San Francisco Report  旧金山报道

San Francisco Report 旧金山报道

这次回国探亲,震动很大。国内发展进步太快了,普通人的生活根本就不是外面宣传的那样。别说外国人了,即便是长期生活在海外的我们,也不知道国内的现状。想到很多外国人现在都在国内拍视频向外面宣传现在的中国,那么作为土生土长的中国人,我们知道中国的内情更多,那么我为什么不加入向世界介绍真实中国的大军呢?于是我说干就干。从开始有这个想法到拍第一个视频不到24小时。刚开始的时候,我都不知道如何拍视频。Google以后知道可以直接用手机拍和如何剪辑,我就开始了。记得第一次拍视频,我拿手机的手,都在颤抖。感谢朋友和家人的支持,让我能够坚持下去。同时,我也在思考自己的退休方案。 我经常问自己这样的问题:哪里去退休?中产阶级退休以后,舒服的退休生活每月花销多少? 每月医疗费用多少?每月住房费用多少? 每月食物费用多少?现在我越来越发现,回国退休养老是个不错的选择。这个频道将在美国人可以去的各个国家在不同城市对中产阶级的退休生活进行调查,以期望得到答案。

Recently I've been thinking about my retirement plans. I often ask myself questions like: Where should I retire? What are the monthly expenses for a comfortable middle-class retirement life? How much is the monthly medical cost? What is the monthly housing cost? What is the monthly food cost? I am increasingly finding that retiring back in China is a good option. This channel will investigate the retirement lives of middle-class people in various cities across countries where Americans can go, in hopes of finding the answers.


  • @user-ky6ry7gx7o
    @user-ky6ry7gx7o5 сағат бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513519 сағат бұрын

    有想回来吃而回不来的朋友,如果你们想吃什么,告诉我,我替你们吃一下,发视频给你,让你过瘾😖 To friends who want to come back to eat but can't, if there's anything you want to eat, let me know. I'll eat it for you and send you a video.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513519 сағат бұрын

    我们两个买了豆腐脑5元,菜夹馍4元,一屉包子8元,共2.5美元。结果吃撑了,折腾了一个晚上都没睡好觉。而且辣椒太多了,拉肚子。以后大家吃小吃,考虑一下辣椒加多少,不要像我一样,盲目吃辣椒,结果很痛苦。 We bought two bowls of tofu pudding for 5 yuan, a veggie-stuffed bun for 4 yuan, and a tray of dumplings for 8 yuan, totaling 2.5 USD. We ended up eating too much and spent the whole night tossing and turning, unable to sleep well. Plus, there were too many chili peppers, which gave us diarrhea. So, in the future, when you eat street food, consider how much chili you add. Don't be like me, blindly eating chili and suffering the consequences.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    我小时候我妈妈就做这种馒头,我特别爱吃。2016年我妈妈去湾区去看我,也做这个馒头给我吃,结果困扰我很久的胃病竟然好了。接着我又把我妈做的这种馒头送给我同样有胃病的中国老板夫妇,他们两个也说吃这种馒头,他们的胃病好多了。这两年我在湾区胃病又犯了,我就猜想是不是我在湾区食物不合适,这次回来探亲,也有一个想法,就是跟着我妈或者我姐学做饭,我想尝试一下是不是她们的食物能治疗我的胃病。给大家报告一个好消息,回来一星期,吃我姐做的饭,我的胃病真的几乎没有了。所以看来我没有胃病,只是我的胃喜欢吃发酵过的食物。希望有胃病的朋友,尝试一下这种玉米面发酵过的馒头或者包子,看是否对你们的胃病有改善。 When I was a child, my mom used to make these steamed buns, and I loved eating them. In 2016, when my mom came to visit me in the Bay Area, she made these steamed buns for me again, and to my surprise, my long-standing stomach issues were resolved. I then gave some of these steamed buns made by my mom to my Chinese boss and his wife, who also had stomach problems. They, too, reported that their stomach issues improved after eating the buns. In the past two years, my stomach problems resurfaced in the Bay Area, and I began to wonder if it was due to the food there. During this visit home, I had the idea to learn how to cook from my mom or sister, hoping to see if their food could help treat my stomach issues. I have good news to share with everyone: after being home for a week and eating my sister's cooking, my stomach problems have almost completely disappeared. So, it seems I don't have a stomach problem; my stomach just prefers fermented foods. I hope friends with stomach issues will try these fermented cornmeal steamed buns or dumplings to see if they help improve your condition.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    The ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, Xi'an, is once again brimming with vitality, its profound cultural heritage flowing like a gentle stream, nurturing every corner of the city. From the majestic ancient city wall to the solemn Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, from the starting point of the Silk Road to the magnificent Tang Chang'an City, Xi'an showcases its long history and splendid culture everywhere. Every brick, every street, tells stories of thousands of years, narrating the glory and legacy of Chinese civilization.13朝古都的西安又焕发出其勃勃生机,其深藏的文化底蕴如涓涓细流,滋养着这座城市的每一个角落。从雄伟的古城墙到庄严的大雁塔,从丝绸之路的起点到华美的唐长安城,西安无处不在地展现着其悠久历史和辉煌文化。这里的每一块砖石,每一条街巷,都讲述着千百年来的故事,诉说着中华文明的辉煌与传承。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    清明上河图的西安!Xi'an in the Qingming Scroll!

