

    The pronoun craic is crazy. Random universe set probably 10’s of thousands of years in the future, using modern gender, controversial pronouns. Bizarre

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    This episode was better than episode 3 at least, but i felt like it just didn't really give us much at all, some questionable decisions came out of nowhere, new characters with pronouns, and an anti climax ending! What did you all think?

  • @terryh4987
    @terryh4987Ай бұрын

    Damn, trying to build a channel based around Disney Star Wars.. you're either brave or very stupid.

  • @Rickflair604
    @Rickflair604Ай бұрын

    disney ruins everything it touches to push woke messages

  • @Super-wk6jx
    @Super-wk6jxАй бұрын

    They dont understand why star wars was such a success and all they have in their mind is to hijack it for some political nonsense in something that is FAR FAR away.

  • @RAWBOT301
    @RAWBOT301Ай бұрын

    They are going to turn the Jedi into the bad guys because the woke producers and writers hate straight white males.

  • @jeffleake1960
    @jeffleake1960Ай бұрын

    I'll tell you what happened in episode 3 of the acolyte , they lost their damned minds is what happened ! They crazy !

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    hahaha yeah i think youve nailed it there 🤣

  • @trexx32
    @trexx32Ай бұрын

    Bad writing, bad acting, bad SFX and terrible directing

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Agreed…. Writing is the worst I think but it’s all bad right now

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Theres been a lot of conversations over the past day about what happened in episode 3 of The Acolyte. How the events happened at the end of the episode, what caused all that to happen! I was really confused myself whilst watching but ive watched it again and noticed some clues as to what may of happened. Also wanted to have some fun with theorys about what may or may not of happened, and give my take on what i think would of been better. Do you agree with any of these or disagree?

  • @billviola7884
    @billviola7884Ай бұрын

    I just want to know who Headland (Weinstein 's accomplice) is pegging at Disney

  • @cochese95
    @cochese95Ай бұрын

    Have you watched Clone wars animated series? They’re basically night sisters.

  • @brentfu1119
    @brentfu1119Ай бұрын

    I saw Episode 4 ar the Drive in for my 8th birthday. I've been a fan ever since. I am now becoming a Trekkie.

  • @theknightjester
    @theknightjesterАй бұрын

    Im sorry for your suffering. I know professionals that you can get in touch with if you need to forget the trauma quickly.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Ahh amazing Thankyou bro… means a lot! Yeah send the therapists my way man don’t think I’ll make it through the day if not 😝

  • @ez_w0rks
    @ez_w0rksАй бұрын

    It’s really a cringe fest. That whole ritual with the witches - actually hard to watch, gives you some serious second hand embarrassment. And the entire fire thing… in a stone building... That’s just awfully lazy writing.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    ha yeah i didnt actually know what i was feeling at that ritual scene, just felt off and didnt feel like it was star wars i was watching! Yeah the writing isnt very good at all, this episode was terrible writing. And yeah the fire in a stone cave burning down a metal door etc just felt like lazy writing! hopefully the mountain crumbling and all the explosions and dead witches will be explained in the next few epsiodes, and it will probably turn out that the jedi killed everyone or Mae did... but we shall see ha

  • @seanbrunsvig9100
    @seanbrunsvig9100Ай бұрын


  • @ArtofLunatik
    @ArtofLunatikАй бұрын

    it was definitely a hard watch.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    haha yeah it wasnt the best was it ha! I was literally shouting HOW THOUGH over and over at the end ha! Hopefully it gets better from here... i have heard that episode 4 is massively better so lets see i guess 😂

  • @ArtofLunatik
    @ArtofLunatikАй бұрын

    @@wAFFwORLD 😂😂 i hope so

  • @david7384
    @david7384Ай бұрын

    Black lesbian heros 😂 satire is dead

  • @5stardave
    @5stardaveАй бұрын

    This episode was really good. It expanded on some themes from "The Clone Wars" TV show. Gave more insight into the twins history.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    im glad you enjoyed it mate 😊 we all have our preferences : ) Unfortunately for me i didnt think this episode was any good but i have hope the show has something in store that will make me think otherwise! Episode 1 & 2 i enjoye denough though so its not been the worst thing ever.

