University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame

The University of Notre Dame, founded in 1842 by a priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is an independent, national Catholic university located in Notre Dame, Indiana, adjacent to the city of South Bend and approximately 90 miles east of Chicago.


  • @johnbach8340
    @johnbach83403 сағат бұрын

    Oh yes

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverinКүн бұрын

    Human ignorance is the main way Satan and the other fallen angels have operated and still operate in this world. For example, cancer must not be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but with healthy periods of starvation, consuming only small quantities of natural / organic vegetables at all meals (and some suitable fruits, especially black fruits such as: wild blackberries, wild bilberries etc.), with 8 hours of sleep every night, walks / exercises in nature (fresh air, sunny days...), without stress, optimistic ..., not eating sugar and meat at all ... the tumors being "digested" in a few months or even weeks (it is also highly recommended not to have any overload during the healing period). Over the healthy periods of starvation, *the body will begin to feed on all its unused tissues (including the tumors).* Those healthy periods of fasting help our immune system and induce the state of ketosis (consumption of stored fat in the body) and gluconeogenesis, so that *through outdoor exercise, when we eat almost nothing for a long enough period, our body will "digest” also all the tumors.* Many other diseases can be prevented and cured in this way (such as: diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.). Anyone can do an easier experiment. For a weekend, eat nothing but drink, few times a day, some tea with lemon and a little honey, taking on these occasions a tablespoon or two of black grape seed powder. The tea can be made using only lemons, well washed, cut into slices and squeezed in water before being boiled (enough, but not too much). Then, after it is no longer hot, sweeten with a little honey (100% natural) and add a new / fresh slice of lemon, also squeezed into the cup / glass of tea. I make my own black grape powder at home from dried 100% organic black grape pomace, ground with a coffee grinder (the consumption of black grape powder during healthy periods of fasting, with outdoor exercise, destroys the cancer cells). I am sorry because many people do not know enough biology to be able to understand all the details from the correct treatment for cancer that I have explained above. Also, most people do not know that it has been proved already that the black grapes powder consumption, over the healthy fasting periods (with outdoor exercise), makes the cancer cells kill themselves (including for leukemia). For your health, in general, try to *avoid sugar, meat, sedentary lifestyle and the exposure to bad things such as radiation, chemicals..., besides keeping a good hydration and a continuous 7 or 8 hours sleep each night.*

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverinКүн бұрын

    Any serious reader can start verifying (and/or learning if necessary) to understand and benefit by ALL the details and proofs from the description of *the correct treatment for cancer* that I have offered for more years already, in the comments section of many videos. Many seem to not know that all humans go through cancer, small enough to be solved by our body, or bigger on a weaker immunity system due to too much/big stress and sorrow, wrong lifestyle (too much indoor / sedentary, without enough fresh air into the sunny days...), eating too much sugar and meat (animal protein / products), too less continuous sleep at night... and with too much exposure to bad things such as: radiation, chemicals...

  • @Peter-d9d
    @Peter-d9dКүн бұрын

    at 1:35:33 D'Souza does an extremely offensive racist impression of a Western English speaking white man. Can someone tell me please where I can find the cancellation forms? Thanks.

  • @Alawiggle
    @AlawiggleКүн бұрын


  • @vinodvenkatesan1432
    @vinodvenkatesan14322 күн бұрын

    Starts at 9:40

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Humans, with very few exceptions, have lost their merit of direct communication with God because *each sin moves us away from God, from perfection.* Not all who ever lived on Earth had knowledge about the truth from those who deserved to have it revealed by Divinity and especially from Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity. It has always been easy for any human to know what the useless suffering is and to never produce it (no need for the Creator to tell us this). That is why *He expects us to strive to never do evil, especially to never do evil intentionally, to never cause useless suffering, any damage, to others and to ourselves.*

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Therefore, *in this short earthly life humans have to learn their lesson: to use freedom only for good, to strive always for perfection.* After hearing the truth about/from God/Jesus, only those who want to use freedom for evil are opposing to Divinity, feeling their freedom restricted, the really good humans being happy to receive the confirmation for their love of / striving for goodness, wisdom, justice... for perfection, as Jesus Christ has said: *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.

