APUSH Simplified

APUSH Simplified

This channel is dedicated to clearly explaining the sources found in APUSH, providing tips and strategies for tackling individual sections on the AP exam, and breaking down the content into easily understandable video lectures.

Wars and Conflicts Review

Wars and Conflicts Review

Grades And Mindset

Grades And Mindset

The Political Spectrum

The Political Spectrum

Lofi AP Study Session

Lofi AP Study Session


  • @davidg865
    @davidg8653 күн бұрын

    I knew republicans was a lil racist but dayum, opposing intergration?

  • @mastergmoore
    @mastergmoore10 күн бұрын

    Awh you left out the Protestant Uprising!

  • @tomjarrett2477
    @tomjarrett247722 күн бұрын

    Industrial revolution in New England depended on Southern cotton. Read Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged and Profited from Slavery

  • @zephyr1258
    @zephyr125823 күн бұрын

    I took the late version of the APUSH exam that was today cause I had AP European History in place of the original APUSH date

  • @FreebornJohnLillburne
    @FreebornJohnLillburneАй бұрын

    Was Wilson a Jeffersonian in that he shared Jefferson’s hostility to centralized government power(“big government”)?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified198129 күн бұрын

    He definitely saw himself in that same vein as Jefferson, and he was attempting to bring the U.S. back to the Jeffersonian yeoman farmer ideal, just in an industrialization context, so instead of a few big corporations the U.S. should be a country of small business owners and farmers.

  • @FreebornJohnLillburne
    @FreebornJohnLillburne29 күн бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 Brandeis (his advisor) was a Jeffersonian who believed that bigness in government was as dangerous as bigness in business. This seems like more of a conservative position. Was Wilson seen as the conservative in the sense of an emphasis on federalism and limited government?

  • @ZikaiLian
    @ZikaiLianАй бұрын

    My thesis stated that slavery impacted American society because it caused many people to go against it on moral and legal ground, while at the same time many people continued to find other reasons to justify it. Would my thesis relate to social impact as it talks about how it altered the way people thought? Also, I used the founding of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society as outside evidence as they opposed slavery on moral grounds, so would this work?

  • @pl4zmaspice486
    @pl4zmaspice486Ай бұрын

    Hi, I am not too confident on my sourcing for the dbq. I used doc 4 and showed how the fact that it was a church leader in south carolina showed the sectional divide between the north and the south and how religion impacted it. Along with this, I also talked about the last source, which was an anti-slavery almanac and explained how the fact that it was an almanac likely meant that it spread rapidly in the north and perpetuated the abolition movement. Would these two likely work?

  • @blobby4532
    @blobby4532Ай бұрын

    they both work, but for doc 4 u had to explain really well

  • @benjaminngo5537
    @benjaminngo5537Ай бұрын

    I used The Liberator for OE and slavery before the time period via cotton plantations and tobacco plantations. Would this be ok?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    The Liberator possibly works, it needed to not be associated with the Garrison doc as that was his publication. If it was close with the Garrison doc a reader might give context /sourcing for that doc instead of outside evidence. Cotton works that's from the time period.

  • @Xuurls
    @XuurlsАй бұрын

    How specific does the evidence beyond document have to be? Are the ones listed the only ones you think could receive credit?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Just the ones that I thought of first, there could be other outside evidence as well, as long as it is within the time period of the prompt.

  • @aleurx7328
    @aleurx7328Ай бұрын

    if i used fugitive slave act for evidence but did not specify whether it was the 1793 or 1850 one would that count?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Maybe. Depends on how the reader interprets it.

  • @thewhat2
    @thewhat2Ай бұрын

    You sir got me a 4 last year! Thank you so much!!! Remember everyone not to worry about your scores too much!

  • @xinruhong5356
    @xinruhong5356Ай бұрын

    Hi, would I be wrong if I talked about how document 7 referred to the fugitive slave law/act?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    The 1850 fugitive slave law is outside the time period. If you were referencing the one in the constitution then it might fit.