  • @Trueye-sl2mr
    @Trueye-sl2mrКүн бұрын

    Huawei toting fairies. Huawei has even been to Heaven 😄😄

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    Haha, our beautiful girls dressed in our traditional Hanfu are all fairies in our eyes.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    Yesterday I had an opportunity to ask how much is the cost if you rent it for one day. You can rent it from 9:00am to 11:00pm for $199/7.2 or $299/7.2 depending on which style Hanfu you will rent. There are multiple options for you to choose. Welcome you to Xi'an to enjoy it. In fact, I am from Bay Area in San Francisco, I am also a visitor here. :(

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    The daily cost is RMB199 or 299, the current exchange ratio is 7.2.

  • @liqiantom
    @liqiantomКүн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын


  • @liqiantom
    @liqiantomКүн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын


  • @peterjol
    @peterjol2 күн бұрын

    The girls dressed in the Hanfu styles look so stunningly beautiful's a rare fashion that could never be out of style or fail to look attractive.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51352 күн бұрын

    Thank you for liking it. Hanfu is one of our traditional dresses which was worn by Chinese girls in daily life in China 2000 years ago in Han dynasty.

  • @EmilyVShopping-o5t
    @EmilyVShopping-o5t2 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51352 күн бұрын


  • @EmilyVShopping-o5t
    @EmilyVShopping-o5t2 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    谢谢妹妹给我的建议,我争取再给大家讲几个草根逆袭的故事。 其实普通人实现财务自由不是没有可能,只要方法正确都能达到。我们很多人失败在自己的身上,包括我自己,走过很多弯路。以后慢慢和大家分享。

  • @EmilyVShopping-o5t
    @EmilyVShopping-o5t2 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51352 күн бұрын

    谢谢路路的建议。 是我讲的第一个财务自由故事,我考虑一下,再分享几个身边人如何白手起家实现财务自由的真实故事。

  • @EmilyVShopping-o5t
    @EmilyVShopping-o5t2 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51352 күн бұрын


  • @impressionfirst8577
    @impressionfirst85773 күн бұрын

    The images are not well managed😢

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51353 күн бұрын

    Thanks for your feedback. I improve it now.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51353 күн бұрын

    I have changed the Thumbnail and will improve the image quality in future new videos.

  • @HappinessWay-o9c
    @HappinessWay-o9c5 күн бұрын

    Nice exercise tool! I like it. 😀

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51355 күн бұрын

    Thank you very much, Happy girl!

  • @mateunlock2023
    @mateunlock20237 күн бұрын

    Xi An?