  • @Druid75
    @Druid75Күн бұрын

    Perfection doesn’t exist, perfection is a lie

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverinКүн бұрын

    We are not perfect but we can strive for perfection, improving ourselves continuously, to not sin by doing our best to not do evil in every situation, to become as good, wise, saint as we can. This daily effort, in all our deeds, is appreciated by Divinity. All evil we do, which cannot be forgiven by Divinity, is sending us to hell, instead of Heaven: *_"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his due for the things done in the body, whether good or bad."_* 2 Corinthians 5, 10

  • @Druid75
    @Druid75Күн бұрын

    @@filmeseverin perfection is a lie, it doesn’t exist

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverinКүн бұрын

    The question remains: Why so many were/are opposing to the main advice from Jesus Christ: to strive always for goodness, wisdom, justice... for perfection? *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Most probably, because *just as it is easier to destroy something useful than to make/build something useful, in the same way it is easier to be evil=stupid than to be good=wise.*

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    In brief, the Creator of this world (God/Divinity) exists because this reality, with us into it, is not the result of nothing, or the result of no intelligence, because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* That is why atheists renounce to elementary logic and to simple rationality intentionally when they believe that this reality has always existed without any intelligence involved. *God is not bounded by what He has created,* but atheists, in their superficiality, do not want to recognize their limitations. For example, science will never be able to really know, at least, what a photon is (the magnification process being infinite). Regarding the Creator of this reality (the nature of God etc.), our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible), but *we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to see God and what He expects from us.* Therefore, those wise enough understand that *God is not bounded by time (not being bounded by what He has created), respectively He is eternal, always existed, which means that He was not created,* but atheists ignore, also, the other fact already mentioned by me about the nature of God that *our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them". Anyway, they have no excuse because we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to understand.*

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    A single photon is like a miniature Universe because the magnification process is infinite (it cannot be stopped). For example: 1/2 > 1/3 > 1/4 > ... 1/n > 1/(n+1) > ... 1/infinite proves that we can go infinitely to smaller numbers greater than zero, which in physics means that we can go infinitely to smaller things, in other words *science will never be able to really know from what this reality is made.* No matter how small a particle is, the system of reference can be decreased to its level of size and see that it is made from smaller things, and so on (this is the infinite involved). In other words, *anything is made from something smaller and also it is included in something bigger.* In addition, all the unbelievers of the proven truths, should not ignore the facts presented in (close to) the end of the video titled: *"Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong",* which is available on KZread, to realize that I am right in all my affirmations. Just as billions of cells are needed for us to live this earthly life, in a similar way are required billions of galaxies for the intelligent life to be hosted intentionally to have 100% freedom, like humans on Earth. *Think how wonderful the Creator is, the opposite of a dictator, to create this reality in this way, with 100% freedom. He has told us to live in freedom but to not use freedom as a cover-up for evil.* Unfortunately, Satan, the fallen angels, respectively their tools in this world - the evil=stupid humans - have used (are using) the freedom offered by God to do evil intentionally. However, all will be judged 100% correctly by God/Jesus and all will receive what they deserve.

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Jesus Christ has been seen resurrected by many hundreds of people (Josh McDowell wrote “Evidence That Demands A Verdict.” Lee Strobel wrote “The Case For Christ.” Both books help to settle the issue that Christ is alive). The early Christians would not have given their lives, suffering torture to death, without knowing that Jesus Christ had certainly risen. History confirms this through more documents, for example Tacitus: "Therefore, to squelch the rumor, Nero created scapegoats and subjected to the most refined tortures those whom the common people called “Christians.” [...]. Their names come from Christ, who, during the reign of Tiberius, had been executed by the procurator Pontius Pilate.” (Annals, pg. 89 of Meier’s English Translation) Only Jesus Christ (the human form of Divinity) has said: *_"I am the way, the truth and the life."_* He also said: *_"The sky and the earth won't last forever, but my words will."_* Matthew 24, 35 _"Paul, an apostle-sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead [...] I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that _*_the gospel I preached is not of human origin._*_ I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ."_ The question is: Why so many were/are opposing to the main advice from Jesus Christ: to strive always for goodness, wisdom, justice... for perfection? *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Most probably, because just as it is easier to destroy something useful than to make/build something useful, in the same way it is easier to be evil=stupid than to be good=wise.

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Here is not Heaven. This short earthly life is a school and exam for our immortal souls (us), for those who did not listen by the Creator to understand the value of "light" without experiencing the "darkness". This reality has been created intentionally so that freedom to be 100% offered, God rewarding accordingly the free choices/deeds *_"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his due for the things done in the body, whether good or bad."_* 2 Corinthians 5, 10 The problem is with those who have used (are using) their freedom for doing evil on purpose. That is why it is not easy to fight continuously with what Satan has done to this world (carnivores, parasites, viruses, bad bacteria... the so called _"weeds"_ in Matthew 13:24-43) and to ourselves ... because *until our physical death we fight with the works of the fallen angels and of their tools, the evil=stupid people, the consequences of evilness = stupidity.*

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    God is not showing intentionally direct evidences (as atheists want) because He wants to see our *free* choices, how much we love perfection (100% goodness, wisdom, justice, pure love....) and how much we detest evilness=stupidity. - If/when we will have direct evidences of God, as atheists want, then we ALL will have immediately interested love regarding our Heavenly Father, but now, the really good humans, who love God/Jesus only from the revelation of the truth, can prove their true love for Divinity, for perfection, while living here with 100% freedom. *All evil has been done because of stupidity and the main/worst stupidity has always been to not listen by God/Jesus.* In particular, for mankind, if ALL people (over history and nowadays) would have followed the main commandment from Jesus Christ, *besides to love / respect our Heavenly Father, to love / respect (care for) the other humans as we love / respect (care for) ourselves,* all the crimes and the tremendous useless suffering would have never happen. As Jesus has said: *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.

