rc towboat build

rc towboat build

rc towboat project

rc towboat project





Demon attack

Demon attack



Reloading room tour

Reloading room tour

Time to go home?

Time to go home?

Rapture time line

Rapture time line



Rc towboat part 2

Rc towboat part 2

I flew to heaven on my own.

I flew to heaven on my own.

To live forever?

To live forever?

Date of the Rapture!!!!

Date of the Rapture!!!!

ZEV reciever set, 308.

ZEV reciever set, 308.

We leave today

We leave today

Rapture times

Rapture times

What am I

What am I

What if you are wrong?

What if you are wrong?

From Jesus himself

From Jesus himself

Repent now, no time left.

Repent now, no time left.

End time, he comes soon.

End time, he comes soon.

Rapture event

Rapture event

Window will close soon

Window will close soon


  • @occupiedkashmirsrinagar.8636
    @occupiedkashmirsrinagar.86362 жыл бұрын

    Does it armalit A or armalit B??

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44462 жыл бұрын


  • @kernelcoleman8195
    @kernelcoleman81952 жыл бұрын

    I have been saying this sir.

  • @bucduanetyler
    @bucduanetyler2 жыл бұрын

    The current Jewish year is up for debate because there are multiple discrepancies with that time line compared to the Bible. Here is a link to an article about the difference.

  • @jenamaza3834
    @jenamaza38342 жыл бұрын

    I converted from Islam to Christianity. I would love to hear the Lords Voice, it would make me so happy❤️

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44462 жыл бұрын

    Speak to Jesus like he is your best friend, because he is. Ask him to communicate with you. He speaks to us in many different ways. Set aside some private time in a quiet place and pray to him. But, you must give him time to respond. Gotta be a good listener. God bless you.

  • @DmoneyDuhh
    @DmoneyDuhh3 жыл бұрын


  • @inevitablecraftslab
    @inevitablecraftslab3 жыл бұрын

    LOVE the cooling system !! Wouldn't it make more sense if you use one servo per motor?

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44463 жыл бұрын

    I don't know. It ran well on the test run.

  • @inevitablecraftslab
    @inevitablecraftslab3 жыл бұрын

    @@azriel4446 I meant to move the thrusters seperatly not because of force

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44463 жыл бұрын

    @@inevitablecraftslab yeah, that would of been an option. Boat sold. Someone seen it and made me an offer i couldn't refuse.

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44463 жыл бұрын

    But i have thought of building another one.

  • @mankirankamaal7251
    @mankirankamaal72513 жыл бұрын


  • @herbbearingseed
    @herbbearingseed3 жыл бұрын

    Rapture is after the resurrection. Resurrection is at the last day, not 7 years before the last day. John 6 :39,40,44,54, John 11 :24-26 KJV, Job 14 :12-14, Matt 24 :29-311 Thess 4 ;15-17 KJV And I will raise him up at the last day. Not 7 years before the last day. Paul wrote against imminence, that the day of Christ was at hand. His coming is after the working of Satan, not before. 2 Thess 2 :8,9. KJV