  • @mercurycures8204
    @mercurycures8204Ай бұрын

    For my essay I used all the documents splitting them up into political, religious and economic impacts: Historical Context: I’ll be real I started from the beginning with historical context it was pretty long, cause I went into the Colombian exchange, why Africans were brought to the New World for Slavery, so I hope that’s ok cause I don’t remember writing as much that was close to the time period. Political: Talked about the differing perspectives of Abolitionist and Pro-Slave groups, would have added the Free-Soil perspective if I remember but it is what it is. Commented on the use of Enlightenment ideas by Abolitionist along with the Declaration of Independence. Connected this to how this split led to the Civil War and a greater political split between the southern and northern states for years to come. (Used Doc 1, Doc 2, Doc 3). Religious: Talked about how Pro-Slavery groups would use religion and specifically the Bible to justify their actions but also included how religion was often times a sense of hope for enslaved people. I used this to bring up the conversation of how religion was beginning to be further dismissed by intellects in replace for enlightenment ideas. Thinking back on thing I wish I had taken a little time to explain why this has had great impact on United States society (Used Doc 4, 6) Economics: Talked about the South reliance on slavery for its agricultural production and how people in the North also benefitted from providing said slaves through trade. Within in my frantic writing I mentioned how the North would return the enslaved to their enslavers and used the Underground Railroad as outside evidence (Doc 5,7). When I checked over my work it seemed that I hit most the boxes, what do you think?

  • @xia7578
    @xia7578Ай бұрын

    I used two outside evidence, the northwest ordinance for doc3 and second great awakening for doc6 because I’m afraid that either of them will not work… would it work for outside evidence??

  • @potassiumoverdosedude8753
    @potassiumoverdosedude8753Ай бұрын

    Could outside evidence be that Thomas Jefferson wanted to add a clause banning slavery into the DOI, but then removed it because of how deeply rooted it had become in American Society and the controversies it would spark?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Outside of the time period of the prompt, maybe as context for doc. 2 if it was used with it.

  • @potassiumoverdosedude8753
    @potassiumoverdosedude8753Ай бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 Yes I used it with doc 2

  • @cardinaliscardinalis7965
    @cardinaliscardinalis7965Ай бұрын

    Hello! Would the outside evidence of the Amistad and how it highlighted Southern and Northern tensions over slavery count? I just searched it up and it technically happened in 1839 but was decided by the Supreme Court in 1941. Also I don't know if this is too abstract of a way to argue that their was increased sectionalism.

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Maybe, I'm not knowledgeable enough about it to make a determination.

  • @liwekiwi
    @liwekiwiАй бұрын

    For my thesis, I said that the institution of slavery impacted society to a great extent because it caused a division amongst religious leaders and impacted the way that people thought about prominent matters. For my EBD, I used the Mexican Cession. Was that all okay? 😭

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Thesis is good, outside evidence is outside of the time period of the prompt so it won't work.

  • @tateornator3654
    @tateornator3654Ай бұрын

    That first one is so easy wtf😭

  • @pl4zmaspice486
    @pl4zmaspice486Ай бұрын

    For outside evidence, I talked about apologists like john calhoun who believed slavery was a positive good and used it to complement doc 4 which was someone also justifying slavery as a just institution. Would this work?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    That works, especially if you specifically discussed John C. Calhoun's position.

  • @lazerplaysroblox2617
    @lazerplaysroblox2617Ай бұрын

    Hello there! If I used the NW Ordinance of 1787 as outside evidence to argue that by abolishing slavery it created some societal tensions between those for slavery and those against it, would that be an okay piece of evidence? Thanks

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Maybe, at the time it was passed the NW Ordinance was not that controversial, but it did play a pivotal role by banning slavery in that area of the country.

  • @Dr.J42
    @Dr.J42Ай бұрын

    Is Set 2 from the online out?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Yes, click on the link in the video description.

  • @Dr.J42
    @Dr.J42Ай бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981Oh I just meant will there be a breakdown out on your channel?

  • @hillomrman
    @hillomrmanАй бұрын

    I evaluated the extent of which slavery affected society both in the political and moral aspects. I did political and realized it would be tricky bc society and politics are two different wings but i was always saying “politics of the society at the time” and stuff like that to try and convince whatever reader I get to understand im talking about politics in society. Idk tho, am I gonna score well on that if I used all 7 documents?? (considering that i am a solid writer according to my APLANG teacher)

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    That sounds good. The docs were pretty easy on this DBQ so most likely you will get the two doc points and maybe complexity.