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51357 күн бұрын

    Yes, welcome you come.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    Its Chinese is 西安.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    There is no space for Chinese introduction, so I copy it here. 在中国,越来越多的年轻妈妈喜欢带着女儿穿汉服,这不仅是对传统文化的传承和弘扬,也是亲子活动的一种特别形式。汉服,即汉民族传统服饰,款式多样、色彩丰富、工艺精美,深受人们的喜爱。以下是关于年轻妈妈带着女儿穿汉服的一些介绍: ### 穿汉服的动机和意义 年轻妈妈们选择和女儿一起穿汉服,往往出于以下几个原因: 1. **文化传承**:希望通过穿汉服让孩子了解和传承中华传统文化。 2. **亲子互动**:穿汉服拍照或参加活动,可以增加母女之间的亲密度。 3. **美感教育**:汉服的优雅和精美能够培养孩子对美的欣赏能力。 4. **特别场合**:许多节日或特殊活动,如汉服节、中秋节、春节等,穿汉服成为一种庆祝方式。 ### 穿汉服的场景 年轻妈妈们和女儿穿汉服的场景多种多样,包括但不限于: 1. **传统节日**:在春节、端午节、中秋节等传统节日里,母女穿上汉服,共同庆祝节日。 2. **摄影**:在风景名胜、古镇或者专业摄影棚中拍摄汉服写真,记录母女间的美好时光。 3. **汉服活动**:参加各类汉服社团组织的活动,如汉服巡游、文化讲座、手工制作等。 4. **日常穿搭**:有些家庭甚至在日常生活中也会穿汉服,成为生活的一部分。 ### 汉服的选择 根据不同的场合和需要,年轻妈妈们会为自己和女儿选择不同类型的汉服: 1. **齐胸襦裙**:适合春夏季,款式清新,颜色亮丽。 2. **宋制袄裙**:款式简洁大方,适合秋冬季节。 3. **明制马面裙**:优雅大气,适合正式场合。 4. **唐制胡服**:独具特色,适合特别的文化活动。 ### 穿汉服的体验 穿汉服不仅是一种外在的装扮,更是一种文化的体验。年轻妈妈们会和女儿一起学习汉服的穿戴方式,了解不同款式的历史背景和文化内涵。她们还会通过各种活动让孩子体验传统礼仪,如拱手礼、揖礼等,感受传统文化的魅力。 ### 社交与分享 年轻妈妈们通常会通过社交媒体分享她们和女儿穿汉服的美照和体验故事。她们会加入汉服爱好者的群组,分享心得和经验,结识更多有共同兴趣的朋友。这种分享不仅增进了母女之间的感情,也帮助更多人了解和喜欢上汉服。 ### 汉服的维护 汉服的材质和工艺要求年轻妈妈们在平时要特别注意维护和保养。她们会学习如何正确清洗和存放汉服,保持其颜色和形状,以便长久使用。 ### 教育意义 通过穿汉服,年轻妈妈们不仅教会女儿如何欣赏和尊重传统文化,还帮助她们培养了自信心和美感。孩子们在穿汉服的过程中,也学会了更多的礼仪和传统知识,增强了对自身文化的认同感和自豪感。 总之,年轻妈妈带着女儿穿汉服,是一种融合了文化传承、亲子互动、美感教育和社交分享的活动。这种特别的方式,让更多人感受到汉服的魅力和中华传统文化的深厚底蕴,同时也为母女之间创造了更多美好的回忆。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    People with stomach problems, please take a look. I hope this will be helpful for you. 胃部有毛病的人,请看过来。希望对你们有帮助。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    I come from a rural area and never learned music or art when I was young. Later, I became a science and engineering nerd, spending my days in the lab doing experiments with instruments. After that, I did data analysis, staring at data on the computer every day (though I really enjoy data). I have no concept of art or aesthetics. Even now, I don’t know how to dress or eat properly. For me, clothes don’t need to look good as long as they fit, and food doesn’t need to taste good as long as it fills me up. I had the idea to make videos last week on June 28th when I got off the train from Beijing to Xi'an and saw how beautiful Xi'an was. I suddenly wanted to make videos to introduce China to the world because, at present, not only foreigners but even long-term students studying abroad may not know how rapidly China is changing. So, I started learning and doing it simultaneously. At first, I didn’t even know how to shoot videos with my phone. I asked my sister to demonstrate it to me. I remember my hands were shaking with fear the first time I shot a video. But I have a characteristic that if I want to do something, no matter how difficult, I will go for it and not fear failure or embarrassment. So, I kept at it. Only today did I learn that filming horizontally with a phone can give a complete picture rather than a narrow strip. Thank the Lord Jesus, I have made progress now. 我来自农村,从小根本没有学过音乐或者美术,后来又是理工科的书呆子,天天泡实验室对着仪器做实验,后来又是做数据分析,天天对着计算机上的数据(不过我很喜欢数据),根本没有艺术或者美学的概念,直到现在我都不知道如何穿衣吃饭,对我来说,衣服没有好看不好看,只要能穿就行;饭没有好吃不好吃,吃饱就行。开始做视频也是上周6月28我从北京到西安的火车上下来,看到西安如此美丽,才忽然想做视频向世界介绍中国,因为目前别说外国人即便是长期居住外面的留学生,也未必知道现在日新月异的中国,所以我就做起来了,边学边干。刚开始我连手机如何拍视频都不知道,我让我姐给我演示,记得第一次拍视频,我的手害怕地都在抖。但是我有个特点,想干的事情再难也要上,而且不怕失败不怕丢人,所以就干到现在,直到今天我在直到手机横着拍可以得到完整的画面而不是窄窄的一条。感谢主耶稣,我现在进步了。