  • @graceambassador65
    @graceambassador653 жыл бұрын

    Thank & Praise God, *He's Coming, but Not Yet, And Has Graciously Given HIS* *saints/ambassadors another Wonderful Day for more rewards by TAKING UP* *THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, and reaching the lost With ***HIS Great LOVE**** Amen? .......... How to live life by *God's Amazing GRACE!:* ............. Amen! Hear The Gospel (Greatest News): Death, Burial, and Resurrection of *God's SON, The LORD JESUS CHRIST!* Change my mind, And *Agree With A HOLY God* *That* my sin Is Wrong And Offends *HIS Holiness!* (repent) Completely 100% trust *The LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIS BLOOD* for forgiveness and washing away All of my sins (faith) Receive the *"peace that passes understanding" From HIM!* Diligently study *HIS Holy Word, Rightly* *Divided, For HIS **_Approval!!_* - - 3 Minute “Intro” Video: *The "Faith and practice" Doctrine = Romans through Philemon #* *for Godly Edification/spiritual Building Up of The Body of CHRIST!* Praise *HIS Holy Name!* (worship) Make requests known to *HIM!* (prayer) Talk to/give *Thanks To HIM in/for all things!* (gratitude) Love my neighbor (fulfills ALL of the law/ manifests *The Fruit of The Spirit!)* Give material things Cheerfully! (as you purpose in your heart) ============================================ *Put On The Full Armour Of God For* *our spiritual warfare!* (Ephesians 6 : 13-19) ============================================= Memorize: *”Henceforth there is Laid Up for me a crown of righteousness, which The LORD* *The Righteous Judge Shall Give me At That Day: and not to me only, but unto all* *them Also which Love HIS Appearing!!” (2 Timothy 4 : 8 KJB!)* ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓ Go on Home to be with *HIM* (death or live Departure) Receive rewards (Judgment) *Live With HIM Eternally* # Please Note: *Romans - Philemon is **_"Directly_** To us Today."* *However, ALL Scripture Is **_Profitable "for our ‘learning!’"_* Amen? * More "study" Resources: As you live for *Him, and Grow in His Grace,* here are Excellent websites to get most, if not All, of your questions answered, *Rightly* *Divided ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 ):* FREE Monthly Study = Training for the Ministry = Missions = Daily (Acts 17 : 11) Study = Grace Bible Community Church = arC {+multiple} Ministries = Wielding The Sword Of The Spirit = *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed And Encouraged!* *GRACE/repentance And faith, Found In SCRIPTURE, to The Honor And Glory* *Of GOD, The Father, Through The LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST!* Amen. Sincerely yours and *SECURE-ly HIS!* Saint Christopher (brother Chris) Endrizzi “discussion” page: {Including: *FULL "ALL Scriptural BaptismS! study" (#7)* Q: "No _water_ Today"?}

  • @graceambassador65
    @graceambassador653 жыл бұрын

    Grace And Peace, friend(s). *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed And Encouraged!:* Part 1 *Approval Unto God!:* *Grace And Peace From God, The Father, And From* *The LORD And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!* *LORD JESUS, Before you Come To Gather us Home To Heaven, Please* *Grant Thy Divine Help to understand Thy Word Of Truth, Rightly* *Divided!"* Amen: *What Would God, In HIS Age Of GRACE Today, Have* us Also "DO," that was *"learned, and received, and heard, and seen, In Paul"* ? *(Philippians 4 : 9!)* *"Study to shew thyself Approved Unto God, a workman That* *Needeth not to be ashamed, Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth!"* *(2 Timothy 2 : 15!)* *_"Example"_** Of Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth!:* *Leaders/Numbers / Salvation/Commissions* in: *God's TWO **_"Different"_** Programs:* (1) _Representative_ apostles + number! For: *God’s LAW/PROPHETIC* Program: *“prophesied since the world began!”* (Luke 1 : 68-70; Acts 3 : 21!): God’s Complete Number TWELVE “represents:” TWELVE baptismS, TWELVE apostles who will rule in the "Prophesied" kingdom With CHRIST!, on TWELVE thrones, Over the TWELVE tribes of Israel! (Genesis 49 : 28; Isaiah 9 : 7, 32 : 1; Matthew 19 : 28; Luke 22 : 30; James 1 : 1!) ►► Peter [+11], TWELVE "preached!": *gospel of the kingdom!:* Salvation = "he that believeth *AND is baptized* Shall Be SAVED!" (Mark 16 : 16 cp *Luke 7 : 29-30;* Acts 2 : 38; James 2 : 17-18!) ◄◄ And _Includes_ *The LORD’s FIVE-Part Marching Orders,* the so-called ( added as a “Page Header” in *Bibles* ), “Great Commission”: (1a): *“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in The Name* *Of The Father, and Of The SON, and of The Holy Ghost: Teaching* *them to Observe ALL Things Whatsoever I Have Commanded you:* *and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen!”* (Matthew 28 : 19-20!) _Including:_ *“Observe ALL things WHATSOEVER I Have* *COMMANDED you!”:* *“Then Spake JESUS To the multitude, And To HIS disciples,* *Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:* *ALL therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that OBSERVE* *AND DO; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not!”* (Matthew 23 : 1-3!) (1b): *“And HE Said Unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the* *gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall* *be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these* *signs shall follow them that believe: In MY Name shall they cast out* *devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents;* - *and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they* *shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover…. And they went* *forth, and preached every where, The LORD Working With them, and* *Confirming The Word With signs following. Amen!”* (Mark 16 : 15-20!) (1c): *“And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in* *HIS Name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are* *witnesses of these things. And, behold, I Send The Promise of MY* *Father Upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be* *endued with Power From On High!”* (Luke 24 : 47-49!) (1d): *“Then Said JESUS To them again, Peace Be Unto you: As MY Father* *Hath Sent ME, Even So Send I you. And When HE Had Said This, HE* *Breathed On them, And Saith Unto them, Receive ye The Holy Ghost:* *Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and* *whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained!”* (John 20 : 21-23!) (1e): *“But ye shall receive power, after that The Holy Ghost Is Come Upon you:* *and ye shall be witnesses unto ME both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea,* *and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth!”* (Acts 1 : 8!) End of: Salvation / Commission In *God's "Law/Prophetic Program!"* continued in *Part 2: Approval Unto God!...*

