


  • @govapminghuang6481
    @govapminghuang648127 секунд бұрын


  • @greatuser-jp1by
    @greatuser-jp1by4 сағат бұрын

    成毅標籤著 : 文戲細膩、武打精彩,每場戲都不會讓觀眾失望,全力以赴。

  • @user-hl4kx5cr9v
    @user-hl4kx5cr9v5 сағат бұрын

    恭喜成都斯凱奇門市開幕首日銷售突破107W! 斯凱奇品牌代言人成毅的影響力,號召力,商業價值極高,成毅當日未參加開幕活動,開業現場依舊果山果海,ie姊姊出征,寸草不生,連泥都要帶走👍人均氪金戰鬥機,主打一個排面👍 很期待下一個商務代言,快來,想買東西了😆 成毅=成億,火🔥的很安心! 成毅的商業價值肉眼可見的高👍品牌真會找代言人,成毅的號召力太牛了,擁有成毅就擁有ie,ie實力擺在那呢! 成毅商業號召力好牛,果果們也好給力💪

  • @user-hl4kx5cr9v
    @user-hl4kx5cr9v6 сағат бұрын

    待播電視劇一週期待榜,赴山海排名第一,期待值100分,滿分啊! 開心!給盧雲也帶點好運吧! 好像沒什麼懸念!成毅老師強大的劇粉盤,大家對他的新角色,翹首以盼多時了!期待新劇啊! 揮斥一筆,山海萬裡,但赴山海,無問其宗,期待大男主成毅一人分飾三角👉🏻心懷鋒芒的筆者肖明明,倚劍斬蒼穹的俠士蕭秋水,行至巔峰的幫主李沉舟! 期待雙平台s➕一番大男主角成毅《赴山海》!

  • @user-hl4kx5cr9v
    @user-hl4kx5cr9v6 сағат бұрын

    英雄志是一部只要開播就能爆的劇,所以黑子們很清楚,這又是一部奠定成毅優秀演員的標竿之作,他們的忌憚的嚇得半死! 所以,就像黑暗中的黎明是最亮的光一樣,黑子越黑,越有好事發生! 其實英雄志牽動的不僅是粉絲的心,有業內的期待,武俠迷的渴盼,劇粉的等待,也有英雄志全體工作人員在去年夏天,酷熱裡想做好一部標桿之作的初心的實現! 所以,請務必務必在今年播出,其實成毅的劇,暑期檔是他的專列,但期盼的心不敢太過奢求,只希望能在2024年播出,給成毅和製作這部劇所有人一個交代!給這部劇一個爆火的開始,我們太需要這部劇了!

  • @user-ek1oj2iz1l
    @user-ek1oj2iz1l7 сағат бұрын


  • @user-uq8ei4ek4w
    @user-uq8ei4ek4w8 сағат бұрын


  • @Ngfmichelle
    @Ngfmichelle11 сағат бұрын


  • @test-sh7gh
    @test-sh7gh11 сағат бұрын

    Cheng Yi would be happy to hear that he is creating another memorable characters in the drama for his viewers. This seems to be the reason he appears to work for over 12 hours a day 7 days a week for more than 50 days already at the temperature of 40 to 50 degree Celsius. All he wants seems to be creating the best characters for his viewers. He appears to be always in pursuit of excellence in each of his drama, always to be creating, and never settle for what he has accomplished. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” Oscar Wilde. His respect for his viewers has always motivated him to create the best viewing experience for his audience. This seems to be the best reward for him. Cheng Yi seems to be not only a superb and versatile actor and creative artist, but also a good role model who inspires his fans to pursue excellence in their own perspective areas.

  • @chimeitseng
    @chimeitseng11 сағат бұрын


  • @SanHuang-yw8qz
    @SanHuang-yw8qz11 сағат бұрын


  • @user-cw7kv1ev6q
    @user-cw7kv1ev6q12 сағат бұрын


  • @user-mw1dm3ms6j
    @user-mw1dm3ms6j12 сағат бұрын


  • @user-pc1ym9fb7w
    @user-pc1ym9fb7w13 сағат бұрын


  • @JianFangXie
    @JianFangXieКүн бұрын


  • @user-hx2hm3be4p
    @user-hx2hm3be4pКүн бұрын

  • @dorabobo8137
    @dorabobo8137Күн бұрын


  • @user-ox4gy8hx9d
    @user-ox4gy8hx9dКүн бұрын


  • @test-sh7gh
    @test-sh7ghКүн бұрын

    When your beauty is from within, the beauty is forever. That's Cheng Yi. His extraordinary qualities such as inner purity, high integrity, kindness, compassion, are part of his good looking. He is in a class by himself.