  • @wenwen2233
    @wenwen2233Ай бұрын

    I wrote about the civil war does that still count? 😭😭😭

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Sorry it won't count

  • @bangodumpling
    @bangodumplingАй бұрын

    y’all what if i used the 3/5 compromise as outside evidence??

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    It could definitely work.

  • @bangodumpling
    @bangodumplingАй бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 thank you so much 🙏

  • @Norseside
    @NorsesideАй бұрын

    So like... for the LEQ #4 if I used the wrong president as evidence and so happened to use the women suffrage movement (was completely out of the time frame) during my essay. Am I cooked?

  • @solfernio6109
    @solfernio6109Ай бұрын

    I talked about in my contextualization how initially native Americans were used, but after smallpox killed most, a shift to indentured servants was seen with the headright system. I then led onto bacons rebellion and talked about the adoption of slavery, and then the American revolution in which a new nation was born, confused on how to handle the institution of slavery given its liberty oriented background. I then said it impacted society somewhat, and used docs 1&2 for how it greatly impacted society because it was able to shape counter-slavery actions (like the questioning of laws and the 9month old slave sale and how free slaves represented the movement trying to stand up for oppressed slaves to bring a change) and I used docs 4 and 5 along with the fugitive slave act to explain how it did not impact society much (doc 4 detailing how even the bible was brought in to try and convince those favoring emancipation to return to "normalcy" and how the triangular trade still was going on shipping slaves). how does that sound?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    The N/A smallpox content is too far back. The rest sounds good.

  • @solfernio6109
    @solfernio6109Ай бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 i didn't know that contextualization could go too far back, would that get me points off?

  • @DeannaKim-bl2jg
    @DeannaKim-bl2jgАй бұрын

    I messed up on the context portion in my intro 😭 I spoke after the fact and talked about the impact of segregation on society..

  • @blublover
    @blubloverАй бұрын

    is it bad if i talked about enlightenment ideals a lot..., and how much evidence did i have to use for each doc to support my point, i guess i felt like iw as repeating myself a littl ebit

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    It's not bad. Enlightenment ideals could be good overall context or also go as context for docs 1 and 2

  • @blublover
    @blubloverАй бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 thank u bros

  • @isaacgonzalez6682
    @isaacgonzalez6682Ай бұрын

    Can the Colombian Exchange be outside evidence for the DBQ

  • @horse4281
    @horse4281Ай бұрын

    no way lol

  • @blublover
    @blubloverАй бұрын

    what if i used compromise of 1850 lol

  • @horse4281
    @horse4281Ай бұрын

    you're cooked

  • @speed8043
    @speed8043Ай бұрын

    I panicked and used the 3/5 Compromise as a context, do you think this will flow or will I miss out on the point? Context is always the point I seem to miss so I really wanted to get it this time but fear I missed it again.

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    3/5ths could be used for context or outside evidence.

  • @sish9912
    @sish9912Ай бұрын

    I used some stuff about the founding of the US for contextualization, used all 7, sourced docs 1 and 4 for both audience and purpose, used louisiana purchase, Gag rule, and something else for OE 😋 how'd I do? also PLEASE ROUND MY GRADE 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @JohnArkinson
    @JohnArkinsonАй бұрын

    my thesis was about how the insitution of slavery changed society by increasing sectionalism and economic prosperity outside evidence: market revolution, cotton gin, the liberator would this have worked?

  • @StaleWheel2018
    @StaleWheel2018Ай бұрын

    I think the thesis works but outside evidence not as much because the market revolution I think is during 1783-1840

  • @sono-una-principessa
    @sono-una-principessaАй бұрын

    I used the Missouri Compromise as outside evidence because I was running out of time 😭. I justified it to my friend by saying that the question was mentioned but not the compromise itself. I’m assume I didn’t get that point 👌🏼

  • @kkamdar1796
    @kkamdar1796Ай бұрын

    Wait I think you’ll be fine if u called the compromise of 1820 instead of the Missouri compromise (even the Missouri compromise (proper noun) wasn’t mentioned