  • @graceambassador65
    @graceambassador653 жыл бұрын

    Part 2 *Approval Unto God!:* Previous "study!:" Salvation / Commission In *God's "Law/Prophetic Program!"* {friend, do you "think" this is for you "Today"?} *Or...* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From *CHRIST To HIS TWELVE,* _on the earth!_ { _Currently_ “On HOLD!” } *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!) From **_“Things That DIFFER!”:_* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *...Is This FOR us Today?:* *From CHRIST To HIS ONE, **_From Heaven!!_** { **_Currently_** ACTIVE!}* *God’s Salvation And Commission In HIS "Revelation Of The MYSTERY!"* *God’s “Heavenly Hidden” Purpose BEFORE “the foundation of the world...Kept* *Secret “since the world began” (Romans 16 : 25; Ephesians 1 : 4-11, 3 : 5-9!)* *(2) **_Representative_** apostle + number! For:* *God’s Revelation Of GRACE In HIS MYSTERY,* *From CHRIST, **_In Heaven,_** To...* { Friend, IF you have NEVER prayerfully/carefully “studied” *This Important Doctrine ( Paul’s **_“Distinctive”_** ministry From God! )* before, Please take some time for *”Approval Unto God!,”* Please? } ►►► *"Howbeit for this cause I obtained Mercy, That In me **_First_** JESUS CHRIST* *Might Shew Forth ALL Longsuffering, For a **_Pattern_** to them which should* *hereafter believe on HIM to life everlasting!" (1 Timothy 1 : 16 KJB!)* ◄◄◄ *...Paul, Chosen By God, as ONE individual apostle,* *BOTH Roman and Hebrew,* *(Acts 9 : 6, 15, 13 : 2, 20 : 24, 22 : 1-15, 21, 25-28, 26 : 17-18;* *Philippians 3 : 5; Romans 1 : 1, 11 : 13, 15 : 16-18;* *Galatians 1 : 15, 2 : 7-8; Ephesians 3 : 1; 1 Timothy 1 : 11, 2 : 7;* *2 Timothy 1 : 11!), **_represents:_* *Reconciliation, By GRACE (2 Corinthians 5 : 17-6 : 2!), of* *BOTH Jew and Gentile, as “INDIVIDUALS,” Into “ONE New Man!”* *(Ephesians 2 : 15-16!)* *SPIRITUALLY Baptized ( And "Spiritually United as* *_members of one another!"_** ), BY: ONE Baptism!* *(1 Corinthians 12 : 13 cp Ephesians 4 : 5, 5 : 30 KJB!), Into:* *ONE Body, In HEAVEN!,* ... ... *[ By The DEADLY, But Amazingly Wonderful CROSS! ] Of CHRIST,* *The Risen And Glorified SAVIOUR, The **_Only_** HEAD Of HIS Church!!* *(1 Timothy 3 : 16; Ephesians 1 : 22, 5 : 23; Colossians 1 : 18 KJB!)* *Praise HIS Precious NAME!* Amen? *The Gospel Of The GRACE Of God!:* *“For I [ Paul! ] delivered unto you first of all That Which I also received,* *How That CHRIST Died For our sins According To The Scriptures;* *And That HE Was Buried, And That HE Rose Again the third day* *According To The Scriptures!” (1 Corinthians 15 : 3-4!)* + *"For By GRACE are ye SAVED Through faith; and that not of yourselves:* *It Is The Gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast!"* *( Ephesians 2 : 8-9! cp Most of Romans through Philemon! # )* *{ GRACE **_Found_** 85 Times! }* *And, The MYSTERY **_Includes_** The LORD’s "Greater" GRACE Commission! =* *Ministry of RECONCILIATION!* *"And all things are of God, Who Hath Reconciled us To Himself By* *JESUS CHRIST, And Hath Given To us the ministry of reconciliation;* *to wit, That God Was In CHRIST, Reconciling the world Unto Himself,* *Not Imputing their trespasses unto them; And Hath Committed Unto us* *The Word Of Reconciliation!* *Now then we are ambassadors for CHRIST, as though God Did Beseech* *you by us: we pray you in CHRIST’s Stead, be ye reconciled to God! For* *HE Hath Made HIM To Be sin For us, WHO Knew no sin; that we might Be* *Made The Righteousness Of God In HIM!