  • @LordDarthHarry
    @LordDarthHarryАй бұрын

    People have been saying that * insert new thing here * has "destroyed Star Wars" since before Lucas sold off the franchise. At this point I just roll my eyes when I see a statement like that. As for the ending fo the epsiode....I think it's pretty fucking obvious Mae didn't really burn the whole place down. Something else happened at the same time. Seems like all the reviewers jsut turn their brains off at that part....

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    well yeah i can't believe the fire mae started did all of that, thats why i said theres gotta be another explanation to it. Probably the Jedi killed everyone or Mae randomly decided to kill everyone but i tihink it will be the Jedi after i watched it the second time. I just dont think its written well enough or executed well enough to really give an idea to anything else, thats how it felt watching but im sure theres going to be another explanation to it all : )

  • @davidmarsden192
    @davidmarsden192Ай бұрын

    There's a lot of speculation that at the end of the series, we'll find out that the Jedi slaughtered all the witches. Not sure how true that is, but it seems like that's the way it's going.

  • @767darthmaul
    @767darthmaulАй бұрын

    Mia slaughtered her own family then blamed the Jedi for it it’s bad writing really bad

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Yeah i rewatched it and seen that Torbyn had a scar across his face / eye so its looking like the jedi got into some fight with everyone possibly! But then how Mea tells Osha that mother is dead seemed pretty evil and she ha dno emoitonal reaction to it so maybe they mkae out that Mae killed everyone! That would be the most stupid i think but i guess it all depends how well its executed! The jedi fighting and killing everyone seems like the most explanable situation. Hopefully its explained in a way that makes sense in later episodes : )

  • @davidmarsden192
    @davidmarsden192Ай бұрын

    It was heavily implied in Episode III (Revenge of the Sith) that Darth Plageius the Wise was the only one skilled enough with the Force to manipulate the midichlorians (the Force) to create life, and did that to create Anakin (the Chosen One).

  • @DaCreativeVibes
    @DaCreativeVibesАй бұрын

    2 out of 10, you're a kind man. Haha🤣 Nice review btw

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    haha yeah i was torn between 1 & 2. I still cant decide to be honest but i was in a generous mood ha

  • @DirtMerchant101
    @DirtMerchant101Ай бұрын

    Dude… your thumbnail has me on the floor. That was the same reaction I had last night.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    hahaha yeah this definitely was my face throughout this epsiode, i just couldnt get what was going on ha... hopefully next episodes turn it all around but we shall see 😆

  • @teemoore72
    @teemoore72Ай бұрын

    Agreed! It’s just terrible. Remind what the Jedi did here to feel so much guilt that they’d let a brat kill them. She burned everyone lol!

  • @blackbirdfilms1966
    @blackbirdfilms1966Ай бұрын

    I'm betting Mae didn't do it and the make the Jedi do so

  • @5stardave
    @5stardaveАй бұрын

    In Mae's mind, the Jedi took Osha away and ruined her childhood.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    @@blackbirdfilms1966 yeah ive started to think maybe the Jedi could of killed everyone... but the episode just wasnt made well enough to create that specualtion. It just seemed that Mae set fire to a book in a underground cave and then the whole mountain blew up! Torbyn did have a scar on his eye at the end so something had to of happened! But if the jedi did kill everyone then i hope they still manage to explain how the whole mountian crumbles ha

  • @Unclebuzzcocksne
    @UnclebuzzcocksneАй бұрын

    There’s definitely more to the story that we’re yet to find out, bur that ep was 💩

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Yeah I’m hoping there’s some more to the story. Maybe the Jedi’s killed everyone and there was some fight but as far as that episode goes it does a bad job of helping the viewers see it in any other way as just comes across that the fire did all the damage but yeah let’s see ha 👊🏻🙌🏻

  • @Unclebuzzcocksne
    @UnclebuzzcocksneАй бұрын

    @@wAFFwORLD i read a theory, that they’ll tell the same story from different peoples perspectives. I don’t know if i can trust the writers that much though 😂

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    Well this episode was pretty bad! Its a shame as i enjoyed the first 2 episodes, they werent great but they had enough in there to keep me excited and some good moments. But this episode just made no sense at the end, just really bad writing and just was confusing! Hopefully they can explain some things in later episodes but we will have to wait and see... what was your thoughts??