  • @sono-una-principessa
    @sono-una-principessaАй бұрын

    @@kkamdar1796I hope so 🙏🏼 I need a 5 so bad. I got a 5 on my mock, so it’ll look bad if I go down because I ran out of time

  • @bangodumpling
    @bangodumplingАй бұрын

    I’m not sure cause wasn’t that in one of the documents?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Depends. If you used it near to the doc that was discussing the situation with Missouri than it's context for that doc. If it's completely separate from that doc than it could be a point for outside evidence

  • @aadilsiddique456
    @aadilsiddique456Ай бұрын

    Do u think manifest destiny wouldve gotten outside evidence if i supported how it increased division in the US bc it led to controversy btwn americans abt instituting slavery in new land?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Possibly, the actual idea of manifest destiny is outside the time period as John O' Sullivan coined it in 1845.

  • @Anne-jo1jw
    @Anne-jo1jwАй бұрын

    would talking about wage slaves count as outside evidence? i talked about how slavery created divide/sectionalism over economics. while the northern manufacturers criticized southern plantation owners for holding slaves (not paying them), the southern plantation owners criticized the northern manufacturers for hiring "wage slaves" and not providing them aid

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Probably works. Calhoun's "Slavery as a Positive Good" was delivered in 1837 and echoes those sentiments.

  • @Anne-jo1jw
    @Anne-jo1jwАй бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 thanks!

  • @Knicksin4..
    @Knicksin4..Ай бұрын

    For OUTSIDE INFO I talked about the abolitionist reform movements and activists that came alongside temperance ,women’s right etc in the 1800s.I related it to how it shows that there was a growing trend of anti slavery sentiment. Is this too similar to the docs?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Maybe, it's pretty similar to doc. 6, depends on how you discussed it and where in your essay, if it's right next to doc. 6 the AP reader is probably going to associate as context for that doc.

  • @Knicksin4..
    @Knicksin4..Ай бұрын

    Yea true I don’t even look at doc 6 I had already decided what I was gonna use. I put my outside info as like the last thing as its own separate section right before my closing sentence. Tuff

  • @HealthyBrainPower
    @HealthyBrainPowerАй бұрын

    will u have a video on the Saqs? i was confused on the first one about the two different women text

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Maybe, if I have time.

  • @horse4281
    @horse4281Ай бұрын

    i talked about how it increased sectional tensions between north and south based on two factors: constitution and religion. i talked about the increasing debates on applicability of constituion and founding fathers to african americans (doc 1 and 2) and included 3/5 compromise as possible outside info. i also mentioned how the second great awakening led to revival of relgiion and how it impacted views on slavery (doc 4, 5, 6). How would this work?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    All of that is solid.

  • @horse4281
    @horse4281Ай бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 thanks a lot

  • @sebastianraney7553
    @sebastianraney7553Ай бұрын

    Thank god I did this too

  • @Jasmine-it7vn
    @Jasmine-it7vnАй бұрын

    For the context, I talked a lil about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the tendency for African Americans to be enslaved. Then I transferred to after the Revolution and talked about how the North began to emancipate states while implementing the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, and then mentioned the Trade Ban of 1808, but I mentioned how the South still got slaves from illegal means and domestically. My context was mostly 3-4 sentences so i hope that’s enough 😢 My outside evidence was the invention of the Cotton Gin during the Market Revolution and its affects on Southern Economy (driving the south to become increasingly reliant on slaves in comparison to the industrializing North)

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    The NW Ord. and trade ban will get you the point. Outside sounds good as well.

  • @JoesphSarphonski
    @JoesphSarphonskiАй бұрын

    Talked about slavery's beginnings in the colonial times including Bacon's rebellion for contextualization. Said that while slavery didn't really change the religious beliefs of individuals in American society, it impacted society through political legislation and the forming of social reform groups as well as African Americans recording their experience, sparking outrage and increasing sectionalism, which lead to the Civil War for my thesis. Used the Second Great Awakening and the fact that many individuals that were against slavery were Quakers as outside evidence, not sure if that works.