* *We then, as workers together with HIM, beseech you also that ye receive* *not The GRACE Of God in vain! (For HE Saith, I Have Heard thee in a time* *accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now* *is the accepted time; behold, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!!)”* *(2 Corinthians 5 : 18-6 : 2!)* End: *God’s Salvation And Commission In HIS Revelation Of The MYSTERY!* *# Romans - Philemon = God's GRACE Love Letters For us **_Today_** For:* *Consolation, Comfort, Edification, Enjoyment, Encouragement, And* *_spiritual_** Building Up Of All The BLOOD-Washed "members ( saints!" )* *In The Body Of CHRIST!, HIS Church, Seated In **_Heaven!_* Amen? Friends, after “comparing” Law vs *GRACE!* Which is FOR us Today? Or: Are they BOTH FOR us, today, in which case we ask: ALL The "NUMBERS experts" know there is A Vast "Difference" Between 12 And *"ONE,"* Correct? Would not “Choosing” BOTH Make This Fatal ERROR, & we can just stay with the "Modern" "wonderful And marvelous" 2000-year-old judeo/christian "combo": (1) LAW + *(2) GRACE* = (3) "religious Confusion Of Contradictions" { or, "Pick & Choose!" } Method… ..."remaining" as: a weak And _Severely Divided_ *Church, Displeasing God!,* Correct? Friends, "which" of these "gospels" do "you Believe," In *God’s Age* *Of GRACE "Today," Are CURSED By God! (Galatians 1 : 6-9!)?* *(2) Gospel of GRACE!* || (1) gospel of the kingdom, (3) “Combo gospel” IF your "particular" group "subscribes" to (1) OR (3), Please, *Obey God, As HE "Beseeches"!:* *"Wherefore Come Out from among them, and be ye Separate,* *Saith The LORD, And touch not the unclean [ ACCURSED!? ]* *thing; and I Will Receive you, And Will Be A Father Unto you,* *And ye Shall Be MY sons and daughters, Saith The LORD Almighty!"* *(2 Corinthians 6 : 17!)* ----------------- *LORD JESUS, we humbly pray that Any And ALL confused over the* *"Division of Many Over salvation/baptismS/commissionS,” have been* *Truly Blessed With This **_Solving The Confusion_** study! Amen.* ----------------- *GRACE/Repentance, Through Faith, & PEACE, Found In SCRIPTURE,* *to The Honor And GLORY Of GOD, The Father, Through The LORD And* *SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST!* Amen? Concluding questions: (1) Friend(s), Do you believe you are *"Approved Unto God"? (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!)* (2) Do you believe you should _Turn Away_ *FROM God’s “Chosen” Apostle* *Of HIS PURE GRACE?:* *"This thou knowest, that ALL THEY WHICH ARE IN ASIA TURNED AWAY* *From me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes." (2 Timothy 1 : 15 KJB!)* -------- Again, friend(s), *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed In God’s WORD Of Truth, Rightly* *Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!)* brother Chris PS: What think ye?: *"Solves* _ALL "religious" Confusion"?_ = *NO "Other" Doctrine Than "Right Division!"* {Perchance Disobedience to *THIS **_"Sound_** Doctrine" Of God!* is _The Cause_ Of ALL Of The "Controversial/Contradictory/Confusing/DIVIDING" Issues? }: Friend, are you *"Approved Unto God"?* or, Are you *"Grieving HIS Spirit"?* And, whether *"Imminent" Great GRACE Departure* is “sooner OR Later”: Double Checked "Prepared And Ready" For IT!! ✔✔ Amen?