  • @Ace_Wu
    @Ace_Wu3 күн бұрын

    “Imagine a universe in which every conscious creature suffers for as much as it can, for as long as it can” That’s a perfect description of Hell if i’ve ever seen one.

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno75102 күн бұрын

    Yep, concepts exist.

  • @gamemom73
    @gamemom734 күн бұрын

    Good grief. If there were no threat of hell, would people still believe?

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    There are two kinds of atheists: those only temporarily deceived, being too superficial regarding the Creator of this reality (as I used to be due to the atheistic education under the communist regime) and those who do not want God to exist, who deny everything that proves their errors, such as all my simple, clear and undeniable demonstrations (found easily after sorting the comments).

  • @Druid75
    @Druid75Күн бұрын

    @@filmeseverinthere are three kinds of theists. Idiots, the desperate, and conmen. Which one are you? And ofc we dont want your god to exist! Im happy there’s little to no proof of his existence. Why would you want your god to exist? He’s an illogical monster

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverinКүн бұрын

    Their ad hominem attacks can fool no one. Those too deceived will not read *entirely and carefully* the messages that prove their errors, just to keep their deceiving. Only those who renounce intentionally to elementary logic cannot understand my simple, clear and undeniable demonstrations. *All evil has been done because of stupidity and the main/worst stupidity has always been to not listen by God/Jesus.* In particular, for mankind, if ALL people (over history and nowadays) would have followed the main commandment from Jesus Christ, *besides to love / respect our Heavenly Father, to love / respect (care for) the other humans as we love / respect (care for) ourselves,* all the crimes and the tremendous useless suffering would have never happen. Without *true belief* in God/Jesus, the following evil facts have happened, are happening and will happen, unfortunately: - so many millions of people killed in wars and not only (following the killing of billions in the Third World War); - so many trillions of dollars, euros, etc. wasted on nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons, on armies, etc. only for killing and destruction... not used for: free better education for ALL, suitable jobs for ALL (without exploitation / slavery), healthier food for ALL, renewable energy, science, eradication of all diseases, better housing (resistant to earthquakes...), financing of useful inventions, recycling, reforestation etc. - sadism, violence, dishonesty, vices, envy ... stupidity in general. We should never fight against each other but only against our lack of useful knowledge / wisdom (for decreasing our ignorance), while loving / respecting each other as we love / respect ourselves, these being the main requests of God/Jesus. Therefore, both true/useful science and proper education are very important to understand God's creation and what is better, regarding the human behavior, so that ALL of us can be not only happier in our ephemera life into this world (while we are still alive here) but also deserving, or at least allowable, for perpetual life in Heaven (after leaving this world). By the way, the problem with the deceived ones is that they do not know enough science, otherwise they would realize the fact that true/proven/useful science is used to gain the trust and after that the fake/unproven science, on which are wasted the most resources, is used to manipulate the superficial people, to keep them away from the truth about/from God/Jesus, the most important truth.

  • @Hitchens1949
    @Hitchens19494 күн бұрын

    Wlc: you can’t justify morality without god Harris: perfectly sums it up in terms anyone with a second grade education can understand Wlc: you refuse to justify morality without god

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Humans, with very few exceptions, have lost their merit of direct communication with God because *each sin moves us away from God, from perfection.* That is why we have to learn our lesson here, to prove that we have understood that freedom must always be used only for good, never for evil. Not all who ever lived on Earth had knowledge about the truth from those who deserved to have it revealed by Divinity and especially from Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity. It has always been easy for any human to know what the useless suffering is and to never produce it (no need for the Creator to tell us this). That is why *He expects us to strive to never do evil, especially to never do evil intentionally, to never cause useless suffering, any damage, to others and to ourselves.*

  • @Hitchens1949
    @Hitchens19492 күн бұрын

    @@filmeseverin why do you believe this nonsense?