  • @guygadbois3010
    @guygadbois3010Ай бұрын

    I've never seen a show that has such a problem understanding fire - in a prior episode there was fire in space where there's no oxygen, now there's fire burning stone and then a mountain. And apparently no fire alarms nor fire suppression systems, which kind of odd for a society that has space travel. I can understand dying of smoke inhalation, but I don't understand everyone going out to the same open-air courtyard and dying there because of it. Wtf?

  • @cassieainsworth83
    @cassieainsworth83Ай бұрын

    Cailee spaeny ❤

  • @Narcomancer1943
    @Narcomancer1943Ай бұрын

    Given new Disney and quite a big focus on representation etc, it’s really pulled out biased opinions from both sides of the spectrum on this one. So I’ve found it pretty hard to find a video that is even slightly unbiased haha. So glad you did one on this. I might give the first episode a go, more Jedi is always going to be cool and to see Carrie-Anne moss again will be worth it alone I reckon.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    haha yeah thats what i was finding myself, its was hard to see someone just speak about it like none of the mess around it was going on ha... yeah give it a go mate, its not the worst thign ever and theres loads of jedis ha so i thought it was enjoyable : )

  • @Narcomancer1943
    @Narcomancer1943Ай бұрын

    @@wAFFwORLD just watched the first episode tonight. I really thought they did some bits well, the musical score was great and felt like Star Wars.(obi wan score was an example of them not doing it well) but the bits they did badly dragged it down a bit. It was cool to see Carrie-Anne Moss but the fighting style and everything was basically copy pasted from the matrix, so again it kind of took me out of the Star Wars feel.

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    The series so far has some entertaining fun moments, but they are very short lived! Ultimately it falls short and just has got me interested enough with the characters and even more so the story! But it has only been 2 episodes so hopefully they do something to make it more engaging and interesting...but im not sure they wilkl be able to do that....yet! What do you all think to the show so far?

  • @ulfingvar1
    @ulfingvar1Ай бұрын

    If this is only half as intense as Don't Breathe, we have a winner!!!!!!

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    This look wicked, i cant wait to see the film. The horror looks on point and i love that its gone back to the roots of the orignal alien. Intense suspensful horror film in confined spaces... exactly the type of alien film ive been wanting!! What you all think to the trailer?

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    This game is soo much fun, i really do think its a great game and its only in Early Access so its only going to get better from here. The combat is some of the most satisfying combat i remeber playing in a game. The world, atmosphere, art style, story, characters, the abundance of loot and weapons just keeps this game exciting the whole wsy through and i cant wait to see what the full release has to offer! Have you played this game yet? what you think to it?

  • @joseluiszuniga3277
    @joseluiszuniga3277Ай бұрын

    you're crazy waff I never imagined you would like horror games, I can't play it for even an hour 😅😅 you are an incredible dj and an incredible streamer, I can't wait to see you in lost beach in Ecuador

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    I really enjoyed my time with this game. It's not perfect and theyre could of been some more mechanics and things added to the game to make the gameplay better. But for what it is, i really enjoyed my time with this game. It was definitely a great experince. I look ofrward to what the developers Ninja Theory come up with next, which ive heard is going to be a horror game...so with these graphics and level of detail i could only imagine how scary that could (hopefully) be! Waht do you all think to this game?

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    This was a sick part of the game to play. Dealing with this second Gaint was awesome. Have you mplayed this yet?

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    This was a pretty epic episode. Surviving the darkness with them creatures was pretty intense at points and to finish it off dealing with the Giant was really good fun. Im really enjoying the game so far. What you all think?

  • @wAFFwORLD
    @wAFFwORLDАй бұрын

    This whole level was pretty epic. I loved the scene with the giant to then end up in a sick battle with some crazy cannibals! What you think to the game?