  • @RebeccaAbrahansson
    @RebeccaAbrahansson3 жыл бұрын

    Even so come Lord Jesus !!

    @CRABBYBAG3 жыл бұрын

    Good to see you brother , God bless ♥️

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44463 жыл бұрын

    Thank you.

  • @stephensmalldridge9504
    @stephensmalldridge95043 жыл бұрын

    Matthew 24 : tells exactly when that takes place

  • @RebeccaAbrahansson
    @RebeccaAbrahansson3 жыл бұрын

    Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man. But as the days Of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, Marrying and giving in marriage, Until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and destroyed them all; So shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be on the Field; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two woman shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: For you know not what hour your Lord doeth come. But know this, that if the Goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, He would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, Whom his Lord has made ruler over his Household, To give him meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, Whom his Lord when he comes shall find so doing. But if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delays his coming: The Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he is not Looking for him, and in an hour That he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Daniel 12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of Thy people: And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nationerna to that same time: and at That time Thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Many of them that sleeping the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting contempt. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-5 For you know very well that the day of the Lord Will come as a thief in the Night. When they shall say "peace and Security" Sudden destruction comes upon them As a woman in travail, and they shall not escape. But you brothers and sisters are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. Luke 21:34 and take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be may be lodade down with carousing, drunkenness, And the cares of this life, and that day comes upon you suddenly. For as a snart shall it come on all Tham that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you May be accounted worthy the Escape all these things that shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of man. Revelation 3:10 Because you have Kept the Word of my patience, l also Will keep the From the hour of trial, which shall come Upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, l come quickly, hold fast to which you have, that no man takes your crown

  • @stephensmalldridge9504
    @stephensmalldridge95043 жыл бұрын

    @@RebeccaAbrahansson exactly

  • @josephoreynolds1742
    @josephoreynolds17424 жыл бұрын

    When the Fire Comes down We Go Up - 2021? I see as the Start up of the tribulation ,and prob in the fall of 2021- BUT Yahshua said he would cut the time short - so i am looking at there will be more than one rapture like event- Barley at the 6th seal /Wheat-- Grapes - =martyred

  • @josephoreynolds1742
    @josephoreynolds17424 жыл бұрын

    Wrath is the 6th seal - that is the the time Right after the 2 witnesses are called up 3 1/2 years in to the Tribulation, and is the Great tribulation and the start of Gods Wrath

  • @ProphetsAmongUs
    @ProphetsAmongUs4 жыл бұрын

    How's your relationship with Jesus Christ going brother?

  • @amberblah396
    @amberblah3964 жыл бұрын

    My grandmother died in her sleep at the age of 69 just this past Sunday and I am having such a hard time with it. I believe you that you died in your sleep. You know your body more than anyone else would. She always slept on her side but my grandfather found her on her back. It was so sudden without warning. I want to know she is okay. I have been a Christian for many years but I still simply don't truly know what happens when we die. My heart is broken and hearing people talk of heaven comforts me. I wish people like you would draw what you saw even if it's not the best drawing. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44464 жыл бұрын

    She passed peacefully, and if she accepted Jesus as lord, she is in the best hands. She rest in the arms of the lord. May God ease your heart. You WILL see her again. May your heart be at peace.