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverinКүн бұрын

    Those who sort the comments and read enough from my posts (both answers and threads) can see that *I have proved* that this reality has been created by an Intelligence (called God / the Creator) whose nature will never be really comprehended by humans (because of our proved limitations) except through Jesus Christ, the human form of God. *All evil has been done because of stupidity and the main/worst stupidity has always been to not listen by God/Jesus.* In particular, for mankind, if ALL people (over history and nowadays) would have followed the main commandment from Jesus Christ, *besides to love / respect our Heavenly Father, to love / respect (care for) the other humans as we love / respect (care for) ourselves,* all the crimes and the tremendous useless suffering would have never happen. Without *true belief* in God/Jesus, the following evil facts have happened, are happening and will happen, unfortunately: - so many millions of people killed in wars and not only (following the killing of billions in the Third World War); - so many trillions of dollars, euros, etc. wasted on nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons, on armies, etc. only for killing and destruction... not used for: free better education for ALL, suitable jobs for ALL (without exploitation / slavery), healthier food for ALL, renewable energy, science, eradication of all diseases, better housing (resistant to earthquakes...), financing of useful inventions, recycling, reforestation etc. - sadism, violence, dishonesty, vices, envy ... stupidity in general. We should never fight against each other but only against our lack of useful knowledge / wisdom (for decreasing our ignorance), while loving / respecting each other as we love / respect ourselves, these being the main requests of God/Jesus. Therefore, both true/useful science and proper education are very important to understand God's creation and what is better, regarding the human behavior, so that ALL of us can be not only happier in our ephemera life into this world (while we are still alive here) but also deserving, or at least allowable, for perpetual life in Heaven (after leaving this world). By the way, the problem with the deceived ones is that they do not know enough science, otherwise they would realize the fact that true/proven/useful science is used to gain the trust and after that the fake/unproven science, on which are wasted the most resources, is used to manipulate the superficial people, to keep them away from the truth about/from God/Jesus, the most important truth.

  • @Hitchens1949
    @Hitchens19494 күн бұрын

    Wlc: you can’t justify morality without god Harris: perfectly sums it up in terms anyone with a second grade education can understand Wlc: you refuse to justify morality without god

  • @statemibene
    @statemibene4 күн бұрын

    Sam’s rebuttal and especially his comparison at 1:06:58. 😂

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Atheists renounce to elementary logic when they believe that this reality has always existed without any intelligence involved, because *from no intelligence involved no intelligence comes and the results of a process prove the intelligence involved into that process. That is why the entire process until nowadays is proving the existence of God.* The superficial ones do not think enough to understand *the simple fact that from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes* in spite of the fact that even schoolchildren can understand that every photon, ... atom, ... cell has intelligence into it, *not to mention their functionality together.* They ignore the intelligence put from the beginning. For example, the intelligence mentioned includes the exact value of the speed of light matching the manifestation of what we call "gravity", working together since the primordial conditions to form in the end this reality, which hosts intelligent life that is able to feel / understand / admire / enjoy / respect / love the Creator, especially through His human form, Jesus Christ. My simple and undeniable demonstrations can be found easily, after sorting the comments, into my thread posted few minutes ago.

  • @michaelcarrig627
    @michaelcarrig6275 күн бұрын

    As a nearly lifelong leftist and atheist, I find Hitchens representation of secular morality quite ironic, as he justified the bombing of Afghanis because he conceived of terrorist violence as an expression of religion rather than a half century of Western (and Eastern) misadventure and malign geopolitics. Atheism may provide a future grounds for a better ethics, but it has not yet realized that ethics on this planet, as its ideas are held by those without the power to actualize them. On the other hand, it is also a special experience to see a charlatan like D'Souza at work. the Bible also tells us that the world is a flat plane covered by dome and that human life began with two human beings estimated to have been created 6000 years ago. If the Bible makes predictions about the composition of reality, without interpretation, it is a bad predictor. And then he makes an argument, that he and Hitchens arguments should be taken on their merits; that in another debate with an English atheist he contradicts, as he tells the English atheist that he is in fact an atheist because he is English. And maybe, possibly, there isn't a single meaning of life and that meaning must be constructed by us in the present within our short and finite lives. Just because a question is posed doesn't mean it is necessary. There are all sorts of stupid questions, or good questions that become meaningless. When they are posed outside of the Bible we may treat them as such, but for a demagogue like D'Souza that book's questions as interpreted by scholars of his choosing, must be taken seriously or we are not good or moral.

  • @QuinnEdwards1
    @QuinnEdwards16 күн бұрын

    WLC’s statement that IF there is a god, there are objective morals - so boring and inconsequential. Sam won hands down.

  • @Oldtinear
    @Oldtinear5 күн бұрын

    It is not even true. Why would the desires of an invisible supernatural being be a basis for objective morality? Craig tries to get an ought from an is: God IS good. (itself a problematic statement) We OUGHT to do what he commands. Does not follow.

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Generally, those from such videos, exposed to my clear and undeniable demonstrations but who still want to remain atheists, are ignoring intentionally the simple fact that *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes,* hoping that this reality is the result of no intelligence, in other words that God does not exist, only to escape the responsibility for their deeds, to not be Judged by God/Jesus after the leaving of this world, but they are in error. *_"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his due for the things done in the body, whether good or bad."_* 2 Corinthians 5, 10 My simple and undeniable demonstrations can be found easily, after sorting the comments, into my thread posted few minutes ago).