  • @user-gp6ok9ed9v
    @user-gp6ok9ed9vКүн бұрын


  • @user-gp6ok9ed9v
    @user-gp6ok9ed9vКүн бұрын


  • @test-sh7gh
    @test-sh7gh2 күн бұрын

    It appears that some people tried to put blame on Cheng Yi and Cheng Yi's fans. My guess is that some opportunists might want to take advantage of the situation to belittle Cheng Yi again. It was purely by chance I came across the abominable posts on Cheng Yi. I only clicked the link out of curiosity. I was appalled not only by the posts themselves but also by sheer numbers of 👍. If I remember correctly (I may not because I was flabbergasted), one of them might have over 30 thousands 👍. I backed out immediately because I was really spooked. I couldn't tell you the exact content if you asked. My mind was just shut down at that moment. The sheer number of 👍 for such posts is inconceivable. I kept thinking to myself I must haven't seen it correctly. I clicked the link a second time but backed out immediately as well. It's like touching something slummy. Just imagine if the posts targeted your brother or sister or your idol, what would be your first instinct reaction? Mine was oh, I hope his family members didn't see this. So this might be what Cheng Yi had gone through before (except at that time, he did not have so many true loyal fans, it was probably even worse if that was possible). I by no means try to justify anyone who posted distasteful messages in response to the ghastly posts against Cheng Yi (if they were really messages from Cheng Yi's fans). Absolutely nobody could convince me that this cyber bullying of Cheng Yi was not orchestrated ahead of time. That many people couldn't tell right from wrong all at once? That would be extremely disturbing. This is one of the reasons I don't judge anyone who was surprised by it and overreacted unless it's normal and I'm the one who has overreacted. It seemed like a nightmare to me, not real. I am sure someone has the record. I would rather prove myself wrong than to think there were so many people who had no misgivings to 👍 that kind of messages because of jealousy or anything else. Really horrendous. What reasonable people wouldn't think that type of environment is toxic.

  • @user-vr2cf3ty2k
    @user-vr2cf3ty2k2 күн бұрын


  • @user-vr2cf3ty2k
    @user-vr2cf3ty2k2 күн бұрын


  • @user-gr5cl3pp8k
    @user-gr5cl3pp8k2 күн бұрын

    已經是40多歲的人,從來沒有粉過任何一個明星,第一次粉上成毅,做了一個粉絲,有點緊張啊😂😂😂 實在太喜歡他了,不粉不行😆

  • @user-ek1oj2iz1l
    @user-ek1oj2iz1l2 күн бұрын


  • @user-hl4kx5cr9v
    @user-hl4kx5cr9v2 күн бұрын

    他開創了一個全新的正能量追星時代!必將風靡內🐟,他就是三年三爆,熱度口碑齊飛,實力流量並存,德藝雙馨的青年演員成毅👍 請劇組吃飯,喝飲料,喝奶茶,喝李子園等等!請粉絲吃馬卡龍,烤肉、烤全羊,餃子!喝奶茶,奶茶每次好幾百杯,好幾千杯!逆向應援送粉絲的禮物多到用卡車拉! 內🐟有那位藝人送粉絲禮物一次上萬份多到用卡車拉的,價值200W💰➕!成毅是內娛歷史以來唯一一個!一支獨秀! 他可能不善言辭,不會花言巧語,但是他用心用行動把大愛之心展現的淋漓盡致,有句話說的對:“想知道一個人是不是真心待你,不要看他說了什麼,而是要看他做了什麼!” 他真誠,善良,溫潤如玉且內心強大無比,不受外界流言蜚語所裹挾,堅定的走自己的路,不辜負每一個角色,不管是做人還是演戲,都交出完美的答案卷,正能量滿滿,這才是我們追星的意義👍 溫柔堅定有力量,初心不改,內心強大,三觀正直,這樣的星才值得追⭐ 做成毅粉絲滿滿的幸福❤

  • @chimeitseng
    @chimeitseng2 күн бұрын


  • @user-uq8ei4ek4w
    @user-uq8ei4ek4w2 күн бұрын


  • @kikilalacoconut
    @kikilalacoconut2 күн бұрын

    我個人很想看他演梁山伯、楊六郎 。現在這個時代還存在階級、國籍、人種等等歧視,正如梁山伯明明是貴族階級還是免不了被歧視,多麼荒唐;僅管這個時代婚姻嫁娶已比過去自由很多,卻還是有很多人不懂珍惜,玩弄感情。如果是由成毅飾演的梁山伯,也許能多少洗凈這個世界的污穢。正值他國戰爭之際,我感覺我們離戰爭也不是很遙遠。無論是處於絕對和平的國度或隨時都有可能開打的區域,我們都該警惕戰爭必然帶來的殘酷。成毅的演技層層遞進,對微表情的掌握,情緒的拿捏皆相當精準。哭戲、嘔血更是一絕。想看看若由他演楊六郎會如何演繹多數血親驟逝的悲痛。