  • @katekadavil3298
    @katekadavil3298Ай бұрын

    damn i used dred scott for outside evidence that’s a stupid rule that it has to be inside the time period

  • @pedrouu3461
    @pedrouu3461Ай бұрын

    Me too i thought i was so smart for relating it to doc 7. Honestly bummed

  • @HealthyBrainPower
    @HealthyBrainPowerАй бұрын

    I talked about how slavery caused tensions and political disputes. Also, a lot how the new territories gained by the US caused tensions to rise since they could not figure out if it should be a slave or free state. Then, I talked about just the morality of slavery because a lot of the document were about how slavery went against rights and the consitution. Would that work?

  • @HealthyBrainPower
    @HealthyBrainPowerАй бұрын

    for my outside source i mentioned the missouri compromise too

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    The issue with the Missouri Compromise as outside evidence is one of the docs is talking about it, so an AP Reader is probably going to associate that as context for that doc.

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    All of those talking points are good and fits with the prompt and evidence.

  • @HealthyBrainPower
    @HealthyBrainPowerАй бұрын

    @@apushsimplified1981 but I said it admitted Maine as a free state, Missouri as a slave state and any land above the 36’ 30 degrees line does not allow slavery. Or would that still not count. I also mentioned fugitive slave law but I think that’s out of the time period

  • @bob-jc8nm
    @bob-jc8nmАй бұрын

    for contextualization i talked about the change in forced labor system and how it led up to slavery. i first started with the natives and explained how the spread of diseases caused the plantation owners to switch to indentured servants. then, i talked about the bacons rebellion and how it caused the plantation owners to realize that indentured servants are not reliable which ultimately caused the switch to slavery. i finished up the context by explaining how the issue of slavery is not resolved after the American revolution and that it would influence the early republic to the great extent.(followed by my thesis)....do you think my context would earn the point here? also for outside evidence would the Dred Scott decision work? I've just realized that the date of the decision is outside of the prompt's time period...

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Dred Scott is not going to work, it needs to be in the time period. Your context went too far back, it needs to be closer. The last part about the Revolution and slavery might get you the point.

  • @farhinahmed6494
    @farhinahmed6494Ай бұрын

    omg literally i wrote the same thing but for my outside evidence i wrote about the fugitive slave act... but like i messed up on my thesis point for some reason i wrote it had none to a limited impact on how it shaped the society... i srsly didnt know what i was thinking but welp there goes my thesis point (unless i can get the point but i HIGHLY doubt it) and also for the DBQ i didnt HIPP the 4 documents i used... im cooked

  • @puhwin4773
    @puhwin4773Ай бұрын

    Who ever got this is the luckiest mf alive

  • @shrekogre5215
    @shrekogre5215Ай бұрын

    I talked about the nullification crisis as some outside evidence because I related it to the discussion of federal overreach that came along with the topic of abolitionism, although it was not directly about slavery. Could I get credit for this or is this too far out of the scope?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    I think it will work, you made a good connection to abolitionism, which is definitely an aspect of the societal impact of slavery, and also present in a few of the docs.

  • @djiboutinationalanthem5252
    @djiboutinationalanthem5252Ай бұрын

    I used the Free Soil Movement as my outside evidence to support how Northern society became more centered on an opposition to slavery (used in my paragraph with Garrison, so abolitionism and less radical opposition to Westward Expansion of Slavery). Would this work for outside evidence, even if has more to do with political developments (ie Republican platform)?

  • @apushsimplified1981
    @apushsimplified1981Ай бұрын

    Free Soil is more 1850s along with the Republican platform. It is outside the time frame of the prompt.

  • @djiboutinationalanthem5252
    @djiboutinationalanthem5252Ай бұрын


  • @djiboutinationalanthem5252
    @djiboutinationalanthem5252Ай бұрын

    Wait! I might not be cooked. I spent a lot of time talking about how Northern industry profited from Southern cotton production and the anti-slavery response to that system. I just hope my grader ignores me trying to be as explicit as possible saying "Another piece of evidence is the Free Soil Movement..."

  • @charltonrd
    @charltonrdАй бұрын

    easy 5

  • @madelinecorreia2950
    @madelinecorreia2950Ай бұрын

    pls do set 2

  • @pandacorncorgi8323
    @pandacorncorgi8323Ай бұрын

    APUSH exam is in like 6 minutes and in still studying, I’m cooked