  • @dawn8542
    @dawn85427 күн бұрын

    I saw the Sam Harris and William Craig debate live. Notre Dame promised to do more and didn't.

  • @anthonylucero6650
    @anthonylucero66507 күн бұрын

    Liberal mooks😒

  • @coolcat23
    @coolcat237 күн бұрын

    D'Souza dares mentioning Occam's razor while invoking an omniscient, omnipotent entity that cannot do any wrong. Anyone playing this ultimate card (which is is also invisible and undetectable) better pretend Occam''s razor doesn't exist.

  • @dawn8542
    @dawn85428 күн бұрын

    We were supposed to get another. What happened??

  • @dawn8542
    @dawn85428 күн бұрын

    I was there.

  • @MrAweeze
    @MrAweeze8 күн бұрын

    Listening to two otherwise knowledgeable men fumble around astrophysics was tough.

  • @rebeccaleavitt5236
    @rebeccaleavitt52369 күн бұрын

    The detective example is how many detectives lose their job because they can't find the evidence but are sure they are right and pursue it twisting themselves into pretzels trying to make facts fit their theory.

  • @DemstarAus
    @DemstarAus9 күн бұрын

    Weird that it would be unthinkable that a psychopath occupy a state of the best possible well-being. There are plenty of psychopaths that have not murdered people.

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno75109 күн бұрын

    No, it isn't weird at all. A psychopath that does no harm to anyone is not impacting the overall wellbeing. Given that a psychopath existed, they would also exist in a state of the best possible wellbeing for themselves.

  • @ThermaL-ty7bw
    @ThermaL-ty7bw9 күн бұрын

    god killed all the animals , jesus KILLED THE WORLD

  • @joelfenner9179
    @joelfenner91799 күн бұрын

    I drove 5 hours for this debate. Sat right in the middle. It was a great time.

  • @ohhellno8759
    @ohhellno87599 күн бұрын

    The guy I agree with completely HUMILIATED the guy I don’t agree with

  • @Oldtinear
    @Oldtinear5 күн бұрын

    No, no no! It was the other way around!

  • @ohhellno8759
    @ohhellno87595 күн бұрын


  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    Most atheists think that a human being can be good enough without God/Jesus wisdom (laws, commandments), but they do not want to quit ALL their bad addictions to be really good humans, as the Creator wants us to be, and they do not want to love (care about) the others as they love (care about) themselves, as the true Christians do. Their idea of good is way too low than what it should be, and that is why so many people are still far from Heaven (they do not recognize their bad deeds).

  • @GlennRittenhouse
    @GlennRittenhouse11 күн бұрын

    If anything is objectively true, then it can't by definition only be true if it comes from a given source. It is nonsense to suggest that there is an objective morality, then in the same breath declare that it could only come from a god. Either it is objectively true or it isn't. If a god is required, then it's subjective to that god's will. He hasn't demonstrated that such an objective truth exists, let alone that it must come from a god. In every way, Craig's argument fails.

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno751010 күн бұрын

    Theists love to redefine the word objective to meet their own ends. They should start using another word really, like fundamental.

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin2 күн бұрын

    After hearing the truth about/from God/Jesus, only those who want to use freedom for evil are opposing to Divinity, feeling their freedom restricted, the really good humans being happy to receive the confirmation for their love of / striving for goodness, wisdom, justice... for perfection, as Jesus Christ has said: *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.

  • @bonnyboro6121
    @bonnyboro612111 күн бұрын


  • @ThomasAllan-up4td
    @ThomasAllan-up4td11 күн бұрын

    If there is no God,then who made the universe? The scientists all agree that the universe came from nothing. Nothing cannot make anything. Only God can create something out of nothing. It's so simple.

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno751011 күн бұрын

    Way to be completely wrong mate! How do you know anyone made the universe? No scientists agree that the universe came from nothing. Quote one who does. How does god create something from nothing? Do you believe in magic? When you invent something that can do anything it is the answer to everything. It has no explanatory power though! How did you determine it was your god and not any other 'all powerful' god?

  • @ThomasAllan-up4td
    @ThomasAllan-up4td11 күн бұрын

    @@El_Bruno7510 with God all things are possible. So it's nothing to Him to create something out of nothing. He created you didn't He!? Physics states that matter came from nothing. Besides,if there was no God then nobody would have thought about it . And there would be nobody left for the atheists to blame for everything that goes wrong the world. If you see what I mean !?