  • @georwoogle
    @georwoogle8 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    Thank you love it.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    Many friends have contacted me privately, giving me a lot of suggestions for improvement. Some are from New Zealand, some from Canada, and of course, many from the United States. I am very touched by your suggestions for improvement. Thank you for tolerating the immaturity of my videos and still loving me, and for continuing to subscribe. This sincere love motivates me to keep striving and not slack off. I will work twice as hard and do my best to produce high-quality videos to introduce the rapidly changing new face of China, to repay your kindness! 很多朋友私下联系我,告诉我很多改进的意见,有的来自新西兰,有的来自加拿大,当然很多来自美国。我对你们的改进意见非常感动,感谢你们容忍我视频的幼稚却依然爱着我,坚持订阅。就这样真挚的爱,激励我不断努力,不能懈怠。我一定加倍努力,一定尽我最大努力做出高质量视频来介绍中国现在日新月异的新面貌,来报答你们的厚爱!

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    Sorry to everyone watching my videos. The video quality isn't great, but I promise that from now on, all my videos will be of high quality. This is my first time making videos. On the morning of June 28th, I got off the train from Beijing to Xi'an. After seeing how much Xi'an has developed and realizing that there are still many misunderstandings about China abroad, I decided to use KZread to introduce the current situation in China. So, I learned as I went along. Without any prior experience in shooting videos, I Googled what equipment to use, what apps to edit with, and how to post videos, then just started doing it. Before uploading these videos, I watched them many times. I know there are flaws, but if I waited until I could produce perfect videos before starting, I would never get started. So, I learned and did it simultaneously. After a week of effort, my filming and editing skills have greatly improved. Thank you to all the friends who subscribed to my channel for your tolerance and support. I will do my best to make good videos to repay your kindness! 对不起各位看我视频的人,因为我视频画面质量不好,不过我保证今后全是完整的画面。这是我第一次拍视频,六月28早晨我从北京到西安的火车上下来,看到西安发展的如此之后,而外面对中国依然有很多误解,所以我有想法想通过KZread 介绍中国现状,所以我就边学边干,在没有任何拍摄视频经验的基础上,GOOGLE 用什么设备拍,什么APP剪辑,怎么发,然后就干起来了。这些视频发上之前我都是看了很多遍的,我也知道有缺陷,但是如果等我做好完美画面再开始,那我永远都动不起来,所以我就边学边干了。经过一周努力,现在我的拍摄水平和剪辑水平已经有很大提高。感谢各位订阅我频道的朋友的包容和支持,我一定竭尽全力做好视频以报答你们的厚爱!

  • @gingerjiang4825
    @gingerjiang48258 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын


  • @KateHill-s7r
    @KateHill-s7r8 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын


  • @alantran1914
    @alantran19148 күн бұрын

    This is so fun! I will definitely give it a try...

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51358 күн бұрын

    Thank you. Welcome to China. Please contact me when you visit Xi'an.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    Yesterday I had an opportunity to ask how much is the cost if you rent it for one day. You can rent it from 9:00am to 11:00pm for $199/7.2 or $299/7.2 depending on which style Hanfu you will rent. There are multiple options for you to choose. Welcome you to Xi'an to enjoy it. In fact, I am from Bay Area in San Francisco, I am also a visitor here. :(

  • @alantran1914
    @alantran1914Күн бұрын

    @melanielee5135 thank you for the info....