  • @test-sh7gh
    @test-sh7gh2 күн бұрын

    From what I have observed for over six months, he seems to have five types of fans. Opportunistic fans are those who use him to get "Liu Liang" (viewers?). Controlling fans are those who think they are the experts and know what is best for his career. If they believe that he didn't follow what they have had in their mind, they would make announcements to the world that they are no longer his fans because this and that. Drama fans are those who are his fans as long as they like his dramas. They could move on to the next actor or actress at any time. CP fans are those who seem to insist that he should be acting intimate outside the drama and would continue to insert their favorite actress into his pictures long after the drama was over. True loyal fans are those who started to like him because of his roles in a particular drama, but remain to be his fans because they admire and respect him for his extraordinary qualities as a human being. They appear to be willing to support him unconditionally. They seem to be generous with their time and do whatever necessary to "protect" him. They seem to always stand on his side on whatever issues with whoever. Their only wishes are that Cheng Yi is healthy, happy and gets what he deserves. They have no other motives. A lot of them appear to be first time fans. I have a lot of respect for his true loyal fans.

  • @user-vr8zu2tg3f
    @user-vr8zu2tg3f2 күн бұрын


  • @user-mw1dm3ms6j
    @user-mw1dm3ms6j2 күн бұрын


  • @user-ps3mz8kt5n
    @user-ps3mz8kt5n2 күн бұрын

    ❤❤Cheng yi❤❤ 연예인을 이렇게 좋아해본적은 처음이네요 그것도 국적이 다른 연예인을 ㅎㅎ Cheng yi가 하는 모든 일을 응원해요🎉

  • @beewaa3477
    @beewaa34772 күн бұрын

    没有说英雄志上映啊 😢

  • @user-ek1oj2iz1l
    @user-ek1oj2iz1l2 күн бұрын


  • @kikilalacoconut
    @kikilalacoconut3 күн бұрын

    粉絲群體太大 不可能所有粉絲都很好 有在網路上看過同樣是粉絲的網友用比較不成熟的方式支持他 不過大體上應該都很好 應該吧?總之希望大家一起當成熟的奇異果 尊重他人 尊重自己 既然有幸享受他人帶來的快樂 更該感謝 不要給為我們帶來快樂的對象添麻煩

  • @cantinhodaines
    @cantinhodaines3 күн бұрын

    Bom dia ,a titia ama muito esse menino meigo inocente fofo Gigante e sensivel e tem sua luz propria sempre vai encomodar quem vive no escuro ,voce e abencoado e iluminado sempre sera protegido por Deus ele esta sempre Guiando seus caminhos te amo muito quero ver voce sempre com saiude e feliz a titia te ama muito sou sua fa 💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️💚♥️🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @siuhung1425
    @siuhung14253 күн бұрын


  • @chinmoonchin8621
    @chinmoonchin86213 күн бұрын


  • @SanHuang-yw8qz
    @SanHuang-yw8qz3 күн бұрын


  • @user-ox4gy8hx9d
    @user-ox4gy8hx9d3 күн бұрын


  • @chinmoonchin8621
    @chinmoonchin86213 күн бұрын

    成毅太会和果果交流了,拍时都看到很多果果,饿了都可以来一颗了,真羡慕呀果果们都不用上班:我想问果果们追星包飞机来的吗?飞来飞去! 牛吗😂请收小女一拜敬佩\

  • @dorabobo8137
    @dorabobo81373 күн бұрын


  • @user-uq8ei4ek4w
    @user-uq8ei4ek4w3 күн бұрын


  • @user-uq8ei4ek4w
    @user-uq8ei4ek4w3 күн бұрын


  • @user-jj3uy7bw3p
    @user-jj3uy7bw3p3 күн бұрын

    댓글 일본어 말고 한국어 로번역부탁해요

  • @user-gp6ok9ed9v
    @user-gp6ok9ed9v3 күн бұрын


  • @test-sh7gh
    @test-sh7gh3 күн бұрын

    As for black fans, the incident in the past couple of days has given me better ideas who is one source of the black fans. They seem to be fans of other popular actors. One black fan used the picture that he was submerged in the water with injured leg in cast as material. As one of Cheng Yi's true loyal fans noted, it passed all human decency. I was naive when I thought I could imagine what it was like with each of the cyber bullying. I was so wrong. I can't imagine at all, especially the horrific cyber bullying mentioned in this video. I am so glad he doesn't get on the website much anymore. Poor angel. The nickname, cat, seems to fit, a gentle cat appears to have fallen into a cave with seemingly barbaric tigers (sorry tigers, I am sure you have more decency than...). Hats off to his true loyal fans, the cyber defenders of Cheng Yi. But keep it positive. You don't have to lower yourself to their levels even though it's extremely hard. I don't know others in his entertainment world. But your idol has integrity. Your unconditional support of the angel will be rewarded.

  • @test-sh7gh
    @test-sh7gh4 күн бұрын

    You can always count on Cheng Yi to provide a distinctive perspective: his unique understanding that viewers' critiques of a drama completes the drama, and that the spirit of martial arts is more than the form or the fight. He is an extremely insightful gentleman.