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno751011 күн бұрын

    @@ThomasAllan-up4td No, when you define god as capable of doing anything, then all things are possible. That is not the same as your claim. No he did not 'create' me. My parents created me. You have no evidence to back up that your idea of the many ideas of a god, created anything. No. Physics does not state that matter came from nothing. So do you think that ALL gods are true because people think about them? You are aware there are thousands of god claims aren't you? Why would atheists blame something in which they do not believe, for anything? That's a very telling comment from you though 🤣🤣🤣 Atheists only blame themselves for anything they do wrong. They have no higher authority to shift the blame onto for all that is wrong in their lives. If you see what I mean? Now, try taking responsibility for own life, rather than shifting the responsibility upwards to an imaginary being. Or do you need that crutch for support?

  • @Oldtinear
    @Oldtinear10 күн бұрын

    @@ThomasAllan-up4td 'with God all things are possible. ' And you know this how? From where do you get your information about what invisible supernatural beings can do? Can your God character pop in and out of existence? No? So that is ONE thing that is impossible for him.

  • @ThomasAllan-up4td
    @ThomasAllan-up4td10 күн бұрын

    @@Oldtinear with God all things are possible. But not all things are wanted. And if you deny Him in the here and now then He will disown you on the day.

  • @user-pr8cw7zx1t
    @user-pr8cw7zx1t11 күн бұрын

    Is'nt it time we grew up and out of believing in bronze / iron age superstitious , fiction shaman invented deities and gods ? We no longer have to pin our lives on nonsensical delusions !

  • @projectrfilms6415
    @projectrfilms641511 күн бұрын

    What’s frustrating about Craig (and Sam for that matter) is that they fail to admit that religion CAN be dogmatic. No differently than science can be indoctrinating. I would never argue that certain corners of religion haven’t abused and manipulated, misguided their own holy principals. In fact, Aldus Huxley in Perennial Philosphy mentions this as a common pitfall of Christianity, as Jesus Christ resembles the embodiment of god, as something man can obtain here on earth, which can make it vulnerable to man’s ego to twist it. More eastern religions see god as experiential, and unobtainable but observational as a mere mortal. That’s an important discretion. Religion fundamentally has to be less concerned with estranging our natures as sentient beings, as science has to be less concerned with reasoning away the unmeasurable. It’s the UNION of the two where one can discover that our sciences help us understand our material world, but it’s religion that helps us grapple with our spiritual world, the sublime and intuitive world. Because the alternatives of absolute beliefs in only science or pure religion is nihilism and dogma. These two are talking past eachother when they should be learning from eachother. Curious to hear what Sam thinks about the suffering of individuals in a seemingly “scientifically advanced world” and what he would tell every artist since the birth of mankind. Knowledge is not wisdom, and this is why the smartest people can still feel the most lost, as they’re extremely good at rationalizing themselves into their own assurance.

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno751011 күн бұрын

    I don't think Harris would deny that religion can be dogmatic. In fact I think he would say that all religion is dogmatic. Now, what do you mean by "science can be indoctrinating"? It can be wrong, and it admits it can be wrong. In what way is "Science ... concerned with reasoning away the unmeasurable"? It is not concerned with denying what it cannot measure. In what way does pure science lead to nihilism? "These two are talking past each other when they should be learning from each other." No, they are not connected. They would only be connected if and when something religion claims is actually measurable and provable. And such a thing should be proveable IF religion interacts with the material world - which it is often claimed to do and have done. It is a scientifically advanced world in comparison to the less scientifically advanced world of the past. One assumes it will be more scientifically advance in the future. Why would you think that we have reached a scientific panacea now? Why would Harris have any particular comment regarding artists? Your post seems to convey much about the way you think more than any sense of reality in 2024.