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee5135Күн бұрын

    @@alantran1914 You are welcome.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    The watermelon cost 10RMB/7.2 = $1.4. 西瓜花了10元人民币等于1.4美元。The pork meat cost 10RMB. 猪肉花了10元人民币。Other food including the 5 cucumbers, bean sprouts, etc cost 37RMB /7.2 = $5. 其他蔬菜包括五个黄瓜2个苦瓜和豆芽等, 花了37人民币。The total cost for the vegetable and meat and watermelon is 47RMB/7.2 is less than $7. 西瓜,苦瓜等蔬菜水果加猪肉,总共花47元人民币不到7美元。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    Young couples in China celebrate birthdays in a warm atmosphere surrounded by family and friends. They may choose to celebrate in the following ways: Family Dinner: On the birthday, couples gather with family either at home or dine out. Special dishes or desserts are often prepared to mark the occasion. Gathering with Friends: They may invite close friends to celebrate together at a restaurant, café, or at home, enjoying drinks, food, and joyful moments. Exchanging Gifts: Couples typically exchange gifts to express love and blessings for each other, selecting items based on each other's interests and preferences. Cake and Desserts: A beautifully crafted birthday cake is essential. Couples may enjoy desserts either at home or at a restaurant to celebrate the special day. Special Activities: Some couples might opt for special activities like watching a movie, attending a concert, or going on a trip to celebrate their birthdays. Overall, celebrating birthdays for young couples in China emphasizes family and friend gatherings in a cozy atmosphere, marked by food, gifts, and special activities.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    中国年轻夫妇过生日的方式通常充满了家庭和朋友的温馨氛围。他们可能选择以下一些方式来庆祝生日: 家庭聚餐: 生日当天,夫妇可以和家人一起在家里或外出聚餐。通常会准备一些特别的菜肴或点心来庆祝这一天。 朋友聚会: 夫妇们可能会邀请一些亲近的朋友一起庆祝生日。这种聚会可以在餐厅、咖啡厅或者他们的家里举行,喝酒、吃美食,享受欢乐时光。 送礼物: 生日时,夫妇们通常会相互送上礼物,表达对对方的关爱和祝福。礼物的选择可以根据对方的兴趣爱好来挑选。 蛋糕与甜点: 生日当天,一块精美的生日蛋糕是不可或缺的,夫妇们可能会在家中或餐厅享用甜点来庆祝这一特别的日子。 特别活动: 有些夫妇可能会选择参加特别的活动来庆祝生日,比如看电影、参加音乐会或者去旅行。 总的来说,中国年轻夫妇过生日强调家庭和朋友的团聚与温馨,注重通过美食、礼物和特别活动来共同庆祝这一特别的日子。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    The total price for the big dinner for 5 adults and 1 kid is 350RMB, 350RMB/7.2 = $50. No tips no sales tax in China. The wrapped fish dish is 99RMB.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    Guess how much we cost for three adults? We paid 40RMB / 7.2 less than $6. My sister's lunch dish cost 13RMB, two bowls of pork vegetable dumplings for me and my brother in-law cost 27RBM. No tips no sales tax. So food cost in China is very cheap.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    Guess how much we ate in this shopping mall for 3 adults? 50RMB/7.2 = $7. No tips no sales tax in China.

  • @shelleydechaves6114
    @shelleydechaves611410 күн бұрын

    Love love love! I especially loved seeing the traditional “Hanfu” clothing. Beautiful!!

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    Welcome you come and I will take you there to eat.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee51359 күн бұрын

    Please come and wear it by renting it. I will rent it and wear it next week.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    看喷泉遇到彩虹,幸运! Fountain meeting rainbow, Lucky time!!!

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    The musical fountain at the Great Tang All Day City is a spectacular audio-visual feast that combines music with the movement of water. Choreographed to the rhythms and melodies of music, accompanied by colorful lighting effects and precise control of water jets, it showcases the grandeur of Tang Dynasty culture fused with modern technology. This performance and spectacle are a significant attraction for tourists and locals alike. 大唐不夜城内的音乐喷泉是一个融合音乐与水流动的视听盛宴。喷泉根据音乐的节奏和旋律,配合多彩的灯光效果,以及精准的水柱控制,展示出唐代文化的壮丽与现代技术的完美结合。这是一个吸引游客和市民的重要表演和景观。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    The Great Tang All Day City is a themed park located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, dedicated to showcasing Tang Dynasty culture and history. Through its ancient architecture, cultural performances, and traditional craftsmanship, it vividly recreates the prosperity and vibrant life of the Tang Dynasty. It serves as an ideal destination for visitors to explore ancient Chinese culture and history。 大唐不夜城是一个位于中国西安的主题公园,致力于展示唐代文化和历史。以下是其中英文简介: 大唐不夜城是一座集中展示唐代文化和风貌的主题公园,位于中国陕西省西安市。这里通过复古建筑、文化表演和传统手工艺等形式,生动再现了唐代的繁荣景象和精彩生活,是游客了解古代文化和历史的理想去处。