  • @livijeevan6487
    @livijeevan64874 жыл бұрын

    I too need a hug from Jesus

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44464 жыл бұрын

    Close your eyes, and visualize yourself giving Jesus a hug. And talk to him.

  • @calyfigueroa3482
    @calyfigueroa34824 жыл бұрын

    I believe you it happened to me 💯 Real ✨

  • @barb.priestleyegmail31comp34
    @barb.priestleyegmail31comp344 жыл бұрын

    The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in him and he helps me My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him Psalm 28:7 🌹🍂AMEN🍂🌹 JESUS CHRIST I PRAISE YOU! I REALLY THOUGHT THIS I REALLY NEED PRAYERS FOR TO BRING MY SON JASON BACK IN MY LIFE AS HIS 2 WIFE THERESA IS KEEPING US APART I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE ALL PARYER'S FOR MY SON JASON YES! I really I NEED A HUG FROM JESUS OUR LORD I HAVE SOME SADNESS OVER SON JASON BUT IF JESUS GIVE ME A HUG THAT SWEET GOD BLESS YOU FOR THE MESSAGE YES PEOPLE NEED TO FEEL L💓VE AMEN ️🌹🌿🌹💜🌹🌿🌹 Isaiah 41.13 For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you Do not fear I will help you ️ ️ 🌹🌿 AMEN🌿🌹🕊️ ️

    @CRABBYBAG4 жыл бұрын


  • @kornami8678
    @kornami86785 жыл бұрын

    Besides, this is June, 2019. When you predict dates and they don't come true, it makes you out to be a false prophet and you know what that means.

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44465 жыл бұрын

    If you listened closely. I did not say it would occur at a certain date. I said it may or may not. No one knows the actual date.

  • @kornami8678
    @kornami86785 жыл бұрын

    There is no pre-tribulation rapture. If the pre-tribulation rapture were so, the event would have been discussed in the chronology of the Olivet Discourses in Matthew, Mark and/or Luke or in any other number of places. There is no scripture that describes it and there is no scripture that tells when it will happen because it is a false teaching of wishful thinking people. The resurrection and translation of the Elect occurs at the end of the tribulation at the second coming of Christ to the earth to rule. Look at the trumpets. The trumpet blasts in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24:31, 1st Corinthians 15:51, 1st Thessalonians 4:16, and Revelation 10:7 and 11:15, are one in the same trumpet, the last trump - the 7th trumpet of Revelation - meaning the resurrection and translation of the Elect and the second coming are the same event. If the Elect are present during the tribulation, so is the church.

  • @kornami8678
    @kornami86785 жыл бұрын

    There is no scripture that connects the parable of the fig tree in Matthew 24:32-36, with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. What the parable of the fig tree is saying is that the events described in the first part of chapter 24, and witnessed by that generation, will be fulfilled and concluded during that generation. Whenever the events of Matthew 24 occur, that generation will see it through to Christ’s return. Again, this has nothing to do with what happened in 1948 by the United Nations. Let the Bible interpret the Bible. Don't over think this. Stop listening to the so-called experts and listen to the Bible.

  • @girlabovetheclouds7409
    @girlabovetheclouds74095 жыл бұрын

    It makes sense but it can be also in 2021 plus 7 years of tribulation ending in 2028! Thank you and GBU

  • @sophietyrrell3131
    @sophietyrrell31315 жыл бұрын

    I believe it really happened. Thank you for sharing. Now I know what to do.

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44465 жыл бұрын

    Yes, Jesus, God, holy spirit, are very real. I have seen things, had things occur in my life that prove beyond the shadow of doubt. I tested the spirits, and 110% believe.

  • @northlandliving2482
    @northlandliving24825 жыл бұрын

    Awesome Brother. God bless you:)

  • @jesusislove7289
    @jesusislove72895 жыл бұрын


  • @59thanks61
    @59thanks615 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for sharing...💝💖💗

  • @ProphetsAmongUs
    @ProphetsAmongUs5 жыл бұрын

    I've had sleep paralyses on my sides and my back, and i had a similar thing happen but i didn't die it was a closed vision.