  • @treehopper
    @treehopper11 күн бұрын

    We're looking for collaborating and speaking more about our electoral marathon! Would love correspondence. Will either of you be in Washington the next several months? Looking forward to collaborating. Businesscard for Businesscard? P.S., Hope you don't mind the promoting (please would you tell me if you do!) 🏳️‍🌈 Merkley-Kraft '24! 🏳️‍⚧️ We'll kiss, we'll hold hands, and we'll get married in front of our entire United States of America! 💌Ry Kraft for President! Let's bring our pride back to our United States of America! Let's make America better again! Why, does our Registry have over 60,000 in our registry, here in the Portland metropolis alone, but only 1,000 notarized? It's common sense issues like these that our fellows believe have been well-established decades ago, when in reality, we're at basic level on so many pressing issues! And, also, This is one that will most definitively be funded! When I become (Vice) President, the first thing I'd do is sign off on a couple crucial Executive Orders focused on Mental Health and wellness in our leading Enforcement positions: √ Hiring Therapists and or Psychiatrists per Precinct with a client/doctor confidentiality, keeping our Officers on the force and maintaining a non-bias, non-mandated reporter-type basis; reprimanding, retraining, not removing; √ Hiring at least (1) Law Professional per State to mitigate negligible, reoccurring persons and cases to escalate and determine an equitable, fair outcome prior to all-or-nothing offenses occur; to aid, not (necessarily) make life changes or decisions; √ Mandating CDL-Training (and potentially Hiring Process mitigation) within our Prison System, and a broader-scaled Technical Training within our Jail System; as well as √ Hiring, at the very least, a graveyard crew of ~7, per state, maintaining our Country's registry. These, I wholeheartedly believe key, when building upon, holding, and in keeping, a career. There should never be despondency; if there's an issue, should we not be alotted to on-the-job training? if there's emotional turmoil, should we not be alotted on-the-job resources? if we're to be hired initially, should we not have job security? In Every Job Position! Then there's • border protection which is absolutely imperative; Key fundamentals of Democratic policies like: • maintaining Women's Rights (my body, my choice) in her right for an abortion, equality in the workspace, and full equality in general; • fighting for our citizens and trying to be the voice for everyone; • lowering our deficit; • focusing on Climate Change in every aspect from Agriculture and Permaculture, to species (on the brink of extinction) rehabilitation and reassimilation, to finding better pesticide and insecticide products that won't harm our critical, benign insects like pollinators and seasonal nomadic; to stopping Any New big Oil and Gas development agreements; • working with all our World Leaders to create policies best for us, as the United States of America, but also best for our World, globally; and so much more I would change so much of our marginalized communities, as I can surely stress that it's these citizens who take the brunt, from every level. The disparages of our system can seem unbearable and starting from the bottom, all the way to the top, one step at a time, is how we'll enact a more equitable society. But, I'm still too young (VP only!) We need to come together as the United States of America; namely, We all must work; if we've need supplement of our Govt., as Nationals, we must Volunteer at the least, strictly in maintaining our Society. Every one of us United States of America Nationals deserve Housing, a Job, and Financial Aid; maintaining one designated building in the heart of every downtown, in every City, to supply these needs will promote so much growth in such a rough market that we do currently face. Building upon our Democratic leadership that I follow in direct cadence, we must: • focus on Police Reform, Criminal Reform, and in fixing our Mental Health System; • building upon from the bottom to the top, the middle out, focusing on creating jobs in all sectors in Semiconductors, Food Processing, Manufacturing; and absolutely • focusing on bad banking practices and in fixing these issues, in predatory lending, triple loans, reliance on Corporations too big to fail; then there's even • Housing Reform: (1) Deed, per citizen, and or persons with dependents; negotiable, not mandatory; implementations:(1) House, (1) Apartment Complex, (1) Lease, (1) Corporation, (1) Entity, (1) building High-rise; simple! It's clear to see that the Real Estate market is leading our Economy and Society without a single thread of oversight, and it's with shortsighted policies like these that skew, misrepresent, and shatter the current divide of our current American society; • Immigration Reform: Process and Deportation with a negotiable Warning or added Criminal charges if the subject is already within the system and these undocumented crossings are continuous; • Refugee Asylum Reform: Strict Background Check and applicating process, Case Management oversight with weekly (1)+ hour appointments, mandatory job seeking (3)+ per appointment, Governmental subsidies never be granted ~(10)+ years, supplemental housing never be granted ~(10)+ years; • Filibuster Reform: Perfect Proposals, instrumental Acts, life-changing Bills, imperative Amendments that are yielded on the floor, with a system in place of voted-upon of Yeays or Nays, unless getting at least the simple majority in the House (218/435), and concurrently the simple majority in the Senate (51/100), they're dead on arrival, and the only pressure we have is filibustering. Eliminating motions that bring bills to the Senate floor, eliminating filibustering Amendments, and eliminating the no-effort filibuster, would give every Senator a voice but not a veto; • Homelessness Initiatives: 1...Public Loos, in every City! 2...Public electrical outlets, in every City! 3...Public LaborReady locales to work for (at least) $20.00/day, in every City! as these basic necessities are not only overlooked, but unprovided as it stands; Whereas, public defication is Illegal; Whereas, loitering is illegal; Whereas, businesses bar our public from even using their services without exchange(s) of monies; Whereas, finding (3) pennies is all that's promised from walking any citystreets for (24)-hours; • Corporate Credited Reform: Many Corporations have enabled Refinancing, Loans, credit APRs that at least double mandated-payments with massive interest hikes, risky Mortgages that necessitate paycheck-to-paycheck (20)-year payments, and these practices benefit mostly these Entities, while leaving so many of our fellow Americans in close to impossible arrears; • Judicial Reform: When so many massive discrepancies, credible, unjust lawsuits getting completely swept under the rug with dismissals, incredulous taking sides and one-sided judgements, we need an Infrastructure system in place to have oversight over these types of scenarios; a much more involved Supreme Court; • Financial Regulatory Reform: Bad banking practices affect our entire Nation on nearly all levels, from the bottom to the top, with a select few able to regulate. And, it is all-encompassing. Measures to assist our fellow citizens with a Risk Assessor, Payment Deliberator, and or an Accountant, who work for their clientele in reversing foreclosures, stopping bankruptcies, defusing exclusions, and in having a Judge to strictly mitigate Banking cases, will ease these monumental deficits; and so very much more! All our best! 🇺🇸 Team Mercury 🇺🇲

  • @toni4729
    @toni472912 күн бұрын

    D'Souza wants us to believe that God popped out of absolutely nothing and created everything. Presto. 😂😂

  • @toni4729
    @toni472912 күн бұрын

    I don't think D'Souza has the slightest idea of time. He keeps talking about how life began as a single cell, but that is already a very complex life form. Think back a few million years.