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    西施被称为“西施闭月”,指她的美貌如同月亮被云遮挡而显得更加神秘和动人。沉鱼落雁则更多用来形容杨玉环、赵飞燕等的美貌,在古代文学和历史记载中经常被提及。Xi Shi is referred to as "Xi Shi Bi Yue," describing her beauty as akin to the moon obscured by clouds, appearing even more mysterious and enchanting. "Chen Yu Luo Yan," on the other hand, is more often used to describe the beauty of figures like Yang Yuhuan and Zhao Feiyan in ancient literature and historical records.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    王昭君是中国历史上著名的美女,她的美貌被称为“闭月”,与古代传说中其他美女如西施、貂蝉等并称。她是汉武帝的宠妃,因其容貌而广为传颂。Wang Zhaojun is a famous beauty in Chinese history, renowned for her beauty as "the moon hidden behind clouds." She is mentioned alongside other legendary beauties like Xi Shi and Diaochan. She was an imperial concubine of Emperor Han Wudi and celebrated widely for her appearance.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    "沉鱼落雁"是一个成语,形容女子容貌非常美丽,指的是如同美丽的鱼儿潜入水中,或者像优美的雁鸟降落一般。"沉鱼落雁" is an idiom used to describe a woman's exceptionally beautiful appearance. It compares her beauty to that of a fish gracefully diving into the water or a wild goose elegantly landing. In English, "沉鱼落雁" can be translated as "beautiful as a fish diving, and graceful as a wild goose landing." This captures the essence of the idiom, describing a woman's stunning beauty with poetic imagery.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    “闭月羞花”是用来形容女子容貌极其美丽动人的成语,其典故源自于《史记·孟尝君列传》中对春申君妻子的赞美。具体典故描述了春申君的妻子容貌之美,使得她如同月亮(闭月)和羞涩的花朵(羞花),成为后人形容女子美丽的经典词语。 "闭月羞花" is an idiom used to describe a woman of exceptionally beautiful and charming appearance. Its origin lies in the praise of the wife of Lord Mengchang in "Records of the Grand Historian". The specific story describes the remarkable beauty of Lord Mengchang's wife, likening her to the moon hidden behind clouds (闭月) and flowers shy of their beauty (羞花), thus becoming a classic expression for describing female beauty in later generations.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    The Grand Tang Everbright City showcases beautiful girls looking like Yang Guifei, Zhao Feiyan, as well as princesses and queens from the Western Regions everywhere. One can't help but exclaim: Chinese girls are so beautiful. As long as they have the opportunity to dress up, each one is stunning!

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    The Grand Everbright Tang City showcases beautiful girls looking like Yang Guifei, Zhao Feiyan, as well as princesses and queens from the Western Regions everywhere. One can't help but exclaim: Chinese girls are so beautiful. As long as they have the opportunity to dress up, each one is stunning!

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    The Great Tang Everbright City is packed with people every day. Yesterday was Wednesday evening, not a weekend or holiday, yet it was still crowded with people. We arrived 45 minutes before the fountain started, but still couldn't get close to the fountain. I just Googled it, and the daily visitor traffic at the Great Tang Everbright City is 300,000 person-times.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    @melanielee5135 Hanfu (汉服) refers to the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese people. The term "Hanfu" literally means "Han clothing," and it encompasses a wide variety of styles that have evolved over thousands of years. Hanfu is characterized by its elegant and flowing designs, typically featuring loose, wide sleeves, and layered garments. It is often made from silk and other fine fabrics, adorned with intricate patterns and embroidery. Hanfu has seen a revival in recent years, with many people wearing it for cultural events, festivals, and even daily life to celebrate and preserve Chinese heritage.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    Among the girls in Hanfu, some can be immediately recognized as the voluptuous Yang Yuhuan, while others are instantly identified as the slender Zhao Feiyan. Some young men in Hanfu can be immediately recognized as the charming Emperor Xuanzong of Tang or the exceptionally talented Li Bai. As for the great emperor Li Shimin, I haven't seen anyone like him yet.

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын

    Everywhere I go, I see beautiful young girls dressed in Hanfu. Yesterday, for the first time, I saw young boys and men in Hanfu, and I even saw an elderly lady around 80 years old wearing Hanfu. It was truly beautiful, making me feel like I was dreaming of Chang'an City during the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasties!

  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513510 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513511 күн бұрын


  • @melanielee5135
    @melanielee513511 күн бұрын