    @CRABBYBAG5 жыл бұрын


  • @ofthelion8634
    @ofthelion86345 жыл бұрын

    Amen The Lord bless you

  • @jackgilmore8383
    @jackgilmore83835 жыл бұрын

    Yes I do like it several years bag sitting in my wheelchair in the house I decided I'm from Louisiana whether my bill mountague so I've built me a river tug and tow boat in everybody like U so much that U or the boys down there that was doing drugs his daddy asked me if I could round up something like that to give the him soon keeping busy and keep him off of drugs and I knew that giving all my radio control stuff to keep this for busy in your AC so a wonderful stuff he is built since then and be in drug free is a wonderful blessing but no I like you tow boat I think it's a gonna turn out to be nice have a good one

  • @clearincehoney1716
    @clearincehoney17165 жыл бұрын

    i love hugs mate :D

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44465 жыл бұрын

    I don't know what it weighs. I sold it.

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44464 жыл бұрын

    There was nothing wrong with it. I just got tied up with other projects.

  • @troymayo
    @troymayo5 жыл бұрын

    What's that set weigh?

    @CRABBYBAG5 жыл бұрын


    @CRABBYBAG5 жыл бұрын

    KOOL =]

  • @voltixD
    @voltixD5 жыл бұрын

    You went through the glass dome of the firmament to heaven. That's pretty awesome!

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44465 жыл бұрын

    voltixD. I have always felt unworth of Gods grace. But, yet he has chosen to show and use me for his will. I feel extremely blessed. My love for God, And Jesus and the holy spirit is beyond words.

  • @ProphetsAmongUs
    @ProphetsAmongUs5 жыл бұрын

    Love you brother.

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44465 жыл бұрын

    Prophets Among Us . We are all brothers and sisters. We fly soon!!!

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44465 жыл бұрын

    Sorry. I titled this video incorrectky.

  • @savannanikinfloff7623
    @savannanikinfloff76235 жыл бұрын

    I really need a hug from Jesus

  • @mariamsahakyan6421
    @mariamsahakyan64214 жыл бұрын

    So do i🥰🥰🥰

  • @romalynnstar
    @romalynnstar6 жыл бұрын

    My feeling is believers need to be ready at any moment. The resurrection rapture--catching up and His second coming are different I think. At His second coming the feast day appointed times may come into play. But am not sure only thinking which is ok, thanks for sharing

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44466 жыл бұрын

    Roma Starling. You are correct. We need to be ready. Yes he is coming back twice. Once to take us up. And then again to rule.

  • @romalynnstar
    @romalynnstar6 жыл бұрын

    After the world agreed to give them their land, they have had to fight like all get out to keep it. Britian totally betrayed them right away. All those nations will be cursed...

  • @girlabovetheclouds7409
    @girlabovetheclouds74096 жыл бұрын

    Let's hope so, I'm getting tired already, cannot imagine 10 more years! God Bless you

  • @cameronblue5156
    @cameronblue51566 жыл бұрын

    this needs to happen to more people. god has the ability to touch people in ways we cannot understand. god is love

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44466 жыл бұрын

    Cameron Blue true

  • @cameronblue5156
    @cameronblue51566 жыл бұрын

    god we praise you, we thank you, and we love you, we invite your presence into this wicked world. god let your will be done. we thankyou and praise you, AMEN.

  • @cameronblue5156
    @cameronblue51566 жыл бұрын

    might have been an actual experience with god

  • @azriel4446
    @azriel44466 жыл бұрын

    Cameron Blue , yes i believe so. He has shown me without doubt, he is real!!!

  • @cameronblue5156
    @cameronblue51566 жыл бұрын

    god loves us all. I had a dream that I saw god also. and I hugged him. and it was the best feeling I had ever felt

  • @4g63attack
    @4g63attack6 жыл бұрын

    Nice buy... Zev don't make their own AR style of rifle they had acquired Mega Arms to do so.... Even When Mega Arms were selling their AR receiver they were at a premium and require a premium price tag..

    @CRABBYBAG6 жыл бұрын