  • @toni4729
    @toni472912 күн бұрын

    God forgot how to be kind and decent on the first page of the Old Testament. He didn't even get that right.

  • @briancomstock7741
    @briancomstock774113 күн бұрын


  • @damienkearns3654
    @damienkearns365414 күн бұрын

    Brought here by the brilliant Sunday Papers Podcast with Comedian Greg Fitzsimmons and TV Producer Mike Gibbons. Sundays have never been so funny. They discussed it episodes 97 & 98.

  • @Isma-jm4ru
    @Isma-jm4ru14 күн бұрын

    Where’s the alter and the covenant that was built and renewed that gave Jews current Israel? Faye-ggit don’t even know his book

  • @deanoaks7690
    @deanoaks769015 күн бұрын

    Having just watched him publicly being owned by Alex O’Conner - It’s disheartening to see Dinesh has only become more insufferable.

  • @On1Zuk4-Sensei
    @On1Zuk4-Sensei16 күн бұрын

    Unfortunately, too much people still give churches authority in 2024..

  • @tedshep
    @tedshep16 күн бұрын

    Can someone please get William Lane Craig a glass of water? He sounds like he perpetually has a dry mouth.

  • @El_Bruno7510
    @El_Bruno751016 күн бұрын

    That's the bitterness of the lies he must know he is spewing. Or maybe delusion is far more powerful than I think it is.

  • @Brandon-os3qr
    @Brandon-os3qr16 күн бұрын

    D'Souza: look at all the wars that atheists were involved in!! D'Souza 90 seconds later: just because there were Christians involved in the wars doesnt mean Christianity was the reason!

  • @michaelnelson3752
    @michaelnelson375216 күн бұрын

    Hitchens used Dinesh's logic as a punching bag.........

  • @VersusARCH
    @VersusARCH16 күн бұрын

    God debate is just stupid. God is a term so-ill defined that it is completely pointless.

  • @RobNoss-rc7tq
    @RobNoss-rc7tq9 күн бұрын

    Nobody changes their mind with this stuff

  • @Luke-mongeater
    @Luke-mongeater16 күн бұрын

    Can’t understand why adults argue about the existence of invisible sky wizards

  • @user-lb1ye1pv4q
    @user-lb1ye1pv4q16 күн бұрын

    I've listened to so many of these kinds of debates. Two takeaways I have from all of them. 1- Apologists really have nothing and know it, they think they can pile a hundred claims on top of the original claim "god is real" and that somehow is evidence. 2- they all think philosophy is evidence. "philosophical evidence" is an oxymoron.

  • @karmenpass2134
    @karmenpass213417 күн бұрын

    Craig's speech sounds like word salad,huge nothing burger

  • @EduOrta142536
    @EduOrta14253617 күн бұрын

    Who’s here after Alex’s debate?

  • @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363
    @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn36313 күн бұрын

    In heaven no unclean person is allowed in, you are unclean if you have sinned just once like lying, stealing, sexual immorality, taking the Lord’s Name in vain, evil thoughts etc Jesus (God manifest in the flesh) can put his sinless righteousness on you since He died on the cross, rose from the dead so REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM TODAY.

  • @Nahrandi4
    @Nahrandi412 күн бұрын

    ​@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 telling someone they are a sinner and need to repent not to suffer in hell is an awesome way of convincing anyone to follow your religion.

  • @dawn8542
    @dawn85427 күн бұрын

    ​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 nutjob

  • @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363
    @thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn3636 күн бұрын

    @@Nahrandi4 Thanks man, who in their right mind wants to burn forever, hell is hot and forever is a long time

  • @dawn8542
    @dawn85426 күн бұрын

    ​@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 Delusional and apparently the debate went over your head.

  • @vre846
    @vre84618 күн бұрын

    Notre Dame College is the best College in Bangladesh

  • @Nuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @Nuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa11 күн бұрын

    Asolai? 😅

  • @lirich0
    @lirich018 күн бұрын

    Dinesh really hit us with the bandwagon argument “97% vs 3% the 97% must be right”

  • @uoza92
    @uoza9218 күн бұрын

    Here again after seeing the recent debate between D’Souza and O’Connor to see if O’Connor is the protégé he seems to be.